Becoming Legend

Chapter 75: Prelude to Part 2: Game Maker

Chapter 75: Prelude to Part 2: Game Maker

After she suppressed her excitement. Toni clasped the spoon as she stared at the dish before her. A dish filled with meat, pork, and white beans slow-cooked in a casserole. A delicious winter-meal originated in Southwest of France, the Cassoulet. It melts the heart of the people just by the scent of this dish. 

"Toni?" Ned said. Staring at Toni with a blank look. "What are you doing here?"

Savoring the last meat of the dish, Toni looked at Ned as her forehead crinkled. "What do you mean?" Toni spoke. "Remember, you invited me here, right? Are you okay Ned?" 

Ned was lost in deep thoughts. Awoken only by the dishes clinking with each other. Spoons clanged as the patrons were busy chattering with each other. ICE, are you there? 

Ned waited for his system to respond. He looked at Toni as she brushes the remaining soup sticking on the spoon. Red juice smeared at Toni's lips after she blissfully finished the soup. 

"You have... Something" pointing at Toni's upper lips "here," Ned said. Unsure what to do about the current situation. 

Toni blushed as she wiped the remaining soup on her lips. "Ned, you looked flustered?"

"I... " Looking at the dish, Ned noticed that there was an extra plate prepared. Under the plate was a white linen cloth covering the table. "I... I don't know anymore." Ned said.

Ned turned his gaze away from Toni, noticing the exhilarating gothic architecture of the restaurant. Contrary to his expectation, the windows were mounted by modern and thick glasses.  Now that he noticed it, seven plaques were placed in a wooden divider located at the center of the restaurant. Inside the plaques were circular object fitted to fingers, and he seemed intrigued by the design of the rings. ICE, why aren't you responding? He focused his thoughts, once again. 

Out of patience, Ned ordered ICE but was stopped in between as he noticed a young lady pushed the door at the very side of the room, her silver hair hovered in the crowds of young people that were chattering, ordering, and laughing. It was a bright, cold day in March and the clocks were striking fifteen. Lovers of food trickled the perimeter. As the lady walked passed the crowds, she was followed by the aroma of greasy and roasted meat, promising a whole range of pleasures and a full belly. 

Standing before Ned was the lady, totally unfamiliar to Ned, but her smile made him realized that the lady was someone he knewor he once knew. The lady sat at the vacant chair along with the extra plate. Gestured a hand to call the busy servers running here and there. "Ughh, my food's late," she said. Looked at Ned and smiled. "Ned, you look like you've seen a ghost?" 

Toni drunk the murky juice, a tea maybe, or a cola perhaps. Yet, she was sure satisfied, as she finished the beverage in one gulp. Wiping the sweet liquid atop her lips, she said, in a teasing manner. "Don't tell me, you forgot her too?" 

"What are you saying, Toni?" The lady in white said. Tucking her silver hair, that was left hanging at the back of her head. Her long sleeves highlighted her slim arms, slim just like her nose - small. 

The lady in sleeves looked at Toni with her piercing eyes, looked back to Ned, and said. "Again, Ned? I just went to the bathroom, and you forget about me? How rude." Rolling her eyes, but smiled as she looked back at Toni. 

"But... I... Really, really confused right now," Ned said as he looked at Toni, back at the lady, surveyed the surroundings, and back his gaze again at the two ladies before him. "Toni, yes, I know Toni, but you" redirecting his voice to the lady" I don't have any idea of who you are, this place, seems familiar, this is France, but you?" 

The lady gestured, again, and called the busy servers, rolled her eyes, and looked at Ned. Imitating a cranky and robotic voice. "Ned, Mana is critically low. Ned, don't give up. Ned, what's your plan," she stopped and continued, back to her soft voice.  "Ughh, I hate you! You always made me do embarrassing things! Just like yesterday, you made wear those... Ughh! nevermind!" 

"You are... ICE?!" Cried, Ned. A bang resounded the restaurant as the wooden chair fell and Ned stood in surprise. "What is happening here, this ain't true. No, this ain't me." ICE! ICE! respond! I'm ordering you. Ned cried into his thoughts. Searching for ICE, but failed to do so. Since she's right in front of him. 

"Who could it be?" ICE said. Kept rolling her eyes, yet smiled eventually. 

"Sit down," Toni said. Leaning back at the chair, completely satisfied with the food she ate.  "You're embarrassing us, Ned. Look, enough with your virtual games. Okay! Those games of yours, they're cranking your brain. Okay."

The not so usual Ned pulled to fix the chair, sat, completely dazed. Stared at the smiling Toni. Stared at ICEsmiling but irritated. Since her food hasn't arrived yet. 

A cleverly dressed waiter approached the group with a toothy smile. Narrow eyes, long and braided dark hair. Perfectly fit to be called oriental. In addition to his warm smile, the nostalgic melodies echoed in the perimeter of the restaurant in order to satisfy the hungry eaters. Orders were taken aggressively and shouted across to the kitchen. Excitement ruled as the waiters run here and there to fill the orders. 

"Xi!" Ned cried. As he looked at the server standing beside him. 

"Of course, who could it be!" said ICE. Now irritated. "Xi, where's my food? Ughh, I'm waiting here, for like... ten minutes now. Ah! no, don't speak, don't start with me, Xi. We're friends but when it comes to food. How dare you kept me waiting like this! Look at Ned. Look at his face, look at his face like he has seen a ghost staring at you. But, well, you do look like a ghost though, no offense, Xi."

Xi smiled, he wanted to articulate. But ICE was right, she was always right. "I'm sorry, ICE, we're busy as you can see," Xi said. "And Ned, you okay? What happened to you? Burning yourself with all those games lately?" 

"I... game? No! Xi... what happened to you," Ned said. "Nevermind. Just... Give her her food."

"Okay, okay, I will get your food, ICE," Xi said. In a calming tone. He walked closer to Ned, leaned near his ears, and whispered. "But Ned, look at you, bringing them here? She's here too, you know. She'll get jealous of seeing you together with Toni and ICE." 

"What do you mean? Who's here? Why?" Ned asked. Now totally confused by the predicament he was in. What in Earflgard's name is happening here? Last time I remember I was inside the Lim 

Ned was stopped in his thoughts hearing rampaging footsteps going at there table. Ned straightened his back against the chair as he spun his gaze towards the incoming jealousy. 

"Told you," Xi whispered once more. Looked at Ned. Winked and left the three at there table, he then walked in hurried footsteps. He sighed a relief as he left the battlefield without a scratch. 

"Oh, here she comes," ICE said in a menacing manner.

"Hello... Ned," the new lady said. She stopped and stood close to Ned, but made sure to leave a huge gap between the other ladies. Her tone was full of resentment which was totally harmonized by the dress she was wearing. Clad in blacka gloomy black. Black ribbon tied around her neck. Black high heeled shoes. And black-rounded-stormy eyes. 

"Sasani?! Ned cried. As soft as he could. "Even you!" 

"What even you!" Sasani sneered. Her attitude was completely against her elegant figure. Round eyes. Small nose. Full lips. And ginger-straight hair. "I thought you're at the academy?" 

"Excuse me, lady," ICE interrupted. Steam coming from her head. "You weren't invited here, okay? And what are you doing here?"

"Excuse me too, lady," Sasani said. Narrowing her eyes. "I work here, and it's my shift now, and why do you care, I'm talking to Ned."

Toni looked at Sasani totally displeased. Yet, she chose to linger in silence for the scene was already too much for her. So she chose to remain, uninvolved. For now. 

Unlike ICE. Fully irritated. She was jealous, maybe, or hungry, perhaps. "1 minute. You have 1 minute to talk to Ned. But not too close!" ICE said. Commanding, obviously not a plea. 

"I really don't have any idea what is happening now," Ned spoke. Gazing his eyes towards the three ladies. One standing beside him, one in front of him. And the irritated one, on his left. "Look, stay with me Sasani, okay?  Don't get me wrong, I'm here to protect you."

"Protect against what?" Sasani asked. Her soft-arched brows knitted in the middle of her eyes. 

"I don't know!" Ned cried. "Just, stay with me, okay?"

"What's with the commotion here?" Asked the man. Wearing a black business suit that totally agreed with his skyscraping height. He smiled, which showed his even teeth gleaming under the fluorescent light. 

The three ladies went into silence as his enigmatic eyes gazed at them. "Manager," the three said. Looking down to their feet. They seemed to be afraid.

Ned looked at the man. "Who are you now?" He said. 

"Ah, Ned, it's you," the man said. His voice was modulated. "I've been waiting for you. No, we've been waiting for you."

What is it this time, Ned thought. "What do you want?"

"Easy, monsieur?" said the man. He looked at the three ladies and asked. "May I borrow Ned for a moment?"

ICE, Toni, and Sasani nodded. As if they were forced to do so just from the man's gaze. 

"I'm grateful, merci, ladies," the manager said, gesturing a gentleman's bow. "Ned let's go."

"Why would I?" 

"Hmm, persistent, I hate it so much that I'm starting to like you, Ned." He said. Walked and gesture to Ned to follow him outside the busy restaurant. "You might want to see this." 

This man, he seemed, familiar. Ned thought. He might know the answer to what is happening here. This is, unreal. 

Ned followed the manager. The automatic door slid open, and the frigid wind that entered was snowy-cold as it lashed Ned without mercy.

Ned walked past the benches, trees, and automotive parked outside the spacious lot. He stopped as he noticed the manager staring at him with awe. He saw the manager standing under a pine tree. The tree casts a shadow that completely blocked the beam of the sun. Just then, the snowy wind stopped. "What now?"

"Wait," the manager said. An order, but soft mannered. He draws open his suit and pulled a device out of his inside pocket. A phone. "Let me call, someone. She's very eager to talk to you, Ned." 

Now that the two were alone, the manager blushed staring at Ned. He must be attracted to Ned's silver short hair or his deep and narrow eyes. Maybe his sharp nose. Or his delicate jawline. Ned never knew, and he doesn't want to know. "Who are you calling?" Ned said. 

"Ah, shit! Wait, my Phone's globe reception is fucked up!" He cussed. "Forgive my manners, Ned. It's just that, we're atop the mountain, and I'm excited to tell the others that I found you."

His gears turned sideways. Ned thought. He narrowed his eyes as he knitted his brows. "What 'found me' are you saying? Who are you by the way? Do I know you?"

The manager cracked a smile. "Look around you, Ned," he said. "What do you see? Where are you?" 

Ned shrugged his shoulders. He knew where he was. He just doesn't know how he ended up in a place billions of light-years away from home. "We're in France. I've been here before, with... That's how I knew about this place."


"And? What?"

"And, where are you exactly?"

"Exactly? You mean. Earth?"

"Exactly!" The manager cried. "Ah, Ned! Trust me, Isashil will be happy to talk to you! She's been waiting for this moment!"

"Isashil? You mean, Isashil the first Maker? Maker of Life, Isashil?" Ned said. Completely, flabbergasted. Everything was now a puzzle for Ned. "Wait, you didn't answer me, who are you?"

The manager looked dejected as his shoulders went hanging. "Maker of Life, yes. But, the first Maker? Uh-uh,  I don't think so? Who told you that?" He said. He gave up on his phone. Tucked it back his pocket. He sighed and smiled. And looked at Ned with a twinkling eye. "Now that you've asked. I'm happy to tell you my name. But, before that."

The manager walked around Ned, surveying his figure as his lips went licking from time to time. He stopped looking down at Ned and smiled. He said. "People call you with different names, Ned. 'Ned of O'rriadt'. 'Ned the Youngest'. 'Black Baron', and many to mention. But do you know where you belong? You belong here, here on Earth. Together with us. For we, the Maker belongs to you, Ned. We know who you are. I know... who you really are, Ned of Earth, or should I call you? Subject 0... 0... 0... 179."

Ned was taken aback. His eyes slightly enlarge by the words the manager told him. "How did you?"

The manager, leaned, crossed his arm between his chest. "Let me introduce my self formally," he said. "Same like you, I am called by many names. 'Sez the Jester'. 'Payne the Horrible'. 'Iy'T the Clown'. 'Lok the Fool'. I used many names to fool the living. But, for you, I would never lie. I preferred to be called, Kiel'Zan the Game Maker." Kiel paused. "Now, Ned, Prove us your strength. Prove to us, you can bring us to Eutopia. Finish the Limbo and your wish will be granted. Now! Are you ready? For the game is about to start!" 


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