Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Sejong, who had been recalling the debate over the carts and the Crown Prince’s stubbornness, once again discussed with Choi Yoon-deok over the map.

“Do you think Manchu or Mentemu expected us to move this quickly?”

At Sejong’s question, Choi Yoon-deok promptly replied.

“They probably did not expect it, Your Majesty.”


Choi Yoon-deok’s words were partly true and partly false.

Manchu and Mentemu had also heard rumors that Joseon’s communication system had become much faster than before.

Therefore, they had begun moving their tribes northward while simultaneously attacking the Jurchen and Joseon villages near the border.

However, what they did not anticipate was that Joseon’s communication system had not just become “much” faster but “extremely” faster, that the Joseon army had deployed troops in advance to the north in preparation for possible Jurchen invasions during the spring famine season, and lastly, that the Joseon army’s movement speed was very fast.


Choi Yoon-deok did not forget to point out the problems as well.

“Thanks to the communication system developed by the Crown Prince, we were able to find out quickly, but the regret is also great.”

“Regret? What is it?”

At Choi Yoon-deok’s remark, Sejong asked with gleaming eyes.

“Once we leave Joseon’s territory, we cannot use light communication. The problem is not the presence or absence of communication facilities, but the inability to use pre-determined communication codes, which is the biggest cause.”


Sejong nodded at Choi Yoon-deok’s point.


Although Joseon’s communication system had become very fast, it was only a partial success.

For situations that could be anticipated in advance, such as diseases or foreign invasions, the numerical codes developed by Hyang could be used to deliver information quickly.

Regarding the Jurchens, over 100 codes were assigned. However, most of those codes were assigned to the large and small tribes under Manchu and Mentemu and the regions where they resided.

Therefore, the moment Manchu and Mentemu left their dwellings, nearly 70% of the codes assigned to the Jurchens became useless.

Another important issue was the selection of which words to encode.

There were countless military and administrative terms.

If all those terms were coded, in a situation where urgent communication was needed, one would end up flipping through the codebook until the situation was over.

Therefore, the selected terms were only those with the highest risk, such as diseases, natural disasters like floods, and the invasions and scale of the Jurchens or Japanese pirates.

As a result, for a large portion, most of the communication had to rely on the traditional method—dispatch riders.


Choi Yoon-deok, who had pointed out this part, concluded with a face full of regret.

“The light communication network is very useful not only for administration but also for military purposes, but in the current situation, it is like a lame duck. We need to resolve this issue. However, to do so, we would have to convert all those numerous terms into codes, which would make it completely unusable, so it is only full of regret.”

“Where do you think that problem started, General?”

At Sejong’s question, Choi Yoon-deok promptly answered.

“It’s because of the writing system, Your Majesty. Chinese characters are ideograms, so we can immediately understand their meaning by looking at them, but we have to assign separate codes for each character.”

“I see…”

Sejong, who had been nodding his head, slyly brought up a topic.

“I noticed that the Westerners use a phonetic writing system. What do you think about that?”

“A phonetic writing system… Ah! I met the Westerners in Area 51 regarding the telescope issue, and are you referring to the writing system they use?”

“Yes, they write the sounds they speak as they are.”


At Sejong’s words, Choi Yoon-deok fell into thought. After a brief moment of contemplation, Choi Yoon-deok promptly replied.

“Since the number of pronunciations people use in conversation is almost fixed, a phonetic writing system seems suitable. However, looking at their sentences, it seemed like it would take a lot of time to learn. It would take a long time to become accustomed to using it. In that case, it would be better not to use it in the military.”

“That seems to be correct.”

With that conversation, the meal ended, and as soon as the seats were cleared, Sejong and the members of the General Staff mounted their horses again.

While riding on horseback, Sejong muttered softly.

“It should be easy to learn and easy to use. And if the military supports it…”


It took six days to reach Hamheung from Hanseong.

This was a new record. It only took six days despite detouring through Wonsan.

‘It’s almost a 1,000-ri (approx. 400 km) distance, and it took only six days… Even if they only moved on horseback…’

Sejong, who had been making various calculations, lowered his head.

Looking at the well-paved roads, Sejong turned his head and gazed to the south.

“I am seeing the Crown Prince’s virtue again.”

Sejong, who had been smiling slightly while recalling Hyang’s insistence on properly refining the roads throughout Joseon, turned to Choi Yoon-deok.

“How have the Jurchens who have defected from Manchu and Mentemu been dealt with?”

“Yes. We have mobilized the cavalry from the reserve units of Hwanghae Province and Gangwon Province. They say they will arrive within the next two days.”

“Is that so…”

Sejong nodded at Choi Yoon-deok’s answer.


As soon as it was determined that Manchu and Mentemu were the perpetrators of the attack, the units that had departed from Pyeongan Province and Hamgil Province immediately dispatched cavalry to the locations of the two tribes.

The task given to the cavalry was simple.

‘Beat them as much as they hit us! And tie their feet when those who caused trouble return!’

When the ordered cavalry arrived, what they saw were empty headquarters.

Upon confirming that the tribes under Manchu and Mentemu had left their bases, the Joseon army cavalry immediately began pursuit.

Not long after the pursuit, the Joseon army cavalry encountered Jurchens holding white flags. Seeing the Joseon army cavalry, the Jurchens desperately waved the white flags and shouted.

“We surrender!”


“All troops, halt! Halt!”

The Joseon cavalry, who were about to charge while gripping their spears, had to hurriedly stop their horses.

The Joseon cavalry completely disarmed the surrendered Jurchens and immediately sent a report to Hanseong.

The General Staff Headquarters in Hanseong had immediately dispatched the cavalry belonging to the armies of Hwanghae Province and Gangwon Province, who were in charge of defending Hamgil Province and Pyeongan Province as reserve units, to the north.



As Sejong nodded at Choi Yoon-deok’s report, a group of officials entered his sight.

“Who are they?”

“It’s Governor Hwang Hui.”

“I see.”

The officials waiting, led by Hwang Hui and Kim Jong-seo wearing cheonlyeok (heavenly wings) and jeonlip (battle helmet), all saluted in unison with discipline.

[TL/N: Cheonlyeok and Jeonlip is a type of battle armor]


“Huh? Oh? You’ve worked hard…”

Sejong, who had answered with a bewildered expression, dismounted from his horse and walked towards Hwang Hui.

“The officials are truly disciplined.”

“After working in Hamgil Province for a long time…”

“Is that so?”

“Most of them have been with me since the beginning of the Dongbuk-myeon development.”

“Is that so?”

Sejong looked at the officials with a newfound expression.

The posture of the officials, who had fixed their gaze on him, exuded not the aura of civil officials but that of military officers, particularly veteran generals who had experienced numerous battles.

Seeing such officials, Sejong turned his head to look at Choi Yoon-deok and muttered softly.

“That explains it…”

In Choi Yoon-deok’s eyes as he looked at the officials, there was an undeniable ambition.

“Let’s go in.”

As Sejong turned his body and entered the Hamheung government office, the officials and the personnel of the General Staff also began to follow him inside.

Choi Yoon-deok quickly approached Hwang Hui.

“Excuse me, Governor Hwang…”

“Absolutely not. However, I will assist only in the areas where they are knowledgeable about this region.”


Choi Yoon-deok had to smack his lips at Hwang Hui’s attitude of cutting him off before he could even speak.


That evening, numerous Jurchen tribal chiefs flocked to the temporary royal palace established in the Hamheung government office.

Upon receiving the report, Sejong asked a military officer.

“I already met the surrendered Jurchen tribal chiefs during the day, so who are they?”

“They are the tribal chiefs from the wild Jurchen regions.”

“Really? Let’s meet them.”

Sejong rose from his seat and went outside.

“His Majesty the King has arrived!”

The Jurchen tribal chiefs, who had been huddled together in the front yard of the Dongheon (Eastern Annex), immediately knelt on the ground when Sejong appeared.

“We pay our respects to the King!”

“Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King for ten thousand years!”

Seeing the tribal chiefs chanting “Long live the King” according to the etiquette, Sejong spoke in a calm voice.

“Where are you from and who are you?”

“We are the Udige clan!”

“Udige? You have indeed come from a far place. Have you seen the letter I sent?”

“Yes! We have brought our soldiers in accordance with Your Majesty’s command!”

“I am truly grateful! Although it is wartime, this is not a matter that can be overlooked. Attendants! I will hold a simple banquet, so prepare for it!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

And so, on the first day of Sejong’s arrival in Hamheung, a meeting between Sejong and the chiefs of the Udige tribe took place.


The next day, the chiefs of the Udige tribe who had met Sejong left Hamheung with their subordinates and headed north.

It was to join the Joseon army that was advancing ahead.

“Ten thousand cavalry… It’s reassuring.”

At Sejong’s words, Hwang Hui immediately responded.

“It is all thanks to Your Majesty’s virtue.”

“It is not my virtue but the prestige of the Great King Taejo.”

Sejong evaluated coldly.

That was because the words unanimously spoken by the Jurchen tribal chiefs at the previous night’s banquet implied such.

-The discipline of the soldiers reminds us of the time when the Great Elder was here!

In the end, the reason they heeded Sejong’s command was not because they feared Sejong but because of the shadow of Yi Seong-gye.

In any case, with 2,000 reinforcements from the surrendered Jurchens and 10,000 cavalry from the Udige tribe, the Joseon army’s strength was greatly enhanced.

After assessing the situation, Sejong looked at Choi Yoon-deok.

“Now, all that remains is to choose a suitable location and eliminate Manchu and Mentemu.”

“Indeed, Your Majesty.”


Meanwhile, as Sejong properly settled in Hamheung, communication with the front lines became even more active.

On the third day after Sejong’s arrival in Hamheung, a communication officer entered the conference room.

“Urgent news from the Pyeongan Province army! They have caught up with the moving Manchu tribe! They report that they will now commence the crushing operation!”


As soon as they heard the urgent news, the conference room was filled with murderous intent.

After a persistent pursuit, they had finally caught up with the fleeing Huligai tribe of Manchu.

Not long after, more detailed information arrived.

“The location where the Pyeongan Province army caught up is here, Maeha-gu. It is approximately 180 ri (about 72 km) from the Pazhu River.”

“I don’t understand how they could have only gotten that far since the time they started the incident. It’s incomprehensible.”

At Sejong’s question, Choi Yoon-deok promptly answered.

“Although some have remained and surrendered, nearly 10,000 households are on the move, so it cannot be fast. Moreover, they are likely to be the rearguard.”

Sejong nodded at Choi Yoon-deok’s explanation.

“I see. In that case, the burden on the Pyeongan Province army will also be reduced. They can defeat them individually.”

“That is correct, Your Majesty. If they are careful about ambushes and traps, they can easily defeat them individually. And General Lee Soon-mong, who commands the Pyeongan army, is a cautious man, so he will handle it well.”

Sejong, who had been nodding at Choi Yoon-deok’s words, continued with the next question.

“Then, have the movements of Manchu and Mentemu, who caused this incident, been found?”

“Yes. They are currently in the Daedun region, continuing to move northward.”

“Their speed is also slow?”

“Yes, it seems to be due to the issue of moving the plundered goods and waiting for their own tribes.”

Sejong, who had been examining the map while listening to Choi Yoon-deok’s explanation, looked at Choi Yoon-deok.

“Can our army block their path?”

“It is fully possible. We have already determined a place to meet them.”

“Where is it?”

Choi Yoon-deok pointed to a spot on the map with his finger.

“Right here, Gilim.”


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