Black Bellied Belle: Demon Lord, Bite The Bait Please

Chapter 54.3

Chapter 54.3: Barricaded Spirit Tower Crisis

Although the Green Wave Emperor was sorry about the outcome, there was nothing he could do. Just when he was about to say some polite words for the occasion, a sudden loud boom sounded explosively. The floor of the grand hall shook for a moment and many people were caught completely off guard, to fall wretchedly to the ground.

"What is it? What has happened? ?"

"Is the ground under our feet moving? Such a big blast!"

Yan Su suddenly stood up from his seat, his face filled with shock. He knew that feeling only too well. "Your Majesty, that explosive blast seemed to be from the Barricaded Spirit Tower. Someone must have broken in there which activated the array’s defenses!"

"What?" The shade on the Green Wave Emperor’s face changed. "Who has the audacity to come stir up trouble on a day like this? The ancestor tablets of the Xuanyuan Family’s past generations are enshrined within the Barricaded Spirit Tower. Except when we make offerings to the Heavens, otherwise even the Emperor, I, am not be able to go in and out of that place freely. The intruder must not be spared!"

"Your Majesty please quell your anger. Why not go access the situation first before deciding. It might just be an accident." The Martial Land Kingdom’s Sixth Prince Mu Qian Chen then opened his mouth to say.

"The Sixth Prince might not be aware, but the Barricaded Spirit Tower is our forbidden grounds and we are only allowed to go in there once for the All Saints Day festival and access is strictly forbidden at all other times. The moment someone enters the place, the Barricaded Spirit Tower will lock itself down and only open when the next All Saints Day festival comes." The Green Wave Emperor had his brows knitted up, looking highly worried. "If the spirit souls of my ancestors become alarmed, I fear that it will bring calamity upon the Green Wave Kingdom."

"It’s that serious? Then why not I go in to have a look?" A magnetic and pleasing voice filled with mirth sounded suddenly. "I am not from the Green Wave, so I think I should be fine going in there wouldn’t I?"

Everyone turned their eyes upon the source of that voice. It was that handsome white robed man seated in the judges panel, his enchanting brow slightly raised up inquiringly, looking elegantly suave.

The Green Wave Emperor was taken aback for a moment, but did not admonish the speaker. "And you are the Carefree Valley’s Young Lord? There is a barrier array around the Barricaded Spirit Tower. You will not be able to get inside....."

"Barrier array? No problem. We just have to undo it and open it up. If I am not able to do it, we still have Qing Shang here. Aren’t all of you convinced of the male saint’s powers yet?" Baili Ji Ran said half jokingly.

The lad being mentioned then nodded in consent.

"Your Majesty, the matter is of critical importance and we have to act despite risking admonition from the ancestors. It is better we go find out what has happened there." Yan Su helped to say persuasively.

Seeing the situation before him, the Green Wave Emperor then agreed.

"Huh..... That’s strange. When did the Duke of Vast Seas disappear....." Baili Ji Ran then asked in puzzlement.

It was only at that moment that everyone then came to realize that the Duke of Vast Seas’ seat among the Water Edge Kingdom people was empty and unoccupied. But no one had noticed his departure at all. Even Yue Xin Yan who was closest to him was staring with wide eyes. "That’s strange. Where did Big Brother Ye Li go? How could I possibly not realize that he has left? ?"

Everyone was completely baffled. They had naturally not known that if they had not been rocked awake from the illusory array they had been caught in by that explosive blast earlier, after just one more hour, they would then not be able to come out from it anymore.

"Hahaha! Kid, your Mistress is doomed to die by my hands today! Why not you serve me instead!"

Having been thrown a few meters out by a punch, it was merely barely an itch to Yin Chi whose puppet body that looked like it was neither human nor ghost anymore. Hearing the roar of rage that burst out from the youth’s mouth, even if she could no longer see it, she knew that the young lady must have already tainted by her own puppet.

And Qing Yu was indeed not in an exactly good situation. That male puppet had managed to find an opening and a small half of his spirit had seeped into her body.

The situation at that moment was highly strange to see. The young lady’s beautiful and alluring eyes immediately became lifeless, and her body stiffened, freezing in her spot. More grubs in the surrounding area were suddenly drawn here, spreading out in a densely web as they closed in on her, looking like they wanted to devour her.

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