Becoming Legend

Chapter 30: Xi

Chapter 30: Xi

The first phase and second phase of the Selection was over - to gather five hundred points by harvesting monster Core and Capturing the Sphere of other participants. And out of almost three hundred who joined the Selection, only a hundred passed.

These hundred participants will have to undergo the last phase of the Selection. The Tournament. And the twenty who passed the tournament will be admitted to the Griffith Academy.

A day before Ned woke up, the tournament started. A makeshift platform was constructed in the middle of the town plaza to accommodate the tournament. There, participants from different regions, islands, and families battled for the spot.

At the top of the hall, in a room with a perfect view of the middle of the plaza. Sir Edwin Tulor Godefroy, saw the tournament without any excitement.

His gaze was on a Transmit Cube placed on a table.

"Mage, how was it?" He asked.

For days, Mage Park has been in and out of the forest, south of O'rriadt town. There, he was busy channeling spells, chanting magic, and laying unknown and compound magic array.

"Nearly there, if everything goes well as planned, tomorrow the Gate will open." Mage Park's low pitched voice echoed in the Transmit Cube. "How was the kid?"

"From time to time he was awake," he paused. "Awake, but unconscious, to think that a Hollow has the symptoms of Mana Burn."

"Don't touch him yet, when I return I will personally check on him." Mage Park's brown eyes filled with murderous intent.

After a while, a knock finished the conversation of the two. Ending their conversation, Sir Edwin hid the Transmit Cube back to his ring.

"Come in."

The door opened and a Handler stepped in with a curious look on his face.

"My Lord, a kid wanted to talk to you."

"What does he want?"

"Something about the Token my Lord," the Handler said. "He's one of the three participants who fought the Lord."

Outside the door were a kid, long black hair, narrow eyes, and an old bow attached on his back.

After the Handler left and confirming who the kid was, Sir Edwin let him in.

"I'm Xi of Chinok island, Lord Edwin." Hands clipped on his sides, Xi took a deep bow.

"I know, you're with the two who fought the Lord," Sir Edwin gestured Xi to sit down. "Such a brave act for a young kid like you."

"Yes, Lord Edwin." Xi remained standing and took a long breath, his shoulders tensed. He then took a token out of his pocket. "About that Lord Edwin, here."

Placing the Selection Token on the table. Xi tensed up.

"What's this?" Sir Edwin's gaze tensed.

"I...inside the cave"

"What cave?" Sir Edwin interrupted Xi. "There was no Cave there."

Since the teleportation array was set only to the Hoglob Island, and not specific, the participants were sent at a random place on the island. So, no one knew where they went until they were confirmed by Handlers - who were stationed to watch the event.

"After we entered the Teleportation Array, we were sent to a cave." Xi explained. "There, Ned and Toni, and even the cat." Xi sighed. "They fought all the goblins. While I... all I do was to shoot arrows. And even that, I missed. In short, I'm dead weight. So..."

Xi came from a merchant family, and fighting was not their forte. Especially magic. Whatever Xi did, he can't use magic properly, so he trained himself in the art of shooting. But even with that, when his team needed him, he missed. And Xi, can't take the pain of being dead weight. He realized that the Token given to him was only due to Ned and Toni doing all the hard work.

Seeing no other way, Sir Edwin took the Selection Token.

Aside from their plan, Sir Edwin was also determined to recruit young mages and present them to the academy. With that, he can't let a single recruit gone to waste.

"How about this, you join the Tournament and reach the top twenty. I'll give you this Token back." Sir Edwin said. "I'm sure, that way, you'll prove yourself."

Being a merchant on a faraway island, Xi's future was already determined. Unless he joined a prestigious Academy like that of the Griffith's. Successfully finished four years of studying and join the Royal Kingdom. And decide his own future.

Now that he was given another chance to prove himself, he must, of course, grab the opportunity and do his best to pass the Tournament.

After leaving the Hoglob island, Xi was treated by Royal Healers. And now that his wound was almost healed up. He was determined to pass the Selection. This time, by his own effort.

The Tournament was almost ending when Xi decided to join.

His first opponent was a Water Mage. Due to his proficiency with bow, long-distance attacks, and wit. It took him a lot of time to force his opponent to surrender. Water Mages spells shot at a short distance, and mostly on the defensive side. With this, Xi won.

Xi rarely uses Wind Spells. The only time Xi uses wind spell was to increase the speed of his arrow. Xi knows, that using his only spell, Wind Lance, will drain his Mana by a great amount. But his opponent was a Beastmanable to change to magical creatures they were chosen.

Beastmans, can't use Magic Spells. But they were able to use Mana to enhance their body. With an increase in speed, strength, and perception, Beastmans are a formidable opponent.

His opponent was Grant, a Beastman from Bohrum Island of the Beastman Tribe. He was also the one they met at Hoglob Island. Which Ned, already met back outside the gate, in the dark alley.

"I know you," Grant pointed at Xi. "You're with the kid before."

"You're with the odd girl before! I remember you!" Xi showed a welcoming smile.

"We're not friends, so keep that smile down."

With only half of his power, he could use, Grant, transformed into a magical creture. Resembling an Ursa, brown hair started to grow and muscles tensed up, he was now looking more like a bear standing on hind legs. With face half-covered with brown hair.

With the gong resounded, Grant lunged himself toward Xi. Running on four at an increased speed. He slashed Xi with his claws.

Hitting nothing but air, Xi evaded the attack by tumbling backward. He started to cast his spell. "Coiling Dragon of the Seven -"

But before Xi could finish his spell, Grant dashed forward, using his head to ram Xi on the ground.

Xi barely keeping up on Grant's speed, with the ram incoming, Xi swiftly released an arrow. Scraping Grant's, hairy and muscular legs.

"Ned was right, my chanting was too long," Xi mumbled. "But how could I..."

"You kid!" Grant shouted blood scour his hairy leg. "You'll pay for this!"

Grant zigzagged the stage. Trying to confuse Xi with his speed.

But Xi fought the Lord. Grant's speed was nothing compared to the Lord. Using his keen eyes, Xi focused, nocked an arrow, and shoot a blurred image in front of him.

Grant was hit on his shoulder. He was surprised about how Xi followed his movements. But it was too late, Xi finished his spell and released a Wind Lance. Hitting his arms that he used to block the incoming arrow. Grant surrendered.

Xi fought using his bow and arrow, coupled with determination, he reached the top forty.

It was almost late evening when Xi reached the top twenty-five. Now, he just needed to beat one opponent to cement his spot at the top twenty.

His last opponent, it was none other than Naa'ri. Same island with Greg and Grant, also same clan, but on a different tribe.

Naa'ri was a Tamer, she uses a beast to attack. This time it was a flying creature. A Falkonet - looking like an eagle, but larger and more fierce.

"May I know your name? I'm Xi of Chinok by the way." Xi half bowed with his arms on his side.

"I'm Naa'ri of Bohrum." She replied. "I didn't see your friends, where are they?"

"They were..." Xi paused for a moment, checking his surroundings. "They were unavailable at the moment."

"If I win, you should introduce me to the Cat." Naa'ri smiled truthfully.

"You mean Coco? Sure!"

It took less than a minute for Naa'ri to triumph over Xi. Using only her tamed beast, Naa'ri defeated Xi by using a distance attack. Xi couldn't keep up being attacked on both sides. With slim to none options, Xi surrendered.

His last battle, Xi's dream was crushed. Now he's got no other reason to decline his parent's proposal, to take over their business.

"Thank you!" Xi clasped his hands and bowed deeply with a smile. "It was a fair fight"

Xi left the plaza in the middle of the night. Gloomy, defeated, and down. Without face to show to his newly found friends, Xi went to the port to go back to his hometown.

Turning into a dark alley, Xi was stopped. It was two muscular kid, almost the same age as him. It was none other than the alley boys, Greg and Grant.

"Hey, kid." It was Grant. "You took my spot!"

His brother, Greg passed the Selection on the twentieth spot. Feeling disappointed for his brother, Grant didn't pass the Selection due to Xi. Greg was determined to avenge his brother.

Beastman's abilities are stronger at night, being older than Grant. Greg was stronger and meaner than his younger brother.

Enhancing his body, Greg vanished in the middle of the dark alley.

Before Xi could notice where Greg was, he was already cut open. The wound was deep, and claws resembling of a deadly creature marked his abdomen. Greg's transformation was that of the tigerfast and furious.

"That will teach you a lesson." Greg's blue tiger eyes glowed in the dark. Simulating fear and death.

Xi dropped to the ground, his old wound opened up, becoming fresh anew. From the top of his old wound, was a bigger, deeper, and deadlier cut. Blood flowed like a river, followed by the flesh of innards coming out from his wound.

The two left without looking back, determined to kill Xi. They knew, that outside the town wall, the law wasn't harsh and killing was already a part of O'rriadt Island. Vanishing their smiles in the dark alley, they left Xi to die.

Determined to live, Xi carried himself in the dark alley with blood making prints on his back. He used his clothes to close the wounds. But it wasn't enough, he, at least, pushed his innards back inside his stomach.

Before Xi joined the Selection, he observed the town before going inside the town square. It took him almost a day to successfully roam the town. He also knew where the one and only real Healer was.

Not far from the port, is where Granny Lola's cabin.

It was almost noon when Xi reached Granny Lola's ramshackle cabin. There, Xi saw people lining up to be healed.

The sun was blazingly hot, but Xi felt cold and not hot. Sweat formed on his forehead, his lively looking skin was now blue and paled. His breathing was rapid, Xi was going in shock.

Xi forced himself into the line of people waiting to be healed. Cause he knew, he got no time to wait in line. Blood filled his boots, his old blue clothes were now dyed crimson.

Xi limped the room and noticed that no one was inside to welcome him. Before he could speak. Xi dropped to the ground. His last thoughts drifted with only the voice of his friend, Ned.



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