Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 303

Chapter 303

The gifts brought from Joseon included a few more items in addition to the chandelier. They were crystal products similar to those given to the magistrate and ginseng.

“Ginseng! I heard from Qitai merchants that the ginseng from the East is an extraordinary medicinal ingredient!”

Seeing the Shah’s positive response, Park Hyun-soo smiled and bowed his head.

“It is truly fortunate that Your Majesty is pleased.”


As if he had never been pleased, the Shah’s face turned serious.

“You said the official name of the ‘Land of Flowers’ is Joseon?”

“That is correct, Your Majesty.”

“And Joseon wishes to trade?”

“That is so, Your Majesty.”

Upon Park Hyun-soo’s answer, the Shah asked with a grave expression.

“Trading means exchanging each other’s products. It’s embarrassing to say this, but my country doesn’t have anything like the goods made by Joseon. Doesn’t that mean you people will come, sell your wares, and only take our wealth? Come now! Speak honestly! Is what Joseon desires genuine trade or extortion?”


Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad Shah, who currently ruled the Bengal Sultanate, was a man of extremely quick judgment.

The Shah’s father, Raja Ganesha, was a traditional Indian nobleman and a Hindu. However, Jalal-ud-Din converted to Islam, securing the safety and power of the nation. As a result, he was once driven from the throne by his father’s hand and had to convert back to Hinduism.

Thanks to this, after regaining the throne, he showed a tolerant attitude towards Hindus and Buddhists. However, as time passed, to prove that he was a devout Muslim, he converted the Hindu subjects to Islam and supported the construction of Islamic educational institutions called Madrasas in Mecca and Medina.(Note 1)

Through this, he was able to maintain friendly relations with the surrounding Islamic countries while being evaluated as a ‘true follower of Islam’, and he could protect the country from the pressure of the Delhi Sultanate.

It was because he had protected the nation through such precarious tightrope walking that he discerned the potential dangers brought by trade with Joseon.


To the Shah’s blunt question, Park Hyeong-seok still replied with a smile.

“Joseon enjoys sharing with its neighbors, not unilaterally taking from them, Your Majesty.”

“Everyone says that.”

“Your Majesty mentioned that there is little produced in this land, but how could there be nothing that benefits both sides?”


As the Shah still wore a doubtful expression, Park Hyeong-seok continued.

“And as I mentioned before, while our Joseon enjoys sharing with neighbors, we do not easily make neighbors, Your Majesty.”


The Shah’s eyes shone at Park Hyeong-seok’s words.

‘There is some hidden meaning!’

Quietly mulling over Park Hyeong-seok’s words, the Shah smiled and asked again.

“In this India, we would be the only neighbors, correct?”

“Joseon does not recklessly make neighbors, Your Majesty.”


The Shah laughed heartily at Park Hyeong-seok’s answer.

What Park Hyeong-seok was saying now was that in this Indian subcontinent, the only place where Joseon’s goods would enter was the Bengal Sultanate he governed.

In other words, it meant that they could make enormous profits by intermediating Joseon’s goods to the surrounding countries.

In the end, the Shah reached a conclusion.

“Very well! I shall become a close neighbor to Joseon!”

“Thank you, Your Majesty! Joseon will be a good neighbor to the Shah!”

While Park Hyeong-seok responded to the Shah’s words, he added something else in his mind.

‘As long as your reign is prosperous.’

According to Mansur’s explanation heard in Hanseong, the situation in India was literally a Warring States period.

Countries ruled by traditional Hindu nobles and those governed by Muslims repeatedly engaged in alliances and divisions, with their rise and fall repeating.

It was common for nations to perish as soon as the monarch who declared their founding passed away.

Such countries couldn’t even properly leave their names in history.


“The envoy said there must be things that benefit both sides. What does Joseon seek?”

To the Shah’s question, Park Hyeong-seok immediately replied.

“Medicinal ingredients, spices, and saltpeter, Your Majesty.”

“Medicinal ingredients?”

“Some of the medicinal ingredients used by our Joseon’s physicians come from here.”

“Hmm… Spices are welcomed everywhere, so let’s move on. What is saltpeter?”

Mansur quickly provided additional explanation to the Shah’s question. Upon hearing Mansur’s explanation, the Shah finally nodded as if he understood.

“Saltpeter is essential for making gunpowder. Does Joseon lack saltpeter?”

“It is produced, Your Majesty, but we wish to procure it in large quantities at a low price if possible.”


Mulling over Park Hyeong-seok’s words, the Shah gestured to an official beside him.

Seeing the gesture, the official immediately approached, and the Shah asked something in a low voice.

Upon receiving the Shah’s question, the official thought for a moment and then replied, also in a low voice.

After hearing the official’s answer, the Shah pondered for a while and then spoke to Park Hyeong-seok.

“100 maunds for 1 maund of silver.”

At the Shah’s words, Park Hyeong-seok turned to Mansur.

“Is maund a unit of weight here? How much is it in geun?”

“Converting to Chinese units, 1 maund is about 10 guan (37.5kg). 100 maunds would be around 1000 guan (approx. 3.75 tons).”

“1000 guan of saltpeter for 10 guan (990 nyang) of silver…”

After doing some calculations, Park Hyeong-seok looked at Jang Gwang-seok standing beside him, approached closely, and asked softly.

“How much gunpowder does the military need?”

“The more, the better.”

“At the minimum.”

“Each camp and garrison should have at least 10,000 geun (approx. 6 tons). Only then can we train without worry and prepare for war. Currently, even our navy, known for using a lot of gunpowder, barely holds 2,000 geun (approx. 1.2 tons) at each naval station.”

“How much saltpeter is used in gunpowder?”

“It varies depending on the type, but for the most commonly used Eul-sik gunpowder, it’s a little over 80 percent.”

In the case of the Eul-sik gunpowder developed by Hyang, the proportion of saltpeter relatively increased as sulfur was removed.

Removing sulfur reduced the amount of smoke and allowed for safer storage, but it had the drawback of raising the ignition point as sulfur, a catalyst that lowers the ignition point, was removed.(Note 2) However, Hyang solved this problem by using lead tetroxide.

After hearing Jang Gwang-seok’s explanation, Park Hyeong-seok made some calculations.

Currently, in Joseon, lawsuits and petitions related to the nitrate field issue were endless.

It was due to the issue of manure spread on the nitrate fields.

Human and livestock manure was an important raw material for creating nitrate fields, but it was also a crucial ingredient for making fertilizer.

1000 guan of saltpeter for 990 nyang of silver was by no means a small amount, but compared to the lawsuits currently occurring in Joseon and the resulting time and financial losses, it was a profitable deal with plenty to spare.

‘The Shah must have added a premium, but even considering that, it’s a profitable deal.’

Having reached a conclusion, Park Hyeong-seok immediately replied to the Shah.

“We will purchase at that price, Your Majesty.”

The Shah was delighted at Park Hyeong-seok’s answer. The amount he quoted was the price he had sold to the surroundings, including Malacca, with an additional 20 percent added. However, this Joseon envoy accepted that amount.

But the Joseon envoy was not to be taken lightly.

“However, we will only accept if you make a written agreement to maintain that unit price in the future, Your Majesty.”

“I swear by Allah to keep the agreement.”

“There is an old saying in Joseon that goes, ‘Words spoken from the mouth ride the wind and vanish, but words left in writing last a lifetime,’ Your Majesty.”

At the Joseon envoy’s resolute answer, the Shah replied while licking his lips.

“I understand, I will have it written. So how much will you purchase?”

“We will buy as much as we can load on the ships with the proceeds from selling goods here.”

“I see. Then let’s do the writing tomorrow, and today, let’s enjoy a banquet. A grand guest has arrived, so a banquet must be held.”

And so, after enjoying the banquet hosted by the Shah, Park Hyeong-seok’s group rested at the lodging provided by the Shah.

Later, while writing the report to be submitted upon returning to Joseon, Jang Gwang-seok let out a long sigh.

“Even if my child dies, I won’t make them a civil official…”

Jang Gwang-seok made a firm resolution while watching Park Hyeong-seok engage in conversation, twisting this way and that.


After completing the drafting of the agreement, Park Hyeong-seok’s group retraced their steps and returned to Kolkata.

Upon returning to the port near Kolkata, the group sorted out the situation.

“Then this ship and Maengjin ship will return to Chittagong, and the Challenger will go to Aden.”

“Will it be alright with just the Challenger?”

To Kang Nam-gil’s question, Oh Ha-seok answered confidently.

“It will be fine.”

“Then let’s do that. Since we’ve procured saltpeter, it’s best to return as quickly as possible.”

At Oh Ha-seok’s assurance, the group swiftly decided on the next route.

After staying one more day to recover from fatigue, the group left the port at the break of dawn.

The ships that sailed out to sea along the river parted ways toward their respective destinations.

“Have a safe journey!”

“May you have good luck!”

“Be careful!”

“See you in Joseon!”

The captains and sailors waved to each other and loudly wished for each other’s safety.


And so, Mansur’s fleet and the Challenger, having left the Bay of Bengal, diligently sailed toward Aden.

Although it was a voyage of about 14,000 ri (approx. 5,700 km), fortunately, thanks to the good weather that continued, the fleet safely arrived at Aden.

At the port of Aden, the Challenger also became a spectacle for the people.

It was because it was the first time seeing a ship as massive as the Challenger since the ships of the Zheng He fleet that had visited before.

Additionally, what caught people’s attention was the gray hull and sails of the Challenger.

Seeing the gray hull and sails, the people of the Azram family and other families stroked their chins and muttered.

“Painting it like that, it doesn’t catch the eye well from a distance. Should we try painting ours like that too?”

“That’s true, but the ship looks large and sturdy, which is very good. If the price is reasonable, why don’t we consider purchasing it?”

Thanks to their long experience of sailing and trading, they immediately coveted the Challenger upon seeing it.

Moreover, Mansur’s account of his experiences, which he shared with the heads of the families allied with him, fueled their desire to purchase.

“Should we really buy one?”

However, their desire to purchase was extinguished by Mansur’s following words.

“The price of the ship alone is 100,000 nyang of gold. That’s the price of the ship excluding the cannons. And the repair costs are separate…”

“Damn it…”


The fleet, which rested in Aden for five days, raised anchor once again.

The fleet’s destination was Suez, located at the far end of the Red Sea.

From Suez, using land routes to reach Alexandria was their final journey.

During the voyage through the Red Sea, the fleet once again faced attacks from pirates.

It was because the Challenger had stimulated their greed.

“Guests have arrived at the entrance of this neighborhood! Boys! Treat them well!”


The sailors who received Oh Ha-seok’s order treated the swarming pirates well.

The pirates who were hit by cannonballs and bullets filled with sincerity sank into the Red Sea along with their ships.

Seeing this naval battle that took place between Djibouti and Eritrea, the other pirates did not touch the fleet at all.

No, they couldn’t touch it.


And so, the fleet that arrived at Suez moored at the dock and unloaded their cargo.

As the troops who would escort the cargo to Alexandria also armed themselves and disembarked, Oh Ha-seok turned to the commander.

“I entrust the ship to you.”

“Don’t worry, sir. We will guard it tightly.”

“I trust only you.”

“Have a safe trip, sir.”

The group, with their cargo fully loaded on the camels and horses procured by the Mansur merchant group, began their journey to Alexandria.

(Note 1)

(Note /agora24/42501


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