Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard

Chapter 7:

Chapter 7:

TL/Editor: Raei


Illustrations: None.

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Darkness inherently possesses the attribute of concealment.

It hides, obscures, and renders things invisible.

Listening to the voice of darkness, which is concealment itself, is extremely difficult.

Dark wizards, who wield darkness, are as rare as space-time wizards.

Such a challenging power it is.

Eredith was surprised that her disciple had awakened to the power of darkness.

"Did you hear the voice of darkness?"


Ian answered with a slight hint of pride.

He didn't realize what he had accomplished.

He was simply happy about the addition of a new magic.


On the other hand, Eredith marveled at her disciple's unexpected talent.

Dark magic is undoubtedly a branch of magic, attracting many wizards who wish to delve into it.

But the attribute of darkness, being inherently secretive and shy, seldom reveals itself.

Deep caves might be a favored place for darkness.

But the voice of the earth is too loud there, making it a poor location for hearing the voice of darkness.

Wizards aspiring to become Dark wizards prepare massive darkrooms, avoiding all external stimuli, and repetitively immerse themselves in darkness alone.

This process spans months, and in severe cases, wizards invest years.

Such is the difficulty in initiating into dark magic...

'He must have a natural affinity.'

Just as people have different natural talents, wizards have different affinities for elements.

For example, Eredith had a high affinity for the fire element, hence her specialization in Fire magic.

It seems Ian has a high affinity for the dark attribute.

A fitting affinity for someone nicknamed 'Raven.'

"Good for you. A wizard is better the more types of magic they can handle."

Air magic, Earth magic, and now dark magic.

Her disciple had already initiated into three schools.

Even if their exploration stopped here, it was enough to be called a wizard.

But Eredith had no intention of stopping here.

A wizard must always test their limits.

"Let's continue, Ian."

"Yes, Master!"

"It's going to be more difficult from here. But I'll be watching over you, so have confidence!"


Ian responded energetically. Learning magic was starting to become fun.

... However, with the introduction of Ice magic, Ian's interest began to wane rapidly.




The summit of the Golden Mountains.

The place, cloaked in perennial snow, averages sub-zero temperaturesa land of extreme cold.

Eredith stripped Ian bare and threw him into a pile of snow.

"So, so cold!"

It was to initiate him into Ice magic.

"Concentrate, Ian! Listen to the voice of cold!"

Ian gritted his teeth. He couldn't hear his master's voice at all.

What is the voice of cold!

Damn it!

Humans are warm-blooded animals!

It's impossible for the cold to converse with a creature born with warm blood.

Eredith lowered Ian's body temperature to forcibly acquaint him with the cold.

Let's set aside the minor issue of dying from hypothermia due to a lowered body temperature.

A wizard who seeks the mysteries must always be filled with a spirit of challenge.


[My body is cold]

[I'm about to die...]

"Get lost!"

Ian shouted this and then fell silent. No, this wasn't right.


No matter how much you dislike something, there are times when you have to pretend to be friendly.

It's like the relationship between a superior and a subordinate.

Cold is the superior, and Ian, the subordinate.

The one in need has to pretend to smile.

[Yes. Hello?]

[New Skill Acquired!]

[Skill: Ice magic]

[The ability to wield cold ice magic]

"Master! I did it! I spoke with the cold!"

"Oh! That was quick!"

Eredith exclaimed in admiration as she pulled Ian out of the snow.

This foolish disciple had also easily initiated into the magic of ice.

Her curiosity grew stronger.

His affinity for elements is extraordinary, isn't it?

How many kinds of magic can he handle?

To satisfy her curiosity, the next attribute needed to be tested.

"Next is Water magic!"

Eredith took Ian to a lake and submerged him in the water.

She even gave him a snorkel, so he wouldn't drown.

Eredith cared deeply for her disciple.

Bubble, bubble...

In the middle of the lake, Ian (forcibly) heard the voice of water.

[New Skill Acquired!]

[Skill: Water magic]

"Excellent, Ian!"

As expected.

Ian had succeeded again.

Eredith smiled contentedly.

"Pant... Pant..."

After spending an entire day submerged in water, Ian felt like dying just from breathing.

But the teachings of the master were endless.

"Come on! The last one! Fire magic!"

"...Master, about Fire magic."

Ian broke out in a cold sweat.

He had entered the snow to learn Ice magic and the water for Water magic.

So, to learn Fire magic?

"Do I... have to enter fire..."

Is that it?

Reading Ian's expression, Eredith burst out laughing.

"Correct! I'll get a fire going, so go inside!"


That evening.

Eredith lit a massive fire and roasted Ian alive.

It was spring.



Ian's initiation into magic was roughly complete.

[Skill Summary]

[Initiated into 6 schools]

[Air magic Lv 1, Earth magic Lv 2, Dark magic Lv 1, Ice magic Lv 1, Water magic Lv 1, Fire magic Lv 1]

Eredith's guidance for initiation ended here, as these were the magics she had initiated into.

"Ian. To me, it seems like you are loved by the mysteries."

"... What's that?"

Mysteries, he didn't quite understand.

But he realized the status window was useful.

Ah, come to think of it, perhaps the status window is a kind of mystery too.

"Yes. Normally, nature becomes friendly with one attribute and distant with others. But you have initiated into 6 schools without any difficulty."

It wasn't just flattery.

Ian truly possessed exceptional affinity for various elements.

It was rare for a wizard to embrace so many different elements in such a short period.

Considering that most wizards spend at least a month initiating into just one school, Ian's speed of initiation was almost abnormal.

To use a clichd analogy, he was 'like a sponge' absorbing magic.

'Is it thanks to the status window?'

Ian believed that the secret of his learning lay in the status window.

Without it, he would still be struggling in the Maronius Sea.

'This otherworldly cheat is amazing! Incredible!'

Ian nodded in satisfaction.

"I'd like to introduce you to other schools, but..."

"Ah, Master."

Ian abruptly asked a question.

"But is it okay to initiate into so many schools? Aren't there any side effects..."

Eredith didn't understand what her disciple was talking about.

"Do you get side effects from making too many friends?"

"Uh... I guess not."

"It's the same. The more mysteries you communicate with, the better."

To put it in an analogy, Ian was a huge socialite in the world of mysteries.

If we were to assign him an MBTI type, it would be ESFP.

Considering Ian's actual personality was introverted, this was quite ironic.

"Anyway. I have to attend a Fire magic meeting at the college now."

"A Fire magic meeting?"

It was something he had heard about in classes.

Wizards from each school regularly gather for meetings.

Officially they are meetings, but it's mostly just an occasion for socializing and chatting.

However, this process is surprisingly important.

Not only do they report their survival, but it's also a time to resolve tasks assigned to each school.

The reason wizards, who hardly do anything productive, can enjoy a life of luxury is all thanks to the patronage of nobility.

And the reason nobles sponsor wizards is to use them when needed.

Unless it's an extremely secretive and exclusive gathering like a space-time wizard meeting, worldly matters are somewhat dealt with in these wizard meetings.

But, as with all group projects, someone had to do it, but nobody wanted to.

In the meetings, tasks are assigned in turns, and refusing a task could result in losing the sponsorship.

"I've already skipped it twice, actually. If I don't show my face soon, it could be dangerous."

The Fire magic meeting is held once every three years.

Eredith had missed it twice under the pretext of training her disciple, all the while continuing to receive funding.

"Then, should I...!"

"No, Ian. You should travel the world and gather mysteries. Initiate into more schools, and if possible, try to establish your own school."

Eredith highly valued Ian's magical talent.

He was not a wizard to be buried in just one kind of magic.

In Eredith's case, it was like sharing a deep and genuine friendship with one friend.

As a master of Fire magic, she had a close bond with fire.

Even rather difficult requests would be fulfilled by fire if they came from Eredith.

Most wizards follow the same path as Eredith.

They delve deep into one specific type of magic.

Consequently, wizards who learn a broad but shallow range of magic become the subject of ridicule.

'What's the use of having 100 chat rooms? Do you have a friend who'd lend you a million won when you're in trouble?'

A wizard who has established a relationship with mysteries to the extent they would fulfill even the most difficult requests is called a 'Grand wizard'.

But what if you're juggling 100, 500, or even 1000 chat rooms?

Someone who messages 50 people might be a social butterfly thirsting for superficial friendships, but one who converses with 100 people is seen as having impressive social skills.

Someone who manages 500 chats is considered a monster obsessed with human relationships.

And 1000?

That's a realm of madness beyond the comprehension of mere intellect.

In Eredith's view, Ian could potentially communicate with 1000 mysteries.

There's no need to find a friend who would lend him a million won.

Why bother when he could borrow a thousand won from each of a thousand people?

"It's important for you to learn magic that suits you."

"If I learn Fire magic too..."

"Fire magic is dangerous. And it's not particularly necessary in this world."

Despite being a fire wizard herself, Eredith did not hold Fire magic in high regard.

Present-day Fire magic was a magic used solely for destruction.

"Ian, let's descend the mountain now."

Eredith announced the end of their lengthy magic lessons.

The seasoned fire wizard and the novice wizard once again set foot in the mundane world.


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