Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 128: Confused Voice

Chapter 128: Confused Voice

Avery knew that Andrew wanted Gabrielle for some sinister purpose, and now she knows just what that purpose is.

"No way!" she thinks, "I won't allow this to happen. I must find Gabrielle."

Avery looks at the bar and sees that a winner has already been declared. Unexpectedly, Mr. Clifford's blood amber wins, with a majority of the votes. The men call in the "Queen of Gems." Though it's not the nicest stone, the men have voted for it because they want to see it baptized in virgin's blood. Avery looks around the room, but she still can't find Gabrielle.

"Oh!" someone whistles, "What a beautiful woman!"

"Is she a beautiful virgin who will be fucked?" asks a man, "Will her blood water the gemstone?"

"She's not the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, but she's not bad," says a woman in the crowd.

Through the smoke and haze, Avery sees a beautiful woman wearing a silk cheongsam style dress appear on stage. The woman has black curly hair and long, fake eyelashes. Her lips are bright red. When the light reaches her mouth, it looks almost bloody.

Avery is confused. She was expecting the woman to be Gabrielle, but she's shocked to see Michelle Cindy.

"Why is she here?" Avery wonders, "I thought Robert broke her ribs recently. Moreover, is Michelle Cindy really a virgin?"

Although she is confused, she has no interest in wondering about Michelle. She knows that the most important and urgent task is finding Gabrielle. She walks toward the door by the stairs but finds that it has been locked. She kicks and slams on the door, but it doesn't even budge in its frame.

She looks at the stage again. She knows that there must be a concealed entrance by the stage that Andrew and Michelle used. She returns to her corner and waits for the secret entrance to be revealed to her.

Wearing her sexy and flimsy dress, she rolls her hips and undulates her body as she walks across the stage. Just like a snake, she crawls into Andrew's arms and wraps herself around his body. The spotlight suddenly reveals that a small bed with white sheets and a velvet sofa have been placed on the left side of the stage. The crowd cheers and whistles.

"Mr. Clifford, Mr. Clifford, Mr. Clifford" the men chant Andrew's name admiringly.

"Mr. Clifford," Michelle says seductively.

She puts her delicate hand on Andrew's chest and touches him gently. He throws her onto the small bed, but instead of walking towards her, he claps his hands twice. Two fierce and muscled men appear on the stage holding a girl wearing a sexy nurse costume. The men are wearing nothing but tight-fitting underwear. Everyone in the crowd is shocked.

"What's the matter?" they ask, "Why is there another woman?"

Avery can barely hear them. As soon as she saw the woman, a dull roar began in her ears because the woman is Gabrielle. She sees that Gabrielle's hands have been handcuffed together, and she sees the fear and anxiety in her little sister's eyes. She struggles to free herself from the men, but she's no match for them.

The two men push Gabrielle into Andrew's arms and then cross the stage toward Michelle Cindy. They violently rip Cindy's dress off of her body, exposing her black lace underwear and white body in the dim light. The crowd holds their breath in excited anticipation, waiting to see what exciting things will happen next.

"What's wrong?" someone shouts, "Will Mr. Clifford fuck the virgin in private instead?"

Andrew sits on the sofa and holds Gabrielle tightly in his arms. He lights a cigarette peacefully and calmly blows smoke into Gabrielle's face.

"She is so inexperienced and has never had a relationship with another man," Andrew says to the crowd, "We should teach her how to arouse a man's desire first, no?"

All of the men in the crowd laugh sexually. Avery clenches her fists and digs her nails into her palms. She always suspected that Andrew Clifford was a bad man, but she never guessed that he was so twisted and disgusting. She wants to rush onto the stage to stop it, but she knows she can't. Everyone in the crowd is one of Andrew's guests, and it would be dangerous for her if they felt she was ruining their entertainment or threatening their host.

She tries to endure, keeping her eyes away from the bed where the men are fucking Michelle. Instead, she looks nervously at Gabrielle. Gabrielle clearly doesn't want to watch such a filthy scene, but Andrew holds her chin and forces her to look.

"If you learn now, the next part will be better for you," Andrew says to her.

Gabrielle feels like Andrew's grip might deform her chin. Instead of struggling, she closes her eyes and counts the seconds in her head. She wonders why Andrew hasn't had to go to the bathroom since drinking the entire cup of juice.

"Was the recipe wrong?" she wonders, "If he doesn't get diarrhea, I only have one option left to me."

"Open your eyes!" Andrew commands.

Gabrielle keeps her eyes shut tight. Even with her eyes shut, she can hear the man and woman gasping and moaning.

"How can anyone be so perverted?" she wonders, "How can they do that in public? Aren't they ashamed?"

"If you don't open your eyes, I will throw you into the snake hole," Andrew hisses.

Gabrielle is terrified of snakes. As soon as Andrew makes the threat she opens her eyes, but she finds herself wishing she was blind. The scene is quite pornographic. One man is making love with Michelle and the other man stands nearby while Michelle sucks his dick.

Gabrielle feels disgusted. She tries to vomit and wants to spit on Andrew, but she hasn't eaten enough to force herself to be sick.

"She's so nave that she feels uncomfortable when seeing this scene," laughs a woman in the crowd.

"Mr. Clifford chose a good woman," says a man, "It's a pity that my gemstone wasn't the bestI'd love to make that woman mine."

Avery wants to clap her hands over her ears to block out the disgusting conversations about her sister, but she's afraid of doing anything too conspicuous. She continues to keep her head bowed and tries to avoid the light.

"Hey, what is Mr. Clifford going to do?" someone shouts.

Avery looks up in time to see Andrew throw Gabrielle onto the sofa before he rushes off the stage. Avery is confused, she doesn't notice Gabrielle's expression. As soon as Andrew dropped her, she closed her eyes again. In spite of the filthy scene playing out in front of her, she's smiling. 

She hears the confused voices of the crowd and tries to keep her smile from growing bigger. She's the only one that knows that Andrew Clifford has just run to the bathroomthe juice has finally taken effect. She closes her eyes and hopes the effects of the juice will be long-lasting. Here hopes are disappointed when Andrew returns ten minutes later, looking paler than normal.

Andrew sits down on the sofa and then shifts Gabrielle beneath him so his body is pressing down onto hers. Without anger, he places his hand on the side of her neck.

"Did you add something into the juice?" he asks.

Gabrielle's face suddenly turns pale; she never thought he'd suspect her. 


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