Becoming Legend

Chapter 202: Resembled

Chapter 202: Resembled

Ned was astonished by the fire mage's precise control of her body, or more like Moloatiss's control over her.

She dodged an attack and at the same time threw a considerable amount of fire magic for those who get too close to her. She was a gold rank hunter, but it seemed that the parasite sucking her back wasn't just a parasite after all. There was a difference as to how the parasite stuck behind its host. The normal parasites Ned saw were not throbbing of different colors, unlike the new one. And it wasn't just sucking, the parasite seemed to recycle the mana and gave it back to its host, making her stronger, and able to battle four experienced hunters at once. One being Gold rank hunter.

The chainmail wrapped over Hunter Ja's astounding body glowed with blue and green light then the light coiled his hands toward the spear he held. But instead of thrusting the fire mage, four orbs the size of s fist circled the tip of his spear. He then raised the spear, gaining the right angle for a good strike. With a grunt, he threw the orbs towards the fire mage.

A wall of fire was conjured the moment the orbs entered the fire mage's range. The wall of fire then twirled in the middle, a fireball of condensed energy howling toward the Hallowguard's mage, Holly.

The controlled hunter wasn't just a dummy, she could think depending on the situation. Was she thinking at all? Or was it the caterpillar beast controlling her? Certainly, it was the latter, as the shining exterior of the parasite wiggled as if a command has been issued.

After the fireball passed through the wall of fire, she then conjured another spell, uncaring of the recoil her body would receive. The moment the fireball hit Holly, a thunderous roared echoed as she stepped back to block the fire mage's spell. The attack alone took a toll on Holly, she gasped for air, conjuring another wind magic. This time, a lance of thin air. Holly then thrust the spear but dissolved before it hit the fire mage. The fire mage now smearing with a blue flame. This made her even stronger. Dancing blue flame coiling around her as if she wasn't affected by the hot waves it emits.

But their attack didn't stop there. After the conjured spear dissolved, Hunter Jo hovered from above with his pillar of terra magic. He stood proudly with the massive blade slung over his shoulder.

Before the conjured pillar reached the ground, Hunter Jo leaped. With the massive blade's weight, his distance from above, together with his leap, he pounded the fire mage.

A thunderous roar of blade and magic connected.

Hunter Jo bounced away from the fire mage as she was able to conjure a fire barrier before she was hit. But the barrier wasn't enough to stop the blade, her left hand bled, half of it was torn, crystals, and rocks stuck in-between her chunks of flesh. The remaining skin made her torn hand dangling left and right.

Her face shows no pain or anger. Her eyes were blank. But she stood in the middle of the encampment completely stunned. She might not feel pain, but her body has a weakness and a limit. She bled from her nose and ears.

Then a thin light sliced her neck. She gashed a mouthful of blood, before succumbing to the ground. Sujiro appeared behind her dead body. Knife, the length of a finger, dripping of blood. His messy hair waffled as the breeze took time to brush them. Sujiro fingered his hair, waving some part that blocked his view. His eyes then widened. The parasite wiggled rebelliously while the different colors of light spread over its exterior.

"Gon!" Sujiro cried, then the parasite swelled out of proportion. It let out a victorious shrill then exploded to bits of pieces. Particles of red and green liquid baffled the center of the encampment.

The air surrounding the encampment roared with agony and despair as Ned watched the fight concluded.

"Holly!" Molly cried over her shoulder, vines of different thickness blocked the tentacles as it reached for her.

The steel-like tentacles twisted, trying to drill a hole over the combined vines that acted as a barrier.

Holly cursed as she tried to control both her magic and the emotions swelling inside her. Tears reached at the end of her rounded eyes. She yelled, injecting more mana to conjure more vines.

Vine as big as a regular man stretched out of the ground and battered Khiccaal. The massive vine swept the Shoon, throwing him dozens of feet away. He landed with his head ramming a rock.

Holly then rushed toward the explosion. Cursing along the way while vines creeping behind her.

Ned and the rest circled Ulysses. He drunk three healing potions, but the effect wasn't visible. Instead, purple veins started to appear from the wound in his shoulder crawling to its neck, he was unconscious and poisoned. The armor over his right shoulder shattered after the tentacles bored holes into it.

"Shit," Ned cursed.

Swift jumped as he heard Ned. His voice was uncertain but it wasn't showing on his face. "What's wrong?" She asked. Her beside Ned, while readying the wrist bow.

They formed a triangle, trying to cover for the unconscious knight. Ned, and Swift facing the west, where Holly and Khiccaal took the battle. Baso on the other hand was behind them, short-sword held with both hands, gritting his teeth. Legs spread wide open and bent to kneel.

"We were left wide open," Ned said. Saber now extended in front of him. Both hands needed for stability.

Inspect, he thought. Eyes were wary of the next attack. But he needed to be sure that the weapon he was holding could withstand hit.

A series of notifications rung in his head. Then came the display on red with the information he wanted.

[Lasting Saber.]

[This weapon was crafted by an intermediate blacksmith and has seen many battles. This sword was carried by experienced warriors for a decent amount of time taking part in the owner's mana, imbuing the blade with elements that increase the power of whoever holds the weapon.]

[Quality: Grade C - Unique.]

[ Materials used: Silver Rock of Mount Usporros.]

Ned frowned, the information he got was almost complete.

ICE, he muttered. How come you have the information?

Ned never thought that ICE answered him with complete detail of the saber. Ned was aware that he never touched or read books or any information regarding weapon crafting.

[It was Anita's Map.]

ICE responded with a serious note. Elaborate? He said in his thoughts.

[Some parts of Anita's drawing includes ancient text that was difficult to understand at first glance. After the system completely decoded the map. It is now clear that the images she wrote have deep meaning to them. Rare materials were included.]

Why would she include materials?

[The closest answer I can respond was that the map wasn't for navigation. But the locations of materials her body was made of. In case she broke.]

Ned eyed the saber he held, some part of it was the same material Anita was made of. Make sense, Ned thought. He held the saber in his hands. He was contemplating if he should leave Swift and the Porter to look for Moloatiss. But with Khiccaal not far from them, he wasn't sure if Swift and Baso could handle him. He wasn't even sure if he could handle the Shoon that reeks poison.

Ned looked past his shoulder, to his right was Swift with hand aiming at the trail to where Khiccaal was. He nodded, trying to calm the trembling hands of Swift.

Baso knelt as he checked Ulysses's condition. He muttered words.

"What?" Ned said no time to be polite.

"He's cold," Baso replied, brown eyes trembling with fear.

Even if I can handle Khiccaal, it wasn't sure yet if other beasts will attack us. Ned thought, his eyes laid over the outskirts of the forest where he saw some flicker of light. Behind them was the settlement. Holly still rushing forward, encountering beasts along the way.

"Twali," Ned said under his breath. We need you now. His eyes went up the trees, assuming they were there, just watching the scene at the bottom. But no Twali appeared.

"He's poisoned," Ned said, eyes targeting the spot of the incoming beast. More was showing over the forest. The situation resembled the one the Quickfall team encountered. They were lured at that time. Will it happen again? Ned thought. Shaking his head. No, it won't, it's different this time. We were prepared.

But no matter how they were prepared, it seemed that the beasts were ahead of them a step.

The mud shifted as if an underground beast swam under it.

Tentacles then rushed upward. Ever since the battle started, Ned's senses were heightened. He quickly evaded the tentacle aimed for him. Only for him. The tentacle that followed still attacked Ned, uncaring to the three people behind him.

Ned's eye gleamed silver of a plan. He ran to his left, trying to get away as far from the rest of the team. He smiled, he was right, the tentacles were following him wherever he went. They were after me, Ned thought as he skidded a series of rocks.

The Combat Emulator was left on his screen as per his request. He needed to take every advantage he has to maintain stability against an unknown enemy.

Lasting Saber gleamed silver under the translucent night. Thanks to his black leather clothing, he moved like a shadow under the trees. Trying to hide from the following tentacles.

[But there is more, Ned.]

ICE chimed, she wasn't finished yet. Her voice was a lullaby inside Ned's head.

Ned frowned. What more? He thought asking his A.I.

Ned stopped beside a tree, its bark was hard over Ned's clothing. He focused, trying to guess where the tentacles would attack next.

He jumped to his right, evading a tentacle shot like a bullet. Behind him, the tentacle made a deep hole against the tree. With a blur, the tentacle vanished with a quick pull then appeared behind Ned. How long were the tentacles? Ned thought.

He then spun around with the saber ready to slice. He did, the metal like tentacle was hit to half with the silver made sword. The cut made tentacle wiggled under his feet. He spun again, trying to deduce the whistles he heard from behind. It wasn't just s whistle, it was Khiccaal himself rushing toward Ned with his black claws extended like short knives. He angled his sword, blocking Khiccaal's attack. Yet, the purple monster grinned under his toothless mouth. Eyes devoid of any black dot. But Ned was sure, the feeling like he was being stared in the distance. He knew Khiccaal isn't blind, he was analyzing Ned.

Ned bent backward against Khiccaal's towering almost seven-foot stand.

Ned grunted, and ICE didn't respond yet. He was waiting for Ned. Ned threw a knee on the purple monster's gut. It wasn't enough. Khiccaal only grunted and commanded his tentacles under his chin to attack Ned.

Ned jumped backward, evading the quick slash of the tentacles. Before he landed, Ned threw a fireball in the direction of Khiccaal.

The fireball exploded in unison with Khiccaal's howl. Smoke engulfed the spot of the beast.

"What's more?" Ned muttered.

[Some texts that Anita used resembled Sskatian.]

"What?!" Ned said with a voice he was sure a yell. He readied the saber for any more attack despite his surprised expression.

[If some text resembled Sskatian.]

ICE added.

[Then a new question arises.]

[Who exactly built Anita?]


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