Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

TL/Editor: raei

Proofreader: Pickhead7

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None.

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Monster hunting.

For Ian, the term had lost much of its excitement.

Before his reincarnation into this other world, bears and elephants were the most monstrous things you'd see in his peaceful world.

In this medieval fantasy world, becoming a wizard luckily made monsters much less terrifying.

The main reason was that he didn't need to confront monsters directly and wield weapons against them.

What Ian usually did was... well, "mouth DPS."

Mouth DPS.

Meaning, all he did was babble from the back.

Being a wizard is awesome~

"I'm fine, though."

Ian glanced at Kira's expression.

True to being a pro scammer, it was impossible to guess what Kira was thinking through her external appearance.

But monster hunting probably wasn't her cup of tea.

She was a con artist with tricks shallower than a puddle.

With a listless expression, Kira flicked her chair and said,

"This is bothersome."

She made it blatantly clear she didn't want to do it.

The nobles Kira had dealt with so far would usually back off by this point.

Forcing a reluctant wizard to work could end badly, and they knew it.

However, Lady Serena wasn't one to back down easily.

"We've prepared a sufficient reward..."

It wasn't about the reward. Kira just didn't want to face monsters because she lacked the ability.

When the conversation seemed to go nowhere, Ian shrugged.

It was time to repay the hospitality they'd received so far.

Even if Kira didn't join, they wouldn't be thrown out immediately, but it could sour the relationship with Lady Serena.

So, Ian persuaded Kira.

"I'll take care of the bothersome stuff. Why not just come and watch?"

"If that's the case..."

Kira nodded at Ian's persuasion.

Ian was going, so Kira couldn't say no.

"Thank you. We will contact you as soon as we are ready."

Lady Serena said with a strange smile, cute yet seductive.

If the Baron were healthy, Ian thought that their marriage must have been a happy one as he got up from his seat.



Ian participated in the monster hunt at the request of the Baroness.

To call it "participation" was an overstatement.

It was more like observing or touring.

Ian usually didn't have much to do, but that day, he had even less.



The knights on horseback drove the monsters back.

The monsters terrorizing the villagers were dire wolves.

Wolves had been human rivals for centuries, both living in packs and often clashing over territory.

Up until the Middle Ages, the battles between humans and wolves had been evenly matched due to the scarce human population making it hard to eradicate the wolves.

But as the population grew and firearms became widespread, the balance of power shattered.

Civilization claimed an eternal victory.

Perhaps the dogs, who sided with humans and now lazed around in homes, were the true victors.

However, this is a medieval fantasy world.

Wolves were still dangerous monsters, and dire wolves even more so.

"You're fighting well."

Ian commented as he watched the dire wolves getting beaten by the knights.

Dire wolves were terrifying for farmer-level humans but not for well-armed knights.

Facing the knights on an open field, the dire wolves were getting crushed.

Did a wizard even need to be there?

As he thought this, Lady Serena said,

"It's because the leader isn't here now."

"The leader?"

"The dire wolves are led by a werewolf."

Ian whistled.

Last time it was a vampire. Now a werewolf.

"He's probably watching us from hiding, waiting for us to tire."

Werewolves are monsters with intelligence comparable to humans.

They learn and use human languages, making use of human informants.

The werewolf was lurking around, waiting to raid, after hearing the Baron was sick.

"...I think someone intentionally lured the werewolf here."

The "someone" Lady Serena mentioned didn't need further explanation.

It was surely Lady Catherine.

You speak of Lady Catherine as if she were a wizard.

Lady Serena's eyes flashed with hatred.

"You might not know yet, but Catherine is a suspicious woman."


"That woman was originally a shepherdess. But after spending one night with the Baron, she became his second wife. Don't you find that odd?

"A man with a wife, taking a strange woman as his wife just because they spent a night together."


Ian didn't know what to say.

From a modern perspective, it was indeed strange.

But this is the amazing Middle Ages, right?

In a place where bizarre and ridiculous events are laughed off, Ian's perspective couldn't help but differ from the medieval norm.

Ah, even by medieval standards, a one-night stand marriage is weird.

But then there's Anna from Frozen with Prince Hans...



"So, you're saying Lady Catherine cast a spell on the Baron?"

"If it's not magic, it's inexplicable! Her becoming his wife! The Baron falling ill! The sudden increase in monsters!"

Ian replied with a smile,

"But people say, Lady Serena, that you're the wizard?"


"That you made a pact with the devil for youth."

Lady Serena glared at Ian with a stern expression.

Of course, Ian wasn't fazed.

His face had thickened from playing the wizard.

"Do you really think that?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I have... I have no reason to harm the Baron!"

"How would I know Lady Serena's circumstances? Conversely, do you have evidence that Lady Catherine is a wizard?"

"... That woman is cunning."

"Yes. No evidence then."

It all comes down to the same thing.

Lady Serena intended to make Ian see how dangerous Lady Catherine was.

But Lady Serena is just as suspicious, at least for now.

"If you can't cure the Baron, I'd appreciate it if you left the domain quickly."

"Oh, is it already time to kick me out?"

"This is not a place for idlers!"

Ian's comment about her being like a wizard seemed to have insulted Lady Serena greatly.

She showed an emotional side, as if deeply offended.

But that also meant she was sincere about this matter.

"We'll leave when the time comes. For now, I'll start with having dinner with Lady Catherine."


"Today's hunt was fun."

Ian waved and returned to the castle, hinting he might side with Catherine.

Lady Serena must be furious, but what could she do?

Lady Serena quietly watched Ian's back as he left.

A cold wind blew from the east.



Ian and Kira were invited to dine with Lady Catherine.

The invitation surely came right after rumors spread about Ian's heated conversation with Lady Serena.

"I showed you a poor side of me before."

The banquet prepared by Lady Catherine was more lavish than Lady Serena's.

There were more dishes, and expensive ingredients were used.

The most eye-catching ingredient was undoubtedly pepper.

"We're being treated to luxurious food."

"Hehe. Please enjoy."

Kira could hardly contain her amazement at the pepper-sprinkled meat.

Despite her posing as a wizard and wandering around, she had never been treated so grandly before.

Well, she had to flee before anyone could treat her...

Pepper was an ingredient reserved for victory feasts.

It had been a while since she felt her heart race.

Sitting at the table, she sneakily glanced at Ian.

Wow... Ian showed no change in expression, looking at the pepper as if it were mere black beans.

Kira marveled anew.

A real wizard really is different!

Of course!

A wizard wouldn't be shaken by something like pepper!

With that thought, Kira grasped the cold meat tightly in her hands.

And took a joyous bite!

Wow! Delicious!

The fragrant pepper and the salty taste of the meat were perfect.

But then she felt Ian's gaze on her.

Ian looked at her as if she were a barbarian...

Kira felt embarrassed for no reason.

Ah, well.

I'm a fake wizard who's never had pepper before.

However, Ian's disdain for Kira was for a different reason.

Why on earth is she eating meat with her hands?

Even Lucy wouldn't do that.

In the Empire, there were regions that used cutlery and those that did not.

Talian was a family with a deep history, and their domain was one of the first to adopt cutlery due to interactions with fairies.

So, Lucy used a fork.

But many Northerners, including people from Devosi, enjoyed eating with their hands.

Meat tastes best when torn with your hands!

Ian felt his brain ache seeing people grasp and chew meat with their hands.

Am I the normal one for finding Empire nobles barbaric?

What's the point of eating food sprinkled with expensive pepper if you're just going to tear into it with your bare hands?

"Aren't you eating, Wizard?"

"... I will."


Ian took a deep breath and tore into the meat with his bare hands.

I'm Indian. I'm from India...

Kira looked at Ian worriedly.

Even though we were invited here, does he really need to pick at his food like that?

Kira couldn't imagine that Ian was reluctant to eat with his hands.

She guessed something else was bothering him!

And others thought the same.

Wizard Ian seemed dissatisfied with the meal.

Someone stood up and shouted.

"Wizard! If you have a complaint, speak up!"


"Lady Catherine has prepared this grand event for us! Yet, you, a guest, show nothing but displeasure throughout! Are you trying to ruin this occasion?"

It turned out to be a young man around Ian's age, who seemed younger than expected.

He was Lady Catherine's son.

However, Ian didn't care who the person was.

That one comment snapped Ian's patience.

What, to someone trying hard to eat right now?

Ian immediately retorted.

"A complaint? Complaint? F*ck, you serve a piece of meat colder than a corpse and expect us to eat it with our bare hands, and you ask about complaints? Yes, you f*cker. I have a complaint!"

The old Ian might have let it slide, but having been through a lot as a wizard, Ian's personality had toughened up.

Not that he'd ever admit it.

They say not to bother a dog when it's eating.

When Ian was criticized about his eating, he snapped back.

Normally, when a wizard loses their temper, nobles back off.

It's foolish to try to outdo a wizard in a rage.

But fools exist everywhere.

Lady Catherine was flustered, and her son's face turned red with anger.

"Wizard! Have you lost your mind? Have you gone mad?"

The minor nobles present as guests were just as shocked.

Few understood the situation, and even if they did, they had no say and kept quiet.

Ideally, someone should mediate, and after a brief apology, everyone would sit down again.

But Ian couldn't care less.

He could just demonstrate his power and receive an apology.

[Ian! Why are you angry?]

[What's wrong? Ian! What happened!]

[Just wait! We're coming!]

As Ian displayed his anger, darkness filled the room.

"Ugh, aaaah!"

"What is this...!"

Lady Catherine's guests screamed in terror.

For those experiencing dark magic for the first time, fear is the common reaction.

After all... you can't see anything!

Adults know that darkness itself can't harm humans.

But magic-induced darkness turns even adults into scared 5-year-olds.

They trembled in fear that the darkness might harm them!

"Yeah. I had a complaint, so I spoke up."


In the pitch-dark, only Ian's voice coldly echoed.

You did more than just speak...!

The guests wanted to cry but desperately kept their mouths shut.

If they said anything and the wizard threw a bigger tantrum, they wouldn't be able to handle the consequences!

"Damn these barbarians."

Ian muttered, feeling unfairly treated.

Making me eat cold meat with my hands.

What? I should smile?

Is this some kind of new culinary torture?

But looking at the chaos in the dining room, Ian felt he might have overreacted.

As a civilized person, he should've just said, 'Ah. I would have preferred a fork and knife.'

Then, with a flicker, a beam of light appeared.

It was Kira.

"Enough, Ian. Everyone's scared."

"... Alright."

With a wave of Ian's hand, the pitch-black darkness disappeared.

The guests sighed in relief and looked at Kira as if she were a savior!

"Wizard... What might we have done wrong...?"

"Fork. Knife."


Luckily, someone who had purchased forks from a merchant brought one to Ian.

As for the knife... it was replaced by the magical sword Anor-lsil.

The reason for this was the 'heating' feature.

Ian grinned and sliced the meat, warming it up.

Seeing everything was already a mess, he decided to do as he pleased.

"Ah, refreshing. This is how you eat a steak."

Ian chuckled wickedly as he skewered the warm meat with his fork.

People felt an indescribable fear watching the wizard cut meat with a magic sword.

That wizard... is freakishly odd!

However, Kira was deeply moved by Ian's performance.

Ah! The peculiarity of a true wizard is on another level!

Using a large weapon for cutting meat! I'll have to use this trick later!

Kira stored this image of Ian in her mind, nodding vigorously.

Ian was indeed a wizard worth admiring.


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