Becoming Legend

Chapter 84: Time to Eat

Chapter 84: Time to Eat

Ned forced his legs to stand and walk the room where the coffin was being held. He supported himself with his hand against the wall. "Where will I get a thousand core," Ned said as he continues to pace inside.

"Ned, you look dying," said Echo. Pertaining to be calm with all the blood lust going on outside.

Ned shrugged his shoulders and went straight to Anita's. "Anita, are you awake?" He asked.

"Yes, big brother Ned," Anita replied. Her voice echoed blissfully. It is as if she was smiling with her response.

Outside, Lady Darcey woke up with the strange sound ringing the sky above. She rolled and used his blade as a crutch, scratched her eyes, and looked at the sky.

There she saw summoned beasts and her tamed beasts. Fighting and scratching. At first, she thought the beast that looked like a rook was familiar. Later, she could only gawk in surprise when she learned that it was hers, just a bit bigger. Well... bigger.

With the incoming Scourge crew, Lady Darcey gazed back at their ship, to see what was the lad doing. With Ned gone inside the prisoner's cabin. And since magic was limited to the amount of mana a spellcaster can use, Lady Darcey squished the remaining mana she had. And if luck weren't on n their side, she might use her life force to end the battle once and for all. That way her crew, her loyal crew would survive.

The difference between the strength of the evolved rook against the Redcap wing wasn't obvious, in fact, in terms of strength the two were equal. If strength is the only basis. Though equal, Lady Darcey's evolved rook eventually surpassed the Redcap in terms of aerial maneuvering and intelligence.

If the Redcap attacked with random patterns, the evolved rook would retaliate by using its black talon to counter. A straight attack from Redcap would make the evolve rook attack with precise control. Sometimes using its wings to cover the red flaming eye of the Redcap, and surprise it by attacking behind. Sometimes, encircling it before attacking to hide its own weakness.

With a series of beak and talon fighting, dodging, and gliding. The desperateness began to show when the Redcap lost its wits and attack the evolved rook head-on with its beak. The evolved rook flapped its wing before it made contact with the Redcap's beak, dodged swiftly, and used its black talon to break the summoned's beak.

The Redcap twitched midair and flew randomly to escape the following evolved rook.

Seeing the balance tilted, the Scourge leader popped a vein, lining like a river on his forehead. His black spent tattoo moved as of it were angry as well. "Damn!" he cried. The chains on his hand clanged as if to show how angry he was.

Sisi's paling skin charred under the heat of the high noon sun. She wept, sweat could no longer squish out her skin. She was, dry. But Sisi's condition wasn't enough for the Scourge leader. He bent and tied the iron chains on Sisi's feet. "Stop!" he bellowed. Veins popping out her muscular chest. His eyes turned red with anger.

His voice resounded the ocean. Two ships, one a schooner, the other a warship stopped their movements. The other side, the Cuttlewitch Lobby, half the size of the warship did as well.

Lady Darcey pulled his blade away from the underbelly of a Scourge crew member. He thudded on the ground lifeless and entrails made their way out his stomach. Lady Darcey turned to check the cry. Her shoulder jerked. Her eyes narrowed. Her chest palpitate. It was too much for her to see her vice hanging with a nail, as the blood dripped all over her body. This was torture. Her face shows it all.

"Surrender the coffin now!" he cried. "Or else, I will throw her odd the ocean, and Maker only knows if she would survive! Let's just hope she can swim!"

"Scourge," Lady Darcey said and jerked a finger behind her back, a faint light started to narrow. Pebbles formed at the tip of her finger. "What's your name?"

The scourge leader stood at the schooner, away from the warship. But he could hear clearly the lady captain upon asking him. He licked his cracked lips and looked lady Darcey with high contempt. "Captain Yaluk, sea bitch!" he said and cussed. He then stretched his views above the Lobby's mast. There he saw the opponent's jack. "I know your crew, you're under Empress Chi. Tsk! that bitch! The blade making a cross, and a map of the late baron on black. Your the infamous Time to Loot crew. "

"Yaluk," Lady Darcey muttered. After she finished preparing her spell, her other finger then tapped the hilt of her blade, tapping, pause, pause, tapping. More like a code, which her longtime crew understood. Two of them went below deck. "Yi under the Scourge general, General Hacksaw Jawar. Tell him to fuck off Titan's Cay! You Scurvey Dog!" she cried. Raised her hand then threw the magic imbued pebbles towards Yaluk. And alarmed the other lady crew to get on with their plan.

Yaluk threw the unconscious Sisi off the ocean without a second thought. He cried and smiled. "Hope you can swim!"

Sisi was tied to a chain almost weighing a ton. She splashed and sunk in deep into the endless depth of the ocean. Seconds upon making contact with the ocean. Sisi felt a soothing sensation that traveled to her bruised and bloodied mermaid body. She smiled and taught 'how stupid Yaluk could be' he could at least check her under-ears for gills. But he didn't, he thought Sisi was a pure human. Sisi smiled with delight, her scratches healed rapidly almost naked to the human eye. Broken ribs started to crack, with a pinch of pain Sisi could smile. She knew, the moment she made contact with the ocean. She will heal insanely.

With a focused thought, the hill under her ears opened, dark and sticky bubbles floated. Dead blood started to be rejuvenated by new blood. Sisi yank her hand and pulled the nail with the force she got. Crimson blood mixed with the ocean. The hole on her hand healed rapidly. It was all thanks to the Mermaid's innate skill, that let them heal at a rapid rate as long as they were absorbing the mana under the depths of the ocean. Kind of Mana exclusive only under the ocean.

Sisi yank the chain tied to her feet, her scales let her sunk slowly. She could hear different noises happening above the ocean. Me crews fairing. She smiled.

With the help of the two lady crew, under the deck of her Lobby, a hatch was kicked open and push the tip of a metallic gun that was aimed at the schooner. "Fire the Chase Gun!" Lady Darcey cried, parrying the blade of the Scourge crew.

Chase Gun, smaller than arbalest, its ammo was an iron arrow half the size of the human limb and at the end was a rope - used to pull their captured target.

But during that time, they used the chase gun without the rope. Its sole purpose was to attack, not to capture. Pierce. Make a hole. With their Captain's command, the two ladies poured the Mana they had and a line of light made its way from the end until the tip of the gun. Then mysterious carvings shimmered at the iron surface, an array, which activated a magic circle at the tip of the gun. With a push of the finger. The arrow let loose. The iron arrow passed the magic circle then its speed doubled. It pierced the enemy's schooner making an almost meter hole. The advantage of a Chase Gun against the Arbalest was the rapid reload. Without seconds, another arrow was shot loose. And another. And another. Until the magic circle broke. The crew stopped.

The leader gawked until the last of the dust settled. He bared his yellow teeth, grit it, and stomp a foot. "Ahhhh! You mongrels!" He pointed his hand at Lady Darcey. "You! Weren't you going to save your blue-haired crew?!"

"Yi an idiot," she said. "I don't need to save her, cause yi an idiot!" She smiled. But it was contrary to her feelings, she was exhausted, out of mana, and her limbs tired of swinging her blade. Seeing the dozen crew running and wanted to grope her, she jumped backward, until she rests the end of the ship, with the force of her leg. She jumped, meters and meters above the air. Her landing, back to the Lobby.

Blood splattered in the air when an arrow struck Lady Darcey's leg midair. She jerked in the air and tweaked her body to adjust her landing on the deck. Lady Darcey landed unbalanced, she rolled and hit the base of the mast which made a loud gong. She spits a mouthful of blood, and a bruise darkened on her back.

Sensing that he was losing the battle with the help of the new mysterious evolved beasts, Yaluk, raised his staff. The bladed tip shook midair before the space cracked. Red lightning flashed, making a thunderous and cracking sound. Moments later, a black figure appeared out of the cracked space.

A rook flew, followed by another rook. Grade E rook appeared one after the other. Grade E rook with the lowest core. They flew. Two rooks circled the blue sky. But, the summoner wasn't finished yet. Another rook appeared out of the cracked space. Three, four, five, seconds. Hundreds of rooks exited. But with Yaluk's vast mana, he could summon more. Minutes later, thousands and thousands of Grade E rook appeared. Making the sky turned dark. A tiny speck of holes exited the beam of the sun. But it was too small for thousand of flying beasts. "Ha! Now we'll see how you handle this! Time to Loot crew! ha!" Yaluk cried.

"By the Maker's name!" Lady Darcey cried. "Everyone! inside the deck! now!"


A voice halted the crew from moving. They turned and a kid appeared out of their prison cell. The deck trembled and shook. A loud thudding followed Ned. Seconds later, the wooden door cracked and exploded. Turning splinter. A giant appeared holding the coffin. The cause of them all. The coffin.

"Anita," Ned whispered. "You know what to do."

A bang echoed inside the coffin. Then, the giant, Hocoff, leaped midair. Snubbing the thousand rook circling the sky. Hocoff landed near Yaluk and bent his knees, releasing the coffin beside him.

"That's your coffin!" Ned cried. "Take it, and leave - "

Ned looked above, he could almost gawk with what he saw. Thousands of rook hovered above him. The flying rook looked devastating. It was devastating. Ned could swear, that lady Darcey would rather face the redcap than the number of rooks. But not for him, his paled lips arched. "Time to eat," Ned said and smiled.


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