Becoming Legend

Chapter 62: Becoming Legend

Chapter 62: Becoming Legend

[Attempting to revive.]

[Life Energy 1%.]

[Revive complete.]

[Analyzing DNA structure.]

[Analyze complete.]

[Host recognized.]

[Host successfully achieved the required components to activate Becoming Legend Protocol.]

[Warning: Massive organ failure detected.]

[Redirecting Nanites to restore damaged organs.]

[Nanite's count 99%.]

[Life Energy 5%.]

[Nanite's count 50%.]

[Life Energy 55%.]

[Nanite's count 20%.]

[Life Energy 79%.]

[Nanite's count 1%.]

[Life Energy 95%.]

[Restoration complete.]

[Nanite's count 0%.]

[Nanite's fully depleted.]

[Restoration complete.]

[Welcome back, Ned.]

Time seemed to freeze around Ned. He gained consciousness when a series of notification resounded inside his head.

"Becoming Legend," Ned moaned. He let out a soft and warm breath. "Calahir, seriously?"

Of course, Ned was impaled, he should felt all the symptoms - pain. He tried to poke his limbs. To his surprise, he could not lift an inch.

I could at least open my eyes. Ned introspected mentally. Again, to his surprise, not even an inch of his eyes bulged. Well, the pain inside my chest is gone. That's a good thing, I guess.

[Correct Ned. It was a good thing, indeed.]

Although in pain, hearing the soft and almost lullaby voice inside his head, Ned jerked a part of his shoulder. Last time I remembered, I was with the knight. Who are you? Are you beside me now? Wait, why am I talking to myself. "Who are you?" Ned said faintly.

[It's me, Ned, It's still me. Intranode Content Emulator, ICE. Nice to finally meet you, Ned.]

ICE?! Wait. How come? What happened to your Kremlin-robotic voice?

[This is the real me, Ned. This is my hidden feature. You could say I got upgraded with the Protocol activation.]

Protocol, why would Calahir put a Protocol without me knowing about it?

[He trusted you, that's why.]

What do you mean? Under Ned's closed eyes, his pupil razed left and right.

[He trusted that you will decide based on your emotions. Make decisions that would outwit logic. He was right, after all, Ned. So, how was death?]

Nerve-cracking, limb-tearing, and a lot of self-realization, that's what death is. But good to know your concern about me. How come I can't move my body. And everything seemed too quiet.

[I should be. Your welfare is my concern. And about that. Give time and your body will be back to normal. That's the effect of the Protocol. And your senses are still calibrating.]

About that, could you walk me through the Protocol?

[I need your authorization first. Please say your name.]


[Authorization complete.]

[Ned. You are now given the full authorization to use the Intranode Content Emulator. As an administrator, here's what you can do.]

[Freely control the system. By issuing the command 'status' Heads-Up Display are yours to view. And I will update you with your status in real-time. There are two HUD you can view. The first one, please say 'status'.]

"Status," Ned muttered.

A blue holographic display came into Ned's view.

[As you can see, important statuses are displayed. First, to your upper left, a bar of Energy. Underneath it was your Mana Storage or Mana Pool. The rest is your body's current status. I can show you a real-time three-dimensional model of your body. All are blue, from your head down to the tip of your toes. You're fresh as a newborn, Ned. When a part of your body is injured. I will depict the 3D model with a red visual. As of now, everything is blue, which means your current status is healthy and stable. If you wish, I can show you the complete composition of all elements inside your body. Your oxygen level is at 65% of your total mass. Carbon at 18.5% of your total mass. Hydrogen is at 9.5% of your total m-.]

It's okay, that's enough. What else?

On Ned's display, a blue holographic view filled with bars and numbers. But, the thing Ned was curious about was his Energy level and Mana capacity.

[Current energy level is at 100%.]

[Mana Storage Capacity is at 2,000/ 2,000.]

[Next is the second HUD. When you're in combat, the screen will turn red, and Predictive Combat Emulator will constantly be in effect. But you may choose to turn it off.]

[Second. With the protocol now in effect. Your body drastically changed. Muscle mass increased. Strength increased. Speed increased. Senses enhanced. With the increase in your muscle mass. Your bones must correspond to it. So your height increased by an inch.]

I'm not sure about the latter if it's important, but, well, why not? Any other else.

As minutes passed. Ned was aware of his condition. A cold and tingling sensation impressed his senses. He now realized that he was lying soundlessly.

[Third. And the utmost importance. With the loss of Nanites in your body. Your recovery might be slower. So, take good care of your status, Ned. But worry not without the Nanites. Nothing is blocking the conversion of Mana to Energy. Now you can use Magic, Ned.]

So that's why those damn Nanites wouldn't let me use magic. Any other more. I'm feeling my limbs, and also I'm

"What!" Ned cried that almost lifted his head off his lying position. You mean? I can invoke magic now?! Ned cried mentally. Making him confused if he heard his own voice in his thoughts.

[Correct, Ned. I'm not sure. No, we're not sure if how the people of this world use Mana as Magic. But as for you, the process is the same. Absorb, store, convert, invoke. As long as you know the components, elements, and materials of any matter. You can invoke magic with unique elements. But it seems that your magic is more inclined towards fire magic. You might be influenced by your Master.]

Focusing his thoughts, Ned felt the flow of Mana into his body. It filled all his veins with prickling warmth and soothing Mana - Pure Mana. It's been too long. Now I can... Ned lifted his arms. But, with the effect of the Protocol, his muscles yet to be recovered. Ned forced to lift his hands, he could feel his muscles are having a battle against his will.

[Don't force it, Ned. Wait it out. Remember. Emotions will lead you to events you might not be expecting.]

I know that, ICE. Don't worry. We all learned our lessons. Tell me, do you have emotions?

[I don't. But I know what emotion is. I based all my decisions on logic. So you can count on me.]

Thank you. Any other pieces of information I need to know?

[Sure. With the Protocol in effect, and magic on display. Your skills were enhanced and gained some.]

Hearing ICE, Ned's curiosity was piqued.

[Overclocking now lasts 10 seconds. You may wear out, but collapsing is out of context now. Adrenaline discharge will depend on the current energy of your choosing. Your body can handle 25% of Overclocking. You can increase it, but the negative effects will be obvious. With Overclocking, your current strength, speed, and senses are enhanced by 10~15%.]

[Decipher remained the same but added a chance to gain a skill permanently. Skills gained will depend on your body's status. You can't learn a skill that enables you to have wings. If only I have a body, Ned, I'll shrug my shoulder.]

[Predictive Combat Emulator, increased the time and chance to locate a target's weakness parts. It can also aid your shooting skills. Emulator can now magnify and coupled with my targeting system. You can hit targets at 10 kilometers with a shabby bow.]

[Next. You gained a skill called Inspect and Detect. By expanding your energy, you can detect life within a certain radius. With Inspect, you gain the skill to identify an item just by simply touching and giving the command.]

[Next, your bread and butter. This skill made you known throughout the Galaxy of Sskat, the first clone and unnatural to develop a skill. 'Igneous Burst'. A skill has proven to be effective against demihuman, undead, dryads, space worms, semi-forge humans, swarms, and many to mention. This skill almost rivaled the power of an Artifact. I suggest a great warning before using it. Your current body might not handle the recoil.]

"Hmm," Ned scuffed upon hearing the warning. Ned's muscle memory about the skill remained. But his body needed a lot of training. Continue. Ned commanded ICE. His muscles were less tense, but his coordination was still lagging.

[Because of the effect of the Protocol. Your DNA sequence was altered exponentially. The result, the Persenex attached within you, is awaiting your signal to evolve. A heads up Ned, it's a code outside my understanding. So it might interfere with your main system. Proper analyzing needed before issuing the command to evolve. Would you like me to analyze it?]

Go on.

[Analyzing new code of the Persenex system.]


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