Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 84 - 83: Interrogation _1

Chapter 84: Chapter 83: Interrogation _1

Translator: 549690339 I

He took the light rail train back to the academy.

On the journey, Link finally solved a question that had always been in his heart.

That is, what charm does the “New Blood Mutual Aid Association” possess that entices so many sophomores and juniors to vie for a position as president or vice president.

What they covet is neither so-called power nor status, nor forming cliques within the academy to dominate and act as they please.

Rather, it extends outward from the academy, extends to the complex real world, extends to the network of relationships and communication channels amongst official wizards.

If managed properly, it’s very likely to win the favor of a noble.

Whether or not there’s a beneficial figure in one’s growth process is very important.

Just like Link, after being favored and invested in by Wizard Palo,

both the six-month usage right of a laboratory and the part-time job at a potion store have significantly accelerated his growth.

Although he has figured it out, Link still doesn’t want to follow in Antoine Hilton’s steps.

Personal matters to individuals, platforms to platforms.

Both models have their pros and cons.

There are many factors that determine whether they can reach the end, and one cannot judge solely on one factor.

They simply make different choices.

Everyone should be responsible for their choices.

The light rail train arrived at the station, and Link got off.

Upon entering the academy, Link went straight to the laboratory.

He must strive to advance in his part-time work and not fall behind in his own learning and experimenting.

In the morning’s work, besides familiarizing himself with a large number of pretreatment methods for plants and herbs,

Link’s greatest gain was witnessing many potions he had only read about by name, introduction, and pictures.

In understanding one, he gained insight into others.

When Link saw the potion called Chenghu Lotus Seed Aromatherapy Essential Oil, it may have triggered “Severus Snape’s Magic Apothecary talent,” and he suddenly had an inspiration.

If the lotus seeds of the Chenghu Lotus could be made into aromatherapy essential oil for sedating the mind, why couldn’t the Glasswort Herb?

Not only the ones that are consumed orally can be called potions.

Whether served internally, applied externally, smeared, washed, or fumigated…

As long as the product uses Potion Study knowledge or Alchemical Formula Technique, no matter what the usage, it can be called a potion.

Only after processing the Glasswort Herb to extract the juice from its leaves does it have a calming effect, undeniably perfect for making into aromatherapy essential oil, sprays, and perfumes.

Aromatherapy essential oil is undoubtedly more suited for use during meditation than sprays and perfumes.

With inspiration comes clarity. A flurry of thoughts filled Link’s mind, and he already had a complete experimental plan for the development of the leaf extract of the Glasswort Herb.

After spending some time to conduct the experiment, publish the “research paper,” and sell or transfer the patent,

Link will no longer be economically troubled in the short term and can focus on his studies, research, and experiments to enhance his personal strength.

The part-time job at the Third Botanical Garden, the new germination method for the Silver Star flower triggered by the job, the subsequent in-depth development of hybrid breeding, and even the ongoing research on the leaf extract of Glasswort Herb were all for one purpose – to earn Magic Stone while studying the research system of the Wizard World.

And the purpose of earning Magic Stone is also singular, to increase personal strength.

Personal strength is threefold: knowledge, witchcraft, and equipment.

All three components are inseparable from the Magic Stone.

At most, add in “Academic Points”!

Experimental Building, three floors underground.

As soon as Link stepped off the stairwell, he saw Lanny Taylor, a veil over her face, sitting quietly outside the corridor door, reading a book.

This genius girl with advance fifth rank qualifications, the only one in the entire first grade, spends all her time studying, showing a diligence as indomitable as Link’s.

Judging from the evidence at the scene, Lanny Taylor must have been waiting here for quite a while.

Such a studious workaholic, willing to spend her time waiting patiently here, must have something in mind.

As for what it could be, Link had an inkling.

Knowing the enemy and yourself, you can fight a hundred battles without defeat. Link had investigated Harold Andrews, so of course, he knew that Lanny Taylor also came from Mettler Island.

Link also knew that Harold Andrews had pursued Lanny Taylor, but had been rejected.

Despite his youth, he didn’t study properly and was involved in all sorts of crooked shenanigans.

If he didn’t die, who would?

Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, Lanny Taylor looked up to see Link Grande, promptly closed her book, and stood up.

Her lavender eyes locked onto Link’s, stared deeply for a moment, then straightforwardly asked, her voice echoing with sadness, “Harold Andrews is dead, you know that, don’t you, Link Grande?”

Link calmly met Lanny Taylor’s gaze, showing no intention to answer that question.

An absence of response was, in fact, a response in itself.

Lanny Taylor understood what Link intended to convey. After taking a deep breath to suppress her turbulent emotions, she asked coldly, “Even if there were disagreements, why couldn’t they be resolved by sitting down and having a chat? Did it have to come to this? Or have you just grown accustomed to solving problems through murder?”

Upon hearing her words, a hint of mockery appeared at the corners of Link’s mouth.

But, some things could only be said, not done; some things were done but not spoken about.

“Don’t be in a hurry to talk about me,”

Link raised his right hand to stop Lanny Taylor, then countered, “Do you know what Harold Andrews has been up to these past few months?”

Lanny Taylor was abruptly at a loss for words.

How could she not know?

If she didn’t know what Harold Andrews had been up to, why did she immediately suspect Link Grande as soon as she received the death notification from the school’s Enforcement Department?

Harold Andrews had been pestering Lanny Taylor for an entire term, over four months, and once made a careless remark about wanting to destroy Link Grande, who many had compared him to.

Lanny Taylor had even tried to dissuade Harold Andrews, but he didn’t listen.

After a little hesitation, Lanny Taylor decided to confront Link Grande, even if she knew she didn’t have a legitimate reason to, just to put her mind at ease.

As for seeking revenge for Harold Andrews, sorry, Lanny Taylor had never intended to do so.

She was just passively observing if this peer, as diligent towards studying as her, was truly a cold-blooded killer.

“I don’t know why you came to me to ask this question.”

Link continued at this point, “I have but one thing to say, just to express a personal opinion. Murder through public opinion is more despicable than murder through witchcraft!”

After finishing speaking, Link bypassed Lanny Taylor, swiped his card to open the door, entered the corridor, “I have an experiment to run, so make yourself at home.”

Lanny Taylor stood aside, watching the door slowly close. She gazed at Link Grande, disappearing into the shadows deeper in the corridor, and sighed softly.

After a long while, Lanny Taylor snapped back to reality, clutching her book, she climbed the stairs.

She had warned Harold Andrews long ago that a person who was disciplined enough to schedule an entire day and focused on improving himself, was not someone he could handle.

Because she was that type of person too.

Either don’t do it, or go all the way!


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