Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 53 - 53 Implementation Imagination 1

Chapter 53: Chapter 53 Implementation Imagination 1

Translator: 549690339??? 0??? —

Link was very busy.

The optimization of the Silver Star Flower Seeds was not initially in Link’s immediate plans, it was a product of a sudden summons from Wizard Palo.

After all, having received half a year’s use of an advanced laboratory from Wizard Palo, he had to give the investors an explanation.

Having recruited research assistants and prepared for the preliminary experiments, Link shifted his focus back to perfecting his concept of Pseudo Destiny Witchcraft.

After afternoon classes and dinner, Link and Jasmine headed to the library.

“You should first familiarize yourself with this material.”

Link motioned for Jasmine to take out her personal computer, operate it for a while, enter the Advanced Literature Library, find the literature related to Silver Star flowers, germination-related literature, breeding-related literature, and mark them one by one.

Jasmine looked at the long list of document index on the computer screen, feeling somewhat stunned.

She had used the time before and during the afternoon class to familiarize herself with the Advanced Literature Library, “Thesis” page, “Patent” page access and skipping, related instructions have also been read and carefully memorized.

In this process, Jasmine understood the importance of literature and “theses” for research and experiments.

But she never imagined that just a Silver Star flower that entered the Wizard World for less than twenty years, limited to the use of wizard apprentices and mortals, would have nearly a hundred related documents and materials.

This was simply too damn terrifying.

Okay, I won’t slack off, you go do your own thing.”

Jasmine took a deep breath, took her own computer, gritted her teeth, patiently, and started reading.

Compared to Link, Jasmine felt that she was lagging in all respects, and the gap was gradually widening. She couldn’t afford to slack off.

Link was quite satisfied with Jasmine’s attitude.

Lacking in ability didn’t matter. Numerous geniuses had failed to achieve their expected successes;

many people caught up in the end as long as they were willing to work hard and endure hardship.

Hard work makes up for lack of skills.

Getting into trouble was also not a problem, as long as she wasn’t actively flirting and attracting bees and butterflies.

As long as she recognized her mistakes and made improvements, she could become a partner, supporting each other and moving forward together.

Seeing Jasmine quickly get into the study state, Link also put his whole heart into the research of maintaining magic models for a long time.

Time quietly passed.

The night gradually deepened and it was time to rest.

Link and Jasmine left the library and each returned to their dormitory.

In the study room,

Link sat cross-legged on the floor, doing deep meditation.

About half an hour later, the meditation ended.

With the advancement of the Meditation Technique, the time spent in meditation was getting longer and longer, from the initial five or six minutes to fifteen minutes, and then to now half an hour.

Link felt that the time spent in meditation couldn’t keep increasing like this, there must be a limit.

Otherwise, those official wizards, sages, and great sages won’t be able to do anything in a day, they would be just meditating all the time.

Except Link hadn’t come across any related information yet.

Setting aside the matter of meditation, he did not dig too deeply into it.

Link sent his consciousness into the Sea of Consciousness and prepared to practice the implementation method of the pseudo-natal witchcraft he had developed in the library tonight.

There were a total of 8 Zero Ring witchcrafts that Link had mastered.

Among them, the Misty Rain Technique and Birth Induction Technique have reached the perfect level, Thom Entanglement, and the Water Shield Spell are at the proficiency level, and the others are at a moderate level.

Once again, he praised “Philius Flitwick’s Talent for Spellcasting”. Without this talent, how could Link have made such rapid progress.

It was as if he was on a rocket.

Among these 8 Zero Ring witchcrafts, those suitable for combat are : secondary Misty Rain Technique, Water Shield Spell, Water Ball Spell, Thorn Entanglement, Withering Spell, Leaf Arrow Spell.

Long-term maintenance of the witchcraft model without casting spells requires continuous consumption of spiritual power.

With a current spiritual power of about 32-33 standard units, Link can maintain up to 2 Zero Ring witchcrafts, ensuring that daily life and learning are not affected.

After careful consideration, Link decided not to exceed this number before he reached the third level of the Meditation Technique and advanced to a third-class wizard apprentice.

Then he needed to make a choice among the six Zero Ring witchcrafts suitable for combat.

The secondary Misty Rain Technique has been perfected and can be “instantly cast” within 1 second, and its function is to assist in combat, so it is eliminated.

The attack power of the Water Ball Spell and Leaf Arrow Spell is not enough, hence, they are eliminated.

The Withering Spell can only play an auxiliary role in combat, thus it is eliminated.

Therefore, what finally came to the fore were the Water Shield Spell and the Thorn Entanglement. One was for defense, the other for control, which complemented each other well.

Having made the decision, Link uses the Mind Closure Technique to adjust his physical and mental state.

Then, the magic blueprint for the Watershield Spell appeared in the air above the lake in the Sea of Consciousness under the rune structure of the Meditation Technique, slowly taking shape.

Before the magic blueprint was completely activated, Link quickly took action to perform the virtual-to-real conversion by reflecting the Water Shield Spell’s magic blueprint on the lake surface.

The reflection in the lake immediately became a real magic blueprint, and the original in the air above the lake became illusory.

Just like the virtual and real relationship between the original and the reflection of Hall of Memories – the lakeside library.

Link withdrew his consciousness from the Sea of Consciousness and quietly waited for the results.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes, until ten minutes.

The magic blueprint in the Sea of Consciousness didn’t affect reality, and the Water Shield Spell was still on the verge of casting.

On the other hand, except for about 3 standard units of spiritual power consumed in building the magic blueprint at the very beginning, there was no sign of continuous consumption.

Link breathed a sigh of relief, this meant that the idea of Pseudo Destiny

Witchcraft has been half successful.

Once again using the “Mind Closure Technique” to adjust his state of mind,

Link contemplated “activating” the Water Shield Spell that was in “standby” mode in the Sea of Consciousness.

The failure or success rested on this moment.

Link couldn’t help but hold his breath.

The sound of splashing water echoed in the study room.

The Water Shield Spell was successfully cast, and a water shield made of circular water flow appeared slightly above Link’s head.

Link estimated the time, it should be between 0.4. to 0.6 seconds.

This time is already shorter than the casting time of the Perfect Level Misty

Rain Technique!

After a period of time, once Link has trained the Water Shield Spell to the Perfect Level, wouldn’t the casting time be even shorter, within 0.2 seconds or even o.i seconds?

That would be a true instant cast!

Thinking of this, Link simply used the Perfect Level secondary Misty Rain Technique to conduct an experiment.

With operations as before, the magic blueprint of the secondary Misty Rain Technique formed in the Sea of Consciousness in 0.5 seconds.

Link managed to convert the real and virtual relationship between the blueprint original and its reflection just before the secondary Misty Rain Technique was about to be successfully cast.

He was not skillful enough and encountered some difficulties when dealing with Perfect Level witchcraft and the operation was not smooth.

He noted down this experience, and Link chose to “activate” the “standby” secondary Misty Rain Technique.

Super dense fog appeared almost the moment he thought it, in the study room.

Link is certain that the casting time is definitely not more than 0.2 seconds.

What does this mean?

This means…

Pseudo Destiny Witchcraft, success!


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