Because I've Been Reincarnated as the Piggy Duke, This Time I Will Say I Like You

Chapter 75 - The Wind Prodigy and The Imperial Princess (5)

Chapter 75: The Wind Prodigy and The Imperial Princess (5)

[[Slow Denning, rumors about you are so famous it even reaches Hugh jack empire nyaa…..A mysterious child whom could speak with the spirits. It seems you are more than the rumor said nyaa. Then, it seems your anger has calmed down since you saved Charlotte, aren’t you?]]

The first impression when meeting the great wind spirit was a big injured cat monster.

A big black cat suddenly came out from behind Charlotte were having a contest of wind magic between both of them without Charlotte realized, in that contest, the child’s magic is suppressing the great spirit’s magic.

[So, it seems]

[Hey, what are you talking about suddenly?]

Charlotte, who already got tired of all her crying, heard what Slow just said.

Even if Charlotte could be heard what Slow said since she couldn’t hear what was the great spirit said, she can’t understand why did he suddenly said those words.

Slow then looked at Charlotte in the eye, and said ‘it’s nothing’ while laughing.

[[Time after time people like you will pop up somewhere, but your case was outside our expectation nyaa. You could talk with our spirits, I believe you know what you need to do nyext nyaa]]

The reason why the Great wind spirit, Art Ange come to the Duke Denning’s territory was to meet this famous Slow Denning that spirits love to talk about.

And when it was able to meet him, it will ask him to lend his power to protect Charlotte.

But he was much better than it thought before.

Surprisingly as if all the spirits around him are trying to protect him, they stay in between the great spirit and The wind prodigy Slow Denning.

[[I was bad at using Darkness magic nyaa, that is why I can’t make my voice heard by human nyaa. That is why a human was required to protect Charlotte nyaa.]]

The Dostork Empire were searching Charlotte where about.

The power to understand monsters, it was a power The Dostork empire need the most since they were greatly affected by monsters, and this power was possessed by no other than the princess of Hugh Jack Empire.

Looking at the menacing look The great wind spirit shows him, Slow nod slowly.

[I just want you to stop being angry here. It’s your fault that all the spirits in Denning territory wanted to flee. If you somehow calm down, I will promise you to protect this kid here.]

[!? Not angry! I’m not angry at all!]

[Eeeh! No no no, I’m not talking about you!]

Charlotte glaring at Slow with her big eyes.

But her sad voice cannot be heard anymore.

It seems it was because she was tired of crying,

But more than her sadness she was more interested in the mysterious boy in front of her.

The boy who suddenly talk by himself.

The boy who brings back young Charlotte back to this world.

A growling sound could be heard somewhere, Charlotte hurriedly presses her own stomach down.

[Ah….This, ummm….]

That sound was so weird it makes Slow laugh, compared to Art Ange’s killing intent it was very heartwarming.

[[The spirits that protecting you now will be the witness nyaa. Now you will protect Charlotte with everything that you have, Slow Dennying. If you understand what I said, brush gently the piglet Charlotte hold in her hand]]

Charlotte who was oblivious of things, she could only just glaring Slow with teary eyes.


[Ahahaha, I’m so sorry. But, it seems your stomach is hungry now]

[….Umm, I’m hungry]

[Then let’s eat delicious food together after this. Oh and your name, what should I call you?]

Charlotte mulling on how to answer that question, then she pushed her plushie that she hug before on to Slow’s chest.

She was mulling over whether she should tell him her real name or not, she suddenly remembers the name she told the slave trader when she was captured.

[Bra, Brady]

[Is that perhaps this kid’s name?]

[……Um. actually…..]

Slow smile bitterly and brush the doll’s head gently.

Then when Charlotte tells him her name, he made sure it was deeply rooted inside his head.

Even though he has already heard her name from the spirits, but hearing her name directly from her own mouth had a different sensation.

[[Slow Dennying. Use all your power to protect Charlotte nyaa. Use it to protect Charlotte origin nyaa. The period, till your life end nyaa. In exchange, I will listen to some of your request nyaa, and you can use my power for all you want nyaa. I have nyever been lending my power to a human, so I don’t recommend to use my power nyaa. I don’t even nyow if your body could handle it nyaa.]]

The second impression it has was an idiotic parent.

But the vibe it holds was extremely good, it leaves a refreshing feeling to Slow.

He understood how worried the great wind spirit towards Charlotte, and he also agrees not to let Charlotte face any kind of hardship in the future.

But the number one reason why he agreed to help Charlotte with that kind of condition was—-

—It was so cool protecting a princess just like a protagonist in the storybook.

[Little Charlotte]

[Stop that ‘little’ thingy]

[Ah, sorry….. Well then, those two also almost finished with their fight, how about you come with me to my house and eat a delicious soup there, Charlotte?]

[Umm….yes, I want that. I’m so hungry]

The wind prodigy and his two knights are indeed proved to be far superior.

Claude was going before first to the household to give them a report, while Silva was grinning seeing the two persons in front of him.

[….This is bad, Those lines are just like a kidnapper would say isn’t it?]

[Slow is a bad person?]

They have introduced themselves.

The wind prodigy when the girl calls him by his name.

[Yes I am. I am a bad bad bad Mr. kidnapper.]

Charlotte unintentionally smiles seeing a villain like a smile from him.


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