Belle Adams' Butler

Chapter 22: Governess

Chapter 22:Governess

Lucas stared at the pocket watch that he held in his hand. The pocket was no ordinary watch but it was something that was used to denote a person's time of death. He had pulled it out because he was very familiar with the wound that had appeared on the woman's body. To a living person, it would have not been visible and it included the reapers but during the rarest cases, a grim reaper could notice the bruise on the skin that denoted that the person's time was coming to an end.

It was a watch that he didn't use often except on the young vampiress of this house as her soul had been eaten by the scavengers when she was little.

Mrs. Adams, she was going to die in less than four weeks, told Lucas to himself.

If she were a human, there were chances of catching an incurable illness where her body would succumb to death but she was a vampire. And if there was something that affected a vampire, it was a poison that the black witches had gotten their hands on. Lucas knew about it.

Most of the grim reapers who belonged to the collective of cards were aware about what went in the land of the living but there was a rule when it came to it. The Grims were not supposed to not change the course of the events by intervening in any matter. They were only the onlookers who saw the stupidity of what the creatures of the living did.

When morning arrived, Belle woke up to see the couch to be empty and Lucas like always had left the room before she even woke up. Even the pillow that had been used was back to its place as if Lucas hadn't accompanied her through the night.

"The thunderstorm was too much last night," said Mr. Adams as they sat in the dining room. The butler made sure to go around and place the napkin on their laps, "There are going to be reports about having to fix houses and buildings now."

"Isn't that good," Mrs. Adams responded back who had raised her teacup to her lips and took a small sip from it without smudging the liquid she had applied on her lips, "Even if there are damages, the same will increase the revenue and bring more work for the people."

"That is true but the ones with the houses will be homeless," Mr. Adams said thoughtfully.

"I am sure people there can adjust. Make sure you don't volunteer for such things, Nathaniel. We don't want to provide charity," her mother smiled and her father couldn't agree more on what his wife said.

"Don't worry about that, dear. We have already spoken about it to the magistrates. Even during the time of the black witches who had massacred the villages, we had told the magistrate that we wouldn't be chipping in."

Belle who was quietly listening to this, asked, "What if all the houses are ruined? Where will they stay then?" All the villages had a weak build, at least with what she had seen with her own eyes. Some houses belonged to the families of the servants who worked here.

"And will they be given accommodation?" she asked her father who looked at her and smiled. Placing down the fork he had been holding at the side of the plate, she heard him say,

"We don't know about that. It isn't even our responsibility to take care of them when there are people above us who are capable of doing it. If we provide the charity even once then the council would lift their hands from the work and push it on us," her father raised his eyebrows as he said it.

"Well, leave that," her mother said with a bright smile on her face, "Guess who is going to visit here today?"

Belle asked, "Who?"

"Your new governance. Mrs. Whitaker is well versed when it comes to guiding the girls of the pureblooded family. She has excellent experience and she will help in grooming you from now on."

Belle blinked now knowing why her mother wanted her to have two people teaching her. She then said, "Mama, I already have a governor. I don't need another one," she shook her head with a small laugh.

Her mother waved her hand, "You won't be having two. Lucas is an excellent butler but we should know that he has limitations too," that was definitely not true, thought Belle to herself, "You need a female to guide you. There will be things Lucas won't be able to teach you and if you look at it, he is only a butler who is well equipped with house duties. Mrs. Whitaker is a highly experienced woman, she will turn you to a fine lady."

"No," Belle refused right away before her mother would speak any more on the matter, "Mama, I have got used to Lucas' teaching and I have turned to a decent lady."

"Yes, you might have turned to a decent lady but we are not aiming to be decent, are we? Don't you know one must strive to be the best, only then you will be able to mingle with people around without having to cower thinking about your status," Belle knew her mother was speaking on her own experience but she wasn't her mother.

"I don't cower when I am around people, mama. I think I am adequate."

Mrs. Adams chuckled as if her daughter had spoken words that were utter rubbish, "That is what you think. Do you really think going out without letting anyone in here know what you are up to is lady-like? You have yet to learn a lot. Mrs. Whitaker would do a wonderful job of-"

"I don't need her. Weren't you the one who was worried about something happening to our family? About how governess or governors were not to be trusted?" Belle didn't know why her parents had suddenly decided to hire one and they hadn't even discussed it with her.

"Lucas is doing a good job-"

"The butler has other things to look after than chaperone you, young lady," said Mrs. Adams, her expression turning serious not wanting to rebuke an argument, "And it shouldn't matter who is teaching you. You will be learning which is what you are going to do," her mother ended the conversation going back to eat what was in front of her.

Belle looked at her father who gave her a smile, "I heard Mrs. Whitaker is a good woman. There have been many praises about her. I am sure you will like it, give it a chance," unlike her mother who had dropped the information during the meal, her father spoke to her softly.

Not knowing what else to do, she gave him a nod.

"Mrs. Whitaker will be here before the time of noon. Make sure to tidy yourself," her mother added.

Belle ate her own food, listening to her parents converse while her eyes searched for the butler who wasn't in the room serving them like he usually did. She didn't understand why her mother had a sudden change of heart and that too after so many years.

She had tried to look for the butler after her meal but she couldn't find him in the mansion. She didn't know where he was. Two hours passed and as mentioned, the governess had arrived at the mansion.

"Belle Adams, it is good to meet you," Mrs. Whitaker moved her hand forward and Belle took it to shake the woman's hand.

"Mrs. Whitaker," Belle greeted the woman with a polite smile. Mrs. Whitaker was a tall and lean woman who had black hair. She wore a blue dress that reached up to her ankle with brown boots and a bag in her hand. She wore golden glasses that rested on her nose.

The woman was undoubtedly a vampire with her red eyes that peered down at her.

"Straight," said the woman, and Belle gave her a questionable look, "You need to learn to walk straight and with grace. I heard from your mother that you have been getting tutored by the butler," her emphasis on the word butler didn't sit well with Belle. As they started to walk to the room where the governess could start teaching her, she said, "I don't understand why your parents would not hire a proper guardian. A butler or someone else who isn't expertise in teaching is never a good decision and look at them, they finally decided to get-"

"I don't think my parents called you here to talk on why they didn't pick a governor before, Mrs. Whitaker," Belle was already unhappy and slightly agitated after receiving the information in the morning. She didn't want to hear this woman speaking up about unrelated things which weren't of her concern, "Let's get to the subjects so that I can start studying."

Belle's eyes met Mrs. Whitakers as if lightning clashed with their mere sight, "Of course," she heard the woman answer.

The woman left the mansion after four hours and Belle felt rather relieved. For her own sharp words, Mrs. Whitaker had given her assignments one after another not caring that it was their first day. An hour was taken completely to teach her on behavior etiquette in other people's company.

When she was in the corridor, she saw a maid walking by and she asked, "Have you seen Lucas?"

"Yes, milady. I saw him helping the coachman unload the bags from the carriage in the shed," answered the maid, bowing her head as she continued with her work while Belle made her way down and outside where Lucas was.

He was putting a gunny bag down when Belle approached him, "Lucas! Lucas!" she called the butler's name who didn't appear to turn at the first call. When she was near and seeing him turn around the butler bowed his head,

"Miss Adams," Belle frowned that he didn't use her name but had addressed her with her family name, "How can I help you?" he asked her.

"Where were you in the morning?" she demanded as she wasn't able to find him earlier today. The last she had seen him was during the time of night where he had spent his time in the room.

"I had to go get the woods along with the coachman," Lucas replied to her, his face calm and serene which showed the indifference with the change of her governor. Wondering if he knew about it, she decided to ask him.

"Did you hear about the governess?"

"Yes, milady. It is good that you finally have a governess," Lucas was barely bothered by it.

Belle had grown up having Lucas around her. He was the person who woke her up and made sure she was alright while also teaching her things a lady should know which she did but only didn't bother to imply it. She didn't want Mrs. Whitaker teaching her anything.

It looked like the butler was barely bothered by it and she stared at him. Her red eyes staring into his black ones.

"Why?" she asked him, "Why did they decide to bring another person when they were opposed earlier with the thought of having a stranger being brought to the mansion?"

"It is much suitable for you to have a teacher who is a female, Miss Adams. You will be able to grasp quickly-"

"But I did that when you were teaching me too."

"Yes, you were an excellent student," he answered her but he never went to speak a word more. Being too prideful to ask him to be her governor again, she didn't open her mouth and saw him bow, "Excuse me," and he left her side to go back inside the mansion.

The more she thought about it, the more the strings of her heart tugged painfully at the thought that she wouldn't be able to spend time as much time as she used to with Lucas.


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