Black Corporation: Joseon

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

After burning incense and making rounds between Gyeongbok Palace and Area 51, Malbok, pulling a rickshaw, headed to the trading company where he used to work.


“Look at that! Look at that!”

Children, their eyes filled with curiosity, chased after the rickshaw ringing its small bell cheerfully, an alternative to a horn.

“Elder, it’s me, Malbok!”

Arriving at the trading company, Malbok sought out the manager. The manager, coming outside, saw the rickshaw and asked Malbok,

“Is that the one made by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?”

To the manager’s question, Malbok nodded vigorously.

“Yes, elder!”

“I see…”

Listening to Malbok’s response and examining the rickshaw, the manager turned to Malbok.

“Is this for carrying people?”



The manager, continuing to inspect the rickshaw, questioned Malbok,

“The back seat seems to sway, doesn’t it?”

“Yes. The Crown Prince intentionally made it that way.”

“Is that so?”

Hearing Malbok’s answer, the manager bent down to examine the part with wheels.

Two iron plates, each about a quarter inch (approximately 0.8 cm) thick and the width of two fingers, were placed above the axle of the wheel, connected to the seat.

“Why was it made this way?”

Containing his curiosity while inspecting the rickshaw, the manager discovered a cover wrapped around the back of the chair.

“Is this for use during rain?”


Excited, Malbok unfolded the cover attached to the rickshaw.

“By spreading this cover and lowering the cloth curtain, customers won’t get wet even in rain or snow,” he explained.

“I see, really I see!”

Impressed by Malbok’s explanation, the manager genuinely exclaimed in admiration.

“How did you come up with such an idea?”

The manager continued to express his admiration at the simple yet clear explanation, which didn’t contain any useless parts.

After observing the rickshaw for a while, the manager turned to Malbok.

“Did you perform the first ride ritual?”

In response to the manager’s question, Malbok searched his sleeve hem and pulled out a small lump of silver.

“The Crown Prince was the first to ride it!”

“Is that so? Although I’m sorry I couldn’t do the first ride ritual, let me take a ride.”


Responding energetically, Malbok took out the step that had been placed behind the rickshaw and set it down.

“Please get on, elder.”


* * *

“Truly wonderful!”

The manager, having taken a ride around the neighborhood in the rickshaw pulled by Malbok, exclaimed in admiration once again.

“It doesn’t require learning how to ride like a horse or donkey, and it doesn’t shake as much as a palanquin. It’s a truly ingenious mode of transport! The Crown Prince indeed knows a lot and creates many miraculous things – it’s really true!”


Malbok beamed with joy at the manager’s praise, as if he himself had been complimented.

The manager, looking at Malbok and the rickshaw, asked the most important question.

“So, how much have you decided to charge?”

“Ah, about that! His Royal Highness the Crown Prince told me to ask you! He said that you would know the answer! Oh! He also told me to convey this message: ‘Considering your conduct that I have heard about through Malbok, you will surely give a good answer.'”

At Malbok’s words, the manager let out a wry smile.

“His Highness has given me a challenging task. Well, since he’s assigned it, I must come up with an answer… Let’s see… Hmm…”

The manager, with his arms crossed, pondered and then spoke to Malbok.

“In my opinion, traveling within the inner half of Hanyang centered around Gyeongbok Palace should cost two hop of white rice or one doe of beans, and going up to the vicinity of the Four Great Gates should be about four hop of white rice or two doe of beans.”

Upon hearing the manager’s answer, Malbok immediately bowed his head.

“Thank you very much! I will charge accordingly!”

“And, to add one more thing, once you start working in earnest, go to Bukchon before dawn.”

Malbok tilted his head at the manager’s words.

“Bukchon, you say?”

“Yes. Ordinary people will find it hard to ride this, but it will be quite useful for those living in Bukchon who go to the palace to attend court and their families.”

After pondering the manager’s explanation, Malbok bowed deeply once again.

“Thank you very much! Elder manager! I will also convey this to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!”

“Why to His Highness?”

Malbok explained the condition set by His Highness to the manager. After hearing Malbok’s story, the manager was impressed once again.

“He is truly a person of deep thought! It’s a blessing for Joseon to have such a person as the Crown Prince!”

“That’s right!”

Their conversation was nearly at its end. The manager patted Malbok on the shoulder, encouraging him.

“Live diligently. You must provide a comfortable life for your grandmother who has suffered because of you.”

“Yes, Manager!”

“Then, I shall go inside.”

“Please do!”

After finishing the conversation with Malbok and turning around, the manager saw a crowd of people gathered around the store and the rickshaw.

Seeing the envy in the eyes of men about Malbok’s age or a bit older, the manager stroked his beard.


After pausing and pondering for a moment, the manager soon called out to Malbok.


“Yes, elder!”

“Come here early tomorrow morning… No, wait! Come with me somewhere right now!”

“Where to?”

“Just wait a moment!”

The manager went inside the store, quickly put on his hat, and came out to board the rickshaw.

“Let’s go!”


As Malbok started the rickshaw, he asked the manager.

“Where shall I take you?”

“To Area 51!”


“Hurry, we have no time!”


Urged by the manager, Malbok set off quickly while the manager muttered to himself,

“I can’t be the only one who thought of this…”

* * *

“Let’s call it a day for now.”

Ending the meeting about the activities in Area 51, Hyang added,

“We’re close to bringing good news to His Majesty the King. Let’s put in a little more effort.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

After concluding the meeting and finishing up with the paperwork, Hyang was preparing to return to Gyeongbok Palace when a court official entered and reported,

“Your Highness. Malbok and the manager Lim Ga who was accompanying him are requesting an audience with you.”

“Manager Lim Ga?”

Hearing the court official’s report, Hyang stroked his chin.

‘Have they already made a move? That was fast.’

After a moment of thought, Hyang instructed the official,

“Let them in.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Even after the official left, Hyang, still stroking his chin unconsciously, muttered,

“Is my beard growing already? Should I make a razor? And while I’m at it, some skin… Ah! I’ve digressed again. Damn it!”

Hyang chided himself for letting his thoughts wander too far when he wasn’t careful.

Shortly after, the official announced,

“Your Highness, Manager Lim Ga and Malbok are here for the audience.”

“Let them enter.”


A moment later, entering Hyang’s office, the manager bowed deeply to Hyang.

“The humble merchant Lim greets Your Highness.”

“It’s nice to meet you. Seeing Malbok again so soon?”

“Yes, yes!”

“Please, take a seat over there.”

“Your Highness, I am deeply grateful.”

As the manager took the seat offered by Hyang, Hyang examined the manager’s appearance.

“Are you from a Ban-ga (scholar-official family)?”


“Have you passed the civil service exams?”

“Yes, I passed the preliminary exam.”

Hearing the words ‘passed the preliminary exam’, a curiosity sparked in Hyang’s eyes.

“Having passed the preliminary exam, why did you choose to go into business?”

Responding to Hyang’s question, the manager cautiously answered,

“My family is from Uiju…”


Realizing the manager’s answer, Hyang unwittingly trailed off. The person before him was a victim of discrimination against people from the northwest.

“Nevertheless, starting this year, people from the northwest will not be barred from official service, so if anyone among your relatives has the ambition, tell them to try.”

“Your Highness, I am immensely grateful!”

Upon hearing Hyang’s words, the manager bowed his head in gratitude.

“So, what brings you to see me?”

“Please sell us rickshaws!”

“Rickshaws? Why?”

Hyang asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

‘I can understand what kind of person he is!’

Whether or not he understood Hyang’s thoughts, the manager calmly explained his reasoning.

“Your Highness, the rickshaw you created is truly a useful device. However, with just one, it is merely a novel sight to behold. If we can operate at least twenty, it can become a new, steady source of income for the people.”


“Excuse me?”

Startled by Hyang’s sudden exclamation, the manager looked bewildered, prompting Hyang to quickly clarify.

“Oh, nothing. I just think your suggestion is good. However, it’s not something I can permit on my own.”

“In that case…”

Disappointment flickered across the manager’s face at Hyang’s words, but Hyang continued,

“To implement what you’ve proposed, we need His Majesty the King’s approval. But with just our conversation, getting approval will be difficult. Can you prepare a proper proposal by this time tomorrow?”

“I can do it!”

Pleased with the manager’s response, Hyang made a decision.

“Prepare the proposal and come to Gyeongbok Palace by this time tomorrow. But!”

Hyang cautioned the manager.

“If you’re late, no matter how good the plan is, I won’t consider it on my part. You know why, right?”

“Of course! In business, trust is everything!”

“Then, we shall see tomorrow. You may go now.”

“Yes! I will definitely come to Gyeongbok Palace tomorrow!”

After seeing off Malbok and the manager, Hyang let out a chuckle.

“Heh! Will taxis appear before buses?”

* * *

Having returned to Gyeongbok Palace, Hyang immediately sought out King Sejong to report about the manager’s proposal.

“Hmm… Do you think there’s a high chance of success for the manager’s plan?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


Sejong, stroking his beard and weighing various factors, turned to his officials.

“Increasing a stable source of livelihood so that our people can live more abundantly is a good thing, don’t you think?”

At Sejong’s question, Kim Jeom immediately responded.

“It is a welcome development! Providing more types of jobs for the people is a good deed that can help alleviate their hunger!”

Starting with Kim Jeom, the officials expressed their support.

Seeing the ministers’ support, Sejong turned back to Hyang.

“You told him to come to Gyeongbok Palace tomorrow?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“What did you think of him?”

“He seemed to be of great use.”

At Hyang’s answer, the eyes of the ministers began to sparkle.

The ministers had been serving under Sejong and Hyang for several years now. Thanks to this, they had become adept at catching the underlying meanings in such seemingly lofty conversations.

Upon hearing Hyang’s answer, Sejong, with a face full of curiosity, concluded,

“Is that so? Then I must see for myself tomorrow.”

* * *

“I am Merchant Lim, here on the command of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.”

“Please wait.”

The next day, having arrived at Gyeongbok Palace, the manager informed the gatekeeper. Soon after, he was led by a court official who rushed out and taken into Geunjeongjeon Hall.

“Are you Merchant Lim?”

“Yes. The humble merchant Lim greets Your Majesty!”

Facing King Sejong directly, the manager, sweating profusely, answered while lying flat on the ground.

“What is your name?”

“My name is Soonwook!”

“Lim Soonwook, that’s a good name. Have you completed what the Crown Prince commanded?”


With a spirited response, Soonwook searched his sleeve and pulled out a scroll.

Receiving the scroll through an attendant, Sejong began to read the contents written on it carefully.

“Hmm… Oh?… What?”

As Sejong read the document, showing various reactions, he asked Soonwook,

“A means of transportation for residents who are not affluent? What is this?”

“Yes. I have heard that among the horses recently brought in from the West, there are some with incomparable size and strength. The idea is to make large carriages pulled by these horses, moving along fixed routes for the people to use.”

“There has been a similar discussion in the court. Using post horses for long distances.”

“That is for moving long distances, while what I have proposed is for movement within Hanyang or the urban areas.”

“Only moving within Hanyang? Is there a need for that?”

At Sejong’s question, Soonwook explained the reason for it.

“People walk on two legs, which is slow. Therefore, many citizens choose to live near their workplaces. But in most cases, they end up renting, which becomes a heavy burden. However, if there is a means to reduce that travel time, even if it’s a bit farther, the burden of rent for the people can be lessened.”

“I see… That’s a good point. Let the ministers see this scroll.”

Nodding his head, Sejong handed the scroll to an attendant.

As the ministers received and began reading the scroll through the attendant, Sejong questioned Soonwook,

“You passed the civil service exams in the past?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“When did you take them?”

“It was 20 years ago.”

“Really? What was your rank?”

“In the supplementary examination, I ranked Eul-gwa (4th to 10th place).”

At Soonwook’s answer, the ministers stopped reading the scroll and focused their attention on him. Greed filled their eyes.

“Oh? So you were a talent. Ministers, listen. I think the plan submitted by Lim Soonwook is worth implementing.”

“It is indeed!”

“Crown Prince, listen.”


“Coordinate with the Minister of Taxation to adjust Soonwook’s plan.”

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

As Hyang bowed his head, Kim Jeom loudly exclaimed,

“Your Majesty’s grace is immense!”


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