Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

In the Bukchon area of Hanyang.

It was a wealthy village of Joseon, where tiled houses of current and former high-ranking officials clustered.

In a large 70-room tiled house in Bukchon, an elderly scholar was seated in the largest room of the guest house.

With all the doors and windows wide open, the scholar stood with his hands clasped behind his back, gazing at the moon in the night sky.

Your Excellency, its dangerous to be in such an open place.

Hearing Nam Junseoks words from the front yard of the guest house, the scholar chuckled softly and replied.

Haha. What use is the life of this old man who has no power? If someone wanted me dead, I would have been long gone by now.

At the scholars response, Nam Junseok implored once more.

The great undertaking is not far off. You must be more cautious, especially now.

With you here, what do I have to worry about? I trust only in you.

Your Excellency!

Alright, Ill be careful.

Acknowledging Nam Junseoks words, the scholar nodded with a resigned look. As the scholar stepped back, Nam Junseok gestured to his followers, who silently entered the guest house and closed the doors.

Leave the southern window open. I still want to enjoy the moonlight.

Yes, Your Excellency.

With that, Nam Junseok closed the doors and quietly ordered his men in a low voice.

The great undertaking is near. Pay extra attention to Your Excellencys protection and vigilance.

Yes, Captain.

Following Nam Junseoks command, a group of warriors took up positions around the guest house for security, while others patrolled along the walls.

Leaning on the window frame and looking at the moonlight, the scholar murmured softly.

A great undertaking Revenge would be more fitting.

The scholar was Seo Seon, who had returned from his hometown.

* * *

Seo Dal had to be imprisoned in the Royal Inspectorate jail for ordering an assault on an official in official attire.

To prevent Seo Dals punishment, Seo Seon submitted his resignation, but due to strong insistence from the local community, Seo Dal had to endure 100 lashes.

Furthermore, complaints poured in about Seo Dals misdeeds, relying solely on Seo Seons power, prompting officials to demand punishment for Seo Seon as well.

Yielding to the officials demands, Seo Seon was stripped of his public service merits and military titles, and was also expelled from his position as Minister of Law and Punishments.

Your Majesty! I will accept my punishment, but please, show mercy to my only son!

Seo Seon pleaded for clemency for his son Seo Dal, but Sejong ordered the execution of the sentence. The situation was further exacerbated by the Hyang (local community).

Dont let him off easily!

Under the order of the Crown Prince, the future authority, the soldiers carrying out the punishment struck Seo Dal with full force, a total of 100 lashes.

A flogging of more than 10 lashes was often fatal. Therefore, the executing soldiers usually didnt strike so harshly unless the convict truly deserved it. Moreover, it was common for the soldiers to accept bribes from the criminals family and lash more leniently.

However, the circumstances were dire this time. Hyang had stationed himself at the place of punishment to ensure its proper execution.

As a result, Seo Dals pelvic bones were completely shattered.

It seems he will not be able to walk on his own for the rest of his life.

Upon hearing the physicians response, Seo Seon asked anxiously.

What about his lower body? Can he still have children?

The physician shook his head silently to Seo Seons question.

Look here! This boy is the only son of our family! I will give whatever wealth you ask for, just please cure him!

Sighing, the physician responded to Seo Seon.

There is little I can do at this point. First, his wounds need to heal, and he needs to recuperate in a comfortable place.

Ah, I understand!

Following the physicians advice, Seo Seon led his family to their main residence in Icheon.

However, Seo Dal did not recover. The injuries sustained from the flogging led to necrosis of the skin and muscles, causing multiple complications. Eventually, Seo Dal died within 100 days.

Seo Dals death brought tragedy to Seo Seons family. Unable to bear the shock of her precious sons death from the beating, Seo Seons wife also passed away.

After conducting funerals for his son and wife, Seo Seon cried tears of blood and vowed.

Your Majesty! I will avenge this grudge! And I will take revenge on those who worked with me for decades yet said nothing!

Seo Seon, determined for a blood revenge, began to plan his vengeance.

I cannot do this alone. I need others to join me. To gather people, I need a cause. A cause

As Seo Seon struggled to find a cause, an unexpected person approached him.

Your Excellency, a visitor has arrived.

A visitor? Who would seek an old man with no power in the backroom Who did they say it was?

The servant cautiously answered Seo Seons query.

He said you would know him by the name Yangnyeong.


Startled by the servants response, Seo Seon pushed away his desk and rose to his feet.

Grand Prince Yangnyeong is here! The heavens have heard my prayers! Thank you, heavens!

Barefoot, Seo Seon rushed into the courtyard, where he saw Yangnyeong dressed in a splendid robe, surrounded by warriors. Seo Seon ran towards them and prostrated himself.

I greet Your Highness the Grand Prince!

I came quickly upon hearing of your sorrow, but it seems I am late. My apologies.

No, not at all! Please, come inside!

It was a meeting of two individuals who harbored resentment against Sejong.

* * *

In front of Sejong, he wore a frivolous smile, but his resentment towards Grand Prince Yangnyeong could never be appeased.

That place was mine!

Each time Yangnyeong looked down at Sejong seated in Geunjeongjeon, he had to forcibly suppress the rage boiling within him.

Yangnyeong, in his own right, was capable, but his competence was overshadowed by various incidents and accidents.

At the root of such incidents caused by Yangnyeong lay his intense self-love.

Behind this extreme narcissism of Yangnyeong were Taejong and Queen Wongyeong.

According to records, Grand Prince Yangnyeong was Taejongs eldest son. However, in reality, there were three sons older than Yangnyeong, but all three passed away at a young age, too young to even be recorded in the family registry.

Born in such circumstances and having survived the crisis, the affection Taejong and Queen Wongyeong had for Yangnyeong was incomparable.

Of course, they also loved Hyoryeong and Chungnyeong later Sejong but the one who received the most love was, undoubtedly, Yangnyeong.

Receiving excessive affection from his parents, Yangnyeong became self-centered.

Due to his strong narcissism, Yangnyeong turned into an extreme egotist, which led to significant problems after he became the Crown Prince.

Before considering the responsibilities of the Crown Prince, Yangnyeong, intoxicated by the power it brought, caused various incidents.

Among the incidents caused by Yangnyeong were many related to women.

He also caused Taejong headaches by recklessly catching and raising falcons under the guise of hunting.

Whenever such incidents occurred, the court officials would be in an uproar, and Taejong had to reprimand Yangnyeong.

However, Yangnyeongs response to the reprimands was short-lived. Later, he even began to rebel in those very situations.

What to do with this

Taejong, seeking a solution for the ever-wayward Yangnyeong, turned his attention to Chungnyeong.

[TL/N: Chungyeong is Sejongs birth name before he was enthroned as King.]

At that time, Chungnyeongs outstanding scholarship and orderly life were widely renowned.

Yes! If I elevate Chungnyeong, even the Crown Prince will come to his senses!

Taejong chose Chungnyeong as a stimulus for Yangnyeong.

However, this led to an unexpected outcome: a rivalry ensued between the Crown Prince and Chungnyeong.

Eventually, unable to overcome the aftermath of the purge resulting from the rivalry with Chungnyeong and Taejongs frequent abdication disturbances, Yangnyeong ended up ruining his own life.

When Taejong decided to replace the Crown Prince, Queen Wongyeong opposed it.

Ousting the elder brother to place the younger is the root of rebellion. It cannot be done! (Note 1)

Taejong even considered making the young prince the Crown Prince due to Queen Wongyeongs valid opposition. However, the young prince was only five years old at the time.

Taejong, whose health was deteriorating due to a stroke, could not make a choice that would destabilize royal authority.

Thus, on the day the change of the Crown Prince was decided, the now deposed Grand Prince Yangnyeong, yelled at Prince Chungnyeong, who had taken his place.

All of this happened because you tattled to father about everything I did! (Note 1)

* * *

Although Yangnyeong was ousted from power, he never gave up.

The throne of Geunjeongjeon should have been mine!

Every time he heard the people on the streets praising Sejong, Yangnyeong had to grit his teeth.

I could have done just as well!

In his residence in Gwangju, consumed with rage, Yangnyeong resolved himself.

I will surely reclaim it! I was called Kwa Haji Yok (a term of contempt, literally meaning the one who crawled between the legs). I will thoroughly humble myself!

As Yangnyeong recited the anecdote of Han Xin crawling between the legs of bandits, he resolved himself to endure humiliation and bide his time.

Dreaming of a resurgence, Grand Prince Yangnyeong began his preparations step by step.

Under the pretext of hunting, he traveled across Joseon, gathering men of exceptional valor. Claiming to make arrows for hunting, he covertly collected iron by raiding local government storerooms.

Of course, to avoid suspicion, he gathered little by little from various places.

Then, under the guise of throwing a feast, he raided the storerooms again to amass wealth for military funds.

Even amidst these activities, he made sure to appropriately support Sejongs initiatives.

When Sejong proposed reducing the land grants to the royal family and providing them in kind instead, Yangnyeong subtly resisted but eventually supported the decision. He followed this pattern of mild criticism and compliance with other policies as well.

This was his way of reassuring Sejong while also maintaining favor with other royal family members.

* * *

Despite his meticulous preparations, Yangnyeong faced a significant shortfall.

I need someone in the court to support me.

Anticipating a major purge when he reclaimed the throne, he needed individuals to fill those positions.

It was clear that filling these roles with outsiders from the literati would not work efficiently.

He needed someone in the court who could move the officials on his behalf.

Who could be suitable for this role?

While pondering over candidates suitable for these positions, Yangnyeong heard that Seo Seon, who had been dismissed from his post, had returned to Icheon.

Its divine providence!

With this thought, Yangnyeong sprang into action.

Grand Prince Yangnyeong and Seo Seon, sharing a common enemy, quickly joined forces.

With Yangnyeongs support, Seo Seon moved swiftly and quietly.

The soldiers guarding Gyeongbokgung are armed with muskets. We need muskets too.

Can you acquire them?

We cant get the ones made by the Crown Prince, but we can find craftsmen who can make older models like the conventional muskets. The problem is the gunpowder.

Seo Seon began searching for retired gunpowder makers.

Having located these retired individuals, Seo Seon took their families hostage to coerce them into making gunpowder.

The most crucial ingredient, sulfur, was surprisingly easy to obtain, as a significant amount was available in medicinal herbs collected for treating sores.

Thus, by February of the 11th year of Sejongs reign, with preparations somewhat complete, Seo Seon reported to Yangnyeong.

The time has come to enter Hanyang. This year, something big will happen in Joseon.

Are you suggesting we use the upcoming tax reform, as per the Economic Reforms policy, to our advantage?

Yes. Given his nature, he will definitely stick to the schedule, and the local leaders wont sit idly by.

Being one of the central figures in the Economic Reforms project, Seo Seon could choose the right moment.

Upon Seo Seons suggestion, Grand Prince Yangnyeong swiftly made his decision.

Good. Lets proceed.

* * *

Note 1: Sejong Daewang Sillok: A Single-Volume Read by Park Young-gyu, Woongjin Knowledge House.


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