Becoming a Monster

Chapter 15 15: Steroids

'It seems that fate could be a bitch even now…well let's make this work! I still have stats to spare, let's just use them all and besides…I've been wanting to see the notification for taming that spider for a while now.'

Immediately, he was bombarded by the robotic sound.

[Taming of mutated jumping spider successful. Because the spider was completely subdued, you are now given the option of the amount of experience to share.

Would you like to set the shared Experience to the standard 50/50 or custom distribution?

Hidden class achievement confirmed, you may not be the first to tame a creature but you are the first to overpower and forcefully tame one. You have been recognized and gained the title of 'Subjugator'.

Subjugator- An undying will and a fierce mentality, you are a conqueror who defeats and subdues in the battle of will. Spirit ratio is increased from 1:1 to 1:1.5]

Player: Noah

Race:Human->Human Chimera

Class: monster tamer

Gold: 312

Lvl 5




Mana: 24


Defense: 10





Magic: 11(12)


Unused points: 6



Monster taming(lvl 0)progression: 50%

Killing instinct (lvl 0) progression:1.8%


Soul cage(lvl 0)

Hunters sight (lvl 0) 9.2%

Stamina regeneration (lvl 0) progression:4.3%

Immortal body (lvl 0) progression: 1.07%

Genetic Synergy(lvl 0) progression:25%

Taming proficiency(lvl 0)


The fallen, Subjugator

'....' Noah was dazed for a few moments before his brain could react.

'There are actually hidden achievements like these?? If I didn't actually see people die right in front of me then I would forget how serious this shit is right now.

But…this makes me wonder what else can I do to get more achievements…No Noah, it's not the time right now, we have a miniature hulk to prepare for or we could die as well.

Sigh…it's all or nothing now.'

The first thing he made sure to do was to keep the ratio of the experience he and the spider would share at standard. Hopefully he can change the ratio later but as for now he felt it best for him and his first tamed creature to grow at the same rate. He remembered a saying he read about before that said 'you're only as strong as your weakest link'. In this case the weakest link could be talking about him or the spider so he chose to make sure to focus on both.Ne/w novel chapt𝒆rs are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m

Re-emerging from looking at his stats and adjusting them after adding the rest of his 6 unassigned points all to his constitution. Noah could feel the changes occurring within him before looking towards Derrick annoyingly, he seemed to almost finished with his transformation.

'Because of you I'm being forced to learn this skill…hopefully there's no limit to how many skills you can hold in the future.' His expression was becoming worse as he fished a piece of parchment out of his pocket and squeezed under his fist. Not a moment passed before he was given the option of learning the shield skill again.

[Skill Rodeleros confirmed, would you like to learn it?]

He quickly accepted the skill without hesitation, he already spent too much time as it is. He prepared himself to retrieve the shield, if he could, he would've liked to have charged ahead and attacked Derrick during his transformation. What prevented him from doing so was lack of information and a lack of weapons, but most importantly it was because he wanted to save the spider's energy.

After all of the battling it has been through, who knows if charging the distance to reach Derrick will be the deciding factor for its loss. Plus he didn't know if his muscles increased his defense nor did he know if Derrick could still move while he was transforming. So instead of bringing the fight to Derrick, he'd rather have Derrick come to him so he and the spider can fight together.

"Ggrrr, I'LL END YOU!"


But it appeared that he did waste too much time. Before he could see that Derrick finished, he heard his loud, but very deep voice. Noah instantly took off towards the shield. Thankfully the shield was closer to him than it was to Derrick or sacrifices would have to be made. The option of running away was never there. He didn't want to give up the spider who could still need time to recover. Even if he and the spider tried to run away, who knows if while he's encountering other creatures that Derrick wouldn't use the situation to attack them from behind? He needed to settle this here and now.

"No! Stay there!" Noah yelled behind him when he sensed the spider starting to get worked up from seeing Him leave. Instinctively, the spider began to see Noah as something of an alpha because of the bond.

After sensing the threat of Derrick in front of them and because of how vulnerable it felt at this time, seeing Noah suddenly distance himself from it caused it to inwardly panic. Ever since it became bigger, it's been constantly struggling alone to survive and after gaining sentience, it became more aware of emotions but it still couldn't comprehend what it was feeling since everything was new to it. All it knew was it didn't want to be left alone surrounded by danger, but Noah's stern voice made it hesitate to follow.

Thankfully through their bond it could obtain a small understanding of what Noah was trying to accomplish otherwise, bond or not, it would've either followed him still or ran away.

Quickly reaching the shield after a few steps, Noah bent down to retrieve it while briefly glancing up towards the source of the sounds of miniature earthquakes. From a glance, the tall and abnormal figure of Derrick stampeding towards him caused a shudder in Noah's body.

'It's fine to be a little scared now right? I mean look at this shit…I just finished the tutorial and I'm fighting a freaking boss battle. Why did he get a better skill than I did….? And why the hell is he naked??'

Noah already noticed Derrick's clothes ripping apart while he was changing originally, but he wouldn't have known that as soon as he began to dash towards him that his clothes would literally shred entirely off his body. It's not that Noah was freaked out about seeing a naked guy, it was more that the naked guy was HUGE and running at him with eyes that seemed to say 'I want you'. Not only did a few terrifying thoughts pass his mind but it was also Derrick's third leg that sealed the deal for him.

'Steroids are supposed to make you smaller Damnit!'

He quickly averted his eyes and sprinted towards the spider, he needed to calm his thoughts, he would only get one chance at this since a drawn out fight was not possible at this point. Both him and his spider were low on stamina and it appears that exhaustion does not exist in the current Derricks dictionary.

Boom Boom Boom!*

As he ran back towards the spider, he could still hear the steps following behind him. Maybe it was because of his 'hunters sight' taking effect or it was the increased spirit that gave his mind more clarity, but the footsteps gave him some added information.

'So muscle growth didn't give him extra speed…Thank goodness! We might can do this…and after seeing 'that'...Hehe! Please tell me you can feel pain. I don't want to take a hit from you for no reason.

Swiftly making it back to the spider whose hairs were standing straight up due to the increasing danger while its fangs constantly rubbed up against each other to create a loud hissing sound attempting to ward off the monstrosity heading towards it. Noah placed his palm on the spider's head just above its eyes to get its attention. Four of its eyes focused on Noah while the remaining constantly roamed for any other danger. During this time it swung its front legs sporadically, trying to signal to Noah about the 'monster' approaching it.

But feeling the steady hand of Noah placed on its head caused it to calm somewhat before it dazedly looked towards his face to find an excited? Expression. It couldn't know for sure since it wasn't used to human expressions but from the intent it feels coming from him, it could sense that he was eager. It reminded the spider of the times it was hunting for prey during days it was starving, the feeling it had when it knew it was about to get a big catch was the same feeling it was sensing from Noah now which caused it to undergo confusion.

'Does the threat of death make these two legged creatures feel excited?' Seems to be the thought that was going through its mind, it was a slightly disturbing thought but at least it helped it to calm down somewhat to hear what Noah had to say. Well…that was before it heard its 'masters' plan.

"Ok! This is what we are going to do…" he angled himself for both him and the spider to see Derrick rushing over while talking in a rush."

"You see that 'leg' dangling in the middle of the others? When I get it's attention I want you to rip it off. Eating it will make you stronger." Noah's smile widened, it would be a frightening sight to anyone else since his dark eyes were a direct contrast to his smile.

Even though Derrick was in a blind rage, he shivered internally. Not only from seeing Noah's warped smile but also from looking towards the spider who seemed to be salivating after staring towards his 'package'.

"Get ready!"

Noah shouted behind him while he stepped forward and placed his forearm into the straps of the shield. Immediately he could tell the new shield skill was working, as soon as he equipped the shield he felt as if he was witnessing dejavu. He never held a shield before until now, he felt a small confidence building while he adjusted into a decent defensive stance.

"Huff Huff Huff* THIS IS WHERE YOU DIE!"

Derrick was now only a few feet away, but with his size and the length of his ax, he was now in strike range. His breathing was ragged, probably from the overstrained muscles, Noah accounted this detail to be another reason he didn't use it to save his friends before. Derrick wasted no time to quickly try to finish Noah off. He held the axe which would take the current average person to still hold with both hands in one hand alone while he swung it effortlessly over his head. His other hand was used to stabilize himself since he was attempting to attack Noah while he was in mid run, but even then that didn't take away the threat level of his attack.

The sight of Derrick being able to swing a weapon of that size without a struggle amazed Noah. He somewhat wished that he chose one of the other two races now which would have provided him with immense benefits early on. Yet the thought was only a fleeting one, deep down he knew that the chimera will be just as good if not better than the others and it fitted him perfectly.

Still, even though he was amazed, his heart palpitated loudly. He could clearly hear the sound of the wind being cut through by the axe. Thankfully with his high attainment in spirit, he didn't let his fear affect him. He noticed that there was no chance to dodge not unless his agility was higher and even if he could then he probably wouldn't be able to create the opening he needed for his creature.

He repositioned his shield a little bit closer to himself so he wouldn't break his arm trying to block the swing. Because of his newly attained skill, he tilted the shield to the side. He was preparing to deflect the attack as best he could. Since he wasn't confident in doing so, he made sure not to angle the shield more than necessary. Instead he will have to reposition himself as soon as the attack lands, but even then it might not succeed because the skill he was preparing to use may have other plans…

"You have your trump card and I have mine...May the better skill wins!"

'Killing Instinct!'


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