Becoming Legend

Chapter 39: Departure

Chapter 39: Departure

As the fog blew away in the cold wind, the clouds amassed and it started raining. Big, fat raindrops were driven in abstract lines by the wind.  Ned stared at the gap in front of him. 

A gloomy atmosphere welcomed the island. And Ned lost track of Master Will. He tried the cave where his pod was, thinking his Master might lamenting the day Ned arrived into his life. But he wasn't there. He tried the grieving woods, where his Master hunted Rabbis like a wildfire, but not even a shadow of a single armed man revealed itself under the streak of the thunder lighting the woods. 

Ned was worried, he must have his own reason. But to think that he'd get lost the day Ned leave the island.

Eventually, Ned decided to meet the rest at Granny's cabin. He thought that his Master awaits his arrival at the port. 

The sludge oozed with steam, clinging underneath the leaves. Ned's leather tunic couldn't shield a part of his body from heavy rain. His leather boots, his Master bought once for hunting, was soaked with mud trying to enter every hole it has. A sprinkle of rain jangled onto the Butterfly, making a cacophony of noises. Ned descended the hill with a thunderous dark cloud looming up on the horizon. 

Ned arrived at Granny's, the same moment as Toni and the rest. Xi was awake, taxing his head with all the information Granny shared with him. He couldn't believe that his almost dead and thirsty body was patched back in almost a day. 

Xi kowtowed as best as he could, not just to Granny but also to Ned. Bowing like his life depends upon it, for it was. 

It was weakness and admiration. Was all the reason why Xi gave up his Token. 

Weakness, lack of skills, and experiences made Xi fell out of the group. All his life, he rarely went out to experience the outside. Although they weren't the wealthiest family at Chinok Island,  they are, at least a family of knowledgeable merchants. Trying to separate from the family, Xi ventured and later winded up on O'rriadt island. Meeting Ned and Toni through the effort of his family traits passed on for generation, perseverance. 

Battling the hoard of Goblins made Xi felt how useless and weak he was. Through this battle, Xi looked up to Ned, a Hollow who, for once, never wavered against the enemies.

Feeling like an ant in an ocean, Xi gave up his Token and proving his way to earn another one. Unfortunately, as faith intertwined with a Wereman, he was nabbed off the spot and landed on Granny's cabin with a hole on his side. 

He didn't blame Greg or Naa'ri, he blamed himself for being weak. And now that he lost a spot and a Token, Xi decided to go back to his hometown, and continue what his family desired for him. Or maybe, get stronger and join the next year's Selection. 

After a small talk, and an introduction between Xi and Naa'ri, the group left for the port. Leaving Xi to fully recover with Granny. 

Xi barely saw the group under the skirt of heavy rain and blows of wind. Thunderstorm hovered in the sky like a shadow of a dragon devouring everything on its way. "A storm has come," said a worrying Xi. 

Traversing their way to the town hall. The group saw the outside market was empty. Wooden baskets rolled in the hollow part of the road, no fruit stand, meat, or items are sold. 

With all the emptiness, lies pub ahead. Clamoring, murmuring, and rum is doing the talking. These are the memories Ned will miss when he leaves the island. 

With their Selection Token in hand, they arrived in the town hall without any much of a delay and entered the hall where they used to gather the other moon. 

They entered the Hall with other Participants already waiting. Ned gazed at Xin, folding his arm at the corner of the room, while he tapped his foot, making a random tapping sound. While Greg sat at the far end of the room munching a part of meat what appears to be a thigh from an adult Corca. The two tweaked a lip contrary to Ned's arrival. 

The participants were surrounded by a number of Handlers,  in the center was Sir Edwin, while Allaina was nowhere to be found. McGreedy sat in the long table together with his daughter - that seemed to be not interested in the current event. 

It was already the second day when Ned noticed that the Mage was missing. They must have a thing of their own. Ned pondered. 

En masse with the participants was Jason. Seeing the arrival of Ned and his group, Jason approached the group carrying a smile on his face. He smiled at Ned and turned his gaze towards the two ladies behind Ned. He bowed putting his hand on his chest. "A pluvial day to the two ladies and a cat?" Jason tilted his head, he seemed to wonder about the Coco.

"Uh," Toni nodded

While Naa'ri received Jason's greetings with a tact. She bowed lightly. 


"And the cat does greet," Jason said. Retracting his bow. 

Jason was about to thank Ned from last night"s incident when a voice rounded the Participants. 

A round and heavy voice echoed the entire hall. "As you have noticed " - raising a Transmit Cube -"two ships have already arrived at the port of O'rriadt." 

Inside the Transmit cube was a three-dimensional moving image of the two identical massive ships currently docked at the port. Its body was constructed with wood, while the head, stood a griffin with its wings closed, staring at the horizon. The view was obscured due to the heavy rain, but on the ship were blurred dots moving here and there. They seemed to be the crew. 

"There are twenty-two Participants. But most of you will have to sail on the first ship. While the rest will depart on the second. You must be wondering why," drawing in the Cube close to his chest. Sir Edwin studied the obscured image of the ship. "The ships traveled from Port Ellen through the Titans Cay eventually docking here on O'rriadt Island. Which took almost, if not, close to a hundred and twenty moons. And along the way, the Twins picked up a number of annoying nobles. You're lucky to ride a ship exclusive only for nobles."

"A hundred and twenty moons!" Some Participants clamored.

[Four months. That's equivalent to a hundred and twenty moons.]

ICE's voltaic voice echoed on Ned's ears. Well, that's a lot of time, I just hoped there's book aboard the ship. Ned talked inside his head. 

"Troubled be not, Vellarus Dawn and Vellarus Dusk are one of the most advanced ships the Kingdom could offer." Sir Edwin said. "Aboard the Dawn, miss Allaina will manage the first group. She's already there. While on the Dusk, a couple of trained Handlers will manage."

"What about you Sir Edwin?" One of the participants asked.

"Worry not about me, I have steed of my own." Sir Edwin replied. "Don't worry about the heavy rain, it amounts nothing compared to the Twins."

With that, Ned gazed to McGreedy, bidding goodbye. He seemed to be an old acquaintance of Master Will. Ned thought. Now that he thought about his Master, he just hoped that he was waiting at the dock. Ready to bid goodbye as well. 

After the Handlers added some procedure on boarding the ship. The last gathering had ended. 

Most Participants were ecstatic, especially the only Were aboard the Ship. Some made a group of friends already, while others are anxious. 

Next was the list of the first group of participants to board the Vellarus Dawn, the first ship to leave. Xin Wuyeng insisted to board the first ship since his name was called out for the second group. 

"Always wanted to be first." Jason clamored. Throwing a provoking gaze on Xin. "I'll trade with Xin." He cried to inform the Handlers to swap the group with Xin. 

In the second group was Ned, Toni, Naa'ri - with Coco still inlayed. The supposed to be Xin but swapped to Jason. And another almost lifeless participant. Some wondered how this kid passed the Selection with all bones and skins attached to his figure. 

With the dark clouds and heavy rain almost settled. Participants leave for the port. 

With the rain almost gone, the participants saw the crew was now busy loading crates. Hundred or so of heads could be seen inside the windows of the ships. Some kids are running,  shouting, and playing inside the Vellarus Dawn. 

Ned, whose gaze turned left and right,  sometimes up and down across the building not far from them, was looking for his Master. Ned saw people started going out of their houses, inns, and markets, with the rain almost gone. But not his Master, now he was contemplating. Should he board the ship without him saying goodbye to his Master? Maybe his master couldn't take the hills of emotions and decided not to say goodbye to Ned? Or maybe, he was against for Ned to leave the island from the start. But those are thoughts and emotions Ned could think of. For his questions remained unanswered since his Master was nowhere to be seen. 

"Ned," Toni whispered right almost close to Ned's ear. "We can stay here if you want."

Toni gripped Ned's arm, her body made contact with Ned for the first time. But Ned couldn't feel the heat coming from Toni, since his mind wandered in the aimless sea of thoughts, wondering where his Master was. 

Before Ned could answer Toni, the siren of the Dawn rumbled all throughout the island, indicating it is leaving away from the island. Seventeen participants, now gone in the island. Only remained was the group of Ned, together with the skinny kid. 

Leaps of time passed, and yet, Ned whose remained motionless couldn't utter a word to answer Toni. 

With fewer raindrops remained, the massive Vellarus Dawn was now a tiny speck of dot in the dark horizon. Besides, the wooden plank, used as a bridge to board the last remaining ship, was the Vellarus Dusk. 

Ned must come to a conclusion. He has decided. To leave the island, Ned remembered that this was his Master's wish. 

"I will l-"

"Kid, come with me," Sir Edwin intruded Ned, he was standing high and tall behind them. 

The five looked back almost the same altogether.

"But, why?" Ned answered. Letting out a breath of relief. 

"I believe you're worried about your Master," Sir Edwin said.

"How'd you know?"

"I know things kid," he smiled. "The Dusk will leave later today, look at that" - pointing at the Vellarus Dusk- "so we still have time to look for your Master."

The five looked back to where the Dusk was, almost the same altogether.

They saw that the crew was still busy preparing the ship. 

Ned felt relieved with his aid that came. Ned never thought that Sir Edwin would extend his hand to assist him. 

The taste of sea-salt remained stale on the air. People now started to walk here and there at the port, giving life to the dull port after the heavy rain. The foundation was made of stone and at the end was wooden plank carefully aligned. Not far from them was the group of stalls selling rare ornamentals and keepsakes sold for the visiting outlanders. A streak of sunlight started to peak at the lifeless port. Giving a feeling of solace. 

Ned looked at Toni and smiled, he nodded his head indicating she should wait at the port. While he brushed Coco's head with his fingers, and throw a smile at Naa'ri. Behind the two girls was Jason. He looked at Jason and nodded, the latter nodded as well. "I'll keep them safe, " Jason said. Ned tried to look for the listless kid but he's nowhere to be found. 

Ned leaving the group for his Master was the plan. If he couldn't find his Master before the ship leaves, he was sure that his heart will remain thorned, so he must find his Master no matter what. 

Ned walked toward the Town Hall with Sir Edwin.

Not long after they left the port. Ned discerned something. 

The sky becomes shaded with black, the sun that was about to welcome the island was now gone in despair. Above the island was a cloud so dark it turned the island night. 

The absence of sound broke when Ned heard a shrilling sound above the despairing sky. The shrill was becoming loud. The shrill turned shriek. 

Ned turned to his shoulder. But, it was too late when Ned and the group noticed that a streak of purple light radiated all throughout the port. A sudden boom was then heard. Looking back at his shoulder, Ned saw the Vellarus Dusk turned chaos. A fissure so big and hollow that within seconds the ship sunk to nothingness. 

With people running and screaming, in between Ned heard a scream. Even with hundreds of people ran and screaming around, Ned recognized whose scream was it. It was Toni's. Screaming at the top of his lungs! "No!"

Ned leaned his head, looking at Toni, there he noticed a pool of blood beside her. He noticed a body, that of a monk. Not far from the body, a head kept on rolling, Maker only knows where the head, is headed. 

Ned saw the head came to halt. And he recognized the head. It was Jason's. Jason's head departed from his body.


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