Becoming the Luna

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

No one says anything about the mark on my thigh again and I forget about it, it doesn't hurt and it's not visible, just my body being weird so there was absolutely no reason to be worried.

At the start of the new week, I decide to go to school, home was extremely boring and my mom was bound to kill me soon.

Classes were definitely better than spending an entire day alone with my mom, Dale wasn't around as often anymore and even Virgil was around less too, the only person that didn't change their schedule was Shana, as a matter of fact, I would say she started spending way too much time around me.

It's evening now and I'm on the couch reading a paperback novel, homework already completed and packed up for the next day when I feel Shana staring at me weirdly.

"Is there something on my face?" I find myself asking her, it was just the two of us again and it might have not been bad if she wasn't tense all the time.

Shana blinks and shakes her head, the pink locks settling around her pretty face. "No, not at all." She chuckles nervously. "I was just a little bit lost in thought."

Okay! I've had enough of this! I think to myself, dropping my book with a loud thud, making Shana look up at me.

"Shana?" I say softly, moving over to the sofa she's sitting on to join her. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing." She stutters quickly and I frown, my eyes narrowing, Shana never stutters.

I sigh and flop back on the chair. "I don't know which is more annoying, the fact that you're obviously lying to me or the fact that you think I'm dumb, both hurt." I pout, curling into myself.

"Is Virgil and Dale in trouble?" I ask in a tiny voice, peering up at her.

Shana sighs and pushes a hand through her hair. "Hay" She sighs again trailing off like she's looking for words to say. "No they're not in trouble." She finally says, ignoring the rest of my sentence.

"So why is he always grumpy whenever he comes over?" I raise an eyebrow.

"He just has issues with his dad, nothing serious."

"Oh." I say on a breath.

Virgil's mom had died giving birth to him so his father always held a little grudge but they seemed to get along just fine, I wonder what was wrong.

"And Dale?" 

Shana shrugs, "I guess he's just settling down, he just moved here you know."

Another breathy 'Oh' leaves my mouth and I flush, I've been a little selfish from all the attention I've been getting, I almost forgot about all that.

"What about you?" I look at her with new eyes. "You should go home too so you could get some rest and get some things done." I immediately say, now I feel terrible for monopolizing them.


"I-I mean i-it." I say as firmly as my shaky voice allows. I haven't slept alone ever since they came back from their get together and it's been more than two weeks already, I'm a grown up who should be able to stay alone by myself for a couple hours.

Shana frowns, looking like she's not happy with my suggestion. "I"

I cut her off before she can say anything. "I'm serious, you should go home too, instead of having to rush home early in the morning when it's ridiculously cold to get ready for school." I stand up, grab her hand and try to pull her up.

She just stares at me, amused. "I wasn't complaining." She says drily, shrugging.

That was the issue, they would never complain but I know it isn't right so I just can't let it be. 

"I know you aren't." I agree, still struggling to pull her up. "But I want what's best for you too, just leave me alone this night and you'll see how easy it'll be to prepare for school tomorrow, plus your parents must miss you." I add, still struggling.

I scowl when I realize that even with all my pulling and yanking, she doesn't budge an inch. "Why are you so fat and heavy?"

She gives me a done look. "You were going fine with the heart touching words and then you end it with calling me fat and heavy??!" She throws a hand up. "Humans can't even be heavy! As a matter of fact I'm not leaving anymore, you almost convinced me but I've made up my mind now." She crosses her arms, getting comfortable on the couch.

I eye her in her loose top and comfy jeans, exasperation written clearly on my face. It shouldn't be this hard to kick someone out of your house.

"Okay, Okay." I raise both hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry Shana, please go home you beautiful and perfect person."

She gives me another amused look, something like worry flashing in her eyes. "That sounds sarcastic but I'll let it slide." She finally says, getting up.

"So you're going?" I ask hopefully, looking up at her.

She ruffles my hair and starts for the door. "After you've kicked me out so hard, why won't I?' She drawls.

I hurry behind her, whining. "Shana?" I don't like the way she sounds.

"I'm kidding Hayden, I forget sometimes that you need your personal space too. It's just so much fun to be around you that it's easy to forget."

I grin at this, feeling a little sad for no reason - wait! I know the reason now, I'm going to miss her.

"Ah, don't give me that look like I'm leaving the country forever." 

I blush and avert my face, using my long hair to hide my face. "I'm not."

She places her hands around my neck to make me look at her. "Promise me that if anything is wrong, anything at all, you'll call?" She says seriously.

I sniffle a little, it's ironic that I'm the one breaking down when I did the chasing.

"O-Of co-course." I nod, sniffling again.

She pulls me into a warm hug. "You're just too cute for your own good." She mumbles into the side of my face.

I hug her back, scowling when she lets go. "I'm not cute." 

She just gives me a wide smile, showing up her single dimple high in her cheek. "So cute!" She giggles.

"Alright! Go home Shana." I push her out, closing the door behind her.

"You're still cute!!!" She yells from the other side, going out the small gate.

"And if you don't shut up you'll get run over by a truck!" I open the door to yell back at her, threateningly.

"Aww! I wove you!!!" She shouts again in a mushy voice and the blush on my cheeks spread to the rest of my body - why can't I have normal friends.

"I hate you!" I scream too, humoring her. It would be better if I just keep quiet.

She just laughs happily and skips up the street, maybe I could go visit her the next day after school. It's always her coming over all the time, thinking about this makes me feel slightly better and I walk away from the door to continue my book.


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