Bizarre Fate: An Urban Crime Xianxia

Chapter 23: no friends

Chapter 23: no friends

We made our way back to Kaysons apartment after the fight. Kayson lectured us on a couple of strategies to consider before he inevitably tried to pump me for more information about my Soul Seed. It seemed this lieutenant was not one to bend on what he wanted, even against a hostile subordinate.

Ya didnt even say what your Manifested Soul does, and youre still trying to force me to show my hand? I shot back, angry. Reclining on Kaysons sofa and glaring at him. Why couldnt he just drop it?

Fine? Is that what it will take to break past this stupid wall? Alright then. My ability is called Moon Web. Its not a very offensive-based skill. My ability lends itself more to information gathering. When I Manifest my Soul, my spiders are capable of trailing and making websusually, I leave a web tied from me to themthis is how they communicate information, such as traps, enemy numbers, or danger. They can tie up an enemy for a brief period of time, and weave slightly stronger webs than a real spider. But at the end of the day, theyre still webs. Their second biggest strength is that they can operate at long rangea whole half of a mile, even at my current cultivation.

My jaw dropped. Hed essentiallyto a cultivatortaken his clothes off and streaked down the street. Even went so far as to tell me his range! Immortals, how fucking crazy was this guy? And hed laid it all out as a matter of fact. That range at just the first cultivation stage was insane. I didnt know much about the higher stages, but I did hear a little about those who broke through the first bottleneck. Hed offered an olive branch. But what if hed lied?

I have no way of knowing if what ya said was true or not.

Oh come off it Luca! We trust you! Bruno patted my shoulder. If it helps, Ill go over mine! Burning Passion! Hahahaha! A fitting name, dont you think? The more into a fight I get, the more strength my Soul Seed gives me! And of course, fuel for my glorious fires! Nobody can stand up against me!

That made me a bit more guilty. His big eyes weighed on me, waiting for me to share after hed revealed his own powers. It wasnt as in-depth detail as Kayson shared, but I doubted Bruno had a better way to quantify it. Fine. My Fickle Fate is a coinflip, alright? Good luck, or bad luck. Thats all there is to it. I dont get to pick, but I can influence it just a bit. If its blue, things are going my way. Red, not so much. I can use it on others or myself through touch.

Kayson searched me, trying to tell if Id kept something hidden. Eventually, he nodded.

Fine. Thank you for finally sharing a bit about yourself, Luca. I glared at Eve. The girl kept her lips tight, and Kayson wasnt pressing her for info. Thats enough for tonight. Its late, and I think wed all benefit from a bit of rest. The next time we meet, well have actual work to handle. Kayson paused. There will also be a cut, for you all.

Thank fuck. Money was getting tight in our house, and while the free drinking and fighting were fun, I still didnt walk away with anything.

I gathered my jacket, ready to start the long walk home. It was late, and itd take a couple of hours to get back to my place, hell the sun might be rising when I finally reached it.

Hey, Luca! Bruno walked out of the apartment door after me. The deep aches of exhaustion brought about through Suzakis healing started to kick in. That and the hours of grilling by the lieutenant was enough to put anyone to bed. Still, I paused, arching an eyebrow at the big guy.

Yea, what is it? I asked, too tired to care.

Need a ride?

Uhoh, yeah, thanks man, I hadnt expected that. Sure, he knew where my place was. But I wasnt about to turn down a quick trip rather than a two-hour walk at three in the morning. I didnt want to beg for someone to take me home, so Id accepted my fate. Why was he offering though? As far as I could tell there was nothing in it for him.

I didnt ask why, I didnt want to risk the ride. We hopped on his bike and flew through the city.

New Valentine was an insomniac city. Even this latebordering on the morningthe bars ran with gusto. No Sect ordnance mandated a closing call, so if a business still had customers to serve, it kept open. Lights danced Downtown and crowds of people still flocked about. It wasnt until six or seven in the morning that itd gradually shift from night-time shenanigans to the more day-based lull. It almost seemed to me, that the city wasnt alive until the sun sank.

Uptown in particular wasnt as glamorous as Seaside or the Lantern district, but a good place for the wealthy looking to slum it.

Southside, however, was even less so. More of a housing district than a place for fun. A few dive bars and little to no clubs meant the district tended towards a rather sleepy atmosphere this late. Just roaming bands of delinquents that any sane person would avoid. Thats why as a kid, Ma gave me and Alex a strict curfew and kicked our asses when we broke it.

Now though, I was beyond saving. But Id still kick Alexs ass if he pulled half the shit I did.

Bruno killed the engine when we reached my place. I got off the bike, the exhaustion set in my bones now. Been a good night, but I was ready to rest my head.

Luca. He cut in again, forcing me to halt, halfway down the gravel walkway to my door. Itd be a couple of minutes longer, he drove my ass home, so I owed him that much.I turned and forced a neutral expression to my face, suppressing the tired annoyance I actually felt.

Whats up, Bruno?

Up to anything tomorrow?

I let that sit. Ma was getting well and pissed at me for skipping non-stop. Since I hadnt brought cash home from my job, seemed she wasnt willing to let it drop. Each day she got a little bit more bent on me actually going to school. I wasnt Alex. I knew my life wasnt going anywhere through academics. I was a cultivator. But, also I knew better than trying to use that excuse on her, wed been down that argument too many times to count.

Naw, dont got anything, big guy. What were ya thinking? Fuck it, why not. Just gonna bring Alex to school, then skip outta mine.

Skipping school? He turned his head. I knew I liked you! Theres no one fun left to fight in themwell, thats not completely true, Ive run into some gym teachers with a nice right hook, but you only get one go before

Cmon, Bruno. Im down for whatever, as long as it aint fighting my teachers. Dont need Ma more on my case than she already is. I rubbed my eyes.

Well convince Suzaki to come along. Well need him! Then we go to the Seibyu Markets in the Lantern District!

I gave him a weird look. First off, the Lantern District was one of the fancier parts of New Valentineall decked up with buildings traditional to the Himawari Sects homeland. Minka style, complete with shops using traditional rice paper sliding doors. Even the more modernistic buildings there had that old-world Japan vibe. It was also most decidedly a district I never went to. Far too rich for my blood; either catering to the Sects or tourists.

I dont know what ya think I look like Bruno, but I sure dont have the kinda chips to mess around in the Seibyu Markets, and that aint a place to cause trouble. The Sects cared if you made a scene there.

Dont worry about that! Ill meet you first thing in the morning! I sighed. Wasnt worth arguing over, and I certainly would much rather lay my head down. I waved my acceptance, then walked off to finally sleep.


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