Becoming Legend

Chapter 91: Trade for a Trade

Chapter 91: Trade for a Trade

It was growing dark outside. Ned pulled another mana stone that faintly shone in the entire room.

Apart from her liquor spilling, Lady Darcey stood in surprise. Stepping backward then eventually leaning forward to see if the stones on Ned's possession were a real mana stone.

"Ye, lad," she said. Sliding the glass of liquor beside her and leaned closer to Ned. "Mana stones, where did ye get that?"

Ned paused for a moment before answering. "Someone gave it to me," he said nonchalantly. I can't really tell her that it was from a man who wanted to kill my Master. It would bemessed up even for her. Ned thought.

"Aye,no! no 'someone' would just give a mana stone. Ye possess not one but two?" she said unable to hide the shook on her shoulders. "They're very valuable lad. Even us, only have the residue. And it took half of our saving to get a hand of it."

Residues are the byproducts when making real mana stones. Residues often posses rough edges and murky mana. An easy to distinguish appearance.

Whereas Ned had smooth edges, glossy and by far, just by looking, it felt soft.

"Can me have a look?" she said. Forgetting that she was nearly drunk.

Ned handed the mana stone. The other, he laid it in front of Lady Darcey.

Lady Darcey lifted the stones; aligned across her investigative eyes.

She nodded, sometimes shook her head. And for a while, she gasped. "This ain't just mana stone lad, this here is a Medium Mana stone," she said. Her voice was somewhat trembling and excited. "By the Maker! where did ye get thisno more jokes, lad."

Ned partially narrowed his eyes. "Does it matter?"

Lady Darcey shook her head. Handing back the Mana stone to Ned. "O'rriadt Island, so mysterious. With ye hair, ye're not a noble. Obviously not a Royal. But not born as freeman nor a serf," she muttered. She didn't even care that Ned could hear what she was thinking. "Okay, lad. Listen here. A heads-up for ye, before ye go to Bogblot Region. Ye know why the Zolin Empire is at war with the Griffith Kingdom?"

Ned shook his head.

"Well, good," she said. "Hundreds of years ago, the two were at peace. According to some rumors running across the seven seas. Zolin is losing fuelthe mana stonesto run their humongous technology. And only Griffith Kingdom has the means to produce it. That's the only reason, whyalthough a tiny kingdom in a tiny continent. Griffith stood unwavering. But by doing so, the war between the two made the seven seas stronger. Emperors of the seas started to get back in track for decades. Trades were bustling from Titan's Cay up to the Phoenix Ridge."

Ned sighed. What's that it got to do with me. I only intend to give her the mana stones. "Never knew, a captain like you would be so in for politics" Ned said. He wanted to add some of his thoughts but was cut by Lady Darcey's information. And said hastily. "How much you get from your coffin mission? And what will happen to Anita if you handed her to your boss?"

Captain shook her head. Poured another liquor but only to her let down. The clear liquor was now empty. She sighed. "Three thousand gold, lad," she said. looking at Ned's face filled with doubts. "Don't worry lad, this ain't a secret. Three thousand gold, after that, were on our own. She said this will be our last mission, and we're free. As to what she will do with your 'little sister', me had no ideas at all, lad."

Ned felt the evening breeze shuffled inside the cabin. He felt cold. He wanted this conversation to end. But he can't until he knew that Anita is taken care of. "Say, how strong is the Scourge leader?" he asked.

Lady Darcey frowned with the odd question. "For landlubber's standards? me guess he's Diamond Level Hunter. Why ask this lad?" She squinted her eyes, eyeing the two mana stones on the table.

Now it makes sense. For a diamond level hunter to be taken care of Anita with ease. The Ongoing war between Zolin and Griffith. With the two Kingdoms at war, I bet, they didn't have the luxury of time to guard their territory at sea. Which gave an open-air for the Emperors. WhichLady Darcey might not notice. But, their empress is preparing for a warby snatching Anita and Hocoff off the Scourge's crew. She might not, no, they might not notice it. But Anita is actually a weapon. Ned massages his temple. Just the thought of it made my head burst. That's why I hate politics. Ned thought. Poor Anita.

With a thought. Ned waved his hand. Then a pile of mana stones appeared across Lady Darcey. Hundreds of mana stones, all edges were even. All looked identicalblue, glossy and soft edges, and soft to touch.

The latter almost choked with air. Her eyes couldn't believe what she was seeing. A pile of Mana stones. a dozen or so. Not on her entire life to procure this kind of amount. Even if she would sail with her crew for ten years they would never have this amount of mana stones. Its not even low-grade mana stones. They're medium mana stones.

Lady Darcey's breathing was rapid. She had a hard time breathing more than she was drunk. "Why, lad?" she said. "This is too much, lad!"

"Thousand Mana stones," Ned said. While the Captain even gasped for more air. Her four fingers paled, gripping the edge of the table. "Take care of Anita." A trade for a trade. He thought.

Lady Darcey swallowed a lump on her throat. "I... Me... " she said. Forcing an accent only landlubbers did "I... will talk to the crew."

Ned nodded and smiled. He stood and left the unconvinced captain.

I'm intrigued. Ned said within his thoughts. I'm telling you before you made any comments.

[I was about to ask, why?]

ICE's soft voice chimed on Ned's thoughts.

[Why intrigued?]

Ned opened the door. Outside, Anita was eagerly waiting above the shoulder of her guardianHocoff the giant. His other mechanical limb was holding the beaded coffin. Ned smiled. Seemed to be eager as well.

I'm seeing my past self on her. She's not human. Not at all. Maybe, she once was. Not human. But acted more like a human. That's why. If only, I'm at different times. I would certainly take her. Ned thought. Making a mental note and replying to his system.

Ned decided to check the empty cage of Echo. While Anita and Hocoff went back to their original cage with the order of Ned. No one would want to have a giant and a killer child on the Lobby. And inside. Ned noticed the burst open ceiling of the prisoner's cells. Must be Hocoff. He can't fit between doors. So he must have used the hatch. Ned thought making more speculation.

Standing across Yaluk's cell was Ned. Eyeing the beaten Scourge crew. Curling on the wooden floor. scratches and bruises surrounded his upper body. Dark ink could, almost, be noticed running her entire body. The room was dark, so Ned noticed just some patches on his tattoo.

Ned remained observant. Beside Yaluk's cell was used to be the cage of Echo. Left with only tattered bandages. Some blood scattered on the gloomy floor. Ned wondered. How could he escape? The iron walls seemed to be completely intact. Ned let a steaming breath.

Outside. The thirteen of the remaining Lobby's crew were busy shuffling the deck. They remained silent while swabbing. Fixing the holethe enemy's arbalest had done. But, the busy of them all was Lady Baba. Healing all she could to maintain the crew's morale.

Pirate's career was uncertain. They're not even sure if they would survive a night. Luckily for them, most of them joined Time to Loot because they have a healer.

"Ahh," Lady Baba said. "Can't wait to finish with ye all lassy, and head to the tavern, and get drunk!"

Lady Darcey couldn't be seen, but they knew she was with Sisi all this time. She can't let Sisi wakes up alone. So she insisted to be with her vice.

With nothing to do, and sleeping was out of the way since Ned hasn't felt any fatigue after he devoured thousands of the core. Which made him wondered. What would happen if I do not devour for three months? Maybe four months straight. Lady Darcey said. My mana is tainted. How. How come I don't feel any differences with my mana.

Ned rested to his usual place. Unconsciously his feet took him to the same spot. Outside the Captain's cabin. Together with the barrel, which he presumed seafoam ale. He's been sitting outside the cabin which made him comfortable.

Ned could still feel the ambiance of the sea. The tilting of the Lobby against the angry waves of the oceansometimes calm. But, Ned didn't notice it at all. For he was always busy with his meditation.

He sat on the wooden floor. Leaning his straight back against the wall. He sat crossed legged. Closed his eyes. And thought. Judging from the crew's emotions, they seemed to be well versed in the sea. As if, the death of their crew was just another day for them to be solemn. And the next day would be a cheerful day. Aside from Lady Darcey, which, had all the reason to be worried since she's the Captain.

Ned stood naked across his transparent core. The gloomy crystal and sleek ball floating mid-level his chest. The black flame dance inside, dancing as if cheerful seeing his master Ned. "What are you?" Ned said inside the dark space. The flames bounced left and right. As if saying to let him out.

You're me, and I'm you. If that's the case. Ned thought.

He opened his eyes. His baggy white and unkempt clothes hung on his arms and waist. His pants sat moistened. He lifted one of his arms. "If Lady Darcey said the gesture is the basic of magic. Then, she's right. I could feel the mana circulating within my chest and running smoothly to my hands. And if I concentrated with my hands lowered, the mana seems unstable," Ned muttered. Lifting his hands once again. With a simple gesture, Ned could feel the mana freely running along his arms. We'll see then. Ned shrugged his thoughts. With right-hand midair. A distorted portion of his palm could be seen. Seconds later, his hands moistened. The moist expanded until it became a ball of water.

The ball of water flowed on Ned's hand with ease. As it has its own life. The ball then staggered. It shook, the black mist started to envelop it. The black mist then devoured the ball of water. Moments passed, Ned's brows furrowed. His eyes narrowed. "What in the?" The ball disappeared.

Ned focused his thoughts once again. He wanted to conjure another Water spell. A ball of waterjust like the ball of fire. But, this time, to his surprise. No mana ran along with his hands.

He tried to conjure fire. Instantly, a ball of fire fumed on his hand. He extinguished the fire. Change it to a water spell. Yet again, the ball of water couldn't conjure anymore. A chime warned Ned's thoughts.

[Warning: Due to the skill 'Prime Evolution'. The host is limited to one element.]

[Warning: Due to the skill 'Prime Evolution'. The host is limited to one element.]

[Warning: Due to the skill 'Prime Evolution'. The host is limited to one element.]


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