Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

“I’m back.”

Returning to the development team headquarters, Kim Jong-seo entered Hwang Hui’s office to report his return.

Buried in a mountain of documents, Hwang Hui looked up at Kim Jong-seo and spoke.

“Good job. Did you go out there to swing a sword instead of a brush?”

“I apologize.”

“Never mind. Are you hurt?”


“Then go wash up, change, and get back to work.”

“May I… rest just for today?”

When Kim Jong-seo requested a break, Hwang Hui leaned back in his chair and glared at him.

“Did I order you to go around swinging your sword?”

“No, but…”

“You’ve been singing about returning to Hanyang within five years, haven’t you?”

“…I’ll get to work right away.”

Kim Jong-seo quickly backed down at Hwang Hui’s words.

“Oh, what about those who went to Musan?”

“They returned the day before yesterday. The family and land registries have been verified and approved.”


Trying to use ‘Musan’ as an excuse to rest, Kim Jong-seo couldn’t hide his disappointment, and Hwang Hui added briefly,

“I’ve put things that need immediate attention on your desk, so get to them right away.”


“Five years…”

“I’m going, going!”

* * *

With Hwang Hui forming the development team, Kim Jong-seo naturally became the second-in-command.

It wasn’t that Kim Jong-seo was initially positioned as the second-in-command. When Hwang Hui first selected his team, there were several others with similar experience and ranks as Kim Jong-seo.

Kim Jong-seo distinguished himself among them by being the first to provide good answers to the problems Hwang Hui presented.

Thus, by the time the development team in the northeastern region began its substantial work, Kim Jong-seo was firmly established as the indisputable second-in-command.

As the Northeast Development Team began to operate in earnest, the initial team members organized by Hwang Hui formed the basic administrative structure. Once the administrative districts were established, local officials were sent from Hanyang or surrendered Jurchen tribe leaders were appointed as local officials to stabilize the administration.

During the Northeast Development, Kim Jong-seo drove the team’s officials.

“I see it this way. The primary goal of fully integrating the Tumen River region will be completed in five years. In five years, I’m leaving this damned place to return to Hanyang!

If we’re delayed even a day in those five years? I’m dead, and so are you! So, tighten up!

Mess up the data collection and have to start over? You’re dead.

Make a mistake in document preparation and delay the approval time? You’re finished.

Lose or damage documents that took so much effort to create and have to redo them? I’ll cut off your air supply! Understand?”


The officials immediately responded to Kim Jong-seo’s threats, not hiding his extreme ‘love for Hanyang’.

For the officials, returning to Hanyang early was a desired outcome. They were all drafted from the court in Hanyang. Their families and acquaintances were all in Hanyang.

* * *

As things progressed, the officials of the development team came to regard Hwang Hui and Kim Jong-seo as ‘mother-in-law and sister-in-law,’ respectively.

Consequently, whenever Kim Jong-seo was scolded by Hwang Hui, the officials found it amusing and felt relieved.

“Why do you only scold me?”

After being repeatedly scolded, Kim Jong-seo confronted Hwang Hui, who simply replied,

“Because you’re the Deputy Administrator.”

“Excuse me?”

“Should I go around scolding everyone for every problem in the paperwork? It’s your job to first check for problems to reduce my workload. Conversely, finding the right person for the tasks I assign is also your responsibility.”

Silenced by Hwang Hui’s logic, Kim Jong-seo had no retort.

“But why me?”

“Because you’re good at your job.”

“That doesn’t sound like a compliment.”

“Right. But it’s all good experience for you. Who knows? Maybe you’ll take my place after I’m gone.”

At Hwang Hui’s words, Kim Jong-seo inadvertently revealed his inner thoughts.

“I feel like I’ll die first.”

“Quiet! Get out and work!”

Chased out by Hwang Hui, Kim Jong-seo grumbled to himself,

“What old man comes here and gets healthier?”

As Kim Jong-seo complained, Hwang Hui indeed seemed to have more color in his face since leaving Hanyang.

Returning to his room, Kim Jong-seo saw Hwang Hui’s servant brewing medicinal herbs and grumbled again.

“Damn this tonic.”

* * *

Recently, the ministers in Hanyang had been consistently sending tonics to Hwang Hui.

“The friendship among you ministers is truly admirable.”

As Kim Jong-seo admired the tonics wrapped in silk cloth, Hwang Hui grumbled,

“Friendship, my foot… They just want me to keep working till I drop dead. This isn’t a gift; it’s poison, poison!”

“How about I take that poison off your hands…”

“Shut it! Go work!”

Whether it was an expression of friendship or malice, Hwang Hui diligently consumed the tonics whenever they arrived.

The effectiveness of the tonics seemed evident, as Hwang Hui’s complexion was rosy, and he was more energetic than ever.

So much so that rumors spread among the officials in Gilju and the entire Hamgyeong Province.

“Hwang Magistrate is aging in reverse!”

* * *

After washing off the dust and fatigue with a bath and changing into his official robe, Kim Jong-seo returned to his office.


Seeing the pile of documents on his desk, Kim Jong-seo let out a sigh. Sitting in his chair and staring blankly at the documents, he muttered softly,

“The position of Magistrate…”

He couldn’t deny being intrigued by Hwang Hui’s words. For any official who had entered civil service, ascending to the rank of Minister or Secretary and being addressed as ‘Magistrate’ was a dream.

“So that’s why he’s been dragging me along.”

Working in the Northeast Development Area was incredibly demanding and stressful. Therefore, Hwang Hui had set a system where officials took turns receiving ten-day leaves with each monthly report, allowing them a brief respite from the harsh conditions of the frontier.

Considering the travel time from the development area to Hanyang, the actual days spent at home during these ten-day leaves were only about two or three days at most. Consequently, the officials would race back to Hanyang on horseback, sometimes even outrunning the cavalrymen carrying the reports.

The advantage for the officials in the development team was the ability to acquire high-quality horses at a low price. In the Northeast, where “excess meant skilled fighters and horses, and scarcity everything else,” strong and fast horses bred by the Jurchen were plentiful. Thanks to this, the officials could return to Hanyang quickly without relying on relay stations.

* * *

Of course, Kim Jong-seo never received such leaves.

“Magistrate! Why not me?”

“Damn it! You’re stuck with me until death!”

Kim Jong-seo only went to Hanyang with Hwang Hui for the quarterly reports directly submitted to King Sejong.

Even in Hanyang, Kim Jong-seo couldn’t enjoy ‘life in Hanyang.’ He had to present reports in front of King Sejong with Hwang Hui, and after leaving the court, he didn’t go home but accompanied Hwang Hui to a gathering place.

At the gathering place, other ministers, secretaries, and officials of similar rank to Kim Jong-seo congregated.

The ministers and secretaries formed their own group, while Kim Jong-seo joined those in similar situations.

“What’s the point of all this?”

To Kim Jong-seo’s grumble, a man sitting opposite him responded with a similar expression.

“Are you also dragged here, Deputy Administrator Kim Jong-seo?”

“Yes. And your name is…”

Kim Jong-seo cautiously started speaking, and the man across from him responded with a smile.

“What an oversight! Sorry! My name is Hwangbo In. Currently, I’m being dragged around by Minister Hyungpan over there.”

At Hwangbo In’s words, Kim Jong-seo also smiled and replied,

“As you know, I’m Kim Jong-seo, currently on a leash, dragged around by Magistrate Hwang Hui over there.”

Initiated by the conversation between Kim Jong-seo and Hwangbo In, the group started introducing themselves to each other. The ages varied from their 20s to 40s, but their ranks were quite similar.

However, they all shared one significant commonality: each of them was being harassed by the older ministers laughing and chatting away nearby.

Gradually, this gathered group started to bond and laugh together. Even though courtesans were present, the sense of camaraderie from shared hardships quickly led to a warm and informal atmosphere among them.

“It’s truly a good sight.”


The ministers and secretaries at the main seats observed them with smiles. Sipping from the cup filled by a courtesan, Minister Kim Jeom commented,

“In 10 years, maybe 20, those young officials will be the ones filling the royal court, enduring the monarch’s whims.”

“That’s likely.”

Other ministers nodded in agreement with Kim Jeom’s words, emptying their cups. Their faces were filled with a mix of emotions as they did so.

“We’ve indeed aged quite a bit.”

“Yes, we have.”

“It’s been a tumultuous life.”

As Maeng Sa-seong mentioned, their lives had indeed been eventful.

They had navigated through numerous significant events, including the transition from Goryeo to Joseon and the Prince’s Rebellion, surviving these crises with their resilience.

“While we bear traces of Goryeo, those young ones will not.”

“They will become the true officials of a proper Joseon.”

Amidst the conversation tinged with a sense of resigned wisdom, Heo Jo jokingly addressed Hwang Hui.

“Of course, Magistrate Hwang is suffering along with them.”

At Heo Jo’s comment, the other ministers burst into laughter.

“You have a hard time too, Magistrate Hwang.”

“I’m making sure to take my tonic regularly.”

Responding to their teasing with a slight smile, Hwang Hui joked back,

“Do you know what’s abundant in the northeastern region? Ginseng, deer antler, and musk from beyond the Tumen River. I’ll send some to match your numbers. Since we’re all aging together, it’s better to go down the same path, isn’t it?”

With that single retort, Hwang Hui effectively silenced the other ministers.

* * *

“Hmm… the position of Magistrate…”

Muttering the word ‘Magistrate’ repeatedly, Kim Jong-seo recalled the radiant faces of Hwang Hui and the other ministers and shook his head in disbelief.

“They all seem to be aging backward… What tonic are they taking? I wonder if the royal court will be swarmed with old monsters in the future…”

Contemplating the rejuvenated appearance of the ministers, seemingly revitalized by the tonics they exchanged, Kim Jong-seo thought about Hwangbo In, whom he had met at the gathering.

“I wonder how Hwangbo In is doing?”

“Sir! The Magistrate insists that you process and send the documents quickly!”


Roused by the servant’s urging from outside, Kim Jong-seo hurriedly unfolded the documents.

* * *

The report about ‘the ministers and the poor souls dragged around by them’ was sent directly to King Sejong through the royal inspection system.

“Look at this?”

After dismissing the historians for the reason of rest, King Sejong, who received the report, sparkled with interest.

‘The discernment of the ministers and secretaries is notoriously strict. Yet they’re dragging these men to pleasure houses, not even related by blood? Hmm…’

“Should I summon them?”

Muttering to himself, Sejong soon shook his head.

“No, that’s not right. It could expose the inspection system.”

Deciding that the risks outweighed the benefits, Sejong soon shelved the idea.

After placing the report in a secret compartment, Sejong took out some books on phonology.

“Let’s see… what I’ve theorized so far….”


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