Billionaire's Beloved Warm Wife

Chapter 53

Huo Dongyang returns to his villa.

As soon as I entered the door, I could smell the smell from the kitchen.

These days, he ate Qiaowei cooked rice, although the taste is not very good, but still see her heart.

Huo Dongyang went to the kitchen door and saw Qiao Wei's busy figure. His heart feels warm, is this the warmth of home?

Qiao Wei just turned around and saw Huo Dongyang standing at the kitchen door.

"You're back."

"Well!" Huo Dongyang reaches forward and holds Qiao Wei.

Qiao Wei blushed, "what's the matter?"

"Just want to hold you." Huo Dongyang said softly in Qiao Wei's ear.

Qiao Wei heart is a burst of sweet, originally this is the feeling of being spoiled and painful, really good. This is what marriage should look like!

Huo Dongyang let go of Qiao Wei, "what did you do today?"

Qiao Wei has not had time to stop Huo Dongyang, he has seen his printed menu. In fact, her cooking is really not very good. She has never thought about washing hands for anyone before.

However, all these things have become so natural after meeting Huo Dongyang, and they are willing to do it.

Huo Dongyang reached out and picked up Qiao Wei to print out the detailed process of cooking. He laughed and said, "why don't you do something simple?"

"Simple, those are not nutritious." Qiao Wei went forward and collected the recipe. "I'll be all right soon."

Huo Dongyang picked up an apron and put it on his body. "I'll help."

"No!" Said Jovi quickly. "You've just come back. You'd better have a rest! This is what I should do as a wife. "

Huo Dongyang heard from Qiao micro mouth to say his wife, action also hesitated down.

"Am I wrong?" Qiao Wei didn't realize that he was wrong.

Huo Dongyang smiles and shakes his head. Now she doesn't exclude her identity. It's good to say that she is also used to the fact that she is Mrs. Huo. The future is easy to handle.

"In our family, there is no such rule." Huo Dongyang opens his mouth. "As a husband, you can also cook for your wife. We can also share the housework. "

Qiao Wei heard, a very bright smile on her face, she jumped up to hold Huo Dongyang, "Dongyang, you are so good! I must have done a lot of good things in my last life to meet you

Huo Dongyang's face is also a smile, he put his arm around Qiao Wei's waist. "Is it?"

Qiao Wei nodded repeatedly. "Yes."

"In that case, can I ask for a reward?" Huo Dongyang's eyes flashed.

This time, Qiao Wei seems to understand Huo Dongyang's eyes at this time. She had a red face, as if the barrier between them had disappeared the other day. They have a deep desire for each other's bodies.

Qiao Wei's heart beat faster, the whole face is like a ripe apple, but she still nodded.

Huo Dongyang immediately lowered his head, without saying a word, he directly kisses Qiao Wei's delicate lips. Her lips are soft and will not let go once they are touched.

Qiao Wei also slowly responded to Huo Dongyang, she reached out to hold Huo Dongyang's waist.

They seem to forget everything and kiss in the kitchen.

Until the lid of the soup pot is pounded by the heat. Huo Dongyang reluctantly let go of Qiao Wei. He reached out and gently wiped the residual silver of Qiao Wei's mouth.

"The rest, we go on at night." With that, Huo Dongyang quickly took over the kitchen.

Qiao Wei stretched out his hand to press his heart, and even looked at Huo Dongyang's handsome back with a look of flower maniac. Such a perfect man is really his husband. This is only this, but also enough to have a dream and laugh.

They had a wonderful dinner.

After dinner, Qiao Wei took the initiative to wash the dishes. She didn't want the perfect man to get any oil stains.

"Jovi, we'll go for a walk later?"

"Good!" Jovi agreed at once. After living here for a month, she didn't go out to walk well.

Thinking of going out for a walk with Huo Dongyang, I was very happy. She quickened her movements.

Qiao Wei just sat down to change shoes, but Huo Dongyang has already squatted down to help her wear shoes.

"Dongyang, what are you doing?" Asked Jo nervously.

He is such an excellent to outstanding man, how can do such a thing! "You get up, I can do it myself."

Huo Dongyang raised his head and looked at Qiao Wei. "It's normal for a husband to help his wife. All right, let's go! "

Seeing Huo Dongyang standing up, Qiao Wei was really moved.

"Let's go!" Huo Dongyang put his hand in front of Qiao Wei.

This time, Qiao Wei held Huo Dongyang's hand without hesitation. This time, she wanted to hold his hand tightly.

Huo Dongyang quickly took Qiao Wei's hand and tightened it.

Qiao Wei follows Huo Dongyang's footsteps and walks out of the house.After they had gone far away, Xiang Qing and Nan came out of the darkness.

Xiang Qing complained, "it's really no limit to show your love every day. Don't they know that this kind of behavior is really hard on us? Even hot eyes

For the first time in the south, he said, "master, don't you think such a boss is just like a person? He and his wife have a good relationship, and we should not suffer less? "

Xiang Qing also thinks that it is reasonable to say something to the south. Recently, Huo Dongyang has really tolerated them a little, so he can speak.

"Let's keep up." Open your mouth to the south.

Xiang Qing stares at the south, "boy, now you seem to climb over my head. Who is your master?"

"You, of course!"

"Then you will listen to me!"

After nodding to the south, first step to keep up with Huo Dongyang and Qiao Wei.

"Hello Xiang Qing saw that he had already set out to the south, and he quickly caught up with him.

Huo Dongyang and Xiang Yuqing turn around in the community and come back.

"Dongyang, I will report with hd-qh in two days. What should I pay attention to?" On the way home, Qiao Wei asked Huo Dongyang.

Huo Dongyang looked at the intimate little woman holding his arm and said, "you can be normal. Qin Hao will arrange work for you then."

"I'm airborne this time. Won't other people have any complaints?" This is what Qiao Wei is worried about.

Huo Dongyang stretched out his hand and gently pinched Qiao Wei's nose, "then you will take out your own charm to conquer them!"

Huo Dongyang's words gave him great encouragement, "Dongyang, thank you!"

"We don't need to say thank you to each other!"

The two people who followed secretly seemed to have been hit ten thousand times by their conversation, which is obviously abusing dogs!

Almost to the door, Qiao Wei's mobile phone rings.

Seeing the caller ID, Qiao Wei stopped. There's a call from the Qiao family. It must be no good.

Huo Dongyang also saw that beating phone, he put out his arms around Qiao Wei, should come or come.

"Take it


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