Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None

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'But she's already passed away.'

Ian recalled the information about Maria's foster grandmother.

A year ago, Maria's foster grandmother had died. That's why Maria had been working as a maid in Robert's household.

If she were still alive, Ian could have at least talked to her, but now there was no way to find out.

"If my manner of speech bothers you, I can speak normally."

"You can speak normally?"

"Of course. I was merely trying to be respectful, considering your position as a wizard."

"No, it's fine."

Ian wasn't particularly bothered by Maria's way of speaking.

Hell, he put up with that bastard Takarion's way of talking, so this was nothing.

Maria set down her stew bowl and stood up.

Then she gracefully bent her knees and gave Ian an elegant curtsy.

"Once again. I express my gratitude to you, Wizard."

"Ian is fine."

Maria flashed a sweet smile at Ian.

"Yes. Ian."

That smile... honestly, it had enough power to make even Ian flinch.

Wait, isn't she definitely younger than me?

Maria was indeed younger than Ian.

But Maria's beauty had something that set her apart from other women.

You could say it was a bewitching beauty rather than mere prettiness. There was a seductiveness that didn't match her age.

Ian imagined Lucy from Talian giving the same smile.

It would be pure wholesomeness.

Lucy would protest immediately, but that's an undeniable fact.

Lucy might be older, but Maria was definitely more eye-catching.


"Uh. Yeah. What?"

Ian sensed something unsettling in Maria's gaze.

If Ian had noticed it, there was no way the other women hadn't.

'That girl...'

'She really likes Ian.'

Maria continued in a melodious, cheerful voice.

"Today, I've incurred far too great a debt to you, Ian."

He couldn't exactly deny it.

For whatever reason, Ian had cleared Maria's false charges and driven away the real culprit.

If Ian hadn't intervened, Maria would have been hanged without mercy.

"I've been thinking... I want to repay this debt somehow."

"Now that I think about it, there's no real need to repay it..."

"No. I must repay it."

Ian's eyes briefly met Maria's.

And he felt a slight chill...

Maria's pitch-black eyes looked like they belonged to some 'dead-eyed' character!

No... Maria... why are you looking at me like that...

This is kind of creepy...

"All I have, worthless as I am, is this wretched body."

Maria bowed her head once more.

"So I wish to offer my all to you, Ian, and serve you for the rest of my life."

Ian gulped nervously.

He knew Maria felt grateful, but...

Isn't this a bit too heavy?!

And offering everything she has? Should those words be coming from a young girl's mouth?!

"Ahem. You have a bright future ahead, there's no need to follow a wandering wizard like me..."

"Since you travel, you'll naturally need a servant."

Ian tried to gently refuse.

It's true that not having a servant can be inconvenient.

But Ian was deliberately traveling with minimal companions despite knowing this.

Paying servants' wages is a hassle. And if they get caught up in strange incidents and die, it leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

If Ian were a lord or ruler, he might have taken Maria on as a maid.

But Ian is a wizard.

What's the point of a wizard having a maid tagging along?

If he needed a worker, he would have bought a slave long ago.

But Maria didn't even pretend to hear Ian's refusal.

Ian spoke more firmly.

He was a wizard after all, and Maria was just a commoner girl. He thought he could push through with his authority.

"You're cursed by the dead. How could you take care of anyone else?"


"You'd just be a burden if I took you. I'll introduce you to a wizard who can solve your curse, so forget about giving me anything and live your own life."

Was that too harsh?

Ian felt a bit worried.

But that was 100% Ian's misunderstanding.

Maria was a woman who had worked as a maid under Robert and his wife, enduring all sorts of vulgar abuse.

If the words of Robert and his wife were verbal abuse, Ian's warning was more like a caress(?).

In fact, Maria felt a slight thrill(?).

Maria spoke with a flushed face.

"Ah... Such a kind person..."


"To worry about the life of a lowly woman like me... And even concern yourself with my curse... I don't know how to react."

As Maria's cheeks reddened slightly, Ian felt dizzy...

This is driving me crazy. Seriously.

I'm a farmer's son too, you know. Want to have a battle of lowly origins with me?

"Then all the more reason, I want to follow you, Ian."

"No, I'm telling you I don't need..."

"I'll do anything you ask. Whatever you demand, I'll obey. So please."


Ian felt crushed under the weight of Maria's intense feelings.

He was afraid to say anything.

It was suffocating!

"Hey. Isn't this a bit much?"

Belenka, unable to stand by any longer, cut in.

"Didn't Ian say he doesn't need you? If you need a master, look for someone else."

"But if it's not Ian..."

"Then find a suitable man and get married. With that pretty face, it shouldn't be hard to find a husband."

There was an edge to Belenka's voice.

He already saved her life once. Why is she still clinging to Ian after that?

She knew Maria had taken a liking to Ian.

But how many women out there fancy Ian?

Just look at Lucy, the lord of Talian, who likes Ian...

Most daughters of baronial families wouldn't hesitate to be with Ian.

Far from hesitating, they'd welcome it enthusiastically.

In short, Ian is a high-value man.

What noble would refuse a wizard son-in-law with a bright future who could protect their domain?

Belenka thought Maria, a country girl, was reaching too high for someone as premium(?) as Ian.

Belenka thought Maria would understand after hearing this much.

But Maria was far more sincere about Ian than Belenka imagined.

"You're telling me to live my own life... But Sir Knight, I'm weary of life."


"A life full of the pain of curses... It's a torment I never want to taste again. So I have neither the heart nor the will to continue my own life."


"If I can't follow Ian... Yes. I should end it appropriately."

The 'ending' of a life is... undoubtedly death.

Ian was appalled by Maria's words.

This went beyond heavy, it was sinking through the ground!

Wasn't she saying she'd make a 'big decision' if Ian didn't take her in?

Ian, genuinely angry, snapped at her.

"Are you threatening me with your pathetic life?"

You dare? Threaten someone with your worthless life?

Saying you'll kill yourself if I don't take you along is no different from a threat.

This level of psychological warfare borders on mental illness.

However, Maria's next response left Ian momentarily speechless.

"You truly are a kind person..."


"You asked if I was threatening you with my life. But Ian, threats can only be made with something the other person values."


"Yes. You consider my life 'valuable', which is why my words sounded like a threat to you... Hehe. I'm truly sorry, but... also happy."


This is truly amazing.

Ian lost his ability to speak in the face of Maria's divinely inspired interpretation skills.

The more infuriating part was that he couldn't exactly say she was wrong.

Ian did indeed value Maria's life.

If he didn't, he would have coldly continued his journey, not caring if Maria died miserably somewhere.

He wanted Maria to keep living, which is why he was even thinking of introducing her to a wizard.

"You're not pushing me away because you hate me."

"... Of course not. Why would I hate you?"

Maria smiled faintly.

"There are many reasons. A lowly woman with no parents, possessed by the dead. An ominous black-haired wench."

"Can you stop with that ominous black hair talk? I told you before. This is because of our bloodline. Neither you nor I are ominous at all."

Maria smiled and took a step closer.

That smile, as always, held a sensuality unfitting for her age.

"Yes. It seems you and I are kindred spirits, Ian."

Kindred spirits? We're not monsters or anything.

Ian sighed, thinking this.

He could leave Maria behind and depart like this, but.

If he did, she might really make that 'big decision' and come back as a virgin ghost.

There was a certain madness in Maria's eyes...

"Ugh. Fine. Come along then. Come along!"

"Thank you so much!"

As he heard Maria's thanks, Ian felt cognitive dissonance.

Wait, why am I receiving thanks for taking on a servant???

His feelings were mixed, but.

Anyway, Maria was set to join Ian on his journey.



The next morning.

The village was surprisingly normal, as if nothing had happened.

Meaning nothing had occurred.

"It seems he fled."

Sir Leshach patrolled the village outskirts as soon as day broke.

There were no traces of undead or necromancers.

Heavenly Wizard Bertholdt had escaped during the night.

"He lacks guts."

When Ian muttered this, Sir Leshach chuckled.

Isn't a Heavenly Wizard supposed to be quite high-ranking in the Golden Rule Society?

Even if his identity was exposed to Ian, to retreat so meekly...

"Let's just say he's cautious. Without that level of caution, he'd have been executed long ago."

"Well, I suppose."

Unlike wizards, black wizards are shunned by the nobles.

How could they be friendly when associating with them might bring down the Pope's excommunication-beam?

Bertholdt decided it was better to simply hide rather than clash pointlessly with Sir Leshach.

"Getting his hands on that girl was... probably just a way to pass the time."

"No way. He caused all this chaos just to pass the time?"

As Ian grumbled, Sir Leshach laughed.

"Watch your words. The one who turned the situation into chaos was you, wasn't it?"

If Ian hadn't been there, Bertholdt would have gotten his hands on Maria and quietly disappeared.

Honestly, Bertholdt must have been dumbfounded too.

Who'd have thought some passing wizard would suddenly appear and overturn the trial?

Ian knew that Bertholdt hadn't put in much effort.

Bertholdt didn't know what kind of death mystery had attached itself to Maria.

If Pael were still alive, he might have been able to guess. Pael had seen Maria trying to rush at and eat the rotten wolf corpse.

Bertholdt was simply enchanted by Maria's appearance, and as soon as he vaguely sensed the power of death, he put his plan into action.

It was a plan with flaws if you dug deeper, but it was good enough.

He thought no one would check.

But like a fairy tale, the 'passing wizard' Ian saw through Bertholdt's plan.

"You've earned Bertholdt's enmity, Ian."

Sir Leshach said mischievously.

He hoped that Ian, worried about a possible attack, might follow him.

But Ian was an even more eccentric wizard than Sir Leshach had imagined.

"That doesn't matter."


"Yeah. What can he do just because he hates me? Does he have the guts to come after me?"

Hey. Do you have confidence?

Sir Leshach inwardly admired Ian's eccentricity... or boldness.

To remain completely unfazed even though a black wizard held a grudge against him!

But it was all based on well-founded confidence.

Ian had his trump card - skill card magic.

If Bertholdt tried any half-assed attack, his skull would be the one cracking open.

And Ian had already decided on his next destination.

"After visiting Baron Vincent's domain. I'll head straight back north."

"The north?"

"To Dranheim Imperial University."


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