Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 320

Chapter 320

The soldiers returned from their two-week leave and immediately set to work on maintaining the warships.

“Whoa~. How’d these barnacles get so thick in just the few months we were gone?”

“Stay focused and do it properly!”

“Yes, sir!”

At the officers’ shouts, the soldiers quickly clung to the ships and began removing all sorts of foreign substances.

The ships that had gone all the way to Suez and back required a lot of maintenance work. Thanks to the efforts put in from the design stage to maximize maintenance efficiency, tasks requiring complex processes were rare.

However, such work was inevitably tedious and tiring. In the end, the soldiers and shipyard workers unconsciously began humming tunes.

“On the winds of the Nakdong River~.”

A soldier overheard the carpenter working next to him humming the melody and spoke up.

“I’ve never heard that tune before.”

“Ah! Of course you wouldn’t have heard it before! It’s a tune that started spreading from Hanseong a few months ago. It’s so catchy and addictive, it’s absolutely amazing!”

“But why are they mentioning the Nakdong River in Hanseong?”

The carpenter laughed heartily at the soldier’s question.

“Hahaha! That’s the charm of this song!”


While the maintenance of the ships was in full swing at the dry dock attached to the Suyeong Naval Base, the next schedule was being discussed at the Suyeong headquarters.

“As soon as the maintenance is completed, Mujeokeun will embark on a northern expedition. Here are the orders. Maengjin and Jinchwi will head to Tianzhu together.”

After receiving the commander’s orders and the written orders, Kang Nam-gil immediately asked.

“Then, will the Major continue to be in charge of the route between Tianzhu?”

“No, that won’t be the case. The challenger-class ships will alternate between the northern and southern routes in the future as well.”

Kang Nam-gil pointed out an issue with the commander’s answer.

“The crew will not become familiar with the routes.”

Kang Nam-gil’s point had a valid reason.

This was the first time the Joseon Navy had sailed to such distant foreign waters. Expecting the navy personnel operating the ships to become accustomed to it after just a single voyage was a thief’s mindset.

The commander nodded at Kang Nam-gil’s point, but explained why it had to be that way.

“Your words do have some merit, but the Joseon Navy is still short on manpower. Therefore, we cannot create a situation where they become familiar with only one side of the route. If necessary, they must be trained to be able to operate comfortably on either the southern or northern routes.”

“That’s true, but they will not become accustomed with just a single voyage.”

“Even so, it can’t be helped. There’s also the issue of fairness.”

“Fairness, you say?”

When the commander mentioned fairness, both Kang Nam-gil and Kim Sang-il seemed to understand to a certain extent.

“Seeing your faces, it seems you’ve grasped it to some degree, but there were quite a few soldiers who earned extra income through this voyage. If such incidents become frequent, discontent may arise among the soldiers. That is why the rotation system has been established this time.”

At the commander’s point, the ship captains, including Kang Nam-gil and Kim Sang-il, all nodded in agreement.


Joseon also had gossip enthusiasts. Upon hearing rumors that the soldiers returning from Tianzhu had intriguing items, the gossip enthusiasts immediately approached the soldiers, and the soldiers were able to earn a decent side income.

Naturally, other soldiers who witnessed this envied them.

Soldiers boarding the panokjeon and joun ships in coastal waters envied the crew members of the panokjeon ships traveling to Japan and the Challenger-class warships, while the soldiers aboard the Challenger-class warships envied those on the challenger-class ships.

The military commanders, already struggling to prevent the movement to avoid the navy due to the saying “one’s status is that of a commoner but the work is that of the lowest class,” immediately recognized the problem and pondered a solution.

“Those bastards who stubbornly refused even when given the opportunity…”

The initial reaction of the high-ranking commanders upon receiving the report was one of complaint.

-Sailing to distant seas, with a voyage duration of at least several months, and up to several years at most.

When the challenger-class warships first emerged and the soldiers heard about the missions, they all shied away from them. In the end, the higher-ups had to offer more pay to receive applications from the soldiers.

However, upon seeing the substantial side income earned by the soldiers who had been to Tianzhu, complaints emerged.

“Isn’t that how human nature always is? Let’s find a solution.”

“Still, for them to change so drastically from before to after…”

“The ship captains were the same, weren’t they?”


And so, the most traditional and orthodox solution that came out was “rotation of duties.”

The first step was to expand the naval training facility established in Wonsan and create training facilities in other naval bases to provide basic operational skills.

Then, based on the performance of those who passed through the training facilities, they were assigned to either the ocean-going fleet or the coastal fleet. If they fulfilled the required service period and achievements, they would be rotated to a different position.


While preparations, including ship maintenance, were steadily progressing at the Mokpo Naval Base, the Joseon court in Hanseong was also devising various plans and adjusting existing plans and policies in preparation for the upcoming year of Imja (1432, the 14th year of King Sejong’s reign).

During this process, Hyang was engaged in verbal disputes with the ministers, especially with Heo Jo, who was in charge of general affairs.

“Why? Why were the researchers excluded from the personnel supply again this time?”

“It is because the staffing of other departments has not yet been completed. I apologize.”

Hyang’s voice rose at Heo Jo’s answer.

“It will be the second year when Imja arrives! Even the students attending the Research Institute’s affiliated school only have Jung-ui left. I’m telling you, there is a lack of personnel to conduct research at the institute and in Area 51!”

“For the time being, you should maintain with the existing personnel…”

“You should consider the personnel taken away to the Military Academy and the Administrative Training Institute from the existing staff!”

Despite Hyang raising his voice, Heo Jo only bowed his head.

“I apologize.”


As the year-end personnel changes progressed, the issue that troubled the court the most was the supply of manpower.

To be precise, it was the “supply of personnel educated to the level desired by the court.”

On the surface, Joseon’s population was increasing rapidly.

Not only Kim Jeom but also King Sejong’s desired “10 million population” was within reach.

However, this meant that the average age of the entire Joseon population was becoming very low, and in other words, while the number of people requiring government management was increasing, there were few who had received sufficient education and could be deployed for work.

The biggest cause of this situation was the Confucian scholars, or more precisely, the local Confucian scholars who participated in the Giyu Rebellion.

At least half of the local Confucian scholars in the Samnam region participated in the rebellion and were swept away, and at least one-third of the remaining half suffered the tragedy of their entire family being exterminated for opposing the rebellion.

As a result, the only regions that could supply personnel to the government organization were Gyeonggi, Gangwon, and the northwestern regions.

Demand continued to increase, but supply had drastically decreased.

To solve this, King Sejong and the court presented all sorts of solutions.

The first thing they implemented was lifting the ban on government service for the northwestern regions, followed by lifting the ban on government service for those born out of wedlock.

However, most of them had given up on learning after being barred from government service for over 30 years, so the thirst for manpower persisted.

As a result, King Sejong and the court had no choice but to draw from the nearest sources.

To address the anemic state of the administrative organization, the places that were drained were the Hall of Worthies and the research institute established by Hyang.

The Hall of Worthies, which was under King Sejong’s control, had no choice but to provide personnel without saying a word, but the research institute was different.

Hyang stood his ground and prevented it.

“How can you ask for the personnel we’ve nurtured? I won’t give them! I refuse! Over my dead body!”

Not only Hyang but even Prince Jinpyeong expressed his opposition.

“We’re already short on personnel to lay railroads across Joseon, and you’re asking us to give them up? I’d rather have my head cut off!”

With Hyang and Jinpyeong physically resisting, King Sejong summoned them.

“The country is in a difficult situation right now, so you two should follow my orders.”

“We don’t have enough personnel to conduct research for developing the country and making it prosperous! Moreover, they have only focused on mathematics until now and know nothing about administration.”

In response to Hyang’s answer, the gathered ministers simultaneously muttered to themselves.

‘Judging by the reports they submit, they write better than our own kids…’

As Hyang continued to resist, King Sejong explained again.

“That mathematical ability is what we need. Not only the court but also the military and various other places require mathematics.”


“Your Majesty! It is not possible!”

With both Hyang and Jinpyeong continuing to oppose, King Sejong, whose expression had turned fierce, looked at Chief Eunuch.

“Chief Eunuch, go place some stone blocks and canes in Gangnyeongjeon.”

As King Sejong showed his intention to use force, Hyang immediately responded.

“10 percent! I will send 10 percent of the research institute’s personnel as support.”

“30 percent.”

“20 percent is possible.”


“25 percent! This is the maximum!”

“Tsk… Fine. 25 percent. In return, I will replenish the personnel as quickly as possible.”


And so, personnel were taken from the research institute and assigned to the newly established Military Academy and Administrative Training Institute.

And even after a year had passed, Hyang continued to appeal.

‘If I just let it go, it will be buried! I have to keep reminding them like this!’

However, as the year of Imja approached, Hyang was not just appealing but genuinely advocating for the necessity of replenishing personnel.


“Very well! In that case, our research institute will directly recruit personnel!”

Hyang’s declaration made both Heo Jo and Kim Jeom look troubled.

“As you are well aware, preparing for the civil service examination requires a lot of effort and expense. Therefore, I believe preparing separately would be a waste.”

“He is right about that. Hyang, I think we will be able to allocate personnel starting from the year of Haechuk, so why don’t you wait a little longer?”

Even King Sejong intervened, but Hyang made a proposal to him.

“If we can replenish personnel with minimal cost and effort, will you allow it?”

“Do you have a way?”

“Yes, I do.”

Intrigued by those words, King Sejong nodded.

“I permit it. Let’s see your skills.”

“I am deeply grateful.”


Having obtained King Sejong’s permission, Hyang returned to the research institute and summoned Jeong-cho and Jeong Inji.

“…So, I obtained His Majesty’s permission.”

Jeong-cho nodded at Hyang’s explanation.

“This turned out well. Considering the commotion of pulling personnel from among those who passed the civil service examination.”

Jeong Inji also nodded at Jeong-cho’s words.

Until now, the method of replenishing personnel was to bring in those with excellent mathematical skills from among those who passed the civil service examination.

The problem was that since they were successful candidates, their performance in other areas was also outstanding, so they had to engage in tiresome power struggles with other departments.

Nodding at Jeong-cho’s words, Jeong Inji asked Hyang.

“By the way, you mentioned replenishing talent with minimal cost and effort, so how do you plan to do it?”

Hyang answered simply.

“We will spread extremely difficult math problems nationwide. We will bring in those who solve them.”


“If we entrust it to Byeoljong, he will create the best problems!”

And so, Lee Soonji was summoned.

“…So, Manager Lee Soonji, I’d like you to create the problems.”

“What level of difficulty should I aim for?”

In response to Lee Soonji’s question, Hyang turned to Jeong-cho and Jeong Inji.

“Upper-intermediate would be appropriate, right?”

“Upper-intermediate is a bit too much. I think upper-beginner would be suitable.”

“I also believe upper-beginner is appropriate.”

Nodding at Jeong-cho and Jeong Inji’s answers, Hyang turned to Lee Soonji.

“Set the difficulty at upper-beginner and create a total of five problems. When can you have them ready?”

“Just give me five days.”

“Very well.”


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