Berserk Stick System

Chapter 18: Arrival Of The Ashleigh Family

Without realizing it Silvie and Celyne had such a close relationship in one day. I didn’t think they could be so close in just one day. I started to wonder how it could be like this? Finally, I was left alone by those who were busy chatting, so I could only sigh and return to my room.

In my room, on the table directly in front of me is an old-looking chain with a pattern of symbols I don’t understand. I’m planning to activate it now.

I’m quite curious how strong this chain is since it has a Rank SSR+, just looking at the Rank makes me really excited. Holding the dagger in my hand I start slashing my palm and blood starts to seep from my palm.

Holding the chain with my injured palm, I started to fill it with mana. But suddenly I felt my blood and mana being sucked out very quickly which made my face turn pale. The longer I let this happen, the more terrible the chain sucked my blood and mana, it made me panic even more.

“System!! quickly give me 5 HP Potions, and 5 Mana Potions,” I said frantically.

[Item has been purchased]

Seeing the potion in my hand I started to drink it, after drinking it I felt a little relieved. But the chain had not stopped sucking me which made me panic again and drank another potion. After all the potions were used up, the chain finally stopped sucking me in.

“I thought I was going to die, from being sucked dry,” I breathed a sigh of relief.

If I didn’t have all those potions, I’m sure I would be a dried corpse by now from being sucked in by those chains.

The chain now had a different appearance. It had a Crimson Red color and seemed to have an unpleasant vibe. After that, the chain started turning into a red light and entered my palm.

Now that the chain symbol was visible on my palm as if tying it, it had a Crimson color. After a while, the symbol started to fade and finally disappeared.

“Yeessssss… I now have a Rank SSR+ weapon!!!”

I screamed with joy and jumped up and down on the bed. Since I was so excited, I immediately used the chain, to see how powerful the SSR+ weapon was that even surpassed other powerful weapons.

Pointing my palm forward, the symbol on my hand began to appear and a chain came out of my palm, but that wasn’t all. It turned out that what came out of my palm was a weak chain, which moved erratically and after that, I felt my mana run out instantly.

“W-what happened? how can it be so weak?”I was dumbfounded.

But then my head started to get dizzy, and I fell right on top of the bed. Looking up at the ceiling, I felt like crying, like a child whose candy had been stolen.

“System, how can it be like this? Isn’t that a Rank SSR+ weapon, why is it so weak,”

I asked System feeling like I had been duped, buying expensive items that were actually poor quality items.

[Chain Of Destruction is a Rank SSR+ Item, the weapon must be very powerful, and requires a lot of mana to use it, The current host is almost impossible, to be able to use it if the host wants to increase the mana capacity, the host can try to deplete your mana every time your mana is replenished]

I heard this, feeling like crying, if it’s like this it’s useless I have a Rank SSR+ Item if I can’t use it.

“Is there no other way? Like the elixir I drank before,”I asked hopefully.

[It’s there, but the price for the elixir is 300,000 Battle Points, there’s no way Host can buy it now]

“Why is the elixir so expensive? The one I used before was so cheap?”

I asked with a dumbfounded face because the price was far from the elixirs I used before.

[The host should know, that increasing mana capacity is a very difficult thing to do if it’s not practiced every day]

Of course, I know, it’s just that I can’t accept it because the SSR+ Item is in front of my eyes, but I can’t use it. I feel so disappointed, I can’t do anything now, I finally calmed down.

If I wanted to use the chain I would have to train every day or buy 300,000 Battle Points worth of elixirs which was even more impossible for me to buy right now.

Two days have passed since I practiced to increase my mana capacity, now that I can make the chain move as I wish, even if it’s just a little, I’m quite happy that my efforts are paying off.

Suddenly today, a carriage that had a flag with the coat of arms of the Ashleigh noble family came into the manor. I saw this start to think of something, and sure enough after that Silvie and I were called into a room.

There, Braine was seen chatting with a middle-aged man with golden blonde hair. The man looked at the two of us who suddenly entered with bright shining eyes. Silvie and I sat beside Brainne.

“Hello son, let me introduce myself, my name is Reynold Ashleigh, I am the head of the Ashleigh family, my family is one of the nobles who live in this city,” The man introduced himself politely.

Silvie heard a noble politely introduce herself, getting a little nervous.

“N-my name is Silvie Valoriet,”Silvie was a little nervous

“My name is Lute Carter,” I answered expressionlessly.

“I won’t linger any longer, the reason I came here is that I want you two to become members of my family,” Reynold spoke with a friendly smile.

Braine heard that Reynold’s reason for coming was with good intentions, feeling relieved.I heard this, had a slightly odd expression. I’ve talked about a noble who was about to adopt Silvie and me before, it’s actually the Ashleigh family.

The Ashleigh family is quite an interesting noble family, they are not like other noble families who highly value their royal blood.

The Ashleigh Family values ​​one’s talent and potentially more, so many of their soldiers were commoners who were original without achievements but now became powerful warriors. This was also the reason why the Ashleigh Family, became one of the powerful noble families.

I just find it a little strange, how could he want to adopt me and Silvie, because, in the previous story, Silvie and I would be adopted after the village was destroyed, which means he shouldn’t have adopted us again, because the village wasn’t destroyed.

“Why do you want to adopt us?” I wonder what answer Reynold had.

“I heard a lot of adventurers talk about two 10-year-old kids, one a boy and the other a girl, they talk about how great these two kids are when fighting monsters, I also started to find out who these two children are when I heard about it after I found out these two children are orphans, namely you two, I want to adopt them, finally I am here to meet you,” Reynolds talked about the reason he wanted to adopt me and Silvie.

If it was me, before remembering my previous life, I would gladly accept it. But now I will reject it, because I don’t want to be ensnared by a great power, like a noble family.

Silvie also had a disbelieving and complicated expression, hearing a noble wishing to adopt her would of course be a shock. But for me, I’ll refuse now.

“I’ll refuse,” I said firmly.

“I’m pleased to- Huh? You refused, why?”

Reynold had an expression of disbelief, because all this time, many people wanted to become his family’s soldiers, especially if they became his adopted children.

“Firstly, I don’t want to be ensnared by a great power like a noble family, and for the second reason, I don’t want to call someone I just met as father, unless it’s my woman’s father-in-law,” I said while shaking my head.

Reynold heard the last part, his face twitched slightly, he started to think, how can this kid be so shameless?



This is terrible, this is too terrible!!!

Yesterday I prepared one chapter and I plan to make another one today.

Actually I wanted to release two chapters today. But it turns out that the chapter I prepared yesterday was corrupted.I was in so much pain, that my heart was bleeding.

This is all because of my laptop, my laptop has a hard disk failure.If I had the money, I felt like throwing this laptop away and buying a new one.

Finally I can only release one chapter, Ugh….


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