Becoming the Luna

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

"V-Virgil?" I squeak out. "I-I"

"It's rude to cut into a conversation." Dale cuts in coldly, his hand is still on my face and he didn't move an inch but he still doesn't make a move to kiss like I know he won't, he'd ask my permission first and I'm not exactly sure how to reply.

Dale is obscuring my vision but I hear the sound of Virgil's leather jacket hitting the ground and I gulp, I wouldn't be able to do anything if they start a fight.

I push against Dale's chest desperately and he easily moves back to let me have my space, I start off in the direction of Virgil but then I get a good look at his face and I let out a small whimper, backing into Dale.

Virgil looks downright murderous, I mean, I see him get angry a lot over me but this was on another level, I turn around to tell Dale to back away but I'm whiplashed by the look on Dale's face.

He has the same dangerous glint in his eyes and I bite my lip in worry, what do I do now? - it might seem flattering to have hot guys go for each other's neck over you but paperbacks made it look fun, it really isn't. You feel like dropping dead or that the tiled floor should open up and drag you in.

"You've had your turn," Virgil finally speaks up, breaking the intense stare down. "I'd like to have a talk with him."

"You don't own him Virgil." Dale taunts, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Hayden has a choice in this plus we weren't done talking before you came in."

Virgil looks like he's about to lose it but instead he clenches his fist. "Who would you like to be with Hay?" He asks tightly, not looking at me.

I know he hates me seeing him this way but while I'm just worried and trying to help, he always pushes me away, saying I'll get hurt which was ridiculous, Virgil would never hurt me.

But this question did! How in the world am I expected to reply to this question, no answer would be good enough. If I said yes to Dale, there was the highest chance that Virgil would burn down the house with Dale in it and I couldn't say no to Dale, not after what he just told me, especially not after that.

"I-I c-can't Y-Yo-You c-can't p-possibly ex-expect m-me t-to c-cho-choose." I stutter hard, nearly vibrating from the emotional and mental strain.

Virgil notices it and starts forward to try and console me but Dale beats him to it, pulling me into a warm hug.

He rubs his palms down my back, trying to calm down the tremors wracking my tiny body. "Shh, it's okay, you're fine."

I hear Virgil's unsure steps behind us but I'm too far gone to react, burying my head in his chest, I struggle really hard not to have a crying fit - see, my entire family and friends have every reason to justify why they treat me the way they do, I'm just too fragile.

I fist Dale's shirt as I struggle to remember how to breath - wait, my lungs are in my chest right, not somewhere around my legs - so why is it getting harder and harder to breathe.

"Dale he's hyperventilating." Virgil's urgent voice crashes over.

"I know, I know." Dale fired back, backtracking to the sofa so he can get me off my feet. "Breathe for me Hayden, I need you to breathe okay, on my count, breath in and hold it okay,one two"

My eyes roll around in my head out of panic, I'm laying on his lap like a small child but I'm not even mortified because I'm pretty sure I'm about to die. I'm trying really hard to listen to Dale but the harder I try to breathe, the harder it gets, I clutch his arms tight, my lungs feel like they're about to pop.

I don't hear Virgil come closer but I feel the hard pinch he gives my upper arm through the thin sweater, the quick flash of pain distracts me and jump-starts my lungs so that I'm gasping in lungfuls of air and collapsing into Virgil's arms, exhausted.

I'm still sitting on Dale's legs but my upper body is resting against Virgil's who has his arms wrapped around me like he's scared I'll leave him, the adrenaline crashing through my body starts to wane and what comes with that is utter exhaustion, I shake so hard from relief that I start to cry, clutching Virgil's white shirt desperately.

He holds me through it and I quiet down quickly, already beyond tired. My eyes starts to drift close as I clutch onto Virgil for dear life even though he is the cause of the episode I just had.

"I don't approve of the method you used to settle him down." Dale says sternly, his arms wrapped tight around my waist but it comes to me like it's from a distance, I feel drowsy and I don't try to fight it.

"Like you were any help, yourself." Virgil bites out, no doubt pinning Dale with a hard glare.

"I would have gotten through eventually." Dale whisper yells, obviously noticing my closed lids but I'm not asleep, not yet. 

"After he suffocated right." Virgil grinds his teeth.

"You hurt him!" Dale throws at him and I can feel the dark haired teenager vibrate around me from the intensity of his emotions.

"To help him!" Virgil whispers back furiously, holding me tighter. I want to say something but I already falling over the edge into sleep.

"How the fuck does that help!" Dale full on yells this time but I barely hear him, it's like he's talking from very far away.

"Hayden is different, none of those techniques would have worked on him." Virgil says seriously. "I should know, I've tried them all, only pain can" I lose the battle with sleep at this point and fall asleep and when I wake up, I know it would all be a blurry and unclear dream. 


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