Becoming Legend

Chapter 118: Clutched

Chapter 118: Clutched

There was a reason why the arena was built in an old fighting pit. It was for enjoyment. As Ned get a hold of the mana stone, people cheered and cried. It was the final moment of the game. Level ten wasn't the climax. It has never been. It was the gore, the heart-thumping moment wherein participants must decide; and a wrong decision would kill them. 

Ned firmed the necklace around his neck, then tucked it in under the faded shirt, and under the black tunic; making sure that it won't budge no matter what his moves.

Ned determined how he would proceed; how he would escape; how he would survive the five minutes countdown. He knew the worst thing that could happen to him was to die an accidental death. Although, killing was forbidden. Shooting in the legs or breaking bones wasn't forbidden.

And the worst thing a participant could do to him was to shoot, behind his back. But it was a game. Sure, rules apply, but there were no rules saying that no participants should attack from behind. It's a silent agreement between men that shooting behind someone was the worst tactic a warrior could do. Unless the warrior needed the person to die to achieve his or her own goal.


ICE chimed. Fast and direct. The same time as arrows whistled behind him. Ned evaded the arrows by ducking, he spun and saw that Saul was ready to shoot another arrow. A desperate move without much of thinking.  He let go of the arrows, two arrows nocked, shot in a wedge shape. Ned jumped backward just in time for the arrows to pass and hit the trees behind him.

"No offense, kid!" Cried, Saul. Trying to catch his breath. "I need the stones, and the silvers as well. I'm not sure if you are joking about not having the stone. But, I need to make sure!"

"None taken, old man," Ned replied and smiled. Ned moved behind a tree and flared his vision into the dark shades of the forest. "If only you'd asked, I'm happy to give it to you."

"Nonsense!" Saul said. Waving a hand. He nocked another set of arrows and aimed. "You must be the most generous kid, Ned. But we both know, everybody wanted a stone. Just, give it to me kid."

"I changed my mind," Ned replied, dashing between trees after leaving arrows aimed at Saul.

Ned skipped rocks. Not to escape but to circle his way around the arena and back at the center.

After two minutes of running, Ned encountered his second adversary; Liv, followed by Don; who seemed to be in coerce with Liv since the two stood side by side.

The three stood in the middle of a small stream. Between them were small rocks that peeked outside the flowing water.

"Last warning, kid," Liv said. Eyes looking down at Ned. As if saying that there wasn't a warning at all. Just attack. His hands, same as Don, was already pulling the strings of their bows. "Hand the stone."


Before Ned could retort. Arrows were already flying, two arrows from Liv, a single arrow from Don.

Ned evaded the arrows through prediction. He could see where the arrows would land, but his body won't move as fast as his eyes. Ned evaded by giving a full jump to his left.

"Damn weasel!" Liv cried. Raised his finger to gesture Don to trail Ned. Nothing would be commanding by the wooden necklace he wore. Liv was an official hunter, and Don was a student of an academy. With the gesture. It shows the privilege of being a hunter.

Ned ran, he was near the center. He kept on jumping trees with a faint smile on his face.

Ned tilted his body midair, giving him time to evade the arrows from behind. He stopped when one of the participants blocked his path. The short participant shoots an arrow without saying a word. Ned evaded, but behind him was Don.

"I'm sorry, kid," Don said. Catching his breath as his sweat came tearing atop his forehead. He wiped it with his shoulder and aimed at Ned. "Your plan was good. But I needed the silver. Hate to admit it, but hunter Liv promised me a cut if I helped him."

"It is how it is, Don," Ned said with a short pause in each word. His left arm was ready to shoot. Behind him, the short participant released an arrow. An arrow that would hit Ned if he won't evade, but will hit Don if he does.

Ned leaped to his left. Arrow passed under his arm, and shoot his own arrow. Hitting the first arrow and broke it in half before it could hit Don.

Don covered by raising both of his arms. And realized that Ned was gone and left a whimsical taunt: "Just a game Don, just a game."

Ned was followed by the short participant. Wasn't amateur, by how he strode the forest with a great sense of the surrounding. But wasn't an expert either by how he followed Ned while his presence was vividly open.

Ned used the stored force in his legs and jumped then spun mid-air, allowing him to have a good view of the trailing participant, Ned pushed the button on his left. A single arrow was released, hitting the following participant into his left shoulder.

It was too late for the participant to notice an unusual kind of arrow, short and silent. He fell on the ground with a yelp.

Ned continued going circle. And continued going with his plan; to gather the rest of the participants.

Ned backflipped, evading an arrow throttled to him. The arrow swooshed in between trees before it reached Ned.

"Swift," Ned muttered.

"What's your goal, kid?" Swift asked. Panting, and almost falling to his knees. He must have followed Ned from the beginning with Saul. Some hair at the edges of his mask were visible. Dark and long, almost reaching his chest.

"This," Ned said. And shoot at Swift. Not aiming at him, but the arrow hit between Swift's feet.

"A challenge, huh," Swift said along with a small huff. He aimed at Ned, and with a short click. An arrow was released.

Before Swift could fire, Ned already predicted where the arrow would hit, it was aimed at his neck. Ned countered with a single arrow. Two arrows; the same size, the same weight, and the same speed collided mid-air. Tip before tip, it crumbled.

"How?" Swift said under his surprised breath. To confirm what he had witnessed. He released another arrow. This time it was aimed at Ned's eyes.

Arrows met once again, with a clink followed by a crunch. Two arrows never hit its targets. It fell between Ned and Swift.

Unable to control his surprise, Swift released arrows after arrows. Rapid fire rate, high accuracy, his mechanical bow did it all. Three, four, six, and ten.

Twenty arrows met in the middle. Ten from Swift, and ten from Ned. No targets hit, no blood drawn, just arrows turned to tinder.

Swift shrugged under his black mask, Ned could see how it moved sideways then gave a small ecstatic smile.

Ned pulled the necklace under his clothes and threw it to Swift. "It's yours," Ned said as the metal chain rustled midair.

Swift caught the necklace and threw it back to Ned. "Told you," he then said in a quick response. "I don't need it."

And added: "You are something, kid. You really don't need it?"


Leaves rustled behind Ned. It wasn't just one, but three individuals joined Ned and Swift.

First came Liv, followed by Saul, and Don. Both, except Don, were wearing a vertical line on their foreheads.

Ned turned around.

"Your fast, kid," Saul said nocking a set of an arrow. "I'll give you that."

"Not for long," added Liv, out of the three, he's the one to aim first. While Don was doubting if he should follow along.

Liv, with two arrows, nocked, and Saul did the same opened fire on both.

Ned jumped to his right; Swift jumped to his left. Dividing the two and hid under the trees.

"Swift," Liv cried. "You're good, why would you join him? He gave you the necklace. Yet, you gave it back. Why?"

Swift crossed his left arm to his chest, preparing to shoot an arrow. He tried to peek, giving them half of his mask a good target. Arrow hits the tree the moment he showed himself. Swift tsked under his mask.

While Ned waited. The only way for them to get out of their pinned situation was a distraction. A distraction not long after, came.

With a great hum, and a quick and dry cry, arrow so massive it pierced the tree behind Saul, and Liv, while Don took a wide step back evading the great arrow.

Although wet, dust that came from the tree blurred the vision of the tree.

"We're even, kid!" Cried a voice near Swift. "Now go!"

Ned nodded at the bald hunter as he jumped and exited the party.

At two minutes left, Ned was almost back at the center. He crossed trees and streams while Swift followed him from behind.

[Be careful Ned.]

Warned ICE.

[Energy is rapidly depleting.]

Thanks. Replied Ned. Although he knew, since a digit was displayed on his screen. At the upper left corner of his display was the bar of mana, below the mana bar was his energy that shows twenty percent. And rapidly decreasing, like a pixelated image slowly vanishing like sand swept away by the ocean's waves.

"What now, kid?" Asked Swift who now followed Ned, curious as to what Ned was planning.

"We're going back to the center," Ned replied, pointing with his right hand to where the center of the arena was.

"Then what?"

"Then we wait for the others."

Swift tilted his head and slowed a bit. Sensing by Ned and thought he was pressured and confused.

Swift should be. After all the evasion and fighting, why would Ned go back to the center? where it was open; and to top it, wait for the other, to gather.

One minute left and Ned reached the edge of the forest, not far from them was the center, where a number of swamp goblins scattered, and some painted the ground green.

The center was open, aside from grasses here and there, no trees aroused the center.

Ned exited the forest. They were almost at the center when arrows rained down on them. A well-placed arrow. Wherein Ned's exit was cut off. Judging from the arrows, Ned couldn't evade by jumping backward, nor left or proceed forward. Ned could shoot one or two, but still, it would hit him on his left shoulder and left leg.

But better than dead. Ned thought. Raised his left arm and shot arrows. Ned released arrows one after the other. Blocking the arrows head-on. Except for one. He could see it, but couldn't avoid it. Ned moved his left arm

And was pushed by a figure, shoddy hair, and wearing a sandal. The figure thudded on the ground with blood spilling.

Ned rolled and twisted his body. He then stood and said in a soft voice: "Kwan?"

Kwan's left shoulder was pierced with an arrow. Whose arrow Ned wasn't sure. Ned moved closer but was stopped by Kwan.

"No time," Kwan said, stuttering, and hissing. The pain must be feeling hot. "Just go, they... they were following, in the forest. Go. You still have time. Time you need to evade."

Ned nodded. At thirty seconds Ned dashed in the center. While Swift helped Kwan from his lying position.

Ned was then followed by Saul. Then Liv. Then Don.

"Ten!" Cried the announcer! Waving his hands left and right, sometimes slamming his foot out of excitement.

Ned ran, evading arrows.


[Ned. On your left.]

Arrows swooshed like a falcon on Ned's left. He evaded it by leaping to his right.

Saul, bit his lips seeing Ned evaded his arrow. If only Saul asked peacefully. Ned might give him the stone.

Ned ran as the announcer counted. Along his bolt was his smile.


"Kid!" Liv cried, almost echoed in the dome. He then released an arrow, which hit nothing.


Liv released another arrow. Wasn't just one. But two, Ned evaded the first but was scraped by the second on his left cheek.

Wasn't satisfied. Liv nocked another arrow. Single arrow. Yet, at the tip of his arrow, light has shown, a spark then formed, slowly forming a sphere. "Kid!" He cried once more.

The ground shook, and split open, Liv was then swallowed by the ground as magic was forbidden within the game. The ground boomed inside with the spell he made.

Ned threw the necklace midair. He smiled. He didn't flinch, nor blinked. He raised his left hand upward, and with a click of his finger. He released an arrow.

Dust of blue glinted midair. The necklace broke in half as it was pierced along the mana stone.



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