Bite Your Fingertips

Chapter 47: Lu Shi, my hands are soft

Chapter 47: Lu Shi, my hands are soft

47th -Lu Shi, my hands are soft

Chu Yu was actually very curious about why Lu Shi was so obsessed with the matters of blood.

But if Lu Shi didnt mention it, he also wouldnt ask.

After all, if it were him in his shoes, he also wouldnt want others forcefully cutting open his protective covering to explore his privacy and secrets, and then excitedly tell him, I know your secrets!

He thought it was quite good the way it was right now.

Opening his eyes, Chu Yu saw Lu Shi under the bright light with his elbows bent, resting his arm on the pillow and propping his face sideways while staring at him.

The finger was tucked in his mouth, moving slowly and teasingly, but his eyes were akin to an ice field in the deep night, without a trace of light.

Chu Yu thought that Lu Shis current state was probably very bad.

Such a state reminded him of the time he first met Lu Shi. Hed always felt that Lu Shi had been carrying a gloom that couldnt be removed, like a black cloud covering the sun.

He wanted to speak, but he had a finger in his mouth. Chu Yu hesitated for a moment before slightly pushing Lu Shis finger out with his tongue, then he held the fingertip with his teeth and bit down gently.

Only a little bit of the skin was torn open with blood oozing out.

After tasting the familiar taste, Chu Yu restrained his instinct to suck and lifted his eyes to look at Lu Shi.

But Lu Shi wasnt satisfied.

Be good and bite it again, harder.

He spoke with a soft, hoarse voice which teased his eardrums and made the soft itchy feeling spread all the way to the depths of his heart. Chu Yu felt that his spine was going soft.

Heaving a sigh in his heart, Chu Yu added a bit more strength. After the blood burst out, he no longer suppressed his instincts and began greedily sucking the blood.

Along with Chu Yus actions, fragments of starlight gradually appeared in Lu Shis eyes. He propped up his body halfway and took out his finger from Chu Yus mouth. Before the wound healed, a drop of blood overflowed from the tear and flowed down his fingertip, dripping onto Chu Yus lips.

Based on the principle of not being wasteful, the tip of Chu Yus tongue licked the little bit of blood that dripped onto his lips into his mouth. Soon after, he discovered that Lu Shis eyes seemed to contain a trace of expectation?


Chu Yu decided to cooperate.

He put his hand on Lu Shis shoulder and directly pushed the person aside. Moving closer, he pulled the collar wider and bit the side of Lu Shis neck.

Chuckles full of satisfaction and joy reverberated in Lu Shis throat.

Drinking blood after blood, Chu Yu later loosened his bite, sat up, and wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand.

Seeing the deep smile on the corners of Lu Shis lips, he asked somewhat helplessly, Happy?

Watching Lu Shi lazily lying on the bed, Chu Yu analyzed that he looked more satiated than he was.

All the hatred and bitter torment in his heart were closed off in a box and locked.

Lu Shi squinted under the light, gazing at Chu Yu as he replied, Mm, happy.

Then thats good.

Chu Yu yawned, lay down again, and inquired, Then sleep?


After closing his eyes for a second, he opened them again. Chu Yu questioned, Will you wake me up again?


He kept his word and Chu Yu slept peacefully. When he arrived in the classroom the next day, he was full of energy.

His classmates surrounded him and looked at his injured ankle. Chu Yu was happy as he accepted well wishes from all sides. Just then, he heard Fang Ziqi yell from afar, School Flower, remember to hand in your homework!

Chu Yu appeared shocked. Ive just been met with tribulation and my body received serious injuries, but I also have to hand in my homework?

Fang Ziqi nodded. Yeah, no discussion, give it to me after you finish filling it up.

Recalling something, Fang Ziqi added another sentence, Youre the only one in the class who hasnt handed in their homework.

Chu Yu was immediately discouraged. He turned around and said to the desk behind him, Ai, the loneliest sentence in this secular world is youre the only one left in the class who hasnt handed in their homework.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Yu saw Yang Yuchan come over and sit in Li Huas seat. She obviously had something to say.

Chu Yu could roughly guess the content of the approaching conversation.

Im here to apologize.

Hearing this, Chu Yu shook his head. This really is nothing. I took the initiative to go out on a rainy day and encountered a landslide. It was bad luck, a low-probability event. It wasnt an accident you caused, so you dont need to apologize. In fact, I should be apologizing. Class Rep and I being involved in this matter probably resulted in your business being cold for a while.

Yang Yuchan didnt possess a coy temper. Listening to Chu Yu sincerely say this, she nodded. Alright. In any case, know that I apologize sincerely. It was something that occurred on my land after all, so Im responsible. As for my business, it isnt a matter of making more or less profit anymore, that basically wouldnt be able to earn me money in the future, so Ill just change to a profitable project!

Chu Yu liked speaking with her very much. Well, I also have a lot of allowance. If there are any good profitable projects in the future, you can bring me along.

This was intentional. Yang Yuchan sized up Chu Yu, who had the halo of the Chu Family Young Master on his head, before saying with a smile, No problem!

As soon as the sports competition was over, it was the start of preparations for the midterm exams.

Although Zhang Yueshan, Li Hua, and the others had numerous assignments to finish and had the should I do it or not attitude, it was obvious that they were very serious. For example, they didnt have time to chat with Chu Yu after class anymore. They were either reviewing questions or correcting answers.

Chu Yu felt that life was indeed lonely as snowflakes.1A very dramatic explanation from Baidu: Describes how beautiful and short-lived life is, like snowflakes. No one can hold it in the palm of their hands to appreciate it carefully because it melts quickly. Life is so fast, before you could look back, youre already a hundred years old. This kind of feeling is even more so that no one understands it, and those who did understand have passed away, so you live full of loneliness, only waiting endlessly. Like snowflakes, when the weather clears, it melts silently in the sun.

No one was playing with him, and he was a bit tired of reading comic books, so Chu Yu had to follow along and read books as well.

But after opening a book, he wasnt even two pages in when his mood turned worse and worse, just like dark clouds that accumulated more and more before an afternoon thunderstorm.

Why the hell did he have to read books? In order to get good grades?

Then what?

He uncontrollably thought of the scene where Shi Yaling stepped on her high heels as she turned to leave that small meeting room.

Vexation surged in his heart and Chu Yu closed the book, pushing it away.

Chu Yu wasnt in a good mood all day, and his bad attitude manifested very simply lying on the desk in a daze.

Come evening self-study, Chu Yu got up, empty-handed, and waited for Lu Shi to return to the dormitory together.

After they squeezed into the elevator heading downstairs, Chu Yu suddenly called out while walking under the street lamps, Lu Shi.

Lu Shi lowered his head slightly and asked him, What?

His eyebrows were originally exquisite, but now with his back facing the street lamps light, the lines of his facial features seemed to be meticulously traced stroke by stroke.

Chu Yu appreciated it all with his two eyes as he replied, Lets not go back to the dormitory.

Where do you want to go?

Where do I want to go?

Chu Yu thought about it before realizing that he didnt know where to go.

He just felt terribly uncomfortable.

The closer it was to the midterm exams, the more uncomfortable he got.

He was feeling very apprehensive, or perhaps awfully resistant, and other emotions which he couldnt distinguish and felt disinclined to distinguish.

I dont know either.

Lu Shi inquired, Want me to take you to play?


Chu Yu didnt bother thinking about it. Anything is okay.

Just let him be distracted.

Then lets go.

Lu Shi took Chu Yu back to Qingchuan Road.

Chu Yus ankle sprain wasnt serious, but he still hadnt fully recovered yet. He walked slowly and didnt dare use too much strength.

The street lamps on both sides of Qingchuan Road were old, and five out of ten lamps werent lit. Either the line had short-circuited, a hole had been smashed into the street lamps light bulb by a child with a rock, the lamp post was damaged, or the colorful wires were torn apart into disarray.

Plus, there were potholes on the road. Chu Yu didnt want to sprain his foot again and walked carefully.

Lu Shi halted.

Chu Yu also stopped after him. Whats the matter?

Standing in front of Chu Yu, Lu Shi answered, Come up, Ill carry you.

Upon hearing this, Chu Yu didnt have the slightest intention to decline. Okay, okay!

He nimbly leaned on Lu Shis back and embraced his neck.

Lu Shis figure was slim, but strong and had good endurance. Chu Yu felt that while the other party effortlessly carried him on his back, even his breathing wasnt disordered.

When he rubbed his face against Lu Shis ear, it felt quite cold. Chu Yu tilted his head and let out a warm breath toward Lu Shis ears. Ill warm you up!

Lu Shis voice was light. Dont make trouble.

Im not, Im serious about giving you a breath of warmth.

Chu Yus playful heart was aroused and he breathed in Lu Shis ear again.

Lu Shis mouth told him not to make trouble, yet he didnt avoid him even once.

Faint sounds of fighting could be heard from an alley. Lu Shi was familiar with the road and avoided it by walking to the other side.

Chu Yu was tired from playing. He felt that hed been breathing like Samoyed2Samoyed, the smiling sledge dogs, were bred for hard work in the worlds coldest locales. They are medium-sized herding dogs with thick, white, double-layer coats. They are related to the laika, a spitz-type dog. It takes its name from the Samoyedic peoples of Siberia. These nomadic reindeer herders bred the fluffy white dogs to help with herding. , which was a hindrance to his image. He shut his mouth and peacefully lay on Lu Shis back, staring at the overlapping shadow of two people on the road.

He stared for a while, but couldnt stay idle and went to bite the side of Lu Shis neck.

He didnt use any force or bite down for real.


Lu Shi asked him, Want it?

No, its just itchy teeth.

Chu Yu inexplicably felt a little embarrassed and questioned, How much longer until we arrive?

Very soon.

After taking two turns, Lu Shi stopped in front of a roll-up door.

The silver-white shutter door was a bit dirty, covered with messy spray painting with garish colors. Although what was painted couldnt be determined, it was still a bit nice.

Sitting at the door was a tall and burly man. Wearing a flowered jacket, his exposed wrist was covered in cyan tattoos.

The door that only allowed one person to enter and exit was tightly closed, it wasnt known what was inside.

Lu Shi relied purely on brushing faceBrushing face could mean paying through facial recognition, so I guess this means Lu Shi is a frequent visitor here and has close contact with the owner so hes free to come and go..

The man saw Lu Shis appearance clearly, then looked at Chu Yu. Bringing friends to play?

En, any vacancy?

Yes, two halls are empty. Saying so, he got up and brought Lu Shi and Chu Yu in.

When they entered the innermost part, Chu Yu was surprised.

Unlike what he guessed, it turned out to be a shooting range with complete facilities! Moreover, after roughly looking around, one would know that it was very professional, unlike those random signs outside.

The man who led the way said very few words. Perhaps it might be because Lu Shi often came so he had nothing to instruct. He closed the door and left.

Chu Yu hopped on one foot while touching here and looking there. It was very novel.

You used to come often?

Mm, I used to.

Lu Shi opened a box and selected guns. It was the boss who led the way just now. He used to be a professional shooter. Later, he partnered with a few shooting enthusiasts and opened this shop.

That was the boss?

Chu Yu recalled that the boss aura was indeed a bit fierce. It was said that he was engaged in professional shooting, but Chu Yu guessed it wasnt the type where he carried gunpowder fumes on his bodyA violent temper..

He was lost in thought as he pondered for a while. When he shifted his gaze, Chu Yu saw Lu Shi standing in front of a black preparatory platform, casually hanging the noise-canceling headphones around his neck and putting the protective goggles on.

The goggles had a silver frame that lined the contours of Lu Shis eyes. It looked so good to the point of being somewhat illegal.

Lu Shi stood very straight, with his head hanging down slightly, exposing a curvature of his nape.

He arranged his weapon skillfully. The black gun and his cold white fingers were particularly eye-catching. His exquisite profile lines were set off by the dim lighting in the room, appearing cold and focused.

Chu Yu took out his phone, held it up, and prepared to take a photo.

Lu Shi didnt lift his head as he asked, Candid camera?

Chu Yu appeared righteous and confident. It wasnt candid, I was blatant.

Lu Shi, who was filling the magazine with bullets, didnt continue to stop him. He lazily said, Up to you.

After Chu Yu finished taking photos and put away his phone, Lu Shi went over and buckled the headphones onto his ears.

Are the preparations done? Chu Yu was excited. Are you shooting that kind of motionless target for a while? Or a kind of more difficult, moving target?

Not so confident in me?

With nimble fingers, Lu Shi held the gun in his hand and turned it in a circle, asking Chu Yu, Which one would you like to see?

He could choose?

Chu Yu looked forward to it, answering, I want to see the handsome one!


Two minutes later, Lu Shi stood at the firing line.

Something was thrown out from afar. Only a bang was heard, immediately followed by the sound of glass exploding.

Chu Yu was shocked.

What Lu Shi shot wasnt a human-shaped target, nor a moving target, but rather a beer bottle thrown by the machine!

Holy, there was this kind of operation?

The beer bottles were thrown out without any regular pattern, the intervals in between each were different, and they even went high and low.

But when Lu Shi fired a shot, the beer bottle would always break in response.

Chu Yu looked at the broken pieces of glass and then at the cold-faced Lu Shi. He felt the adrenaline bringing up the speed of his heartbeat.

After a round, Lu Shi changed the magazine and handed the gun to Chu Yus hand. Come on.

Chu Yu, whose hands had been itchy since earlier, nodded again and again. Yes!

He stood at the firing line.

Lu Shi stood obliquely behind him.

Chu Yu felt Lu Shis hand pat his lower back. Stand straight.

Then, the hand moved to his shoulder. Level shoulders.

As he stood up properly as Lu Shi instructed, Chu Yu felt a bit hot.

When Chu Yu raised the gun and straightened his arm, Lu Shi also stretched out his hand from beside him and touched his finger that was on the trigger. More forward, its not stable like this.

The two peoples arms overlapped.

Lu Shi had pitch-black eyebrows and a sharp jawline, which produced a sense of a borderline between being a teenager and an adult.

He looked straight ahead, but his lips were close to Chu Yus ears as he wondered in a low voice, Are you hot?

Chu Yu was indeed hot.

But the air conditioner in the room was obviously working.

He found this activity a bit difficult.

Lu Shi, my hands are soft.

The author has something to say:

Heres a heart made of a bullet shell~

Putting up a small advertisement, a friends novel, modern campus danmei~

Kang Wanli knew that he was good-looking, but he never thought his face would be covered by it so strongly that hed be enthusiastically confessed to by a boy whom hed never met before.

After encountering this sort of thing during summer vacation, Kang Wanli ushered in the new semester with a huge psychological shadow. In a blink of an eye, he discovered that this person attended the same school as him!

Kang Wanlis worldview was shaken.

It turned out that the most important thing wasnt whether you could go to Peking University or not.

The important thing was: Boys must protect themselves!


Hua Ming was a second-generation slacker. The whole school knew he was handsome and rich, but little did they know that apart from being rich and handsome he was also sick.

An idiot of a man prey to his nature, a Se! Vere! Leg! Con!

Young Master Hua met an exceptional pair of beautiful legs during his summer vacation. He didnt see the face, but because his whole being was shocked, he had no appetite. Day and night he pondered upon it and his mood was at an all-time low for a long time.

Afterwards, school started and there was a new transfer student who didnt know the situation. He saw him as extremely unpleasant to the eyes. As long as there was contact, there was bound to be friction.

Young Master Hua was in an extremely bad mood and decided to teach him a lesson.

On the day of the fight, the transfer student wore school shorts and came over aggressively.

Hua Ming:  This leg???

Who can fucking stand this?5There are two implications: one is in the face of huge gaps in power, such as in-game strength gaps, and the other is in front of huge temptations, such as the temptation of large-scale seductive fan service photos and sexy female anchors. (Its probs the second one just replaced with legs)

Heres the link to the novel the author is advertising. Ive looked on NU but it hasnt been translated yet, you can ask it to be picked up anywhere~

  • 1A very dramatic explanation from Baidu: Describes how beautiful and short-lived life is, like snowflakes. No one can hold it in the palm of their hands to appreciate it carefully because it melts quickly. Life is so fast, before you could look back, youre already a hundred years old. This kind of feeling is even more so that no one understands it, and those who did understand have passed away, so you live full of loneliness, only waiting endlessly. Like snowflakes, when the weather clears, it melts silently in the sun.
  • 2Samoyed, the smiling sledge dogs, were bred for hard work in the worlds coldest locales. They are medium-sized herding dogs with thick, white, double-layer coats. They are related to the laika, a spitz-type dog. It takes its name from the Samoyedic peoples of Siberia. These nomadic reindeer herders bred the fluffy white dogs to help with herding.
  • 3Brushing face could mean paying through facial recognition, so I guess this means Lu Shi is a frequent visitor here and has close contact with the owner so hes free to come and go.
  • 4A violent temper.
  • 5There are two implications: one is in the face of huge gaps in power, such as in-game strength gaps, and the other is in front of huge temptations, such as the temptation of large-scale seductive fan service photos and sexy female anchors. (Its probs the second one just replaced with legs)


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