Becoming Legend

Chapter 52: Your Brother

Chapter 52: Your Brother

The Mark, there was an unknown number of Marks spread across the world of Earflgard. Once the Mark was attached to a host, the bearer will gain an immense amount of magical power. Gain ability, knowledge, or skills that enable the host to become immeasurably strong.

Mark of the Knight, is a mark only suitable to a Host with a strong body constitution. Preferably warrior classes or a knight. If activated, it enables the host to survive a fatal wound. But can only be used once only a year, and it requires a great amount of Mana pool.

In actuality, the Mark of the Knight, or Marks contains a considerable amount of Pure Mana. And since Ned only used pure Mana, the power the Mark gives off doesn't have any effect on Ned.

These Marks are unknown devices that may turn the faith of a single person, a group of people, Organizations, or Kingdoms.

"You're too late, Knight," Master Will said. "I already passed the Mark."

Every second passed, the barrier was becoming thin.

"Passed to who? Your apprentice?" Sir Edwin asked, mocking Master Will. "Ha! he's a Hollow."

Seeing that Master Will wasn't backing from his word. The knight was bewildered. "Don't tell, but how?"

Standing in front of the barrier, was Master Will, bracing Ned's shoulder. Not far from them was the Knight, standing proud and tall.

"He's not a Hollow," Master Will said. "Kid, you've never been a Hollow." Looking at Ned, Master Will's eyes sterned.

The moment Master Will passed the Mark to Ned, he proved that his apprentice was not a Hollow. Ned has never been a Hollow.

"For some unknown reason, you can't use magic," added Master Will. "Conventional magic spell doesn't work on you kid, your Mana doesn't have any elements. In fact, your Mana is so pure that no magic could be used from it."

"What do you mean Master?"

"You're more than unique, kid, with the type of your Mana, the possibilities of your magic are limitless. I already proved it, see that sword"pointing at the Butterfly"it emits light, depends on the mana of the user. And yours, the light could be used to vanquish entire darkness. Also, your friend Coco was also the proof, no human could transform a mythical beast into its final form. Even if they use a lake of their blood, but yours, just a drop and surge of energy passed into Coco that you forced him to transform."

"Wait! So your kid has the Mark all along?" Asked Sir Edwin, who remained standing in front of kneeling Ned.

"All this time knight, all this time," Master Will replied. Smiling, his breathing remained smooth and calm, cause he knew that the knight won't let Ned die. "Now, you've got no other choice but to hand him the antidote, if he dies, your mark will vanish along with my kid."

Sir Edwin paused, if Master Will says the truth, then the Mark will sure to vanish. Gripping his sword, Sir Edwin breath calmly, he made a decision. In fact, all his life he made decisions that led him to this day. The day of his revenge. The moment he gripped his sword, pulsating aura started to discharge. Making a heart beating sound every time a light shine. Beat after beat, he was charging. The move he was about to make will change the course of his plan.

He bent his knees, and slowly draw his sword. An inch after he draws the sword, he vanished. Not even Ned's eyes could follow the knight.

Ned and Master Will heard a sharp whistle along with the cracking sound of the Gate. Ending the whistle, they felt the aura of the knight behind them. Looking behind their shoulder, sir Knight was standing. Then Ned heard a thudding sound beside him, Master Will fell on the ground, paralyzed.

"Now kid, make your choice, give me the Mark or your Master will die an antagonizing death," the knight said. "But, don't worry, I still had the antidote."

"I' fine kid, use the antidote...for yourself," said Master Will stuttering.

[Analyze complete.]

[Poison successfully neutralized.]

How convenient, thanks ICE. Ned shrugged his shoulders, resting for a moment gave him enough energy to stand. He stood, and looked the knight. "Give him the antidote, and I'll give you the Mark."

"You're not the one that makes decisions here kid," exclaimed the knight. He waved his hands, then two antidotes appeared, stored in a glass vial. "The Mark first, then I'll give you this."

"I can't," replied Ned. Putting his arms on his chest. And act as if the poison was taking effect. "The poison is taking over me, I need the antidote, then I'll give you the Mark."

"No! Kid, you can't. Leave me, take the antidote and leave!" Cried, Master Will. "Kid, listen, the moment the Order laid a hand on that Mark, they will gain a massive amount of strength."

"Who told you that I will hand over the Mark to the Order?" Sir Edwin raised his eyebrows. "Shut up Othor! I have my own plans, and your kid will help me to it, no I'll make sure he will help me."

And so Sir Edwin went through his words. Waving his hands again, the other vial vanished, the one left was thrown right in front of Ned. Clanking on the ground. "Take it."

Retrieving the antidote on the muddy ground. Ned stretched his chin up, he looked the knight with an intimidating gaze. He smiled and cried. "Leap!"

In an instant, his leg power, and speed increased, charging the knight with his Butterfly, brandished together with him. He then threw the antidote to his Master.

Master Will applied all his strength into his arms. Commanding his muscles to move and catch the vial.

With the vial in hand, Master Will yanked open the timbered cork. Drunk empty the antidote and hoped for the best. With the antidote slowly in effect, sweat beads on his forehead. He then rolled over to gaze Ned and the Knight.

"Kid, your resilience is commendable, to think that the poison doesn't have any effect in you," said Sir Edwin. Seeing Ned was charging, he furrowed his brows, then smiled. He stepped to his side like it was already planned. Evading the charging Butterfly that was aimed at his throat. He balled his hands, then punched Ned right into his left shoulder.

The impact made Ned rolled on the muddy ground. He only stopped when his body hit a tree, almost meters, and meters away.

"I didn't make any promises kid," Sir Edwin said. "Just because I can't kill you doesn't mean I can't hit you."

A slight sound beside the knight alerted him to danger. Then an old yet profound voice constructed the language of magic. He turned, and squatted, so as to make a smaller target, and stab. The sword struck Master Will in his shoulder, breaking his iron sword in the process, as Master Will used it to defend, and putting an immediate end to the Magic he was about to invoke.

But Master Will tackled him around the knees, and they rolled down the slope into the small pond of muddy water. They wrestled in the shallows, spouting magics and counters until Sir Edwin got Master Will in a headlock and held his head under the small pond long enough to conjure immobilizing magic on him.

"You've fucked enough of my life Othor! Don't add more to it!" bellowed the knight. With the immobilizing magic wrapping Master Will's body, he remained, not knowing what do to next. "Just wait, you'll have your turn."

Muddy foam stuck the Knight's armor. But it doesn't matter, for his goals were right in front of him. He walked, to where the slender, and exhausted Ned was. "As for you, I've had enough of your tricks. Hand me the Mark, or you'll see your Master eaten alive."

The knight held his hands up to his mouth. With the fingers formed to whistle. He called his steed. Under the cloak of blackness, a figure appeared. Then landed on Master Will. Then the gryphon extended its claws and hold Master Will behind. "Feast on him if he resists," command the knight to his steed.

Master Will was agitated, red in the face. "Enough knight!" he screamed. Mouthing a magic, the gryphon's claw wasn't strong enough to hold his target pinned down. The fire started to imbued Master Will's old figure. He stood, while the steed flew off, evading a slash from a half-broken sword, that almost cut three of his claws. "It will take years before you extract the Mark off my kid's body!" he shouted to explain.

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't teach him how to use the Mark," said Master Will smirking.

Turning behind him, veins started to crawl on his forehead. "You!" the knight vanished, leaving a footprint on the mud. He swirls with his sword, targeting Master Will and his fire-imbued body, acting as a shield.

Master Will raised the broken sword, then fire magic filled the sword, extending in length. The sword became full as the fire stopped when it was almost a meter long. After the fire imbued the sword, he instantly used it to block the Knight's fierce attack. "Your style, is familiar knight," said Master Will.

"No matter how you materialize your sword with your fire magic, the result is always the same," Sir Edwin said. "It will be your death."

"What have I done to you!" cried Master Will.

"What have you done?!" asked angrily by the knight. Stabbing his sword countless of times, and rapidly that Master Will caught some scratch on his shoulder, diffusing some of the fire on Master Will's sword. "You killed your brother! You monster!"


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