BJ Archmage

Chapter 14 - Lucky (1)

Chapter 14 - Lucky (1)

God of Wars has a time limit.

One cannot play past the time limit, no matter what position one holds, or how much money one has.

That’s why God of Wars players have done many things to be more time efficient.

If there was something that needed to be dealt with, then one had to take a break and log out to deal with it.

It was necessary to have a filled stomach to play at peak performance.

The time limit was 5 hours, but it was not easy to maintain one’s efficiency for all 5 of those hours.

Logging out at regular intervals of time to replenish nutrients was the key to maintaining this efficiency.

Of course, coming out too often was a bad sign.

If the game goes well, why come out too often?

“Big brother Hyunwoo, what’s going on?”

It was for this reason that Lee Hyuk-ju asked Jung Hyun-woo, who was eating candy while having a worried expression on his face.

In response to Lee Hyuk-joo’s question, Jung Hyun-woo shook his hand instead of answering.

Then said with a look.

‘Go away, you brat!’

It was an expression that could only come from sincerity without mixing a single act.

‘Damn it.’

Jung Hyun-woo’s state of mind was conflicted.

‘Out of all those Legendaries… … ’

Legendary rating, Jung Hyun-woo thought when he confirmed the quest.

It wasn’t until this turn of life, but at least he thought he could solve the problems he faced right now.

It will definitely make things better than it is now.


However, it was Shinsu that came out of the legendary class quest as if laughing at Jung-woo’s expectations.

Of course, it wasn’t that Shinsu was bad.

No, in God Wars, in some sense, Shinsu’s value was higher than a legendary item or skill.

First, it’s utility was very high.

Some were excellent as transportation, excellent in combat ability, and it was excellent as a support.

‘I know that everything about it is great, but I can’t negotiate a trade deal at all!

Moreover, the value of Shinsu, Hwansu, and Seongsu was even higher due to the fact that it could not be traded.

A thing that could not be bought with money.

Shinsu was considered to be a reward given only to those who are really lucky or playing the game properly.

‘Ah, I’m about to go crazy.’

For Jung Hyun-woo, that was the problem.

‘I need money right now … … ’

Honestly, all he needed was money.

Even though it was kind of snobbish, it was inevitable.

If he didn’t have the money right now, he could not afford the cost of living expenses, nor be able to play the game tomorrow.

‘The thing that stands out like this is poisonous for me … … ’

Moreover, Shinsu’s problem was that, as he said earlier, he could not trade it for money.

Even the rich couldn’t get it, and of course the players were very jealous of who got it.

That is, even the rich would become jealous.

‘If something goes wrong, hunting is also difficult.’

The problem is that in God of Wars, such jealousy was usually expressed with violence.

God of Wars was such a game.

A game where if you run faster than others, they would try to crush your legs, and if someone is flying, then they would try to tear their wings.

Instead of stopping such actions, they just laugh.

‘Damn it.’

In a sense, Shinsu, who cannot be hidden by Jung Hyun-woo, who has no background and such, was a burden to him.

‘I couldn’t even confirm it properly.’

Therefore, the moment it was confirmed that it was a Shinsu, Jung Hyun-woo logged out without even checking it’s stats and properties.

Jung Hyun-woo’s disappointment was immeasurable and his day was ruined.

Woo Woong!

It was no more than a phone call that ended the turmoil that Jung Hyun-woo was going through.

After Jung Hyun-woo took out the folded smartphone from his pocket, he checked the number and opened it.

“Uh, Big brother. What’s up.”

Big Brother’s phone.


But what I heard was the niece’s crying voice.

-Dad, Dad … …

“Dad? What?”

-Dad, fainted.

At that moment, Hyunwoo Woo didn’t worry anymore.



-There is no big problem. Blood pressure has only dropped due to temporary weakening of heart function.

The voice of the doctor coming out through the smartphone was dry.

-If there are any problems, please come and get a precise checkup.

After that, the doctor hid the image on the screen.

A text arrived after that from Hyun-woo’s bank.

[Paid 75,131 won to Vitalife Hospital on 2nd April, 2038. Ref No. 2213897678]

After confirming it, Hyunwoo Woo folded his smartphone and held his head in his hands.


At that time, Jung Tae-woo, who was lying on a narrow bed that felt small even for a hospital bed, called Jung Hyun-woo by name.

“I’m sorry.”

He said in short words, while Jung Hyun-woo frowned.

“Oh, take good care of yourself. I thought I had a huge problem again, and I ran here in fear. ”

A statement without any lie.

Jung-woo, lying on the bed with his brother’s grumble, said something bluntly after swallowing something.

“Hey, say you’re a little worried and pretend to be worried?”

“I’ve forgotten that worry since big brother’s fist turned my eyes into panda eyes after I ate your ice cream when I was five.”

“Five years old? Do you still remember that? ”

“I remember when I asked you to play a game when I was four, and then you were scolded by mom and threatened me?”

“Brat… … Study with such good memories and go to college. ”

The words often spoken out among brothers came and went.

The atmosphere was naturally relaxed.

“Dad… … ”

However, his niece who was crying by the side of her bedridden father was still in a dark mood.

Jung Hyun-woo soon rose away from his niece.

“Hyerin, do you want ice cream?”

Then he smiled at his niece and asked.

However, his niece shook her head…

“Dad is sick, and he can’t eat anything that is delicious on his own.”

Jung Hyun-woo stroked Hye-rin’s head and looked toward Jung Tae-woo and said.

“What would you like to eat?”

“The one I always eat.”

“Mint Chocolate?”


“Your taste is really unique.”

“Yeah, it’s so unique that if I buy it and put it in the refrigerator, then I eat all of it. The reason why at that time is because there was one left, so I ate it.”

Hearing Jung Tae-woo’s attempt at a joke, Jung Hyun-woo snorted and stroked Hye-rin’s head a few more times, then turned around.

“Just wait for a bit. I will bring it soon”

After saying so Jung Hyun-woo left.



Jung Hyun-woo sighed, and sat down on a worn-out bench on the side of the road.

Jung Hyun-woo held his face in his hands.

‘I’m glad it’s not a big deal.’

In such a state, the first feeling that Jung Hyun-woo felt was relief.

‘I’m really glad.’

He was thankful that something tragic hadn’t happened to his brother.

‘Damn it, this wouldn’t have happened if he had gone through the surgery properly.’

He’s feelings quickly turned into anger, irritation and concern.

It wasn’t a concern without reason.

Jung Hyunwoo’s brother’s condition was more serious than it seemed.

At the time of the accident, Jung Tae-Woo was so seriously injured that it was a miracle he survived even with modern medication.

He had to go through ridiculous amounts of surgery, and he was wearing all sorts of medical devices on his body after the surgery.

His heart also had a device attached to it.

His body was akin to a ticking time bomb, no one when his injuries would relapse.

Jung Tae-woo’s body, which was in such a state, got worse as the days went by.

‘No, even without surgery, he should do rehabilitation exercises properly.’

The human body is a thing that needs to constantly move to maintain itself, but he couldn’t expect that from Jung Tae-woo.

‘It’s all about money at this stage… … ’

The solution to almost all of these problems could be easily achieved if he just had money.

Of course, money couldn’t heal everything, it couldn’t magically make everything easier to obtain.

No, most of the problems that Jung Hyun-Woo faced so far could be solved with money. And most of the problems he could face in the foreseeable future.


When faced with such a reality, Jung Hyun-woo lifted his hand covering his face.

‘Let’s forget about Shinsu for now. Even if I moan over it, Shinsu won’t become tradeable. ‘

Jung Hyun-woo made up his mind.

‘Even without that thing, I still have a way to make money right now.’

A plan slowly evolved in Jung Hyun-woo’s mind.

‘Information and items.’

He came up with a plan to make the money that he so desperately needed.

‘In the case of information, it would be not as profitable if it is sold right now. The character’s ability must be commendable to some extent before it can have good bargaining power. Selling something that is worth a lot of money for almost nothing just because I’m currently weak makes no sense. Things that need to be received need to be received properly.’

At the same time, he was calculating in the coldest possible way.

‘However, there’s no such limitation for items.’

Amidst such calculations, Jung Hyun-woo was able to think of what he had to do right away.

‘Cultivating the character and securing items.’

At that time, the existence of Shinsu, that had been forgotten for a moment, came to Jung Hyun-woo’s mind.

‘Yes, since it’s already there, let’s go all the way. Whether or not there are bastards jumping around me, the only thing I can do in the end is play the game. ‘

After completing the calculation, Hyun-woo stood up.

‘Now, there is only hunting.’

Even if the situation is bleak and his heart is about to rot, the only answer that came to his mind was God Wars.

Jung Hyun-woo, who knew such truths, did not hesitate.

This was a normal thing for him.

Of course, there was no such thing as ‘what should I do in the future?’ kind of corcen.

‘For now, I need to power level.’

“Big Brother, what ’s going on? Isn’t the time over? ”

In response to Lee Hyuk-ju’s question, Jung Hyun-woo threw a question instead of the answer.

“Are there any spots for a capsule?”

“There is one spot left right now actually. But haven’t you run out of time? Shouldn’t you be done for today? ”

In response to the question, Jung Hyun-woo answered briefly.

“I have something to check for a moment. Please arrange a spot. ”

After saying so, Hyun-Woo took off his coat and started preparing to access the game.

At the same time, Jung Hyunwoo confirmed the time given to him.

’30 minutes left. ‘

There were 30 minutes left for him.

Of course, it wasn’t the exact time.

‘I don’t know when it will end.’

The time remaining till logout could be reduced if his vitals were recorded as being abnormal by the capsule.

‘There are three things I need to check.’

Because of that, Hyun-woo was making a list of things he needed to do immediately.

‘The effect of the rune, the identity of the Shinsu, and what Faith it has.’

Things that he needed to do.

‘The first thing to do is finding out the Shinsu’s identity.’

“Hyung! It’s all done!”

Lee Hyuk-joo gave him the signal.


Players sometimes feel lonely when they login to the game.

In a space where there is nothing, starting a game without anyone’s welcome was like the feeling of being thrown alone into an empty world.

Midas, too, sometimes felt that way.


But now it was different.

Woof woof!

With Midas appearing, a furry beast shook its tail and greeted Midas.

‘Is this thing really a wolf?’

Honestly, its look is doubtful as well, and it’s actions too… no matter what it looks like, it sure as hell ain’t a wolf.

[The Wolf that has lost its name]

The name that floated upon its head, if it wasn’t for the thing that Midas was seeing, he would have thought it was just a furry dog.

‘Well, since it looks good it’s fine.’

Of course, the appearance was secondary.

‘Because Faith was the most important thing.’

What is important is the fact that this Shinsu inherited a power of Faith.

It was like a player.

‘Please come out with about Tier 3 or above.’

From Tier 1 to Tier 5, there were ranks in the Faith, and their power ??changed according to the rank.

[Please give a name to ‘The Wolf that has lost its name’.]

The system alerted Midas.

The system wanted Midas to bestow a name upon the Wolf, thus giving it a new life.

‘What should I name it? … ’

Midas paused.

When he tried to name it, nothing came to his mind.

‘Mungmungi? That’s little too much right? Then should I go with a name that looks cool? Alexander? Abraham? Yeah, those names are a little weird for a dog. Lotto? Jack?

No, those names would get me in trouble and might get attacked from society later. ‘

In front of Midas, the Wolf, waiting for a new name, began to whine.


It howled as if it wanted to prove its identity as a wolf.


It was like crying out his name.


Of course, Midas shook his head.

‘No it’s not Hou. It would look too foolish to call it Hou every time you call it, right? That’s a thing that only retards would do. ‘

Then a word came to mind in Midas’ mind.


The Wolf that got it’s name updated the text floating on top of it’s head.

[‘The Wolf that has lost its name’ now gets a new life with a new name.]

It’s new name was showcased on it’s head.


And under the name, the abilities of the Shinsu which could only be seen by Midas began to unveil themselves.

It’s Faith was also shown.


Midas, who saw it, hardened at the moment.

“Pe, pen… … ”

It was that moment.

[The heartrate of the User has increased rapidly.][User is forcefully logged out.]

Midas’ time was over.


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