Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 130: Venomous Snake

Chapter 130: Venomous Snake

Andrew lifts his eyebrows but remains silent.

"How about a bet?" Avery continues, "If you win, I'm at your disposal, but if I win, send me and Gabby back to Peters' house safe and sound. How's that?"

"What do you want to bet?" Andrew asks.

Avery slides the red amber into Andrew's shirt pocket. Beneath the thin fabric of the shirt, his heart pounds wildly in his chest. She doesn't know that her approach is causing the wild rhythm. The red amber seems to give off heat in response to its owner's frantic heartbeat. Avery takes a look at the jewels shielded in the glass case on the counter.

"If you're betting on jewels today, then we'll bet on them too," she says.

"How?" Andrew asks.

"We look at them and guess their weight," Andrew explains, "The person with the closest guess wins."

Identifying jewels is her strong suit thanks to years of study. She can estimate a jewel's weight just by looking at its cut and size. Andrew laughs coldly, and the disparaging sound echoes throughout the room.

Suddenly the sounds of the sexual climax fill the room. Michelle Cindy and the men are still going at it. Avery doesn't know if they've become lost in the act or if they're simply too scared to stop without Andrew's direct order. Michelle screams and her face is flushed hot pink. Andrew glances coldly at the scene and bodyguards drag the lovers from the stage.

Avery waits anxiously to see if Andrew will agree to the bet. She's afraid that he won't agree to it. Andrew suddenly lifts Avery's jaw up and looks at her as if she's a priceless jewel herself. He leans down and brushed his lips against her ear.

"Is this really what you want to bet?" he whispers.

This is the closest he's been to her since their encounter in the bathroom stall, and it's the hardest his heart has ever beaten.

"What?" she asks defiantly, "Are you scared?"

Avery takes a small step away from him. The audience behind her is still waiting for a show, and she can feel their eyes undressing her.

"It's just not a very interesting bet," Andrew says cooly.

"Then what do you have in mind?" Avery asks.

"It's a bit scary," Andrew says with a meaningful smirk, "I'm afraid you'd be frightened."

Andrew tilts his head and the mole near his eye flashes mischievously at Avery.

"If you say it, I'll do it," Avery says.

"Avery, you're the kind of woman I admire," Andrew says appreciatively.

He waves his hand and two bodyguards carry a large glass box onto the stage. Gabrielle's pupils dilate and she screams with horror. The box is filled with dozens of coiling, hissing snakes.

"Avery, snakes!" she shrieks, "So many of them!"

She's never seen so many snakes before. There are goosebumps on her arms. She instantly regrets not giving Andrew something more potent or incapacitating than the taro, banana mixture. At university, she has learned all sorts of homeopathic recipes. For example, taking bananas and sweet potatoes can cause shock, honey-dew melon and bananas can cause kidney failure, oranges and lemons can cause stomach pains, tomatoes and shrimp can cause nausea and so on. If she'd known how things would turn out, she would have done everything in her power to make Andrew eat it all. 

It's the first time Avery has seen this many snakes in one place. She feels chills creeping up her spine. As she examines the box more closely, she realizes that all of the snakes are highly venomous. There are Cobras, coral snakes, blue snakes with flat tails, long-nosed pit vipers, and banded krait. Each and every sort is lethal. Andrew flashes her an evil smile, certain of his victory.

"Do you see the silver and black one with a red band around its neck?" Andrew asks, "That's a coral snake. If you grab it with your bare hands, then I'll personally take you both home."

Avery takes a look at the box. The coral snake is lying coiled in a corner of the box. Of course, it's surrounded by other venomous snakes. She knows that the coral snake is often referred to as the king of poison. It takes between one and four hours for its venom to spread through the entire body. The mortality rate is as high as 80 percent, and it only takes one milligram of the venom to kill. 

Avery takes a deep breath. She can't imagine that Andrew really wants her to risk her life in this way, but here he is sending her straight toward death.

"What? Scared?" Andrew asks, lifting his chin up provocatively.

He hopes that the woman who fought a lion is still just as boldhe doesn't want to think that her courage was just a pretense. Avery realizes she doesn't have another choice, and she decides to call him on his bluff. Trying to fight the terror in her chest, she slowly walks toward the glass box.

"Avery, don't!" Gabrielle screams fearfully, "They're venomous. Please don't!" Gabrielle holds her breath, terrified that Avery will be bitten and killed. Avery ignores her sister's shouted warning. She's made up her mind, and it will take more than her sister's warning to change it. She inhales deeply and turns to Andrew.

"If I'm bitten and killed, please send Gabby home," she says, "No matter what happens to me, I expect you to honor our bet."

"What affectionate sisterly love!" Andrew says flirtatiously, "I'll show you how to do it first. Watch and learn."

Avery hopes Andrew will honor their terms. She thinks of the new poison in her body. She doesn't know if she'll ever be properly cured, and if she doesn't see Charles soon she may die anyway. An evilly handsome face suddenly appears in Avery's mind.

"Would he be upset if I were dead?" she wonders, "Maybe he would forget me quickly and move on with Diana."

Andrew knows how to catch a snake expertlyhe's been doing it for years. He strides over to the glass box with confidence. He lowers his hand into the box and wiggles a finger in front of one of the snakes to catch its attention. While keeping his finger at a safe distance, he reaches his other hand into the box to grab the distracted snake's head.

Gabrielle covers her eyes with her hands. The snake coils its tail around Andrew's arm and squeezes as tightly as it can. The audience applauds loudly.

"Wow, Andrew, cool!" the guests shout.

Avery feels annoyed by Andrew's cocky display. She knows she won't be able to imitate him, and she feels like she's walking right into death's trap. She begins to question her motives for agreeing to his absurd bet.

"If you can't be sure, grab the snake by its tail and then swirl or shake it," Andrew advises, "Just don't give it a chance to turn around toward you. Do as I do."

Andrew demonstrates by grabbing the snake's tail with one hand and releasing its head with the other. He moves his arm in a circular motion, making it impossible for the snake to lift its head and bite him. Avery bites her lip and closes her eyes in resignation. She tries to take a deep breath but something seems to be blocking her throat.

Andrew throws the snake back into the box. Then he takes a few steps back until he's standing behind her. He provocatively wraps an arm around her waist. Andrew's sudden move aggravates Avery's nervousness, and her body stiffens.


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