Becoming Legend

Chapter 192: Waiting to be Unleashed

Chapter 192: Waiting to be Unleashed

"And there is a reason why I am here," Margaret said. Looking at everybody. Even to the two companions against the wall. "I will be grading this quest. And according to what I have learned so far. This quest is Grade A. But I'm afraid, this could go as high as S."

"Sweet Maker," Hunter Ja exhaled a full and round breath. He then threw his back at the chair after hearing the Overseer. Blood went down his neck as his face turned pale.

If it happens to be a Grade S quest, then they have to abandon it no matter the reward. Life was precious than stones; after all.

Ned frowned. The Overseer saw this and she explained:

"If it is a Grade S quest, then the leader must be at least Diamond rank. That's the least of the requirements, the team must have a healera must have. No healer, no quest. Not some just healer, he or she must be Diamond rank as well.

"But don't worry," she said raising a finger to make a point. "As I have seen so far, the quest will stay at A. But, as long as, team Hallowguard didn't extend the search inside the Du'kki Mountain. Then, you're all good to go." 

She stopped, her hand raised midair, it was a matter-of-factly gesture that none, even Twali, could retort. All but Ned nodded.

With that, the meeting has ended. Twali gave the twins the time to prepare the items they were going to carry. Margaret took a carriage going back to the Hunter's Association inside the city of Sudden Plate. She left the team saying that she will meet them at the Du'kki Island Hunter branch before commencing the quests.

The team will hit beast settlements until they find the caterpillar-like monster that Ned had requested and drawn, with quite an artistic skill. Moloatiss has six human-like limbs hanging on both sides of his soft and exposed meat. With two cylindrical glasses attached on his shoulders connected with eerily jagged tubes to his mouth. His mouth was filled with tiny, razor teeth that ran around his upper and lower jaw. One thing spooked the group was that Ned's drawing, Moloatiss was grinning widely with the tip of its mouth reaching almost the back of his head.

"Sweet Maker," Hunter Ja said again, holding the parchments where Ned had drawn the caterpillar. "Never, in my life, for once, not even a shadow, saw this discarded piece of rotten meat." He finished by raising the parchment for everyone to see.

The twins, who were busy prepping their items to be carried on quests took a small turn looking away from the drawing. Then went to arrange the vials of potions, without looking back at the drawing, to put inside the leather bag that Baso, the Porter, will have to carry.

Baso, short hair, brown, and seemed to have decent clothing that would make him carry the bag with extra straps of leather attached to his belt connected to the bag. He was from Sudden Plate, just like Erin and Kwan, he was trying to find a good team to have a good fortune, and it seemed that Baso did land a decent job as a Porter, this time. He looked at Ned with jealousy, maybe admiration. He then went back to the twins to carry the bag he was assigned to, he retracted himself and gave Swift a wee nod before going back against the wall.

Swift waited for someone to ask for her service. But none told her what to do. They were almost leaving, she was Looter this time, and her job was to be taken seriously the moment the quest has started.

Sujiro left the room, while Ulysses stayed in the room to finish touching their plan.

Ned agreed with their method: Ulysses and Hunter Ja will take the lead, while Hunter Jo and the twins would support from behind. Although support, they will deal with most of the damage since the three were mages. Ned was curious as to what Hunter Jo could do. While Sujiro would take point as their scout, determining most of the courses of action. Depending on Sujiro's probing and scouting, Hunter Ja would take appropriate actions.

With the team's coordination, Ned decided to stay behind the line and took it easy to regain his strength. Ned was in depth and wasn't sure of the outcome of the quest. He'd rather have the strength when things go south, as it always does.

After a couple of minutes, Ned left the room as they were busy handling the test of the items. They were to assemble within 20 minutes. The team has finished what must be done. 

Twali almost did nothing this time, as Margaret will handle the rest. She will have to register the team's quest to the Association, making it official. Now that they have the backing of the Association, they were ready and waiting.

Outside the room, Ned saw Sujiro standing on one, back against the pillar, overlooking the mini fountain centered inside the manor. Some hunter threw him a cold look, others nodded. But Sujiro didn't take the initiative to nod back, he even shrugged as one of them passed by with a full smile.

"We barely even met." Ned started from behind Sujiro. The latter took a jump, surprised. "Yet, you seemed too distant."

Ned doesn't want to take any chances, if he got the chance to increase the team's success rate, he would take it gladly. Even talking to Sujiro, who seemed to distance himself from Ned. Not like Hunter Jo, who seemed wary but cooperative with Ned. But he might want to talk to him next. Making sure things would go the right way between them.

"You're arrogant, pampered kid, with a lot of money to ask other people for your bidding," Sujiro said after he gauged Ned up and down. "We're hunters, it is our profession, our life, and you came in here, waving resourcesmana stone? Seriously?and then you made us lookus huntershungry for a reward. Like we really need it, like I care about how deep your pocket is, like you care."

That put Ned in deep thought. His quest was all that matters to him. But was it the right thing to do? Nofor them. For himyes. If only the Knight stayed on his steed. I should be in O'rriadt, with Master Will, maybe with Toni. O'rriadt wasn't safe, but life was there. My life, Ned thought.

"You're taking it the wrong way, Sujiro," Ned said, meeting the Rouge's furious eyes.

"So I am wrong?" He queried Ned. Thin eyes made even thinner, pupil trembling.

"No," Ned said, "you are, in all manner, correct. That cannot be denied. But you are arrogant."

Silence. Sujiro's eyes went to an 'o' shape. Never wanting to accept that fourteen-year-old kid scolding him. For a quick second, Sujiro's right hand slip behind his back. As if pulling something, a dagger, perhaps a knife for a quick slash.

But Ned continued.

"You are a hunter by profession," Ned said, didn't sway at looking Sujiro. His eyes bore the very inside of him. "It is your lifeas a hunterand if you can't cope-up with that, then, tell me. I'll be looking for a new rouge. So, whether you like it or not. You. Are. A. Hunter. And respect follows it."

Ned didn't wait for the rouge to respond. He spun around, leaving the half daze rouge and half daze people looking at them.

Ned strode back to the barracks where the two guards standing with full chest out as they saw Ned coming toward them. One of the guard's mouths, whom he called himself Stic,  almost lost the mass of his head as his jaw hanging without any energy to hold it together.

Ned nodded, and as if a thorn was lifted out their throats, they took a step sideward and nodded to Ned in response. The hinge to the door with the barrack sign loses open before Ned could pull it off.

Hunter Ja met Ned's dusky blue-eyes, the latter didn't respond. He moved past Ned and his path was going outside the manor.

Ned followed, wanted to settle things before the quest started. He knew he was being followed. Before he could leave the manor, Hunter Ja turned around, wanted to meet Ned, with furrowed brows.

Although he wore chainmail, his movements were fluid. It was as if he wasn't a mage impeded with the lack of stamina. He moved just fine for a warrior, but too slow as a rouge. He might be in-between a mage and a warrior. A Hybrid, perhaps.

"What do you want, kid?" He said, after stopping two paces away from Ned.

With the body of a kid, Ned stood like a hill against a mountain. He folded his hand behind his back and said, "Am I not welcome in the team?"

The hunter didn't respond, yet, the wrinkles around his eyes say the other way around. His eyes twitched and said, "No." He added. "You are perfectly welcome."

"Then why are you wary of me being around?"

He said, "Those eyes of yours."

Ned said, "Huh?"

He said, "They are the eyes of a murderer."

Ned jerked a shoulder. He tilted his head a little backward, trying to look up at the silver rank hunter. Why should he say that? Eyes remained steady. Good, he can't falter now. He needs to show them that he could take on the quest, be with the team. 

But the hunter wasn't finished yet. He said, "Something," and paused. Shook his head, trying to gather the courage to continue. He did. "Something, inside you is waiting. Waiting to be unleashed."

The Hunter's words turned a switch inside of Ned. A voice rang inside Ned, discord, rebounding, and treacherous, 'Devour.'


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