Black Moonlight Holds the BE Script

Chapter 137: Fan Wai Six [Xiao Su Su & Demon God]

[Childhood Susu & Demon God Tantai Jin]

He remembered how he died.

His life as a mortal was very short. He died at the age of twenty-two and defeated Lian Yuehe.

Xiao Linbing approached the city. He didn't want to be that man's prisoner of war and jumped into the fire.

It's not about spine, but whenever there is a glimmer of hope, Tantai Jin will not choose to die. He knew that he couldn't live anymore. Instead of letting Xiao Lin do it, he had better make his own choice, at least with dignity.

Although dignity is in his eyes, it is nothing.

Recollecting this life is not easy.

He was born and lost his mother, and lived in the court at a young age. Finally he returned to Zhou and seized power from his father and brother, but lost to the true love of heaven, Xiao Rin.

Tantai Jin was lying in the fire and saw the people Shanhu Long live, the weak and bright woman, holding Xiao Lin's hand, standing beside Xiao Lin.

In a daze, Tan Taijin remembered that she was called Ye Bingshang, Xiao Lin's wife.

When I wanted to get everything about Xiao Rin, I also wanted to get Ye Bingshang, but when he really lost everything, he didn't feel much regret.

He couldn't bear the pain, curled up, his eyes were resentful, and his heart was unwilling. His power was lost, but he didn't have much obsession with Ye Bingshang.

To gain, only to defeat Xiao Lin, and to lose, it seems that it would not be so persistent.

After imitating others for a lifetime, the young man will inevitably feel a little at a loss at the end of his life.

When the tongue of fire licked his body, he was thinking, he learned the love and hatred of others, but when it came to his head, did he really like the woman named Ye Bingshang?

The answer is unknown.

A fire in the world burned his body.

No one remembers the last little prince of the Tantai clan in history.


Han Yan picked him back, the evil bone was reborn, and the demon **** came to the world since then.

It took a long time for Tantai Jin to realize that the devil in the world was destined to be born alone. With a poisoned heart, he walked into the magical way.

How many people had been killed, he didn't remember, when the Tushen crossbow was pulled apart, the fragile immortals fell one by one in front of him, and he piled up a tomb of ten thousand immortals with great interest.

The man in Xuan Yi sat high above the Tomb of Ten Thousand Immortals, deeply smelling the blood in the air, fascinated by the breath.

The immortals who used to be aloof are no more than weak ants under his palm.

The blood flowed through his fingertips, so warm.

In the 430th year after he got rid of his identity as a mortal, he saw Xiao Rin’s reincarnation. When Gongye Jianwu was still breathing, Tantai Jin poked him with his sword hilt: "Tell me, the one you used to like. People, what happened afterwards?"

He forgot Ye Bingshang's name and her appearance. I just remember the love I haven't learned when I was a mortal boy.

Gongye Jihen didn't say anything, and his soul disappeared.

Tantai Jin looked at him blankly for a while, then retracted the Heaven Slashing Sword. Throwing his body into the Tomb of Ten Thousand Immortals, threw it in like a shame.

Day after day, the monks have no room to live, and can only survive underground like a mouse in a gutter.

Gradually, the blood could no longer arouse his interest.

Tantai Jin didn't even have any interest in catching those gray mice, and would rather lie in the Demon Realm to sleep.

Drought and Jingxi were worried about this and began to send him women.

He finds it funny, knowing that the Devil God is not merciless, what is the use of giving him a woman? Even if they are naked, in his eyes, they are just a pile of dead flesh.

They found many women, including enchanting magic girls, shivering monks and fairies, and they didn't even know where to find a few mortal women.

He walked over, the pressure made them dare not even lift their heads.

He lifted their chins with his toes: "Talk."

"The devil **** spares his life, the devil **** spares his life."

He sneered, there was no wave in his heart, and even the curiosity that he had when he was young has faded.

Ruthlessness and love, is the best punishment of the Devil God by the way of heaven.

He is sinful, but he can never taste the taste of being a man. In this world, no one will love him. Perhaps one day, when he died, there would be no one to collect his body. The Six Realms would only cheer.

Until one day, Jingxi told him: "In the Tomb of Ten Thousand Immortals, Gongye's dead body is gone."

Tantai Jin suddenly became interested: "Oh?"

His avatar suddenly appeared beside Wanxian Tomb, following a shallow fragrance, he saw her for the first time.

A little girl Yujian stole Gongye's dead body and ran away.

She rubbed her eyes and cried, and hugged the corpse.

"Brother, Su Su takes you home."

Tantai Jin looked blankly for a while, snapped his fingers, and the girl rolled down the fairy sword together with the human body, and fell heavily into the mortal world.

She was so courageous, no monk in the world dared to get involved in his territory, but a little girl who hadn't grown up took the courage of the leopard and tried to steal Gongye's dead body.

The girl got up from the ground and looked around suspiciously.

She gritted her teeth, fell blue and purple on her body, turned into a small wooden horse, put Gongye Jianwu on it, and tried to take him away.

The fingers under the cloak of Tantai Jin moved slightly, and the wooden horse turned into a piece of paper, lightly falling to the ground, and no longer had the power to hump up.

The girl was dull, squatting down, carrying Gongye Jiwu on her back and ran forward.

Tantai Jin suddenly became angry and turned his palm.

Under the real fire, the tongue of flames spread, igniting their surroundings.

The girl wanted to protect Gongye Jianwu in the fire, but she couldn't protect him. Even though she hugged her tightly, she could only watch her brother turn into ashes.

After a long time, she crawled out of the fire and cried loudly.

Tantai Jin looked coldly at the girl who hadn't been injured by the real fire, but the Phoenix Protoss who hadn't grown up?

For a moment, he had the idea of ​​strangling her to death, strangling her at an early age while the Protoss hadn't grown up.

But when he watched her work so hard to protect Gongye Jianwu, he suddenly remembered the year he died as a mortal.

The fire was so big that it almost consumed the entire city. Everyone clapped their hands and cheered, no one to protect him and accompany him.

After many years, Tantai Jin once again experienced that kind of resentment and jealousy.

He didn't kill Su Su. After watching her for a long time, he didn't know what he wanted to see from her.


More than ten years have passed.

It took a long time for Tantai Jin to forget about it. On that day, his subordinates said that a traitor had emerged from among the monks, and he had captured a monk who was born with a spiritual body and wanted to offer it to him.

He saw the girl again.

She was tricked out of the sect by a defecting colleague and brought to Tantai Jin.

Shocked and pressed Su Su's hand on the soul stone.

The soul stone shines, and only a clean and pure soul can make the soul stone shine.

Anxiety expressed his appreciation, and the traitor was very happy.

The Demon King's palace was **** and gloomy, and Tantai Jin was sitting on the throne, surrounded by black mist.

The black cloak envelops the body, and the only exposed eyes are without emotion.

He coldly looked at everything in the Demon Palace, as well as the little white figure.

The girl was teased by the monsters around her. She knotted her hands and tried to attack them. She was very fierce. It was a pity that she experienced such a thing for the first time, and she was young. How could she beat these people out?

Su Su tried to fly out with the sword, but was slapped back by the demons at the door.

The demons are all human spirits. Seeing that the demons on the throne are silent and watching them play with girls, they obviously acquiesced to their actions, so they intensified.

Su Su's white skirt was dirty, she rolled on the ground a few times, and she couldn't escape anyway.

In the end, Su Su was so anxious that he turned into a prototype, covered his cheeks with wings, and cried.

The lights of the magic palace were "crackling".

Tantai Jin's complexion was pale against the lights, he propped his chin and stared at her.

Xiao Susu was sobbing.

The traitor pointed to Susu and said flatly: "I have come to take refuge in Demon Venerable. This is a gift I gave to Demon Venerable."

The next moment, the traitor's eyes widened, a "heavy" sound was made in his throat, and blood snaked from the corner of his mouth.

The traitor died so easily.

Everyone fell silent, and realized that afterwards, they were shocked to find that the Demon God seemed to be unhappy.

Tan Tai Jin suddenly stretched out his pale fingers and picked her up.

With tears in Su Su's eyes, Tan Tai Jin blushed when she saw her, thinking she was going to say something terrific, but she suddenly said, "I'm not afraid of you!"

The corners of Tantai Jin's lips hidden under the cloak bend, and his gaze sweeps over her trembling legs.

The ungrown little phoenix pads the soles of tenderness and tenderness.

The adult Phoenix tribe can burn the ancient Buzhou Mountain, and the karma fire that Akabane falls can burn all the evils in the world.

I don't know...Can one day burn all his sins like this?

He looked at these clean and clear eyes.

The ancients were dying, and now, only this last **** belongs to the ancients, as well as his monster that was born for loneliness.

He touched Zhu Yu who touched her eyebrows, suddenly raised his hand and threw her back to Hengyang Sect.

La Ying ran out, frowned and said, "Master Devil, did you just let her go like this?"

He said coldly: "Otherwise?"

"She is a monk." Su Ying's expression is complicated, "How can you let the monk go?"

His pitch-black eyes looked at the phoenix feathers that fell on his palm: "Saiying, do you believe in death?"

Su Ying was startled and remained silent for a long time.

The ancient demon **** also asked her this question.

Soon after, the immortal ancient demon **** was besieged by the gods, betrayed by the demon king, and dissipated in the world.


The devil has the ability to foresee himself.

This is something no one knows.

The ancient demon **** foresaw the scene of his death, so he looked for a way to solve it, created the same path of sorrow, and tried to break free from the heavenly way and get rid of his death. Unfortunately, he failed.

The most funny thing is that the ancient demon **** died on the same path of compassion.

Tantai Jin's predictive ability, at the moment he got rid of a mortal body and became a demon god, he also saw that he would die.

The body melts into the same path of sadness, always lonely and cold, and plunged into darkness.

The demons are selfish, and Tantai Jin is no exception.

He only loves himself.

Even if the six worlds turned into dust, his eyes would not blink.

So when Sha Ying and Jing Mie begged him to open up the same path of compassion, he played with those divine beads and smiled silently.

They were wrong, he Tantai Jin, and would never sacrifice himself for others.

He would rather lose the world.

The last protoss, Tantai Jin thought, since the gods love the common people, can they save him this despicable demon?

Playing with palm feathers, he suddenly smiled and had a bold idea.

The ancient lessons learned first, it is impossible to open the same path of compassion, so it is better to take a gamble.

The feathers in his hand fluttered lightly, flying into the air with the four divine beads.

With the rotation of his pale fingers, the divine beads gathered together and became a piece of transparent glass, enveloping the phoenix feathers.

He flicked a drop of blood at his fingertips, giving the glazed sacred stone power.

Gradually, Liuli appeared in outline.

The girl's slender feet, fluttering skirt, holy face appeared for the first time, and finally a little cinnabar on the center of her eyebrows.

She was standing in the air, with clear eyes and firmness, holding a sword.

Tantai Jin's playful smile froze at the corner of his mouth, staring at her blankly. For the first time in his life, he looked up to a person.

As if there was a hand in his heart, gently flicking it made him feel a bit strange.

That's how little Phoenix grew up.

Caught off guard, just appeared in front of him.

Tantai Jin stretched out his hand, and the goddess fell into his palm.

It was cold and unattainable, even if it was very close to her, there was still a sense of distance.

He looked at her weirdly, his expression slightly distorted.

Tan Tai Jin suddenly remembered the man who refused to give up, boldly stealing the body of Gong Ye Jie, and wanted his senior to walk decently.

"Li Susu?"

The devil is not merciless, he doesn't know what the strange feeling in his heart is, just a goddess image after she grows up, can't dispel his original plan.

Tantai Jin didn't use the four divine beads to open the ruthless way. He turned the divine beads into the statue of the colored glaze goddess and sent it back to the time and space of the past, beside him when he was young.

Upon learning that Xianmen planned to send Su Su back to five hundred years ago, the entire demons and demons were caught in a riot.

"Master Devil, what should we do? We want to stop them!"

Tantai Jin's sleeves flicked, and the water mirror in the sky showed the appearance of an immortal world.

He didn't panic, because all this was the game he had set, and he didn't want the set death, so he made a big bet with the six worlds.

If he loses, he will die with his death. If he wins, he will get rid of his death, and the Six Realms will pave the way for him.

The young girl Susu sat in the magic circle with her hands sealed, and in front of her was a mirror that had been barely repaired.

The mirror reflected her in the past, which was not different from the goddess image he once sent away.

"Going to pump my evil bone five hundred years ago?" He propped his chin and looked at the scene in the water mirror. Suddenly he had a strange expectation. "To pump the evil bone requires me to be emotional, then one day, you will be like Protect me as you protect him?"

He laughed suddenly, and whispered to the girl in the water mirror: "If you have the ability, let me fall in love with you. Otherwise, you will definitely lose this bet on the fate of the six worlds."

At that time, the all-powerful demon **** didn't think he would lose, he just wanted to use the goddess to change his death.

But he never thought that the beginning of the story was conspiracy and selfishness, and the end of the story was love and giving.


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