Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[981] – Y04.081 – A Father’s Worries

[981] – Y04.081 – A Father’s Worries

“Adam,” Jurot called. “Let us fight in the nightval tournament.”

“You want to go to the tournament this year?” Adam asked.



“I wish to win the tournament for my son,” Jurot replied simply.

Adam closed his eyes. ‘Isn’t my brother the cutest?’ His eyes then opened, falling upon his wife, and his sister in law. The pair were still tired, and needed the time off, but also, wouldn’t they need their husbands at this time?

“Vonda,” Adam said, a while later, needing some time to think before could give Jurot a firm reply. “What do you think? Jurot… he wants to win the tournament. He can do it, but…” Adam frowned. “I mean, I came third, and I want to get first place too, but… you just gave birth, you and Pam.”

“I will be fine in the Iyr, Adam.”

“Yeah, but, if we go now, we can make the tournament. We can win, sure. Travelling back during the Twilight Month? It’s dangerous. I don’t think we should travel back during it, and…” Adam frowned deeper. “What kind of husband would I be if I missed our first anniversary? What kind of brother would I be if I allowed Jurot to miss his first anniversary with Pam? What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t help him go?”

Vonda reached out to Adam’s face, brushing it tenderly, smiling warmly towards him. ‘How can my husband be this cute?’

“Vonda, you should be thinking I’m handsome,” Adam said, fairly certain she could understand her eyes.

“You are always so handsome, dear.”

“Yeah, that’s right,” Adam replied, huffing with pride. “I am handsome.”

“You should go. I will be fine here, in the business.”


“You must win and bring back glory for your children. Jirot, she often mentions how you are third place, what will Virot think as she listens to her sister’s words?” Vonda joked, smiling wide.

“You’re right. If Jirot keeps bullying me like this, Virot will also bully me. It’s already difficult enough to handle one, but now, there are two of them!” Adam said, changing his voice slightly, smiling wide, only to frown. ‘Right. I should explain my references to her when they come up.’

“What an interesting story,” Vonda said, seeing how much joy the tale brought to her husband, even if he wasn’t explaining it that well. “So the father, to protect his son, killed the greatest evil and redeemed himself? Did he not kill thousands, upon thousands, of people? He was almost as evil, but because he killed the greatest evil to protect his son, he was considered good?”

“Okay, I get that he killed a lot of people, and… okay, so he killed them all, the men, the woman and the children too, but… then he kept killing more children, but look, it was the…” Adam paused. “I completely agree with you actually, but it’s still a cool universe.”

Vonda wasn’t certain she could trust such a force of magic that was so… weird.

‘I should make one in this world,’ Adam thought. ‘No, that would be silly, and difficult.’ Adam realised how many things he had done that were already silly and difficult. ‘Yes, but this is different. It would be cool, though.’

Adam spent his time walking through the business, mulling over his thoughts. The silliness within his thoughts faded, and a seriousness overtook him.

‘Seriously, my seventh child is the only one I don’t really need to worry about, except for all the people that was to kill her because she’s a half elf.’ Adam groaned. ‘Seriously, how is it that my child, a half elf, is the one least likely to be hunted?’

“He’s thinking of such thoughts again?” Korin shook his head lightly, unsure of how Adam could do it.

“He is always thinking such thoughts,” Dunes said.

“He will think himself to death.” Korin chuckled, but stopped upon seeing the harsh look within Dunes’ eyes.

Mana: 25 -> 22
Spell: Sending

“Lord Marshal Royce, we will be heading to the North soon. May I send word to the King for the favour he owes? Thank you.”

‘You may.’

Mana: 22 -> 19
Spell: Sending

“King Merryweather, I am messaging you for the promise owed. Please make it illegal in your Kingdom to kill goblins and demons. Thank you.”

Adam had felt the spell leave him, but he heard no response. ‘Ah, right, Jurot did say he may have been warded.’

Meanwhile, Lucy bothered Jurot.


“You can’t refu-, what?”


“We can go?”


“…” Lucy exchanged a look with Mara, before looking back at Jurot. “Oh. Okay.”

Jurot nodded.

Adam finally met with Jurot. The pair stared into one another’s eyes. Adam and Jurot clasped forearms.

“First place,” Adam stated.


“I need to… I need to finish up with a few things first.”


Adam invited Morkarai to his personal house within the inner fort, pouring the fire giant a drink, before flavouring it with his magic. Morkarai sipped along it, before smiling, tasting the fruit from slightly north of his mountains.

“Lord Morkarai, I have another request for you.”

“If it is within my power.”

“It is.” Adam smiled.

Once he was done asking Prince Morkarai for his request, the same request he had made of the giant for his daughter, Adam went to his Aunt, before pausing. He turned his head, looking to his eldest daughter, who was lazing about in the cool air of nightval, the girl peeking towards her father. Upon noting he was looking at her, she began to stand, and shuffled her way to him, her younger siblings following her.

“Konarot, let’s talk alone.”

“Okay,” the girl said, holding her father’s hands as they walked off to the side, her tail swaying from side to side.

“I want you to take this letter.”

“I read it?”

“No. You cannot. It’s for mummy.”


“I know. I want you to give it to mummy. She will read it. It’s really important to daddy. Can you do it?”


“Now listen to me. You can’t give it today. You have to give it on a very special day, nana will tell you. You cannot lose it, so let’s put it somewhere with nana, yeah?”


“Konarot…” Adam embraced the girl tight, unable to look at the scar around her eye. “Oh, my Konarot. The world was cruel to you, so I understand why you had to grow up so quickly.” Adam planted a firm kiss on her cheek. “It’s okay. Daddy will protect you. Mummy will protect you too.”


Adam pulled her in close. He shut his eyes, holding the girl close, smelling the scent of the Iyr’s oils upon her. “Konarot. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, daddy.”

“Oh!” Adam kissed her face all over, and the girl hugged her father, feeling his strong arms wrap around him.

Adam and Sonarot helped the girl hide the letter, by putting it in a place she could remember with some ease, though was somewhere her mother couldn’t find it, which was pretty easy to figure out, since they could use Jaygak’s house.

Later in the evening, Adam embraced his wife, holding her close. “You can’t miss me too much, dear.”

“I will try.”

“I’ll miss you so much.”

“You should try not to?” Vonda teased.

“You know me.”

It was the next morning when they had all prepared, even bringing along Sky, Mighty, and Wolfy along with them. Adam brushed Kit’a and Jay’a, the wolves each hard at work hunting nearby, bringing back plenty of meat, but also assisting the various villages nearby.

“Executive…” Rick called, approaching the half elf.

“What do you need?”

“They say you intend to place first.”

“I do.”

“Would you be willing to bet on our behalf?”

Adam smiled. “Alright. I’ll bet some money. What do you want to bet on exactly?”

“Whatever you feel is best.”

“You might lose your bet.”

“We can spare the coin, but I doubt we will lose.”

“Gambling sometimes goes wrong. Never know, might be another me out there.” Adam winked.

Rick closed his eyes, praying that wasn’t the case.

“Papa, you are taking Sky?” Lanarot asked, pouting. She had wanted to play with Sky all year, but Sky had always been too busy.

“We are,” Adam replied, dropping to a knee, brushing the girl’s cheek. “We’re heading north, and the wolves are going to help.”

“I help too!”

“You have to stay here, and help mummy, and your kakos, and your nieces and nephews, yeah?”

“I can do it,” Lanarot assured, holding up her fists. “You leave it to me! I do it!”

“That’s right!” Adam embraced his sister, holding her close. ‘Just you wait, my dear sister, we’ll bring you back something good too.

Adam then checked on each of his children, hugging them one by one, giving each kisses too.

“Konarot, you must look after your siblings, okay?”


“Kirot, Karot, you have to help your older sister, okay?”



Jirot waited, full of pride, ready for her task.

‘Should I bully her?’ Adam failed his Wisdom Save against his daughter voluntarily, though he was certain he had no choice. “You must look after mummy and kako, okay?”


“Jarot, you too.”

“Okay, daddy…”





“Just grow up slowly, happy and healthy.” Adam held the boy close, kissing his forehead. ‘What am I to do with you?’


Adam also said goodbye to the rest of his companions, teasing them all. He also said goodbye to the children, including Ranya and Merry, even though they wouldn’t remember him.

“I don’t give you permission to grow up too quickly either, but I’ll forgive you, since you’re so cute,” Adam said to both, minutes apart.

“Mister Adam,” called the stilted magical voice. “Good luck.”

“Thank you,” Adam replied, ruffling George’s hair.

George flushed, glad Fred had encouraged him to say goodbye.

“Fred,” Adam called, before nodding his head.

Fred returned the head nod.

“Elsie…” Adam dropped to a knee before her. “We’re going to head to East Port first. Is there anything you want us to bring back?”

“Um.” Elsie thought. “Rammy.”


“He’s my friend.”

“I’m not sure I can bring Rammy back, but is there a gift you want?”

“Um.” She thought. “I want…”


“I don’t know.”

“I’ll get you something nice, don’t worry.” Adam winked, before checking on his companions.

Prince Morkarai and Adam also shared a moment, clasping each other’s forearms. Adam bowed his head, and Morkarai returned it.

“Make sure you invite me to your wedding too.”

“I will,” the Prince assured.

As they finished their preparations to leave, Adam paused. “Jirot.”

“Daddy!” Jirot charged up to her father, standing tall and ready for mischief.

“I will definitely come first place.”

“Smelly boy,” Jirot replied, cackling. “You are third place!”

“I might be third place in your heart, but… daddy will be first place! I’m going to win, okay?”

“Daddy! You must bully babo when you go!”

“I’m the one whose meant to ask you that!” Adam lifted the girl up, smothering her with kisses.

“Daddy…” Little Jarot stared up at his father, with those large and round amber eyes.

“You too!” Adam smothered his son with kisses too, while the triplets watched.

Lucy allowed him to adore his children another time before they left, since he was going to be cringe if he didn’t get his fill of them now. ‘Since I got to say goodbye to them already, I’ll allow it.’

“Jirot, you must bully your babo too, okay?”

Jirot looked to her greatfather, who held out his hand, and the girl rushed over to grab it, giggling delightfully.

“Jababy! You have to bully your babo!”

Little Jarot looked up to his greatfather shyly, before hiding beside his leg, hugging it.

‘Et tu, Jarot?’ Adam reached for his heart. “I’m only forgiving you this once because you’re so cute!”

The old Jarot’s laughter almost drowned out the well wishes of the children.

“Come home safely!” shouted the children, except for the usual suspect.

“You must say it,” Jarot said, ruffling her hair. “You must.”


“Jirot,” Sonarot called.

“Come home safely!” the girl screamed, causing even Jarot to wince, though he was proud of her lungs.

‘Yes! She is my greatdaughter!’

As the group made their way out, with the wolves taking turns in the cart, Adam stared out at the sky. “Okay. I’m going to take it seriously. Just for this season, I’m going to take it seriously.”

“Okay,” Jurot said. He glanced to the side, to the half elf staring at the world ahead of them. He noted how dark his eyes were, and how focused they had become. ‘…’

Adam remained focus on the text before his eyes. ‘…’

XP: 16 700 -> 16 000

What? They're leaving, this late in the year? Where's my slice of life? No! 


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