Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 62 - 62: Blocking the Way, Fury_l

Chapter 62: Chapter 62: Blocking the Way, Fury_l

Translator: 549690339

Laughing off grudges?

No, not at all.

It’s just that Link indeed did not want to make enemies everywhere. If he could avoid trouble, he would do so.

If Mina Havcheck truly meant what she said, and would no longer target him in the future, how would it harm Link to let her off?

In the end, she was just a young girl who had not yet reached maturity.

Furthermore, she was a pitiful person who had been harmed before.

The reason why she acted so obsessively, might be due to her own character, but it was most likely a result of the violations she had previously suffered.

Link was not a saint who pitied everyone, nor was he the type of person who would seek revenge for the smallest grievance, and even less so a cold-blooded killer who would casually take others’ lives.

He only hoped that their paths would no longer cross in the future, that they would have no more disputes.

As for Harold Andrews, Link could not definitively ascertain why he had acted against him.

The two had never had any contact before.

Even when they passed by each other, they had never exchanged greetings.

Just as one does not love someone for no reason, one also does not hate someone without a reason.

Link could only guess that the reason Harold Andrews had acted against him was due to their academic rankings, or perhaps due to the district competition.

However, Link did not dwell on this. He simply noted:

On a certain year, month, and day, Harold Andrews acted against me.

This grudge must be avenged!

Since he was in the library already.

Link decided not to leave in a hurry and went straight to the first-floor reading

room to read some information.

Many of his ideas and speculations had been studied by people before him.

How well he could use them depended on his awareness and abilities.

For example, “Double Casting” or “Multiple Casting” were not concepts invented by Link, but were extraordinary casting techniques that had long existed.

Due to different implementation principles, methods and effects, they had been developed into many different schools.

The information Link could find in the Advanced Literature Library did not have specific methods, detailed skills, or even clear principles, but the descriptions of many research processes and stages were very insightful to


At least he could save a lot of detours.

For these reasons, Link would read some documents and expand his knowledge whenever he had time.

Influenced by Link, Jasmine had also gradually become accustomed to browsing documents and literature in the Advanced Literature Library these days.

She had read quite a lot of “thesis”.

While reading, Jasmine discovered Link’s “thesis” on the new Silver Star flower germination method.

She then also found Link’s “patents”.

It was then that Jasmine realized the dividends Link had given to her a while

ago were from this.

After reading the entire content of the “thesis” and combining it with some things Link had told her before, Jasmine had a deeper understanding of the Silver Star Flower seed cultivation and screening work which she was responsible for.

According to Link’s view, the results of this work were not sufficient to publish

a “thesis”.

But Jasmine didn’t think so.

She felt that since the work had been done, there should be some results. Why

not write a “thesis”?

Even if the quality wasn’t that high, it was still an achievement!

With this in mind, Jasmine secretly made up her mind to prepare a “thesis”. At that time, she would be the first author and corresponding author, and would credit Link as the second author, which would be a proud achievement.

With ideas, there was motivation.

jasmine was full of motivation, rolled up her sleeves to start from familiarizing herself with the format and phrasing of a “thesis .

In the following ten or so days, Jasmine devoted all her spare time and energy to the “thesis” business, she was extremely busy.

Even when Link asked her to join him for sparring practice, she declined, fully entrenching herself in the Botanical Laboratory.

She was researching, gathering documents, observing changes, analyzing data, and even attempting to write a “thesis”.

When Link invited her two or three times and received no confirmative response, he’d simply went to the seventh floor of the experiment building to spar alone whenever Jasmine was in the lab.

Luckily, while jasmine wasn’t around, Link was able to experiment with the “continuous casting” and “parallel casting” techniques he developed based on the Pseudo Destiny Witchcraft, practicing them individually on the eight Zero Ring witchcraft spells.

An unexpected surprise came out of nowhere.

Link found that he could perform even more variations with the Water Ball

Spell and the Leaf Arrow Spell.

In both spells, he could use “parallel casting” to summon two or three water balls or leaf arrows, then use “continuous casting” to replace the ones that were consumed.

In such a way, single target spells became multi-target spells.

As long as his spiritual and magic power could keep up, Link could constantly shoot water balls and leaf arrows.

The Water Ball Spell and Leaf Arrow Spell transformed wonderfully, becoming a chain Water Ball Spell and chain Leaf Arrow Spell respectively.

They became much more powerful and capable of inflicting more damage, no longer being ineffective.

Based on this concept, Link also experimented on the Water Shield Spell.

It was feasible too, and even more flexible than before.

Multiple water shields surrounding his body could be manipulated depending on different circumstances.

They could fend off different waves of attacks from the same direction and could also simultaneously manage attacks from multiple directions.

If one water shield couldn’t hold up, then he’d conjure a second one.

If two shields failed, then he’d call upon a third.

And if that didn’t work, Link would have to find other ways to defend himself. Like the “double casting”, or even “multiple casting” of the Water Shield Spell. After multiple trials and practices, Link was finally able to cast a “double-Water Shield Spell.

Although he was still a bit clumsy and could only successfully cast it three or four times out of ten, only the Water Shield Spell could be used in “double casting”. The other seven Zero Ring Spells weren’t applicable.

The specific reason was currently unknown, Link even lacked a direction for conjecture.

He just didn’t have adequate knowledge.

Despite this minor flaw, Link’s battle capabilities had increased significantly. Without needing the First Ring magic tools – the vest and the glasses, or the rune items – the spell-breaking sleeve crossbow, the self-destructing fire thunder, the anti-magic net gun, and the incendiary bomb, Link could defeat over three of his former selves – as he was during the fight with Erick – just by using the magic boots and his spells.

If he were to use the magic tools and rune items, Link could only think of yelling: I can beat ten of me!

These days, rumors and public opinion about Link hadn’t ceased.

However, due to Link’s indifferent response, the heat of the public opinion eventually started to abate, following a curve resembling an “n”.

Link didn’t know how frustrated Harold Andrews, who was hiding in the shadows, might have been.

All Link knew was that he had regained his calm once again.

His sense of alertness had returned to what it was after no longer being disturbed by the gazes of others.

just when Link was feeling quite pleased, Jasmine arrived with a sullen look on her face.

“Link, someone published a similar ‘thesis’ before me! Wuu wuu wuu…”

Link took the small smart brain that Jasmine handed him and instantly saw the name of the “thesis” author:

Sophie Lucia.

Today, was the first day of the thirteenth week.

It had been four weeks since Link resigned from his part-time job.

Based on the timing, just enough to conduct three rounds of experiments similar to the third group’s experiment plan (see chapter thirty).

Link was rarely as angry as he felt now.

“Again? They’re trying to steal my thunder?”


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