Becoming Legend

Chapter 73: Prime Evolution

Chapter 73: Prime Evolution

Ned rubbed his eyes. As if he wasn't sure of what he was seeing. Series of unfamiliar notifications invaded his display.

[Warning: Unknown organism detected.]

[Warning: Massive amount of Mana impurities detected. ]

[Warning: Unknown Organism invading the host.]

Colluded by a constant wave of pain, the Butterfly clanged as Ned collapsed on the ground. Waves of darkness energy rippled that made the incoming army of mindless beasts stopped at their tracks. Ned fought Rassus once more. This time, the battlefield was Ned himself.

"ICE, what's he doing inside me?" Ned said. His body was unable to move.

[Ned, he is trying to take over your body. His Mana is overtaking the rest of your body. To be precise, he is devouring you.]

Ned went into deep thoughts. "Can I manipulate my Mana to counteract his actions? But it seems... " Ned said. Feeling something inside him. Something that making him stop what he was about to do.

It wasn't just ICE anymore, another entity was speaking inside him.

{Exactly! Just like your little lady said here. I am devouring you. Down to your last soul. But, wait! You don't have one! Ha! Not even a core! Did you fight me without a core human? Extraordinary indeed!}

{Oh my, human, what are you?}

{What do we have here?}

{You're not human after all.}

{This item, is beyond my recognition.}

It was Rassus. Fully analyzing his target. His energy was fully sipping in every corner of Ned's muscles. Fully controlling him.

"Get out! Now!" Yelled Ned.

[Notice: System is developing countermeasure.]

[Ned, his analyzing you. And me. He's adapting. Learning the system. It will be too late before the countermeasure is finished.]

{Ned, his analyzing you. And me. Blah blah blah!}

{Ned! You are, extraordinary indeed!}

Rassus energy went creeping inside Ned's system. To his organs, bones, and muscles. Overwhelming Ned.

{What's this! Ahhhh! I hit a jackpot! You! Your Mana! Is so damn pure!}

{With this, I can conquer the twenty Realms! I won't be just Rassus the Devourer! I will be Rassus the Conqueror!}

{Those damn Titans! This time, I'll be sure to exact my revenge!}

{Don't worry, Ned. I will take good care of your body!}

As Rassus enjoying his collaboration inside Ned's very body. Ned on the other hand was losing consciousness the more Rassus exploit Ned's system. The HUD on Ned's view went from blue, then red, then black, glitching in between. Like an old TV looking for a new repair. "I... ICE," Ned said. Pausing in between. "I'm giving you... the full access of the Protocol."

Series of notification follows. And Ned went out cold. No energy to spend, less Mana to control the darkened inside him.

[Notice: Administrator access relinquished.]



{Little lady, whoever you are or wherever are you on this human's body, it is too late. I already gained control of him. Now I'm just finding my way to his memories.}

[What are you?]

{What am I? I will be this kid's future. Not you. Not him. I alone.}

[He is not a kid.]

{What do you mean?}

[You will find out soon.]

{You, you talk as if your Master is not going to die. I don't sense the sadness in you, fear, nor animosity. What are you?}

[I am.]

[I am. Based on.]

Series of scenes flashed on Ned's thoughts. Scene of a lady exploring planets, alongside a male human on a suit. Scene of them taking over a planet with sheer force. The lady, charcoal hair. Black, deep and intimidating eyes, a fine blemish above her lips, was tagging along with the male human. Exploring, studying, and conquering.

{What... }

{What is that!}

{It felt real! All the killings, I liked it!}

[That was me. Trying to protect the man I love.]

{But you are dead. You resurrected as what? Confined in this body?}

[You could say I am dead. I am just a fragment of my own imagination. Stored. And planted inside this body. To protect. And serve him. And as for you. You are going to perish. Because that is what I am made for. To ensure Ned's survival.]

{Ohhh, how touching. But I don't sense any emotions from that. And how are you going to do that? You don't even have a body. You're not a soul. You said it yourself. You're just a fragment of imagination.}

[I was created to - ]

{Enough! With all your passive voice! I was created to. Blah blah. He was the man I love! Blah blah blah. You're telling it. Show it! But how can you? You're nothing. Like nothing. Empty! You can't do anything.}

As seconds passed, Rassus energy went creeping inside Ned. Trying to access Ned's memories. But was blocked by ICE.

Too much energy resulted in Ned muscles tearing apart. Visible wounds came into view. But Ned remained unconscious.

{Oh my, this body is so weak. He can't handle me. But it will be fine. As long as I gain control over him. I can slowly make this body strong. Now lady. Where are you hiding his memories.}

Rassus went into Ned's thoughts. Empty, dark space. Rassus traveled this space. Finding his way inside Ned's memories.

{Where... Are... You?}

{Show... Your... Self, Ned.}

Rassus hummed a tone.

Inside the dark space. Rassus saw a flicker of light. Coming in contact. He saw an oval metallic vessel. Inside he saw a circuitry beyond his understanding. Blue electric lights, moving along the desired lines.

{What is this thing?}

[That is me. But you will not understand it. It is beyond your knowledge.]

{For once, you are correct. That is why I needed his memories. The moment I lay a claw on this human's memories. Understanding you will be easy.}

Rassus left the vessel. He went deeper inside the dark and vast space. Without knowing that the space he was traversing was Ned's memories itself.

"ICE," Ned said. His voice rumbled inside his memories. Exuding a thunderous voice that kept on echoing inside the space. "Show him."

[But. Ned.]

{There you are human! Tough indeed! Normally, when I start to devour my prey, they just lost all the thoughts and succumb to my will. But you, you kept on resisting. Commendable but futile. It's too late for you. I'm inside you now. }

"It's okay ICE," Ned said breathing. He then went in a total slumber.

[As you wish, Ned.]

Space went bending, Rassus could feel that his very own consciousness was bending and distorting. Rassus went upside down. Shook. And shattered. After the phenomena. Everything around Rassus went vibrant. He went calm. Colors went on, to contrast with his dark and gloomy appearance. His consciousness then went inside a man. Black hair and eyes, square face. Clad in a suit. Fully covering his body.

{What is this, human!}

[You said you wanted his memories. Here it is.]

The scene went from different places, series of places, planets, races even Rassus don't have the knowledge of.

{This is you two, your not from this realm. You are. An alien of our realm! What are you doing here?}

[Soon, you will find it out.]

Scenes kept on changing as Rassus went into Ned's point of view. Until he reached where Ned executed the Ancient Devourers. He felt tremendous pain, seeing his brethren slain one after the other.

{So he was not lying. I'm not alone. This is. This is my kin.}

[You are weak compared to the Devourer's Ned slain. You are a Newborn.]

{Where are they now?}

[Most of you died. But there is a planet only Devourers inhabited. There they live. The Emperor of Sskat created a planet suitable only for Devourers. A planet that does not die.]

{I am. Not alone.}

[No. You are alone. Here. You will never set afoot on that planet. For we are not going back there. Ned abandoned that place. And he was happy here. The freedom he posses here is far greater than that of the Empire.]

Rassus studied all the memories Ned had. Until he saw Kamma executed by the Emperor.

{This man, seeing him. This emperor of yours.}

The moment Rassus laid an eye on the Emperor. He felt sheer despair. For the first time in his life. He felt fear. He felt weak just from the gaze of the emperor. He was nothing but a fly. His very core trembled.

Sensing that Rassus went tranced by the scenes and trembled out of fear. ICE did as she was told. Ensure Ned's survival.

[Notice: Countermeasure sequencing created. Recommendation. Activate skill 'Decipher'.]

[This is it for you Rassus.]

['Decipher' skill activated.]

The space around Rassus went black. Sparks of light, went bending and attacked him. The black mass of energy was now being consumed by the light. Sparks created the moment the light made contact with the dark energy. It went cracking as Rassus screamed.

{No! This can't be! You should be unconscious human!}

[He was. I am not.]


The black energy evaporated. And the evaporation was being devoured by the lights. Rassus' energy along with his consciousness turned to particles.

{I will. Not be devoured here!}

{I will see you soon, Ned of Sskat!}

The last word Rassus bellowed as he was devoured completely by the light.

Outside. The dark energy vanished.

To their surprise, the army of beasts didn't move an inch. Until they made sure that the energy Rassus emitting was gone. They started to wildly run towards Ned's weakened body.

Ned's body jerked as the Decipher analyzed Rassus' remains.

[Ned. Wake up.]

ICE did what she could. She knew the army was coming. But Ned was totally consumed by exhaustion.

Seconds passed, prompts of notification chimed on Ned's thought that woke him of his slumber.

[Foreign DNA detected.]

[Reading DNA structure.]

[DNA confirmed.]

[DNA is compatible with the host.]

[Proceed with linking?]




[Process with linking?]


[Ned? Will you proceed?]

Ned paused hearing those prompts along with ICE'S. "I'm not human, Rassus' was right. I'm not human. Too many things happened inside me. I can barely be called human," Ned whispered. Opening his eyes, he saw a ray of orange light. The fight ended as the sunset to rest.

[You are not, human. It doesn't matter. For you are you. You are... Ned.]

[Linking confirmed.]

[Linking complete.]

[Successfully deciphered Rassus' core. Possible skills to learn. 'Prime Evolution'.]

As the prompt ended. Ned's body went grieving. It shook. Dark energy pulsated, giving a pounding sound. Like the sound of the heart but amplified hundreds of times. And it went calm.

[Skill 'Prime Evolution' learned.]


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