Black Moonlight Holds the BE Script

Chapter 123: Six Realms as Enemy

  The dark clouds are rolling, and the gray-clothed boy who is watching everything on the ground is very indifferent.

   The blood stains under his eyes dried up, and the newly born eyes gradually dimmed.

   The eternal flower was catalyzed by Su Su with the blood of a demigod. Now her heart is pierced by the arrow of the slaughter god, her power is no longer, and the boy's eyes will slowly lose light.

  娰ying saw Su Su falling from the air, her eyes slammed, her nails grew longer, and she wanted to destroy Su Su's body.

  The gray-clothed boy suddenly said: "No way."

   He leaned over and picked up Susu on the ground, and said to Lao Ying: "We still need her."

  娰ying's voice is cold and stern: "You want to let her go."

   The gray-clothed boy laughed.

He was originally the phantom of beads, without a pair of naked eyes, he looked at Shaying precisely, and said: "Waoying, as an ancient drought, you should know. There are spiritual veins and magic veins in the world. After the war between gods and monsters, magic veins Being destroyed by the ancient gods, but the spiritual veins spread all over the world, this led to the immortal gate being prosperous, but the demons struggled to cultivate and survived."

   "The Nine Turns Xuanhui Formation transforms the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into devilish energy, and opens the same path of compassion, but the same path of compassion absorbs enough devil energy, and the profound return array naturally disappears. We need a magic vein."

  娰 Ying retracted his nails and gave the gray-clothed boy a vague glance.

   "The generation of magic veins takes time."

   It takes changes in mountains and rivers and the sincere worship of demons to give birth to demonic veins.

   The generation of spiritual veins in the world is not also the worship and sincerity of mortals to immortals?

   The gray-clothed boy said: "No, you are wrong, no time is needed."

  娰ying looked at Su Su: "You mean... the devil wants to use her as a lead to create a demon vein?"

   Gray-clothed boy, but smiled.

   This method is feasible, and the fall of every **** has a gift to the world, just like the origin of the tears of the soul extinguishing pearl.

   But Li Susu's divine body wants to turn into a magic vein, and every inch of her body needs to be drained. This process is extremely cruel and painful.

   Will the devil do this?

  娰ying knew that Tantai Jin had searched for Li Susu in the Guikuhe River for more than five hundred years. Would he personally seal Li Susu in the bottomless ground, so that she could never live longer?

   is regarded as a magic vein, and it is more terrifying than the dispersal of the soul.

   A person who corrects the Tao, is ignorant in this life, and supports the demons in the world.

   After the gray-clothed boy finished speaking, he stopped looking at them, and went back to the Demon Realm with Susu in his arms.

  娰ying felt something, his eyes turned around Su Su, and smiled: "Okay."

   She and Jing Mie keep up with the boy.

When    walked into the forbidden area, the gray-clothed boy whispered: "Majesty, we are back."

   The forbidden zone opened silently, and the boy walked in with Su Su in his arms.

  娰ying saw Tantai Jin sitting cross-legged in Shengmen at a glance.

  TaiJin's whole body was terrible, and in just a few days, he had reached another realm.

  娰ying was horrified to find that he became more and more like that ancient person.

   is not a look, but a feeling.

   If it is not clear that the ancient demon **** has been dead for ten thousand years, Laying would even think that the demon **** has come back to life.

   Tai Jin and that person seemed to be completely fused.

   No, it's almost.

  Tai Jin made a seal on his hand, and the Heaven Slashing Sword passed through his body.

   was shocked and couldn't help but said: "The devil!"

   However, the Heaven Slashing Sword did not hurt Tantai Jin, but instead smashed a cloud of white light in his body.

   Tai Jin opened his eyes, there was no emotion in his eyes, only cold ambition and endless greed. The Demon God Yin Sen was cold on his forehead, and the corners of his eyes and brows were filled with strong devilish energy.

   Next to the Heaven Slashing Sword, there was a jade box lying down. At this moment, a golden love thread was pulled out of his body and fell quietly in the jade box.

  Taijin looked down at the love thread, smiled, he finally chose to become a demon completely.

   The devil has no love thread.

   If he wants to become that person, he can only abandon everything he used to be a mortal, draw out his own feelings, take the Nine Turns Profound Return Formation as his bones, and return to the way he was born.

   The essence that Ye Xiwu gave him five hundred years ago was abandoned by him, and the love thread that Ye Xiwu gave him was cut off by him, even the feeling that Ye Xiwu gave him was destined to be forever forgotten by him.

   Her voice and smile no longer touched him, and the lingering in her heart was completely clear.

   Tai Jin stood up, and after he was born, the marrow mark fell into his palm.

  娰ying watched this scene in shock.

   Heavenly Sword Sword and God Tushen Crossbow Weng Ming echoed with the wash marrow mark, the gluttony on the marrow wash mark turned into a solid form, crawling at the feet of Tantai Cinder.

   Three magic weapons recognize the master at the same time.

   Purple thunder and lightning are intertwined over the Demon Realm, and the demons outside the Demon Realm bow one by one.

  娰yinghe and Jingjie worshipped in silence.

  The gray-clothed boy placed Su Su in front of Tantai Jin, turned into a string of beads, and flew onto Tantai Jin's palm.

  Taijin put away the beads, coldly looking at the girl lying on the platform of Shengmen.

   His voice was indifferent: "Now that the four beads are all in place, we just need to open the same path of sorrow."

  Taijin looked at Su Su for too long, and couldn't help but look up quietly when he was shocked.

   Xuanyi Demon Lord looked for a long time, suddenly stretched out his hand, gently pushed Su Su's hair behind her ears, Su Ying whispered: "Devil..."

   She was afraid that Tan Taijin would feel compassion for Li Susu again.

   Ke Tan Tai Jin's eyes still have feelings for Li Susu, only the desertedness is left, he seems to be examining a handy magic weapon.

  娰ying's heart is a bit nervous. She was afraid that Tantai Jin would find something wrong with Li Susu. Once the Demon Lord found out, would she let Li Susu go?

   Hanwen was the ancestor of all zombies. She created "life", and she naturally has a more sensitive perception of life than anything else.

   She swept across Su Su's abdomen calmly and remained silent.

   As long as she doesn't say anything, Tantai Jin will never know, nor will it delay the devil's great cause.

   Tai Jin retracted his hand, his expression always calm.

   He raised his hand and opened the death gate of the Nine Revolutions Xuanhui Formation. The "Death Gate" was filled with bottomless darkness, with no end in sight.

  Gang wind gusts, it seems to tear people apart.

   Tai Jin picked up the **** the high platform.

   I thought that when I did this, my heart would hurt, but when I lost my love, where could I still feel the pain.

   Five hundred years ago, he fell in love with her without knowing it. Only six ecstasy nails witnessed all this.

   Now that the body of the demon **** is complete, the nails she left on his heart have disappeared.

  Tai Jin's palm devilish energy did not hesitate to push her into the "dead door" of the Xuanhui formation.

   The heavy feather ring between Su Su’s neck turned into an ice-blue piano, and it couldn’t help saying: "Please, don’t use Susu as a magic vein."

   is regarded as a magic vein, which is the end of the eternal life.

Tantai Jin said nothing. Seeing Susu getting closer and closer to the "Dead Gate," Zhongyu shouted: "She likes you. She used to look for you all day and night. From the top of the north, she found Showa City in order to bring You go back to the fairy gate to wash away all your stigma, she quietly did a lot of effort."

   Zhongyu found a bead from Susu Qiankun's bag.


   are the photo beads of the fairy gate, where Susu has walked.

  Tai Jin Tai Jin's red magic pupil looked at the bead. In the picture beads, countless faces of mortals appeared, and everyone told the scene when they saw "Tantai Jin Murder".

   Their rhetoric seldom agrees. There are many sights in the beads, and the faces of mortals are skipped one by one.

  Taijin saw from the beads, how the girl walked through many places to record these, and planned to find a way out for him in front of the fairy gate in the future.

He looked cold, Zhong Yu didn't know if he was moved, and said anxiously: "Zhong Yu didn't lie to you, even when Su Su left the Demon Realm, she still wanted to take you away. She was born with a spiritual womb and has not practiced the ruthless Dao. Become a god, do you know why!"

   The goddess is the most indifferent on the outside, just like the colored glaze elephant that Tantai Jin saw in the nightmare when he was young.

   But the goddess is gentle in her heart. She is fascinated by a person for the rest of her life.

   Susu’s soul was burned and torn apart. She was the last blood of the Phoenix Clan. She has not been able to truly become a god, because she also remembers her life with you.

   Tai Jin's hand stopped.

   Zhongyu said in a crying voice: "Chongyu, please, let Susu go." You used to like her so much, don't forget your love for her, so that she can never recover.

   It is the only magical artifact in the world, only one master has been recognized for thousands of years.

   When he first joined the world, he was so reckless as to hurt Su Su, but after so many days and nights, it gradually understood how it should protect her well.

   Shigeha has learned to be nice to her, why did you forget it?

   Tai Jin looked at Su Su in the sky.

   Her black hair grows to her waist, and the half of her eyebrows are dim. The body-protection vest is aware of the danger, and the skirt is slowly turning golden.

   "Are you finished?" Tan Tai Jin asked coldly. He held Zhongyu Qin in one hand, and suddenly pushed Su Su into his death door with the other.

   The girl fell into the endless darkness.

   Zhongyu turned into a hot sword, broke free from Tantai Jin's hand, resolutely chased Su Su and fell into death.

  Taijin's palm was reddened by it. He retracted his hand and looked at his palm blankly, his palm was as good as ever in an instant.

  娰ying said: "It's a pity, this piano turned out to be a sacred artifact, and it was buried with Li Susu at the gate of death."

  Xuanyi Devil's thin lips uttered coldly: "Nine turns, seal!"

   The Nine Turns Xuanhui Formation ran crazily, and dozens of black magic marks all hit the door of death.

   He personally sealed her in the gate of death. From then on, she will never see the sun in the gate of death until her body turns into a magic vein.

  TaiJin walked out of the forbidden area without looking at the dead door again.

   He looked into the air: "They are here."


  娰 Ying came out afterwards. At some unknown time, the blood crow disappeared, and the demon leaders who guarded the demon realm lost all news.

   For the demons who have survived from ancient times to the present, this scene is no different from ten thousand years ago.

  娰ying frowned: "Majesty, they are here, but the aura absorbed by the Nine-turn Profound Return Formation is not enough. Even if you put in four beads, it is not enough to open the same path of compassion."

   She knows these immortals and gods best.

   In front of the demon gods, even though they were weak, but not afraid of death, the ancient demon gods died in the hands of the gods he despised.

  If they all lay down their lives to destroy the Nine Revolutions Xuanhui Formation, the demon energy needed for the same path of sadness would not be enough for a while.

   Li Susu was taken away, allowing the people from the fairy world to attack the demon world ahead of time.

  Tai Jin curled his lips: "For us, they came at the right time."

  娰ying surprised: "Did the demon Lord deliberately let them in?" No wonder, many demon generals are not weak, and they won't easily let the people of the fairy gate drive straight in.

   Tai Jin did not deny it, and shot into the air out of thin air.

   There was a ripple in the sky, and many figures gradually appeared. The leader was Qu Xuanzi. Behind him, many elders with white beards and white hair looked at them with solemn expressions.

  The hidden powerful monsters all quietly appeared beside Tantaijin.

  TaiJin's eyes fell on the other group of people behind Qu Xuanzi.

   They wore blue and white shirts with fish patterns on their waists.

   Compared with other immortal great powers, most of them are young and immature faces.

  Tai-Jin swept over, there were seniors who had taught him to review the scriptures, seniors who helped him clean, and seniors who made new clothes for him.

   They taught him how to behave as a man, benevolent and righteous.

   Xiaoyao Sect is most peace-loving, and now all of them have swords on their backs, looking at him with red eyes, wishing to kill him and then hurry up.

  Tai-Jin knew that from the moment Zhaoyou Xianjun was killed, there would be today.

Headed by    is the Tibetan Sea.

   The old man who smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, clenched his fist and looked at him coldly.

   Tantai Jin said: "Senior brother, don't come here unscathed."

   This person, when he was rescued from Guikuhe, it was Zanghai who cut out the rotten flesh for him personally, and carefully applied medicine every day, and it took more than 100 days and nights to take care of him.

   Zanghai Xuxu talked with Tantaijin, thinking that Tantaijin was a mortal, so she worked tirelessly to cook for him every day.

   These are his former classmates.

   Secretly drink and eat meat together, kneel down and think over the cliff together, practice martial arts and sword together.

   For several years, they are the second meaning of "Jing Lan'an" in his life.

   Among them, Zanghai is the most soft-hearted. Like the softest-hearted person underneath today, the sword in his hand also points to Tantai Jin.


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