Becoming Legend

Chapter 238: Preparing Just in Case

Chapter 238: Preparing Just in Case

If it's a Great Race war, then the elves must have come up with something to reclaim victory. But if it's the case, why would they be spotted so easily. Unless they don't care, or unless they were in a hurry for something.

Ned's thoughts drove like a train that connects one after the other. After pondering things, Ned couldn't find ways and reasons why would elves leave their territory.

The men in assembly gasped from the Queen's announcement.

"Then we should prepare."

"If it starts we must be ready to go on the surface."

"No. That would be a disaster."

"We must hurry with the Gate."

All eyes turned to Otik. The old scholar did get their attention.

The Gate was their last chance. They needed to hurry to open the Gate to reinforce the Hive with new allies. They could go on the surface. But currently, hunters own the land. So, they must be wary.


The old gnoll torrented Otik with defiance.

"It will take years before the symbols are connected. Also, Gogmurch is not here."

Gogmurch the goblin general could read the remaining symbol. But all eyes went to Ned because they knew, he was the one to sent him to the hunters.

"It will only take months."

Otik's voice pulled the tension away from Ned. The three humans agreed with him as they sat side by side with each other. Still, unconscious to them, but it was obvious to Ned. Humans stay with humans, and beasts grouped together. Even under the Hive.

"What do you mean?" The female Arachne asked.

"You see fellow, Okatokat," Otik said. It might involuntary to him, might be conscious, but the old man blinked as he laid his eyes to the female Arachne. "The fellow cub here could decipher it faster than we do."

Eyes went to Ned. He nodded.

"How long are these months you're talking about?" It was the old gnoll that asked. Dried skin around his eyes, and greying hair that could be counted on his forehead.

"Two months," Ned answered without waiting for Otik's response.

Kon Sas Koron already knew about this. Yet, her dark eyelids twitched hearing how fast Ned could do it. Heck, Ned could do it in less than a month. He was just delaying things since his training with Roy wasn't finished yet.

Speaking of Roy, he hasn't arrived yet. Ned wondered what happened to the man. Might be sharpening his horns.

"Then," Moloatiss said. "If it's trueand I'll believe that it isthen we will prepare things upon their arrival." He spun his fat-filled body and looked at the towering Queen behind her and said: "What do we do about the elves? Where do we stand with all these? And did the other Lords knew?"

"Nothing," Queen replied without a second thought. "The Hive's security is of the utmost importance. As for the last question, they might. If we knew about the elves. I'm sure they do as well."

"Of course, my Queen."

Moloatiss bowed his wiggling body and the rest followed.

After which, Okatokat followed up with a question that everyone couldn't deny.

"What about Khiccaal and Gogmurch?"

"What about them?" Otik asked what was supposed to be the words of Ned's heart.

"We needed them, human," her voice quickened a bit but due to Queen's presence, Okatokat suppressed the urge to squeeze the old human.

Otik seemed to enjoy teasing the female Arachne. He responded. "But they're already captured. Do not blame us, humans, for their incompetence."

Otik's words put the long table in a long silence. His words were too slow to register to him, but after it did. Otik turned to face the Queen and bowed with his head almost touching the wooden table.

Luckily for Otik, Sas Koron seemed to be in a good mood as she dismissed Otik immediately after his bow.

"It's fine," she said. "We will leave the elves, for now. Not until we know what was their true intentions."

"Does the kingdom know about this?" Ned asked.

"I'm guessing not," Moloatiss answered. "For some reason, the elves were using the current that only sea beasts could pass. It would be very difficult for humans to track them as long as they stay in the current."

"But you could track them."

"Yes," Sas Koron replied. "Because we have ways that humans don't have. Biri-biri for example could communicate to non-hostile magical beasts. Which, sends us the information. Unless humans learn the language of the beasts. Then, that would be a problem." Her eyes darted Ned.

"I don't intend to teach someone your language," Ned said to ease the mind of Sas Koron. "I'm quite a busy fellow, and I don't have time for that."

"Then," Queen Sas Koron said. "I thank everyone for coming here. Just in case, Okatokat."

"My Queen."

"Increase the Hive's defense. Double the guards of the first level. In case humans tried to do foolish things. Then, capture them. Send them to Moloatiss for further questioning. Eliminate if necessary, but try to avoid it."

"Ka! My Queen!"

"Old Bolived." The Queen's commanding voice was directed to the old gnoll.

Bolived the gnoll bowed and waited for the Queen's orders.

"How is the mining of the stones?"

Mana stones were mined at the deepest part of the Hive. Northwest side if Ned was facing the city of Sudden Plate. For now, Ned wasn't allowed to enter the mining chambers as it was very important for the beast. Not even Otik and the rest of humans could enter the mining chamber.

But according to Ned's gathering information skills. The mana stone was a giant node of raw crystals that was filled with mana. It could be said that the node was the only reason why Kon Sas Koron decided to build her Hive under the Du'kki mountain. It might be also the reason for the war that happened decades ago between nobles and hunters against the beast trying to occupy the Du'kki mountain.

"Without the additional forces of the goblins. We were delayed by a couple of months. My Queen, we need Gogmurch to command his army. Goblins and gnolls were having a heated argument each passing day. It might affect our mining, my Queen."

"Hmm," the Queen said, rubbing the tanned skin under her chin. "I will do something about it. For now, do things the same as ordered. Send them to the extraction chamber." She paused. "We need mana to open the Gate, and if we even lack a single stone. That will cause us delays."

"Understood, my Queen." Bolived bowed. His bent was deeper than the rest of the men present. It only shows how strong his loyalty to his Queen.

"And Ned."

Ned nodded hearing his name spoken by the Queen.

"Remember. You're safe here cause I say so. And I want to stay it that way. I'm sure you understand that."

Ned didn't answer, but it was evident in his eyes that he won't stay at the Hive for long.


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