Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 127: 127: A Different Kind of Selfie (Second Update)

Chapter 127: Chapter 127: A Different Kind of Selfie (Second Update)

Wang Tiechen’s visit with his wife ended in failure.

But they didn’t take Feng Jun’s threats to heart. To let Jubaozhai go down with them? Did he still think he was the mayor of Zhengyang City?

In reality, Feng Jun was fuming with rage. God damn it, how dare they openly show defiance in front of me and declare their intent to protect someone?

He was so angry that he lost interest in practicing Tun Na. After returning to his villa, he took out his mobile phone, intending to make a call.

But then he thought about the social connections he had in Zhengyang City and dejectedly set the phone down again.

Useless. No one can stop a lunatic like this, not Zhang Wei, not Sister Hong.

Xu Leigang might have been a bit useful, but the Xu Family had been declining. Such a favor would be one less to call upon in the future.

In fact, ever since he revealed a little secret to Fatty Xu, he had decided not to turn to the Xu Family for trivial matters. Otherwise, it would be difficult to refuse their requests for the Cultivation Technique—he was, after all, a man of his word.

Strictly speaking, the Cultivation Technique wasn’t completely forbidden to share, but obviously, the conditions were not yet ripe.

Moreover, in Feng Jun’s plan, he counted on Xu Leigang to withstand the pressure from the capital. It was hardly worth it to use such assistance, meant for the likes of Ye Shao and Young Master Dou, on something as trivial as Jubaozhai.

His fingers moved unconsciously across the screen of his phone until, accidentally, he saw the icon for the Bullfighting Live Streaming APP.

Wang Weimin couldn’t have already been released, could he? Feng Jun opened the Bullfighting Live Streaming and found Jingjing’s room.

The host wasn’t online, butthat didn’t matter to Feng Jun. His lefthand didn’t hesitate to tap—his wrist’s Stone Ring had plenty of charge, and wasting one or two uses was not a big deal.

The moment he entered the phone and found the camera, he was startled: What the hell, it’s this sort of thing?

The sweet and aloof “I am Jingjing” was lying naked on a large bed, kissing a likewise naked man. (The details of this scene cannot be described, as the relevant authorities have stated that cultivation novels are not shields against censorship.)

Put simply, the layout of the room suggested that it was a hotel, and the room Jingjing was in was at least a deluxe double room—undoubtedly high-class.

What puzzled Feng Jun the most was that Jingjing’s phone camera was positioned directly towards the large bed. The angle chosen for the scene was just… too much, crystal clear and revealing everything.

With Teacher Chen before and Shou Shou among them, now… you dare to engage in this kind of selfie?

As it turned out, not only did they dare, but they also seemed quite excited about it.

Feng Jun felt somewhat… anxious! Yes, he was just a bit anxious: Show your face, damn it!

Buttheman stubbornly kept his face hidden. After playing around for nearly ten minutes, he still hadn’t shown his head.

Feng Jun didn’t think there was anything wrong with spying, finding it slightly thrilling, but he didn’t have a peeping fetish. After watching for a long time, he became truly anxious. Dude, I really don’t want to watch anymore, nowhere near as good as Ni Hong’s action movies.

This goes without saying, as Ni Hong’s action movies have photographers. Jingjing’s phone was just set up there to film—although the angle was quite good, the camera was fixed and didn’t move, so many scenes were not well- captured.

Feng Jun had only one thought: Show your face so I can see if you are Wang Weimin!

Then, when the man turned his face, Feng Jun finally saw it. Although it was just a fleeting glimpse, he was certain: Oh, so it’s not Wang Weimin.

Not Wang Weimin, yet brazenly intimate with Jingjing—obviously, the young master of Jubaoge hadn’t been released from the detention center.

Just as Feng Jun was about to exit, his vision blurred, and another figure appeared: God damn it, there’s another man?

He couldn’t bother to consider why this man didn’t use Jingjing’s phone to film but instead scrutinized carefully…

This man…

However, to see this face clearly, Feng Jun waited for more than ten minutes.

By the time he exited, the second round had begun on the other end, but that was irrelevant to him.

He only needed to know that neither was Wang Weimin, and that was enough.

After exiting, he lit a cigarette and pondered while smoking.

Then, he accidentally saw the battery life of his phone… Hey, why is there only fifteen percent left?

Keep in mind that when he entered the phone space, the battery seemed to be over sixty percent—at least, it was above fifty percent.

Where had all that battery gone?

He subconsciously looked at the time on his phone, and he was taken aback again. I’m pretty sure it was eleven o’clock when I went in.

Now…how could it be half past eleven?

For Feng Jun, this was a momentous event.

He had always believed that once he entered the mobile space, time on the outside would stand still.

Now time could actually pass, no longer stagnant, didn’t this mean there was a serious problem? Could it be that the author changed the setting?

Feng Jun took a deep breath, walked to the window, and pushed it open to clear his head, but accidentally saw… that the ground outside was wet!

He looked up and saw that a fine drizzle had started to fall from the sky.

Yes, it was a drizzle, not a downpour!

When he had entered the house earlier, it had been overcast but not raining.

Now the fine rain had wet the ground, clearly, this was not something that happened in just a few minutes.

It seemed he really had stayed in the mobile space for that long.

Feng Jun had intended to enter the mobile space again to verify his speculation, but now he could save the energy points that would have been spent. Of course, he had to admit that without a woman around, watching others doing that thing, he felt somewhat that thing too.

He plugged in his mobile phone to charge and sat silently: Why did this happen?

Last time, he had also entered jingjing’s live broadcast room. Why hadn’t he noticed the passage of time?

He thought it over carefully and vaguely remembered that last time, through Jing Jing’s camera, he had recognized Wang Weimin in a plaid shirt at first glance, then left without staying much longer.

Since the time was very short, it was normal not to feel the passage of the outside world’s time.

As he pondered more deeply, he vaguely grasped a clue: After entering the cultivation space, that space was unconnected with the real society, and there should be some isolation belts between the two planes, where time did not affect each other.

Entering applications like QQ.Farm probably didn’t have much impact, as one was the real world and the other a data space.

But when he observed the external space through the camera, there was a problem: the timings of both were synchronized.

It made no sense for him to be still in the same time he just left with Jing Jing and the two men—if that were to happen, the timeline of the real world would be twisted.

He felt his guess was probably close to reality.

But in the end, he decided to test his hypothesis because this discovery could potentially save his life.

Considering that moving in and out of the space wasn’t easy, he planned to do several tests at once.

First, he took out his camera, fixed it on a tripod, and aimed it at himself.

Then he took out a portable charger, unplugged the charging phone, and connected it to the charger—indeed, the new Zhongxia phone charged quickly, having risen from fifteen to forty percent already.

After that, he carried over three woven bags of silver coins, each bag containing a thousand coins and weighing a hundred kilograms; three bags totaled up to six hundred jins (approximately 300kg).

Finally, he picked up another Zhongxia mobile phone, pocketed it, clutched the three woven bags with his right hand, tapped the phone on the table with his left, and said, “Let’s go~”

The next moment, he arrived at the mobile plane, just like when he left, still in that thatched hut filled with jade, with the faint smell of smoke that had not yet dispersed in the room.

Despite having stayed in the real world for so long, having experienced so much, and even becoming a billionaire, in this plane, time was still, as if nothing had happened at all.

For a moment, Feng Jun felt somewhat dazed, almost experiencing a feeling akin to “Huang Liang’s dream”. This sense of dislocation in time and space was indeed a test on one’s nerves.

Before he entered this plane, he had planned to just do a test and leave, but witnessing all this, he couldn’t help standing up, straightened his clothes, and walked out of the room.

Lang Zhen was sitting on a stone, smoking a cigarette and talking to Deng Lao Er. Seeing him come out, Lang Zhen immediately froze, his mouth agape, the cigarette falling to the ground without him noticing.

Deng Lao Er, curious at his reaction, turned his head and also took a sharp intake of breath, “Your hair…”

After returning to the real world, Feng Jun had cut his long hair to a buzz cut, which had started to grow back a bit. But to them, the change was astonishing: How could your hair change like this just by staying in the house for a while?

In fact, Feng Jun’s clothes had also changed, but compared to the change in hair style, that was nothing to scoff at—in this plane, no one cut their hair, adhering to the belief that hair and skin were inherited from one’s parents.

Feng Jun knew the source of their astonishment, but he didn’t intend to explain. Instead, he cleared his throat and asked, “Lang, how many silver coins do you have left?”

“Still have fifty-three,” replied Lang Zhen respectfully and also suggested, “Should we exchange more for gold leaves?”

Their stone collecting had depleted a lot of money, and the number of people selling stones was increasing. Fifty-something silver coins might not last until tomorrow—it definitely wouldn’t last past the day after tomorrow.

Just then, a small figure ran over from a distance; it was the little girl Feifei. She shouted loudly, “Someone is coming, I saw them carrying three big stones.”

Feng Jun and Lang Zhen exchanged a glance, while Deng Lao Er slapped his forehead in distress, “Oh man, can we even make it through today?”


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