Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 325

Chapter 325

Having reached a conclusion, the official in charge reported to Emperor Xuande together with the Chief Counselor.

“Borrow Joseon’s help? Is this the only answer?”

“For now, it seems so, Your Majesty.”

At the Chief Counselor’s answer, Emperor Xuande let out a long sigh and stamped the imperial seal.

“Sigh~. Select an envoy to send to Joseon as quickly as possible.”

“We obey your command!”


As soon as Emperor Xuande’s permission was granted, the officials in charge picked up the pace.

“An envoy came and went not long ago, and now another envoy? What’s the matter?”

In response to King Sejong’s question, the envoy answered with proper etiquette.

“There is a matter for which we need Joseon’s help, so I have come. Here is His Majesty’s imperial edict.”

Following the protocol, King Sejong knelt down in the courtyard of Geunjeongjeon Hall, and the envoy tore open the seal of the imperial edict sent by Emperor Xuande and read its contents aloud.

“…Therefore. The King of Joseon is requested to discuss with the envoy and resolve the issue.”

Having finished reading it aloud, the envoy carefully rolled up the scroll containing the imperial edict and politely handed it to King Sejong.

Receiving the scroll of the imperial edict from the envoy, King Sejong turned to Hyang.

“Is it possible?”

At King Sejong’s question, Hyang shook his head.

“It’s not possible. Although Your Majesty’s command must be strictly followed, currency plates are not something that can be easily made. To explain in detail, it’s not just a matter of having skilled artisans, but dedicated facilities are also necessary.”

The envoy, who heard Hyang’s words through the interpreter, intervened in the conversation.

“If you just tell us, we will build the facilities in Beijing.”

At the envoy’s words, Hyang’s expression sharpened.

“Are you asking us to leak the secret technique of making currency plates? Even if you are the superior country, isn’t this too much?”

As Hyang questioned them, King Sejong also chimed in from the side.

“The envoy’s words went too far. Creating plates that make counterfeiting impossible is a secret technique, so how can you recklessly ask us to hand it over? Even if our Joseon is in a position to call you our superior, this is an excessive request.”

“I, I apologize!”

As even King Sejong questioned them, the envoy immediately bowed his head.

Joseon was not a country to be taken lightly. If Joseon were to make an issue out of this, it was certain that the Emperor would resolve the situation by beheading the envoy.

“Please forgive my rudeness. However, the matter is so grave…”

Seeing the envoy’s deflated demeanor, King Sejong began to appease the envoy.

“I am not unaware of His Majesty’s concerns. So I would like to propose a compromise. Please consider it.”

“A compromise, you say?”

“Send us the design. Then we will make the plates and printing facilities and offer them as tribute.”


The envoy, who had been delighted at King Sejong’s words, soon became troubled.

“Your Majesty’s proposal is good, but entrusting the manufacture of the plates is a security issue…”

The envoy trailed off, but the meaning was clear.

-I’m grateful that you’ll make them, but it will be a bigger problem if you create counterfeit bills.

King Sejong, who understood the unspoken part, promised to guarantee that aspect.

“I am well aware of what the envoy is concerned about. However, I hope you understand that we have nothing to gain by doing such a thing.”

After pondering for a moment at King Sejong’s words, the envoy eventually chose the most uncontroversial solution.

“This is beyond my discretion. Therefore, I will report it to His Majesty.”

“Please do so.”

With that conversation, the envoy immediately packed his bags and returned to Beijing.


“…Thus, the King of Joseon came to propose a compromise.”

“Well done.”

“Your benevolence is immeasurable.”

After giving a brief compliment to the envoy, Emperor Xuande stroked his beard and muttered.

“Tribute… Tribute, he says…”

Emperor Xuande, who had been tapping the armrest of the throne with his fingers while muttering, burst into laughter. Joseon and its king, who never moved without payment.

“Hah! Even merchants would cry in front of the King of Joseon. What remarkable skill.”

“Your Majesty, how about immediately sending an envoy to the King of Joseon to point out his rudeness?”

At the Chief Counselor’s words, Emperor Xuande shook his head.

“No, let’s accept the King of Joseon’s proposal. This is because the King of Joseon’s words are reasonable. Even if we are the superior country, it goes against protocol to recklessly order a vassal state to hand over a secret technique.”


As the Chief Counselor tried to say something, Emperor Xuande lightly raised his hand to stop the Chief Counselor’s words.

“Of course, there is a tendency for Joseon’s argument to take lightly the authority of the superior country. However, pressuring Joseon or forcing them to obey my command would bring more loss than gain. It would increase Joseon’s discontent. Chief Counselor, don’t we have many things to gain from Joseon in the future? It’s better to listen to their wishes now in preparation for that time. Therefore, hand over the currency designs to Joseon.”

At Emperor Xuande’s conclusion, the Chief Counselor bowed and answered.

“We obey your command.”


Returning to his office, the Chief Counselor summoned the scholars and practitioners to begin executing Emperor Xuande’s order.

After various reports and orders were exchanged and the situation was somewhat organized, the Chief Counselor, holding a teacup, asked the envoy.

“Come to think of it… Did you also see the iron horse?”

“Yes, Chief Counselor.”

“How was it?”

At the Chief Counselor’s words, the envoy carefully chose his words and answered.

“As His Majesty said, it seemed to be lacking a lot for now. However, its ingenious structure appeared to be of a considerably high level of difficulty.”

“Does that mean it doesn’t seem easy to replicate?”

“That’s right. I think we should bring it in and study it even now.”

At the envoy’s report, the faces of the Chief Counselor and the scholars became grave. A scholar who had been listening to the conversation from the side asked the envoy in an interrogative tone.

“Then, shouldn’t you have remonstrated with His Majesty? As a subject…”

As a principled point was raised, the envoy interrupted the scholar’s words and protested.

“Hasn’t His Majesty already reached a conclusion? Are you telling me to go against His Majesty’s will now?”

“As a subject…”

“Then why don’t you step up and do it yourself?”

At the envoy’s sharp retort, the scholar who was about to speak closed his mouth.


For a subject to recklessly request the emperor to reverse his decision was a grave crime close to treason. No, the moment one said such a thing, they were creating a situation for their own death.

If the emperor made a decision based on the opinions of his subjects and then tried to overturn it again, the subjects had no choice but to face bloody consequences. The reason was that they had failed to properly assist the emperor.

On the contrary, if the emperor tried to reverse a decision he had made based on his own judgment, he would be punished on the grounds of intimidating the emperor.

Therefore, unless a subject had the emperor’s utmost favor, making the emperor reverse his decision was unthinkable.


“Scholar Oh. You made a mistake.”

“However. As a subject…”


The scholar, who tried to speak again in response to the envoy’s rebuttal, immediately closed his mouth at the Chief Counselor’s shout.

The Chief Counselor, with a contemptuous expression, glared at Scholar Oh.

“To think such a petty person is a member of the cabinet…”

“Chief Counselor! I…”

“I told you to shut your mouth! Get out right now!”

At the Chief Counselor’s shout, Scholar Oh left the room with a pale face. Now that he had been marked by the Chief Counselor, his career advancement was over.

The Chief Counselor, who had thrown out Scholar Oh who had been running his mouth, looked around at the envoy and scholars and continued.

“We cannot recklessly overturn a decision made by His Majesty. However, whether it becomes a wise waiting like Jiang Ziya’s waiting or a foolish farmer’s waiting for a rabbit to run into a tree stump is up to us. Therefore, we must prepare well.”

Jiang Ziya, a general of King Wu of Zhou who later became the founder of the State of Qi, was known for spending 80 years fishing with an empty hook while waiting for an opportunity, which is referred to as “Taigongwang.” The foolishness of a farmer who, after accidentally obtaining a rabbit that had died by running into a tree stump, only stared at the tree stump is ridiculed as “Shouzhu Daitu.”

Emperor Xuande’s decision to “wait until a useful iron horse appears” was certain to bring one of those two results. However, if they waited without any preparation, it would be the latter case.

This was the thought of not only the Chief Counselor but all the scholars and officials.

“Then, shall we bring in artisans from the private sector?”

As a scholar who heard the discussion proposed an alternative, the Chief Counselor shook his head.

“Do you think those damn merchants will give up their artisans? Even if they do, they will eventually seize the fruits of our hard work.”


After the Ming firmly established its foundation, commerce in the Central Plains greatly developed.

It was thanks to the vast land, large population, and the continuously developing water transportation since the ancient Sui Dynasty.

As a result, the technology for producing goods needed by the common people rapidly advanced.

As a result, at some point, the skill level of the artisans employed by the merchants surpassed that of the artisans employed by the imperial palace and the government.

What added fuel to this was the trade with Joseon. As various goods made in Joseon became hugely popular, the artisans of the Ming nation also began to hone their skills to catch up.DiiScôver 𝒏𝒆w stori𝒆s on no/𝒗/e()/lbin(.)c/o/m

However, Joseon still maintained a lead of at least one step ahead.

Aware of this, the Ming imperial court and the government tried to absorb the private artisans, but their attempts were repeatedly blocked by the wall created by the merchants.

Most of the skilled artisans were employed by large merchant associations and provided with high salaries and benefits. The merchants of the large associations were “splurging money” to protect their own artisans and to poach skilled artisans from other associations.

The imperial court and the government also joined this competition, but they repeatedly failed. Ridiculously, the financial power of the merchants was stronger than that of the imperial court and the government.

It sounded absurd, but it was inevitable. The Ming imperial court and the government had enormous tax revenues collected from the entire empire, but their expenditures were also enormous. Moreover, there was a huge hole in the finances due to the northern expeditions and the great voyages carried out during the reign of the late Emperor Yongle.

After Emperor Xuande ascended to the throne, thanks to the tireless efforts of Emperor Xuande and the officials down to the lowest level to fill this hole, it was somewhat patched up, but there was still a sizable hole. And as long as that hole existed, the imperial court and the government had limitations.

Of course, if the Emperor had the will, he could easily suppress the merchant forces by force.

However, the Ming merchants were known as the “descendants of Lü Buwei.” Before they knew it, a considerable number of officials were entangled with the merchants. If they thought the Emperor’s pressure had crossed the line, the Emperor himself could be in danger. There would certainly be those who dreamed of becoming Lü Buwei, who had supported Prince Zheng of Qin to become the First Emperor.


This was why the Chief Counselor reacted negatively to bringing in artisans from private merchant associations.

“Ridiculously, our biggest competitor regarding the iron horse is our own merchants. They will also know about the existence of the iron horse and will have realized its usefulness. So, we have two things to do. One is the proper way, and the other is the irregular way.”

At the Chief Counselor’s explanation, a scholar pretended to know.

“By the proper way, do you mean sending artisans to Joseon?”

“It’s as Scholar Wang says.”

As the Chief Counselor nodded in agreement, Scholar Wang expressed his concern.

“Joseon is a country that doesn’t even hand over the secret technique of making printing plates. Will they really accept it?”

“It won’t be easy. But we have to try, don’t we? That’s the only way to establish justification. In politics, the most necessary thing is justification. And…”

The Chief Counselor, who took a sip of tea, continued.

“We should also consider the irregular way. Try to find someone who is from Joseon or speaks Korean as well as Koreans. If necessary, even reach out to the Eastern Depot.”

The scholars and officials, who understood what the Chief Counselor meant, immediately bowed their heads.

“We will look into it right away.”


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