Became an Evolving Space Monster

Chapter 249:

Chapter 249:

The Amorph incurs a penalty each time it acquires a new type.

With every new type gained, the number of unique traits required for the next acquisition doubles.

Once a penalty is incurred, there's no way to remove it, which means that, over time, it becomes increasingly difficult for the Amorph to acquire new types.

That’s why it needed to be cautious about which types to acquire first, and there were many times it had to collect unnecessary traits just to meet the quota.

This alone was problematic, but the real issue lay elsewhere.

It was the fact that the inherent drawback of unique traits synergized poorly with the type penalty.

Unique skills or traits disappear if the character dies. If a character has just enough traits to avoid incurring a type penalty but then dies, both the unique traits and the type are lost.

I’ve experienced losing a type multiple times due to unique traits vanishing after I died.

‘But now it’s saying that the penalty is mitigated.’

Thanks to this, I could freely fuse the traits of the types I’d already acquired. Moreover, obtaining new types in the future became easier.

The “Special Defense Enhancement Type” and “Internal Organ Enhancement Type,” which I’d already unlocked, still required 16 traits each. But since they were already unlocked, the number required wouldn’t change.

‘At least now I don't have to obsess over the numbers anymore.’

I could use the traits I had as materials for fusion or trait enhancement as much as I wanted. From now on, I could combine unique traits as long as I had the necessary materials.

‘I should be able to meet the evolution conditions more quickly.’

I’ll reach full maturity after obtaining just five more unique traits and two more types.

Thanks to the reward from reaching Stage 1 of the Cosmic Monster, the penalty is reset for any new types acquired from now on, making it easier to gain new ones. If I'm lucky, I might even acquire a new type before enhancing the ones I already have, like the Special Defense or Internal Organ types.

‘For that, I need to leave this place.’

If this were a game, I’d head to a tougher hunting ground to obtain more unique traits, but that’s not the case now. Combining unique traits has become much easier. Instead, it’s more advantageous to go somewhere where I can collect the genetic essences of a wide variety of creatures.

After confirming the type rewards, I dismissed the text box. By now, PS-111 should have finished its modifications. I should discuss with it when the best time to leave would be.

Moving my combat arms, which had elongated like a spider’s legs, and my winged arms, I stepped out of the cargo hold. On the way, I peeked into the storage area where the others were kept.

Number 26, Mother of the Sky, and Adhai were, as always, sleeping together. They must have fallen asleep while waiting for me.

‘They must’ve been exhausted from the battle… huh?’

I was about to leave when I noticed a red mark on Adhai’s body. At first, I thought it might be a pattern from the Red Gallagon traits, but it looked different. Judging by the peeled scales, it seemed more like an impact wound.

‘Could it be from the fight with Pyra Eleven?’

I thought she was fine when the ship landed, but maybe I missed it since the wound wasn’t that big. It should heal in about a day, even without a nest.

‘Tsk. I’ll have to pay more attention next time.’

I quietly moved out of the storage area.

After gaining the “Great Infector” trait and transforming, my body had become much lighter. Combined with the effect of the “Silent Movement” trait, the synergy was quite impressive. Despite my 25-meter size, I walked across the alloy floor with barely a sound.

I silently moved toward the control room.

Just as before, I found PS-111 connected by numerous cables to its spine.

It seemed so focused on reading the ship’s data that it didn’t notice me approaching.


“You have arrived?”

It only noticed me after I called out. The red camera lens, which had replaced its eyes, blinked and fixed its gaze on me.

“There have been significant changes to your form compared to the previous ‘Amorph’ data.”

“I’ve grown further.”

“I see.”

“What were you looking at that made you not notice me coming?”

At my question, PS-111 fell silent. The red camera lens that had been meeting my gaze wavered slightly.


Although I knew it was a being mixed with machinery and biology, its behavior right now was clearly one of agitation.

Avoiding my gaze, it hesitated for a moment before finally speaking.

“Please look at this.”

The moment it finished speaking, a large hologram appeared in the center of the control room. It displayed a detailed mechanical structure and a 3D diagram of a creature with severed limbs.

“A mutant Screamer?”

“Yes. It’s a blueprint left behind by Pyra Eleven for producing mutant Screamers.”

The mechanical device appeared to be a life-support system for the Screamer, while the creature with severed limbs was a Hulk mutant used as its material.

Next to the creature, there were a few lines of small text. From the words, it seemed to be genetic information of the creatures used as ingredients for the Hulk mutant.

‘The text is all scrambled and hard to decipher.’

There were only a few recognizable words; the rest were garbled, as if corrupted.

“What’s with the scrambled parts?”

“The corrupted sections are protected by a defense system set up by an entity higher than Pyra Eleven. I cannot bypass it.”

If it’s someone above Pyra Eleven, it could only be the Grand Sovereign. He must have placed the lock.

As I was pondering what the scrambled text might contain, the holographic screen shifted. The newly displayed screen showed two video clips.

“I investigated to find out which organism or sentient being was responsible for my memories. As a result, I discovered the following records.”

As PS-111 finished speaking, the first video began playing.

On the screen, reptilian humanoids with insect-like characteristics were shown inside multiple test tubes.

‘Cold Blood?’

Since they all looked identical, they seemed to be clones. There was a small nameplate starting with “P” under the test tube, but it passed by quickly.

As the first video ended, the second one began.

Dozens of what appeared to be cloned Cold Blood bodies lay on a cold metal plate. A machine approached and extracted the brains from the bodies, transferring them into a Screamer machine behind them.

Of the dozens of Screamer machines, only one twitched and moved. The brain that activated the Screamer machine had various mechanical chips implanted in it. All the others were discarded.

A metal skull, imprinted with a single number, covered the half-mechanical brain.

The number was 111.

“That’s you.”

“Yes, I was an experiment. Out of the many clones, I was the only successful one.”

Only then did I understand why PS-111 seemed so lost.

It was because it had directly witnessed how it was created, and that had shocked it.

‘…It’s understandable.’

This creature, a fusion of machine and biology, was in the process of developing a new sense of self. Declaring itself as special to Pyra Eleven was part of that transformation. But upon realizing it was no different from the ship, that sense of identity was deeply shaken.


There are countless sci-fi works where AIs become so advanced that they awaken to self-awareness. Many characters struggle with whether they’re just programmed machines or autonomous, independent beings.

Although PS-111’s case is a bit different, its dilemma resonates with the same theme. Who am I? It’s a question about its essence.

‘It’s not a question I can answer, but…’

After a moment of thought, I spoke to it.

“Can you identify whose clone that Cold Blood is?”

“Due to the defense system, it’s impossible to verify fully.”

“Then let’s start there.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean finding out who that Cold Blood clone is that makes up your brain. I’ll help you.”

If you’re into monsters or creatures, you inevitably encounter various sci-fi works. My suggestion came from those inspirations.

‘Subconsciously, it probably sees that brain as being closest to its essence.’

PS-111 has a significant amount of Sea Demon genetics, enough to even receive psychic powers from Number 26. It also carries genes from other creatures.

Yet, it's most interested in the owner of that brain—the Cold Blood clone. It must have concluded that this part heavily influences its own thoughts.

Tracking the original clone's footsteps wouldn’t be a bad idea. If it learns about a significant part of what constitutes its self, it might gain a clearer understanding of itself.

‘…Though I’m not certain.’

In reality, I’m not an expert in biology or neuroscience. I have no idea how its consciousness and thoughts are structured or how they function. I merely based my suggestion on what I’ve seen in various media.

Fortunately, my proposal seemed to intrigue it. Its camera lens zoomed in on me, indicating its interest.

After a moment, it gave a small nod.

“Your suggestion, Amorph, is an intriguing approach. I will seriously consider it.”

“That’s good to hear.”

As always, it remained expressionless, but it seemed satisfied with our conversation.

Sending a signal through the cables connected to its spine, it deactivated the hologram and casually spoke.

“Is there anything you need? If you tell me, I’ll do anything you ask.”

His words reminded me of the reason I came to the control room.

“Check when Pyra Eleven sent a support request and what kind of response she received.”

“A support request?”

“If a support fleet is coming, we need to know when they'll arrive.”

“Please wait a moment.”

At my request, PS-111 closed its eyes and began searching through the ship's computer.

The spine that had emerged from its back quivered, and light flickered every time electrical signals travelled through the multiple cables connected to it.

“The support request was made five weeks ago. It stated that Pyra Eleven had sustained significant damage, hindering her ability to carry out her mission and making communication difficult.”

“Five weeks ago? What does it say about the cause of the damage?”

“Strangely, there is no record of that part. It appears Pyra Eleven concealed it.”

The androids of the Mechanical Committee possess advanced intelligence and can deceive others with ease.

But to go as far as hiding such details from the highest-ranking members, especially when requesting support, doesn’t make much sense.

“There were no further communications from Pyra Eleven until 32 hours ago when another support request was sent.”

“That was during the battle at the Gallagon nest.”

“Yes. She attached the data that was transmitted before the Screamers' communication was cut off.”

Since I hadn’t used my unique abilities back then, they shouldn't know the full extent of my power. However, they did learn about my relationship with the Gallagon—specifically, that I have allies. When they come to fight me next, they’ll be well-prepared.

“Has there been any response from their side?”

“Please wait a moment.”

Once again, PS-111 checked the records stored in the computer. Unlike outgoing messages, incoming ones were more difficult to access due to the defense system, and this time, it took longer.

About 30 minutes passed.

PS-111's eyes suddenly snapped open.

“This is bad, Amorph. Three weeks ago, Europa II departed with a support fleet en route to this planet.”


“The elite fleets of Nemea V, Redtail VIII, and Arrow IX are part of the support fleet.”

My heart sank upon hearing that.

If they set out three weeks ago, they’ll be here within a few days at most.

‘They could even arrive as early as tomorrow!’

It's possible that a reconnaissance fleet under the support fleet could reach here by tomorrow. I urgently asked PS-111,

“How long do you think it will take?”

“Assuming they’re using engines equivalent to this ship's, the vanguard will arrive in 18 hours.”

“Check if this ship is capable of launching.”


This time, I can’t use the Nightmare Horizon. This ship is massive, and it takes quite some time to corrode it. If the enemy arrives early, I won’t be able to respond.

Therefore, I need to leave the control of the ship to PS-111 and prepare for the worst-case scenario myself.

After giving the order, I rushed to the storage room to wake the others.

「Big Baby, are you done already?」

「What is it?」「What is it?」「What is it?」

「What’s with that look...? Oh, this must be your new form.」

[ZZ ZZ ZZZZ ZZZ (That's not what's important right now.)]

Number 26 asked if my growth was complete, Adhai was groggy from just waking up, and Mother of the Sky seemed startled by my unfamiliar appearance.

I quickly explained the situation to them.

「Four of the High Councilors are coming here?」

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZ (The Grand Sovereign might join them too.)]

Mother of the Sky quickly grasped the gravity of my words, her amber eyes widening.

“What will you do? If even a Player is involved, it’ll be nearly impossible for us to win.”

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZ (We won’t fight this time.)]

I might manage against two High Councilors, but four is too much. And if a Player is involved, it's a guaranteed defeat.

‘Even if I manage to survive…’

I’ll lose everyone here, including the Gallagons we just gained. Losing them once was enough.

I turned my gaze to Adhai.

[ZZZ ZZ ZZZZZ ZZZZ (Go to the nest and gather all the Gallagons.)]

「Fellow kin」「Together」「Leave?」

「Are you…?」

[Z ZZZ ZZZZ (Yes. It's time to move out.)]

At last, it’s time to leave this frozen planet.


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