Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 90 - 89 Fulfillment of Contract_l

Chapter 90 - 89 Fulfillment of Contract_l

Chapter 90: Chapter 89 Fulfillment of Contract_l

Translator: 549690339

“Clever little one.”

Witch Serene lifted her right index finger once more.

This time, however, she lightly tapped Link’s forehead, speaking with profound meaning.

She still put away the thousand first-class standard magic stones, not refusing Link’s somewhat hasty and exploratory request.

This made Link feel relieved, then anxious.

The relief was due to securing the defensive and mobility-based “Defender 3202” set and an unknown attack magic tool.

The anxiety, on the other hand, was due to Witch Serene’s words and actions, which all indicated that Link’s premonition was likely to be correct.

There was something Wizard Palo would soon assign Link to accomplish.

Could Link refuse?

Yes, he could.

As long as Link dared to gamble on Wizard Palo’s conscience, on the importance of this matter to Wizard Palo, and on the restraint power that the academy has on Wizard Palo.

Link didn’t want to gamble and hated gambling. So as soon as he had this premonition, he immediately started preparing.

In addition to requesting Witch Serene to purchase the “Defender 3202” set and attack magic tool, Link also had a separate procurement plan.

8.50 for purchasing all Glasswort Aromatheraphy essential oil + 320 for half of the Silver Star Flower hybrid cultivation – 1000 for Witch Serene’s purchase for him – 36 for two Rune items sets = 134 first-class standard magic stones.

Link prepared to keep 34 magic stones for spare use, the remaining 100 magic stones were all used to purchase various models of Self-Destructing Fire Thunders.

After all, the price of a Self-Destructing Fire Thunder is 2 magic stones. And if you buy in bulk, you might even be able to negotiate a discount.

During his fight with Harold Andrews, Link really took a liking to the Self-Destructing Fire Thunder.

It’s easy to use, and powerful enough.

If you choose the appropriate throwing manner, or if you throw a bunch at the same time, it would be quite difficult for wizard apprentices to dodge or defend against it by relying solely on their own abilities.

If poor, use tactical flanking. If rich, just explode everything.

That was a fine tradition, indeed.

This way, being well-prepared, if Link’s premonition came true and he was asked to participate in a battle, he wouldn’t be overwhelmed and without any chance of winning.

Wizard Palo certainly wouldn’t ask Link to fight against an official wizard.

That would be sending him to his death!

As long as he remains at the apprentice stage, facing Link’s lavish expenditure on magic stones, and a newly upgraded defense system – that would basically be a non-starter.

The “Defender 3202” ensemble’s biggest target market was those First-Class Official Wizards who chose to fight on the front line after graduation from the senior division!

Taking a deep breath and promptly adjusting his mood, Link returned to calm.

Changing into his staff uniform, Link started his day’s work of pre-processing plants and herbs.

One day passed by quietly.

Then another quiet day passed.

The same went for the day after that, and the one after, all quiet.

Link had been wearing the “Defender 3202” set for several days now and had yet to receive a summons from Wizard Palo.

As for the two attack magic tools Witch Serene purchased for him, they were both high-power consumables and couldn’t be trial used, so Link had only read through their instructions several times.

These were touted as great weapons with a certain probability of directly killing a First-Class Official Wizard.

Of course, Link needed to become highly familiar with them, to prevent mistakes when the time to use them comes.

The suspenseful wait finally ended on Sunday of the second vacation week.

That evening, Link returned to the apothecary from the public library, ready to return to the academy with Jasmine.

As soon as he entered the apothecary, he was surprised to find Wizard Palo sitting inside, having a lively conversation with Witch Serene.

Next to Wizard Palo sat Wizard Cody, an old man whom Link had encountered twice.

Perhaps Wizard Palo did get the news from Wizard Cody half a month ago.

Antoine Hilton, the chairman of the New Blood Mutual Aid Association, and four other second and third-year New Bloods, were standing straight behind Wizard Palo.

Seeing Link come in, Wizard Palo waved him over.

As Link approached, Wizard Palo asked nonchalantly, “You once promised me you’d do two things within your power for me over four years. Do you stand by that promise?”

“Of course!”

Link’s response was resolute and without hesitation.

One must always repay a favor done unto them.

A promise made, is a promise to be kept.

Link had this realization when he made the promise that day.

Hence, Link answered quickly and harbored no grievances in his heart.


Wizard Palo nodded his head, “Then, come with me to a place, whether or not you need to work there, your promise will be fulfilled.”

“As you wish.”

Link obeyed then took the initiative to stand behind Wizard Palo.

On his way there, Link noticed that Tina, Sharia, Ayla, Jasmine — none of the store’s employees were around, probably they had finished their shifts early.

While he was thinking about this, his pocket device vibrated.

Guessing that it must be a message from Jasmine, Link decided not to check it considering the situation and ignored it.

Fortunately, Jasmine understood the circumstances and did not persist in messaging him.

After a short while, two transportation vehicles stopped in front of the Potion shop.

Wizard Palo led the way while Serene Wizard and Wizard Cody followed. They climbed into the hover car in front, which had a more high-end exterior and feel to it.

Link, alongside the president of the New Blood Mutual Aid Association, Antoine Hilton, and a few others, got into the relatively cheaper hover car behind them.

The atmosphere inside the vehicle was a bit strange.

It was mainly due to the other four members of the “New Blood Mutual Aid Association” who couldn’t help but cast glances at Link, repeatedly.

How annoying!

Link paid it no mind, with his eyes looking straight ahead, unintimidated.

Antoine Hilton, unable to bear anymore, used his gaze to stop his four companions’ uncourteous behavior.

No matter how Link was connected to Wizard Palo, at least for now, they were all on the same side.

After a little while, the hover cars came to a stop.

They all got out one by one, with Link being the last.

Upon getting out, they found themselves in an underground parking lot nearby the Black Market of the West District.

“Follow along.”

The elder-looking Wizard Cody beckoned from the front.

The group hastily followed Wizard Palo, the Serene Wizard, and Wizard Cody, entering an inconspicuous entrance that led them into an underground tunnel.

After walking for a while in the dimly lit tunnel, they entered an elevator that took them down into the bowels of the city.

The elevator moved quickly.

When it came to a stop and the elevator doors opened, Link could hear the bustling noise of people.

Walking a few steps forward, they entered an extravagantly decorated private room set in a subdued yet luxurious style.

Looking out from a three-meter tall and ten-meter wide glass window in front of the room, their view suddenly opened up.

This was an arena, akin to the Colosseum of ancient Rome!

The central stage of the Colosseum was three times as big as a football field.

There were many entrances from which lavishly made-up people, or those shamelessly unmasked, rushed out and with their tickets in hand, they found their respective scattered seats.

The crowd was overwhelming, and the noise was deafening.

Just as Link was observing the layout of the Colosseum, another group entered the room and occupied the left half.

The leader was a dynamic-looking man with a slicked-back hair, a steadfast facial expression, and an aggressive aura that matched Wizard Palo’s.

The moment he entered the room, an imposing atmosphere and pressure radiated from him, equalling Wizard Palo’s.

From the corner of his eye, Link caught a glimpse of a familiar face.

Sophie Lucia..


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