Beware Of Chicken Alternate Universe: Soaring Heaven's Isle

Soaring Away From Heaven

Soaring Away From Heaven

Bailu awoke to the sound of somebody picking at the strings on a pipa, and the sound of her Young Masters Harmonic Wind Tines. It was a slow, almost mournful thing, he was playing.

...Well all raise our voices, a song in our hearts

And set our eyes on distant shores, with wind in our sails once more.

She liked the song. It was peaceful, and it was good because her entire body hurt. Which was no wonder because she had fought Elder Minyan

Bailus eyes snapped open, her heart in her throat. She was laying on an unfamiliar bed, in the cabin of Ningjing. The moon shone through the porthole, and she could see a floating island nearby. They were still in Soaring Heavens Archipelago.

Ah. They had failed. So that was why the Young Masters song sounded so melancholic. Bailu felt bile crawl up her throat. She couldnt do anything right, could she?

She was somewhat surprised when she felt a comforting touch of Qi on her own, Ningjing brushing against her. It was kindness and comfort she ill deserved, when her Young Master was clearly going to suffer.

Bailu slowly sat up, her head spinning. Using her full power always made her feel like shit after, but Elder Minyan had frozen her before she could start using her Vital Qi.

She was a little surprised she wasnt in a dungeon, if she was honest. Or dead. That had been the expectation, after all.

Beside her, Seiyu groaned, sitting up as well. Young Master, she whispered, her eyes full of shame.

There'll be cheering and calling.

No more squabbling and brawling

When we have the wind in our sails.

Through some unspoken signal, both of them stood, walking towards the open cabin door. They walked through, one after the other, into the night. The moon shone brightly, and a gust of wind teased Bailus hair, blowing off the ocean to the north.

And there, sitting with his legs dangling off the bow, was her Young Master. His back was to them, as he played his song, Bi De upon his shoulder but Elder Minyan was nowhere to be seen.

Were at the edge ring? Seiyu whispered, as she looked at where they were and Bailus own eyes widened at the orbit of tiny floating rocks, most no bigger than a fistthe outer boundary of the Archipelago.

There'll be feasting and pleasure.

No more rationing and measure.

When we have the wind in our sails.

The song slowly petered out, as their Young Master took a breath, and then turned.

Bailu. Seiyu. he greeted them, sitting on the edge of the ship. Bi De hopped off his shoulder, and to Bailus surprise, the rooster bowed to them both.

Young Masterwhat happened? Bailu asked. Were they to be imprisoned? As things stood right now, nothing made sense.

The young man smiled, slightly amused. He put his pipa down, and took a breath. Well. After you got frozen, some stuff happened and Elder Minyan exiled me from the Sect.

Bailus mind screeched to a halt at his words. Exiled?! But. but that meant

We arent allowed to come back until we have a treasure worthy of lifting our punishment. So we have to go looking, long and far, for something like that. Across the world, I would say. Their Young Master mused, as he smiled, the wind tousling their hair. His smile was radiant.

That meant they had actually won. They had stood against Elder Minayn and done it. Bailu looked towards her friend. A wide smile was crawling across Seiyus face. Something happy and bubbly rose in Bailus chest. They had actually done it!

Bailu and Seiyu threw their arms up in the air and cheered, hugging each other and laughing. Their Young Master was free!

So? Where are we going? Phoenix Rest Plains?! Bailu asked, as she grinned.

Or perhaps the Glittering Sea? Seiyu asked, her eyes sparkling. The horizon just seemed so big all of a sudden.

Both of them turned to their lord, expecting his destination. But while he was still smiling at them, it looked brittle. He was clearly nervous, and he swallowed thickly.

There's something you both need to know, before anything else. The truth. You deserve that much. He said, as he looked away from them both. Im not Tianzhe Minyans son. My actual name is Jin Rouand my grandfather asked her to take care of me.

Bailu and Seiyu froze at those words.

He told them a story. A story of an orphan boy, who caught the attention of a wandering cultivator, who trained him and then sent him to Minyan, trusting her to take care of him.

He was hidden away, and was meant to stay that way until two fools smashed into his island, and nearly killed him.

Through their words they forced Minyan to claim him as her son.

It certainly explained a lot. How he wasnt very Young Master-like at all. His kindness, and his willingness to put up with them. How he refused to take advantage of anything.

And yet he was their Young Master. Bailu and Seiyu had lived with him for a year, and she was certain his personality, what he was like, wasnt an act. He was their kind Young Master. He put up with their antics. He had managed to help Seiyu with her cultivation.

Every night, they danced with him, and sang with him and Bailu wasnt even sure if this revelation was completely right.

While he may not have been Elder Minyans bloodShe had stopped for him. She had forgiven him for attacking her. She had let him go.

And most of allaround their Young Masters neck was a pendant that hadnt been there before she had gotten frozen. Bailu had seen around her Ladys neck. It was a constant fixture, the one thing on her that wasnt absolutely elegant and refined, and made of the basest of materials.

From a chord necklace hung a small chunk of quartz, inexpertly worked, and polished lightly; A gift Elder Minyans brother had given to her, the year before he died.

He wasnt Minyans blood. But he was more than some orphan.

Their Young Master was still their Young Master. No matter his past.

He was looking away from them when he finished.

Young Master Seiyu whispered, clearly at a loss for words.

Resolve suddenly came over him, and he looked back up at Bailu and Seiyu.

Elder Minyan gave me one last thing, before she left. He said, and reached into his pocket to pull out something they were both familiar with.

Our servitude contract? Bailu asked, seeing the open scroll. Ten thousand years of indentured servitude, for nearly slaying their Young Master. Signed in their own blood at the bottom.

Bailu. Seiyu. Their Young Master addressed each of them. My wish was for freedom, and you were both willing to die for that. To hold you in bondage after that is wrong.

The contract was ripped in half in a single stroke.

Thank you for everything youve done. I truly appreciate the time we have spent together. He told them earnestly, and he lowered his head so that he was bowing to them. But on this journey Im about to go onI dont need people who say theyre living on borrowed time. I dont need anyone who cant enjoy the world were about to see to its fullest.

Bailu didnt know what to say, as their Young Master rose to his full height from his bow. Did... did this mean he didnt want them to come with him? Was this the end of their time together?

What I do need is a crew and some friends, to share the journey with. People who come along not because they have to but because they want to.

Bailu felt the smile start to form on her face. He cared for them. Just as they cared for him.

Bailu had never been the best priestess. The lectures and the sermons about the Dragon Ancestor were so boring. But there was one thing she knew, that the old spirit of the Dragon liked to say:

Some things were fate.

What else could she say to Rous question? After he put his trust so completely in them?

Bailu got down on one knee, and put her hand over her fist. Beside her, Seiyu did the same.

Lanlong Bailu pledges her allegiance to her captain.

Wakokukin Seiyu pledges her allegiance to her Senchou.

Your wings will follow, wherever you may fly. they chorused.

He was their captain; he was their young master; he was their little brother.

And theyd follow him until the end.

Rou turned to look at them, the wind making his ponytail dance in the breeze. His eyes were full of relief, and affection.

The dawn broke behind him, illuminating him in gold.

Then let's go! The wind wants us to the north! Let out the sail, and haul to it! he shouted.

Yes, Captain!

They did as he bid, Ningjing releasing her roots from where she had anchored herself to a small island. The wind surged, bringing the promise of freedom.


Minyans eyes were on the horizon, the Thousand Li view letting her watch the Ningjing depart. There was no sound, by Minyans design. What was said on that ship was private, and between Rou and the Storm Wings yet she couldnt help but smile slightly, as the girls embraced Rou, the contract disintegrating now that its purpose was fulfilled.

Well. A true man was never a hypocrite, and it was good that her Rou wasnt.

Well. I suppose thats one way to do things. Lili mused from her seat. Song just had her arms crossed, while Xiaobao looked at the slowly disappearing skyship.

The Storm Wings and Minyan certainly hadnt been subtle during their battle. Half the Sect had to be placated with Minyan telling them it was just a training exercise.

Her fellow Elders had needed a bit more placating, however. Song and Lili had both been utterly furious that she had just let the ship go, and it had nearly come to blows. Yet they had allowed her to explain, and after she was finished, some of the fire had faded.

Minyan let out a little sigh, as she remembered her conversation with Rou on the ship.


She was seated beside Rou on the side of the ship, both their legs dangling off the side. Rou was petting Bi De, the rooster having nearly lost consciousness from her mere presence, and was only just now reawakening. The bold little beast had still tried to get in front of her and Rou, but while his Spirit had been willing, a single step forwards had sent him sprawling.

Her boy had won the loyalty of the Storm Wings, who Minyan had thawed and put to rest, as well as a Spirit Beast.

She returned her attention to Rou as he spoke. Their shoulders were touching slightly, and Rou kept stealing glances at her, even as he explained to her why he had chosen to run.

She had obviously surprised him at the endyet his eyes had softened, and the look he had given her made her feel quite warm, even if she would never show it.

So. It needs freedom? she asked, and Rou nodded.

I probably could have explained things butit was overwhelming. I needed to go.

Minyan knew well cultivation-enforced actions and urges. To feel ones soul cry out was not something easily disregarded.

And if he hadnt shocked her so, she probably wouldnt have examined her own heart.

We likely wouldnt have found out or accepted your reasoning until months later, even if you had told us. Minyan admitted. This is far too valuable to simply accept at face value.

Rou nodded. Well, I mean, maybe this could help? Even If I leave, you could test things.

He opened his hand, and then something settled in his palm. Minyan couldnt see it. That was the most surprising thing. She couldnt perceive what he had in his hands, until she concentrated, and then, slowly, a scroll faded into existence.

Rou then opened it. See. This has everything Ive been learning.

He turned it to her, and Minyan raised a brow.

Because the only thing on the scroll was a stylized deer, sticking its tongue out at her. Minyan raised an eyebrow at the sheer cheek, at first thinking Rou was playing some manner of prank on her, like he had done to Shen Yu. But his eyes were pure and he was clearly reading something she couldnt see.

She opened her hand, and he let the scroll drop into it. It disappeared instantly into motes of green light.

Rou blinked at it. Im sorry Ill try He started, but Minyan shook her head.

It's fine. This is something I am not supposed to have, I think. she said, and then looked up at the sky.

They lapsed into silence.

Please dont be too harsh on the Storm Wings. he whispered.

Minyan let out a little breath.

The Storm Wings have been punished enough. Minyan declared. You, on the other hand you have raised your hand against me, and defied me. Rou tensed.

Thus you shall be exiled. Until you bring back a treasure worthy of readmittance.

Rous jaw dropped. Minyan looked into his green eyes. Despite his shock, they were positively dancing with life.

Minyan.. he breathed.

But you shall return. This I command of youand this shall be proof of our promise.

Minyan untied her necklace from around her neck. The chord had been replaced a thousand times over the centuries, but the tiny piece of worthless, polished quartz remained.

She tied it around his neck. He remained still as she did, and she avoided looking in her eyes as she pulled back

And this is Bailu and Seiyus servitude contract. Their master should be the one to hold it, and do with it as he pleases.

Minyan rose and turned away.

You may go, Rou. I shall smooth things over with the other elders. She rose into the air.

Minyan! Rou shouted. She didnt turn, but paused. Really, calling her Minyan

Jin Rou pressed his forehead to the deck of the ship.

Thank you, for everything youve done for me! he shouted. She could hear his tears dripping onto the deck, and her heart spasmed slightly. She would have to meditate later, and calm it.

Minyan stayed facing away from him.

Raise your head. No child of mine bows so low to somebody. was all she said instead. You may use the name Tianzhe, should you wish.

His tears didnt stop, as he raised his head, looking at her back.

Then Ill see you soon, mom.

Minyans heart spasmed again, and a feeling of warmth spread through her cold limbs. She continued flying away.

How hasnt that old bastard leapt at the chance to marry you? she heard Rou whisper. Minyan blushed slightly.

Truly, her boy had good vision, to see things that Shen Yu was blind to.


They arent allowed to come back until they have a treasure worthy of lifting their punishment? Lili asked, an amused smile on her face. So they can come back with the ship whenever? Thats not something Id expect from you, Minyan! Lili said, her smile fully on her face. Her fellow Elder was certainly amused by the whole situation.

I still dont agree with this. Song said, her face twisted into a frown.If this has to happen, he should have better guards. Xiaobao, go

The command was cut off by Minyan. They need to be there with his consentor he would see it as a leash. He needs freedom to properly cultivate this method. Minyan replied. The Storm Wings are strong enough to protect him, in any case.

Song huffed, while Xiaobao looked almost forlornly after the ship. Heavens, that woman had it bad.

Lili just laughed. Either hell revive the arts, or things will stay the same. Either way, things work out for us.

Song grumbled, but was outvoted at least for now.

Xiaobao. Go see what Dongmei thinks about all this. Maybe she wont be so foolish, and let this prize slip away from us. Song said, glaring at the retreating ship.

Are you talking about the ship or the chicken? Lili jabbed, her fan unfolding in front of her face.

The ship of course! Song instantly repliedonly for Lilis finger to lash out, and touch Songs storage ring.

She came away holding a pouch of seeds. Songs face turned crimson.

Qi exploded off them both, while Minyan rolled her eyes.

May the Heavens Favour you, child.


I was on top of the world, as we danced through the sky for the entire day, heading north, and towards Phoenix Rest Plain; and as the sun set, We anchored to a mountain top.

That night, instead of being our normal boisterous dances, we were simply quiet, staring up at the stars.

It was wonderful, and it was beautiful. Though, when we went to sleep, we did find a problem.

There was only one bed.

So. What are we doing on the bed, captain? Bailu asked cheerfully.

I felt my eye twitch at the smugness in the words.

But I grabbed Bailu and Seiyu around the neck, and pitched forwards onto the waiting mattress.

Sleeping, I declared.

My Storm Wings laughed.


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