Becoming a Wizard by Starting From the Mind Closure Technique

Chapter 101 - 97 Success_l

Chapter 101: Chapter 97 Success_l

Translator: 549690339

Women are naturally inclined to beauty.

Even in the Wizard World, where great power belongs to oneself, it remains the same.

For instance, the Serene Wizard pays great attention to her personal trappings, from hairstyle, eyelashes, lip color, makeup, jewelry, to attire – no detail is overlooked.

However, Link found that there were only a few shops in the East District that specialized in women’s clothing, jewelry, personal care items, and cosmetics.

Scents, aromatherapy essential oils, perfumes, and the like, were only sold in Potion apothecaries.

And the scents, whether imported or specifically launched by various potion stores, were centered on practical purposes-

All were designed to emphasize calmness, relief, and soothing of the spirit, to help alleviate the tiredness after a day of study, research, or work.

In the area of scent, there was almost no variation and innovation.

Link wondered, if he were to develop one or a few fragrances that retained practical benefits but emphasized the scent and charm, would there be a market for it, would they be popular.

Fragrances, in comparison to perfumes, had numerous differences; the smell was more faint and gentle, not too strong, more suitable for most female wizards’ daily use.

Without rushing to communicate this idea with Serene Wizard, Link decided to start a round of R&D, presenting samples of his stage-wise achievements for comparison and market forecast.

After several days of hard work, the preparations for the fragrance research and development laboratory have been completed.

Everything was ready, and it was time to begin the work of fragrance development.

So, the lab, vacant for a few days, was set into motion again.

This time, unlike before when Link was developing Glasswort Aromatheraphy Essential Oil without any preliminary knowledge in Potion Study and Alchemical Formula Technique, now many advanced Potion Study methods and Alchemical Formula techniques could be applied.

Having listened to Serene Wizard’s half-hour lecture and after days of review and advanced study, combined with Magic Apothecary talent, Link was now able to skillfully apply advanced Potion Study methods and some basic Alchemical Formula techniques.

Because several finished fragrance products in the Potion Apothecary were used as references, the research and development of new fragrances based on the extracts of several aromatic plants progressed swiftly.

In less than three days, he was about to produce stage-wise results.

On Wednesday, the fourth week of the holiday.

In the evening, at the lab on the third floor underground of the research building.

Jasmine, who was busy packing the fourth sample, suddenly remembered something and said, “Link, this afternoon, Serene Wizard gave me a few bottles of Glasswort Aromatherapy Essential Oil. She wanted me to tell you that the trial production of Glasswort Aromatherapy Essential Oil has been successful.”

Burdened with research and development work these days, Link hadn’t been waiting for Jasmine to get off work as before, but rushed back to the academy immediately after lunch.

Without Jasmine’s mention, Link really wouldn’t know whether Serene Wizard’s optimized Glasswort Aromatherapy Essential Oil had started production.

Wait a moment.

Glasswort Aromatherapy Essential Oil…

Link could not help but recall the fragrance exploration he turned to when the aromatherapy oil research and development hit a snag, and a burst of inspiration came to his mind.

Perhaps, his initial judgment that the leaf extract of Glasswort Herb was not suitable for developing fragrances was possibly due to his own lack of broad and profound knowledge.

It was not that the Glasswort Herb leaf extract was not suitable for making fragrances, but that he did not have the ability at that time to make it into a good fragrance.

If the auxiliary material Sleepy Flower powder is removed, reducing some effects that have positive effects on meditation, and one or two aromatic plant extracts are added, it would be completely feasible to make it into a liquid fragrance.

With this inspiration, Link saw great possibilities.

Without waiting to reply to Jasmine, he pulled out paper and pen, sketched and smeared, designing the material ratio, the potion study methods to be used, the Alchemical Formula techniques…

Seeing this, Jasmine refrained from disturbing Link, and swallowed what she had not finished saying.

She wanted to ask, if she started using Glasswort Aromatherapy Essential Oil and other potions in combination with her deep meditation every night from now on, how fast could she reach the standards of a second-rank Wizard Apprentice.

This afternoon, Serene Wizard not only gave her several bottles of aromatherapy essential oil but also disclosed a piece of news.

That was, Link Grande should have become a second-rank Wizard Apprentice by now, but he just hasn’t announced it yet.

Jasmine didn’t know why Serene Wizard told her this news.

However, after hearing it, she couldn’t help but feel a bit down.

Even though she was trying so hard to catch up, the gap seemed to widen.

She didn’t want the gap between them to grow even bigger!

Therefore, she decided to use all the Magic Stones for the half-buyout of the Glasswort Aromatherapy Essential Oil patent, the first-season bonus from the Silver Star Flower Hybrid Cultivation, to purchase potions that could enhance her meditation effects.

With everything in action, even if she exhausts all her Magic Stones, Jasmine wants to be promoted to second-rank Wizard Apprentice as soon as possible!

With her determination set, Jasmine dismissed the idea of asking Link.

Just do it.

After all, it’s her own business.

Just as Link often says that one’s matters should be decided by oneself.

For our choices, we are responsible for ourselves.

At this point, Link finally stopped writing, didn’t care about Jasmine, and buried himself in the piles of bottles and cans again, launching a new round of experiments.

Under the double blessings of Botany Talent and Magic Apothecary Talent, Link’s inspiration just now came like a torrent, continuous and unending.

If everything went as inferred from the brainstorming in his mind, the fragrance product, using the extract of Glasswort Herb leaves as the main material and a plant fragrance called Bitterroot Scent as an auxiliary ingredient, first undergoing advanced Potion Study methods, then sublimating with Alchemical Formula Technique, this final product would meet Link’s expectations perfectly.

It not only had a calming and purifying effect, playing a role in calming, soothing, and relaxing the mind, but also exuded a faint and lasting scent, highlighting women’s charm.

Link couldn’t wait to see the completely new experimental product.

Jasmine collected her thoughts and hurriedly stepped forward to help.

Half an hour later, all operations came to an end.

Next, it was time to wait.

With the laboratory cleaned up, Link and Jasmine left and each went back to their dorms.

On the way, Jasmine, unlike her usual liveliness for a while, was very quiet, not saying a single word.

Link noticed a slight change, but didn’t take it too seriously.

A girl’s feelings always come and go like a poem; it’s normal for moods to fluctuate.


The following day, Thursday, it’s clear.

Link arrived at the lab early in the morning.

He calculated the time, and as soon as the Glasswort Fragrance essence was completely configured, he immediately extracted a few drops of the essence.

The essence was diluted to the normal concentration, packaged into several small black bottles, and this became the sample.

Holding several evenly mixed samples, he left the experimental area and headed to the living/office area.

He opened a sample bottle, not doing anything else, and simply let the liquid fragrance evaporate, permeating the air with its aroma.

Taking a light sniff, a satisfied smile appeared on Link’s face.

When he was asked to describe the impression this fragrance gave people, the first words that came to his mind were from a poem:

‘The sparse shadow slants on the shallow water, the lingering fragrance wafts in the moonlit dusk.’

Even though the poem was about scenery, about plum blossoms, the impression it gave to Link was consistent with this fragrance.

Refreshing and elegant, a lingering and lasting aroma.

Which means, from a development perspective, the fragrance was a success!

With the sample in hand, Link met with Jasmine.

They took the rail transit train to East District.

Potion shop.

Serene wizard was leaning on the counter, leisurely sipping on a hot drink similar to coffee.

Seeing Link holding a refrigerator box, she immediately became interested.

From expressing the idea of developing a fragrance to the present, it had only been a few days?

He was able to produce results so quickly, his actions and progress were really impressive.

“Let me have a look.”

Serene Wizard put down her hot drink, and actively called out.

Link stepped forward, put the refrigerator box on the counter, and lifted the lid.

After a gust of cold air, five transparent fragrance samples, each with a different label, were presented before Serene Wizard.

“Which one are you most satisfied with?”

Serene Wizard did not go straight for the samples, but asked with interest.

“This one.”

Link pointed to the Glasswort Fragrance that was just completed this morning, his heart full of anticipation.

Serene Wizard caught on to that, and her interest grew. She reached out and picked up the Glasswort Fragrance labelled N0.5, unscrewed the cap, and lightly fanned the bottle’s opening with her right hand.

The essence of Glasswort Fragrance, with its refreshing elegance and lasting depth, instantly filled the air.

The fragrance was pleasant, charming without being vulgar and cleansing without being bewitching.

Almost instantaneously, Serene Wizard began to appreciate this particular fragrance.

Then, Serene Wizard began to carefully savour the calming effect embedded in the fragrance.

As a third-level wizard, this effect was extremely minor for her, almost non-existent.

However, for wizard apprentices, this effect was very significant and could provide great assistance in everyday life.

After all, studying or developing, both activities can be monotonous and often encounter setbacks, making it easy to experience psychological fluctuations and accumulate negative emotions.

Having such a fragrance in the room to soothe the spirit, while also exuding an elegant and lasting aroma on oneself, would indeed be nice.

The one downside was that it might have a slight effect on first-level wizards, but it held little value for second-level wizards.

However, this was a technical problem, and not without a solution.

Link Grande’s exposure to Potion Study and Alchemy Pharmacy was simply too short, he couldn’t fully develop his ideas.

Serene Wizard came up with at least ten methods and techniques that could greatly enhance this Glasswort Fragrance.

“Why did you think of using Glasswort Herb again? Talk about your inspiration and thinking.”

Serene wizard screwed on the bottle cap, didn’t bother to appreciate the other four samples, and directly asked.

“The overall research and development thinking of the fragrance is differentiation competition.”

Link replied, “The current market circulation fragrances, the featured fragrances launched by various potion shops, all emphasize practical effects.

However, perfume, fragrance, aromatherapy, in fact, also have the function of enhancing female charm.

Based on this thinking, I have enhanced the function of fragrance highlighting the charm while not weakening the practical effect of the fragrance.”


Serene Wizard pondered for a moment, continuing to ask, “Since you have developed the aromatherapy essential oil and fragrance of Glasswort Herb, have you ever thought about extending it further and developing a kind of perfume?

This way, you can form a series, and the functions are different.

The aromatherapy essential oil highlights the effect of promoting deep meditation, the fragrance is used in daily life, both practical and enhancing charm, and the perfume further magnifies the role of enhancing charm.” Great minds think alike.

Link, of course, had this idea too. He replied, “I have considered it. But before, I wasn’t sure whether this fragrance could be accepted by the market, welcomed by female wizards, so I didn’t hastily develop the perfume.”

Serene Wizard nodded, deep in thought.

At this moment, Link timely handed over the pre-made fragrance market research report, planning to pull in investment.

Seeing the written report over several pages, which could actually be summed up in two words, “give money”, Serene Wizard couldn’t help but laugh.

The kid was too cunning and too crafty..


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