
Chapter 3 Awakening

For such an attractive guy, Lee Seng blended in well with the crowd of students. Most of the students ignored him, which made it easier for him to get places fast. He made his way towards the right side of the school, opposite side of the nurse's office. He passed the lunch/lobby area and made it to the other hall when he heard a familiar voice.

"That man showed up outta nowhere! He protected the scumbag and when my brother and I woke up, they were nowhere to be seen!" Jae angrily explained.

"Man, that dirt bag had someone help him? Ha, I guess the powerless must get help from the powered." A male student laughed. Jae grabbed the student and the laughter died instantly.

"He's dead this period." Jae snarled. He let go of the guy's shirt and they started to walk into the men's locker room.

'Well, I guess he got healed.' Lee Seng thought. Jae didn't show any signs of discomfort and Lee Seng knew full well what Jae's tolerance was to pain after many fights and runs. Lee Seng continued his way towards the men's locker room and opened the door. Male students were talking and changing out of their outfits and into their physical ed outfits.

Lee Seng snaked his way through the locker room, avoiding Jae and his group of friends. Nobody paid attention to Lee Seng as he passed and he was grateful for it. Most students had learned to ignore his existence. He was just a powerless after all. A very strong, fast, durable regular human. Lee Seng reached the back of the locker room. He took a right and found his locker and put his hand on it. The locker clicked and Lee Seng opened it. He began to take off his clothes and put the gray gym t-shit and black shorts on.

He stuffed his outfit in and pulled his gym shoes out and closed the locker. He turned to sit on the bench and set his shoes on the floor when Jae's voice broke the peace.

"Well, well, well. Looks like somebody finally showed up." Jae said. Lee Seng slipped his right foot into the sneaker, ignoring Jae. Jae's footsteps came closer and Lee Seng looked up. Jae was pissed off. Lee Seng looked back down at his other shoe when Jae kicked it away. "You're going to ignore me?" Jae shouted. Lee Seng stood up and turned to look at Jae. Lee Seng was slightly shorter than Jae, but the aura he held always seemed to force most people to ignore him.

"What do you want, Kang?" Lee Seng asked. Jae took a step closer trying to out-alpha Lee Seng and Lee Seng simply stood, unwavered.

"How much you pay that Biohuman? Three, four thousand creds?" (A/N: Creds shirt for credits.) Jae asked tilting his head at Lee Seng. Lee Seng rolled his eyes and turned around. He started to walk towards his shoe when Jae grabbed Lee Seng's wrist and pulled him back.Lee Seng turned and grabbed onto Jae's hand and tightened his grip.

"Let go before you have to get healed, again." Lee Seng yanked Jae's hand off and watched Jae take a step back. Lee Seng took a step forward towards Jae, taking in a deep breath. "Get over the fact you got utterly destroyed on the way to school. I don't got time for you or your brother, Kang."

Jae growled and threw a punch. Lee Seng quickly dodged it, taking a step back. Jae started to throw more punches, but Lee Seng deflected and dodged them all. Jae screamed as his arms started to light onto fire. Lee Seng became worried. He looked above him and saw the sprinklers not reacting.

"Dammit." He muttered as Jae began to throw punches at him. Lee Seng tried to dodge them, but Jae made contact with him and the flames licked his shirt. Lee Seng patted the fire out and cursed. The boys were soon surrounded by the other classmates. They were all watching.

"Why isn't the sprinklers going off?" One asked.

"They probably tampered with it again." Another answered. Jae swung his fist as Lee Seng dodged it. Jae quickly let out flames with his other hand. Flames bursted forth and everyone started to panic. Lee Seng lifted his arms to his face and felt the heat envelope him. A loud buzzing noise started ringing. Lee Seng's body flew backwards as the punch landed, sending him into his licker.

"You're pissing me off, powerless! Just die!" Jae screamed, throwing another fiery fist at Lee Seng Lee Seng felt his body start to shake and then a wave of energy pulsated outwards. The pulse flew and pushed the fire and everyone backwards into lockers. The boys were all panicking now. The locker room door swung open and three male gym teachers stepped in.

"Woah, woah, woah! What the hell is going on here?" Mr. Hodgers asked. Students began to back up and stare at Lee Seng. Lee Seng lifted himself up into his knees as he noticed the damage around them. Mr. Hodgers accessed the situation and walked over towards Jae. "What the hell are you thinking, Kang?!? You could've injured or killed people!" He grabbed Jae and pulled him up.

Mr. Carlson, the newest gym teacher, started to direct students out of the locker room. Mr. Smith walked over to Lee Seng. His emerald eyes scanning Lee Seng.

"What happened here?" Mr. Hodgers asked.

"Lee Seng started it! He didn't think beating my brother and I were enough before school and now he's finishing the job!" Jae yelled out. Lee Seng turned his head left to look at the lying snake, but Mr. Smith blocked him.

"Is that true, Lee Seng?" Mr. Smith asked. Lee Seng looked at Mr. Smith and shook his head no.

"I-I was minding my own business. My... my shoe." Lee Seng pointed. Mr. Smith looked down and saw part of Lee Seng's sneaker and sock were burnt. He turned to look at Jae and then the other teachers.

"Chang's always causin' trouble. When is this gonna end?" Mr. Hodgers asked. He glared at Lee Seng and Lee Seng just stared straight at Jae. "It's clear that he started something!" Lee Seng sighed and stood up. He started to walk towards his shoe when Mr. Smith grabbed his arm. Lee Seng stopped and turned to look at Mr. Smith. He wasn't looking at Lee Seng at all but at Jae and Mr. Hodgers.

"Hodgers, cut the bullshit. We know you don't like Chang one bit." Mr. Smith said. Mr. Carlson grabbed the shoe and walked over to Lee Seng. He handed the shoe over. Lee Seng grabbed it, thanking him before he turned to look at Jae.

"You two are always protectin' that boy and for what?!? He's just a disappointment to the Chang name anyway! He ain't got powers! Just a muscle head!" Mr. Hodgers took a step forward focusing his attention at Lee Seng. Lee Seng could feel the anger bubbling inside him. He began to take deep breaths when Mr. Hodgers continued. "A failure to the Chang name. The Creator's son is powerless and we're to hold his abandoned son in the utmost respect? Bah, it's a load of bullshit. You all know it's true!"

Lee Seng's anger flared and he started towards Mr. Hodgers but was held back by Mr. Smith.

"So what if I'm a failure and powerless?!?" Lee Seng screamed. The energy in his body was rumbling again. "At least I don't try to live with my nose up someone's ass!"

"That's it!" Mr. Hodges stepped forward.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Mr. Smith said grabbing a hold onto Lee Seng. He threw his hand up to Me. Hodges, blocking him from continuing. "Calm down!" The energy started to boil and Lee Seng cracked a wicked smile.

"You better watch your fuckin' mouth, Chang! You ain't going to make it after today." Mr. Hodgers yelled. He released Jae's arm and marched over to Lee Seng. Jae smirked at the situation and stood where he was. Mr. Carlson stepped in between Mr. Hodges and Mr. Smith, hands billowing smoke as ice began to form on his fingers.

"Hodgers, you've gone too far." Mr. Carlson said. "Enough!" Hodgers snickered.

"You think you're stronger than me?" Mr. Hodgers said. He raised his fists up as they started to turn into a metallic color. Lee Seng felt the energy shaking.

"Enough of your bullshit!" Lee Seng screamed. A blast of energy threw everyone away from Lee Seng. Metal started to bend inwards and loose items began to throw themselves away from Lee Seng. He felt the energy weighing him down as his anger bubbled over. He screamed and another wave of energy started to crush the lockers into itself. Lee Seng marched over to Hodgers. In an instant, Lee Seng felt his body stop.

"Chang, calm down!" Mr. Smith said. The immense pressure dissipated and Mr. Smith stumbled over to Lee Seng and put a hand on his shoulder. "Violence ain't gonna solve anything, son." Lee Seng's eyes shook. He felt the sobs start but held it in. His body shook.

"What the hell..." Jae muttered. His warm blood trickled down his arms and legs. "What the hell did you do!" Everyone was now focused on Lee Seng.

"Did he... awaken?" Mr. Carlson groaned.


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