Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 163

Chapter 163

The clash between Joseons government troops and the rebel peasant army in Cheonan was inevitable. 

The rebel forces rising in Goesan, Jeungpyeong, and Jincheon areas[1] of Chungcheong province headed towards Cheongju-mok[2] to expand their forces and secure more weapons. However, facing fierce resistance in Cheongju-mok, the rebel forces had to change their route.

The leaders of the Chungcheong rebellion spread out a map and debated intensely. 

We cant just waste time like this! Lets head north immediately! Theres no other way!

The hardliners insisted on heading north right away, but there were many opposing voices.

If we head north like this, well end up facing the Gyeonggi garrison head-on! We need to wait for the forces coming up from the southern provinces!

Dont forget its currently harvesting season! We need to get this done as soon as possible and head back to bring in the harvest!

Amidst the heated debate, a kind of compromise proposal was made.

If we head north like this, well clash with the Gyeonggi garrison. So lets detour to Cheonan[3] and head up to Hanseong (Seoul). As we take the detour north, we must rally as much supporting forces as possible to expand our numbers.

It was a plan that left both the hardliners and the cautious faction dissatisfied, but there was no other option for the moment. 

Damn those lazy bastards down south!  

The usually leisurely and easy-going people of Chungcheong were cursing people from other regions for being slower than them an absurd situation.

With the decision made to detour through Cheonan on the way north, the rebel forces changed direction and started moving towards Cheonan. 

However, with the majority of their 12,000 troops being infantry, their speed of advance was not fast.

Thanks to that, the Chungcheong garrison was able to prepare quickly based on the intelligence brought back by their scouting troops.

Fools. If you wanted to start something, you shouldve done it before the provincial forces mobilized.

Looking over the reports brought back by the scouts, Chungcheong Provincial Commander Yang Jong-cheol scoffed at the actions of the rebels.


As Sejongs military reforms progressed, the Joseon army also had to undergo massive transformation. 

According to the military registry[4] established since the beginning of Joseon, the Joseon military had around 330,000 troops. However, the main force of this Joseon army was the auxiliary army[5] filled through conscription. And the upkeep cost of this regular army was borne by the bo-in (sponsors)[6].  

However, this system had already shown cracks since King Taejongs reign. 

Therefore, as Sejong pushed ahead with military reforms, he also had to reform the military.

In this area, Hyang made great contributions. The mass-produced iron armor, muskets, and finally the fearsome mass destruction weapon Divine Thunder Strike cannons allowed the transformation of the Joseon military to proceed more smoothly.

A hundred spears are no match for a single cannon!

A horse is faster than a man!

Fitting such slogans, the Joseon military reduced its pure numbers and became faster and more powerful. 

And it was in this situation that the transformed Joseon military took to the field to be tested against the rebel forces.


Yang Jong-cheol looked around at the commanders participating in the meeting and continued speaking.

The rebel scums are scheduled to pass through Cheonan. Therefore, we will annihilate them at Cheonan. Any other opinions?

No, sir!

Then the composition of the units participating in this operation will be

According to Yang Jong-cheols plan, the Chungcheong garrison left the Haemie Fortress (or Haemieup-seong) with only the minimum personnel to defend the garrison itself. 

[TL/N: The castle, located near Seosan in South Chungcheong, was the background of the Donghak Rebellion in 1864. This fortress, originally built to protect against Japanese pirates, was a historical site where thousands of Catholics were executed during the French Invasion in 1866.]


The Joseon forces led by Yang Jong-cheol closely monitored the movements of the rebel forces as they moved.

With the main forces being cavalry and artillery, the Joseon army was able to arrive in Cheonan earlier than the rebel forces and set up camp.

Apart from the other things the Crown Prince made, the idea to mount cannons on carts is truly astonishing. Isnt that so, Colonel?  

Observing the troops movements from atop a low hill, Yang Jong-cheol asked Colonel Lee Jae-hyun next to him. At Yangs question, Lee nodded his head.

Yes. Thanks to that, the cannons can move as fast as the cavalry.

Hyang, who created the Divine Thunder Strike cannons and the new cannons to fire them, also made new gun carriages to mount the cannons. Created in the form of Western-style gun carriages used until the late 19th century and early World War 1, the new gun carriages gave Joseons cannons unprecedented mobility.

Pleased at the troops movements, Yang Jong-cheol rapped his palm twice with his baton.

Good, very good. Now all thats left is to sweep away those rebel scums.

Yes, sir.

It wasnt just the top commanders burning with fighting spirit. Even the common foot soldiers at the very bottom were aflame with vigor.

How far have those rebel scums come?

HmmI heard theyre about a day away?

Are those bastards crawling here?

Maybe theyre taking their sweet time enjoying the scenery.

Scenery? Hahahaha!

Cracking jokes, the soldiers looked upon the cannons they would wield. The soldiers eyes were full of trust as they gazed at the cannons shining gray. 

With these babies

They were troops anticipating the time they would get to use the fearsome Divine Thunder Strike cannons theyd heard about from the north.  


The government troops have gathered in Cheonan!

How many are there?

Around 6,000!

Hearing that government forces had set up camp in Cheonan, the leaders of the rebel forces put their heads together.

Where are those bastards from?

Must be the Chungcheong garrison.

Should we detour?

When some scholars suggested detouring, scholar Ahn who had read some military books shook his head.

If we detour, well end up facing the Gyeonggi garrison. And theyll be forces fully prepared while we waste time detouring. They say there are 6,000 troops in Cheonan now. It seems they werent properly prepared and moved hurriedly. Facing them would be better.

Scholar Ahns words seem correct. 

However, them moving in a hurry means their main force is cavalry.

Scholar Ahn, receiving criticism, pointed out their weakness.

Even if we detour, do you think the cavalry of the Chungcheong garrison will just sit still? Theyll chase right after us. With most of the forces weve brought being slaves, do you think we can respond properly?


Ahn came to a conclusion.  

To somehow make the slaves fight decently, we have no choice but a frontal clash. Fortunately, Cheonan has no fortress and we have numerical superiority, so we have a chance.

Eventually, the leaders of the rebel forces decided on a frontal collision. Even to them with little knowledge of military tactics, there seemed no other way when slaves made up the bulk of their forces. 

But that was it. The leaders of the rebel forces knew nothing of the firepower held by the government troops and had no interest in finding out.

In the end, almost all of us are armed with spears and swords! In times like these, we with superior numbers have the advantage!

It was the result of them shutting their eyes and blocking their ears, only caring about their own interests while being cooped up in their hometowns.  


And so the next morning, the government forces and rebel forces confronted each other in the eastern region of Cheonan.

Since the rebels were also aware of the government troops presence, they had made some preparations on their own.

Were the slaves given a hearty breakfast?

Theyve eaten their fill. No chance of them losing strength mid-fight.

Most of the preparations made by the rebel forces was feeding the slaves an early breakfast.

Then lets begin.  

Lets do it!

I wish you good fortune!

Good fortune!

Exchanging formalities wishing each other good fortune, the scholar-leaders headed towards the slaves they led.

Soon after, the slaves standing at the vanguard of the rebel forces let out a war cry and rushed forward.


Even though most of them were only armed with a single spear, seeing their fellow men around them, they were burning with fighting spirit.

The rebels have begun to move!

I see them too. Hmmm.

Observing the rebels movements through the spyglass personally gifted by Sejong, Yang Jong-cheol gave orders.

As expected, hardly any are properly armed. And most seem to be slaves. Andspears? Pah!  

Looking over the rebels charging towards them, Yang turned his gaze towards the rebel leaders in the back.

Donkeys? Do they think war is some festive occasion?

Seeing most of them were riding donkeys with the horse-riders extremely few in number, Yang scoffed and ordered his subordinates.

When the enemys main force enters within 200 paces, fire the Divine Thunder Strike cannons!  

Yes, sir!

Concentrate the bombardment on one area as trained!

Yes, sir!  

And the musketeers will attack from alternating positions as trained!

Yes, sir!

Inform all troops! The rebels are a motley crew! If we just do things properly as trained, we wont have to eat memorial rites food[7] next year on this day!

Yes, sir!

The messenger let out a small laugh at the joke-like order before hurriedly moving to relay the commands.


200 paces!

Open fire!

Boom! Bang! Boom!

The artillerymen, having finished loading beforehand, immediately pulled the trigger cords at the command.

The number of cannons specialized for firing Divine Thunder Strike cannons mobilized by the Chungcheong garrison this time were 40. Excluding the 10 kept in reserve, the 30 cannons were trained to move in groups of 10 cannons, forming artillery batteries.

As trained, once the Divine Thunder Strike cannons were fired, huge holes were created in three places of the rebel formation charging towards the government troops. Craters too big to be filled up.

In those craters created, amidst the countless corpses, the injured were shrieking in agony.  


Save me! 

My leg! My leg!

Amidst the screams of the wounded, the rebels charge ground to a halt where they were. The bulk of their forces, the slaves, had fallen into panic.  

Observing the situation through spyglasses, the government troops commanders sensed victory and raised their voices. 

Do not cease fire!

Shoot! Shoot! Keep shooting!

Boom! Bang!  

Sensing victory like their commanders, the soldiers quickly reloaded and continued firing.

 What, what is this!

Cannons of such might!  

Watching the situation from the rear of the rebel forces, the scholars cried out in shock. With every huge pillar of fire rising from the rebel formation, holes too big to be filled were opening up in their ranks.

What do we do now!

Unable to find a solution, scholar Ahn who had unknowingly taken on the role of military advisor flustered at the leaders question.  

That, that is

Scholar Ahn!  

Please give me some time to think! Ive never even heard of cannons with such might!

At the leaders urges, scholar Ahn also raised his voice. But he had already come to a conclusion inwardly. 

Its over

Scholar Ahn! What do we do now

The enemy is moving!


Just as they were pressuring scholar Ahn, the leaders turned their heads at word that the government forces were moving. 

Indeed, as the barrage of the government artillery eased up a bit, the infantry ranks began advancing forward. 

Seeing this, scholar Ahn let out a sigh of relief.  

An opportunity! Once they get close and the distance between us narrows, they wont be able to shoot the cannons! Then a chance will come our way once more! We must reorganize the troops into formation right away!

Ah, youre right!

At scholar Ahns words, the leaders hurriedly dispatched messengers. 

Seeing the rebels ranks beginning to reorder at the messengers words, scholar Ahns face was full of hope.

Alright! If we overcome this crisis, victory will be ours!

But the situation developed beyond his predictions. 

First row, aim muskets!

Take aim!

Having advanced to around 150 paces from the rebels, the musketeers from the Chungcheong garrison raised their equipped arquebuses at their commanders order and took aim at the rebels.  



In an instant, thick smoke obscured the Joseon troops vision and the second row that was waiting in the back surged past the first row to the front.  

Watching the situation on the battlefield for a moment, the commander soon gave orders.

Second row, take aim!  




And so when it came to be the fifth rows turn after rotating through the rows, the rebels formation had completely collapsed. 

Observing the situation, Yang Jong-cheol gave orders.

Inform the cavalry! Do not let the rebels escape! 

Yes, sir!

And so the clash between the Chungcheong garrison and Chungcheong regional rebel forces was decided in less than half a day. An overwhelming, massive victory for the Joseon Chungcheong garrison troops.

  1. Gooesan, Jeungpyong and Jincheon are counties of Norther Chungcheong in todays Korea[]
  2. Read history of Cheongju-mok here: /story/cheongju-center-for-local-governance-and-korean-buddhist-culture-cheongju-early-printing-museum/wQVhwE7DvWIQeQ?hl=en[]
  3. Cheonan is a city in todays South Chungcheong[]
  4. () refers to military registers or records. The Joseon Dynasty maintained a system of military service, and the was a record of eligible men for military conscription. It included information about individuals martial abilities, family background, and other relevant details.[]
  5. A unit organized to support the regular army ( or ) by individuals serving in lieu of active duty as mandatory military service personnel during the Joseon Dynasty.[]
  6. Supporters providing economic assistance to the auxiliary army () for the provision of military funds during the Joseon Dynasty.[]
  7. meaning they wont be dead, since usually memorial rites food usually offered during their death anniversary[]


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