Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None

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To the people, Maria was already a b*tch worthy of death.

They took in a parentless girl with nowhere to go, fed and sheltered her. And she killed their son and tried to run away?

Their rage was understandable.

But Ian knew Maria hadn't killed Eric.

It had merely been staged to look that way.

'I don't know why they did it, though.'

This was what Ian had discovered from investigating the village.

Maria was only a murder suspect. The real culprit was someone else. That was Ian's conclusion.

He couldn't figure out why the real culprit had tried to frame Maria.

Because he hadn't spoken with them yet.

But at least he could argue for Maria's innocence here and now.

Maria = Culprit.

Removing this frame was the first step.

"Three truths?"

The young baron tilted his head.

He had come to the village to 'play'.

No joke, he really came just to have fun.

He'd heard rumors of necromancers roaming around the domain lately.

But aren't knights supposed to deal with that sort of thing? Not my problem!

He was already becoming a bad seed of hereditary nobility, a budding member of the privileged class.

If necromancers were about, the lord should be the busiest of all.

But the real lord was a senile old man... and the young baron was a shameless fool, waiting to inherit the title without knowing how to do anything.

So the young baron could go out carefree.

He was more interested in Sir Leshach, who claimed to have come to beat up necromancers, than in the necromancers themselves!

Whatever Maria had done in this village, he didn't care.

He planned to quickly pass a death sentence and then go drinking with Sir Leshach.


This wizard suddenly says he'll reveal three truths.

The young baron decided to watch what the wizard would do for now.

Wizards were such unpredictable beings, and since Sir Leshach was keeping quiet, it felt awkward for him to say anything. (He was not aware that he was supposed to be the judge.)

"Alright! Speak!"

The young baron naturally assumed Ian would prove Maria's guilt.

He couldn't imagine anything else.

The villagers felt the same way.

But Ian began to tell a story completely different from people's expectations.

"First, let me introduce myself. I am Ian, disciple of Eredith. At Sir Leshach's request, I've been investigating the necromancer Maria."

Ian strode confidently around the courtroom as if sweeping it.

He was used to being the center of attention.

That natural, dignified attitude combined with the wizard's mysterious aura added persuasive authority.

As evidence, everyone was holding their breath, focused on Ian's words.

"I heard that Maria killed a young man named Eric, so I investigated that in detail... but there were some questionable points."

"... Questionable? What do you mean?"

When Ian made a statement that didn't fit the flow of the trial.

The young baron asked in genuine surprise.

Is he... not arguing for Maria's guilt right now?

"First. Maria killed Robert's son, Eric. But... why did she kill him?"

A moment of silence fell.

The only ones who could answer this question were the villagers.

But with the lord, knight, and wizard speaking here, no one dared to step forward.

Unless they had completely lost their senses, that is.

"I'll answer that question."

The pale-faced gravedigger stepped forward.

The gravedigger, Joseph.

He was a commoner who had not an ounce of fear.

"Why did Maria kill Eric? The reason is simple."

Joseph spoke in an eerie voice.

"My cousin was forced to reluctantly raise Maria on the village chief's orders. My ill-tempered cousin and his wife bullied and abused Maria."

"Ah, no! Joseph! What are you saying...!"

Robert and his wife, who had been silent until now, were aghast.

The fact that the couple had tormented Maria was an open secret.

But to say that in front of the lord!

Whose side are you on! Really!

"Kuk kuk... Robert. Don't try to gloss over the situation with pretty words. This isn't a place where flimsy lies will work."

"B-But still...!"

"Evidence that you bullied Maria is everywhere. Should we ask the children?"


When Joseph turned his head, the villagers flinched and avoided the gravedigger's gaze.

Joseph's words were true.

Maria had indeed been bullied by Robert and his wife.

Those who knew were aware, but no one particularly tried to stop it.

It's not like there'd be any consequences for tormenting a parentless orphan as a pastime...

Joseph looked at Ian and said.

"The grudge overflowed. Maria, who usually suffered from discrimination and bullying by the Robert couple, decided to kill their eldest son out of resentment... Kuk kuk."

There was no reaction from the villagers. It was a motive everyone had more or less guessed.

Even the young baron, hearing the story for the first time, nodded.

But Ian slowly shook his head.

"That doesn't make sense."

"Kuk kuk... Why do you think so?"

Ian took out a dagger from his pocket.

The only person who recognized that object was Robert and his wife's daughter.


"Perfect. You tell us."

Ian called Eric's younger sister forward.

Called to the center of the courtroom, she approached Ian's side, trembling.

"Can you explain what this object is?"

Though shaking, she did as Ian instructed.

"This is... something Maria gave to my brother... She must have given it to seduce him! Or maybe put some curse on it!"

"Enough. That's all."

Ian sent her back and explained.

"As you just heard, this is a dagger Maria gifted to Eric. Of course, it's an ordinary dagger without any curse."

"Ordinary? How do you know that?"

When the young baron asked, Ian lightly snapped his fingers.

Pitch-black darkness swirled around Ian before disappearing.

Faint-hearted villagers slumped to the ground, and even the young baron gaped as he watched Ian's magic.

With the sun now set and darkness fallen, Ian demonstrated dark magic with ease.

"I guarantee it on my magic."

"... Continue."

Ian went on.

"This wasn't given to 'seduce' Eric. It was Maria's gift, conveying her gratitude towards Eric."


"As Joseph said, Robert and his wife hated Maria. But there was one person. One person in that house who liked Maria."

The young baron nodded frantically.

"That must be Eric!"

"Correct. Eric and Maria have been in a budding relationship for quite some time."

Ian summoned the village children with a gesture.

The children repeated the same testimony as before.

"Big sis Maria was close with big bro Eric and big bro Pael!"

"We saw it clearly!"

Ian looked around calmly and exclaimed.

"Maria cared for Eric enough to give him a gift. So she simply killed him to get revenge on Robert and his wife? Doesn't something seem off?"


The young baron tilted his head.

Now that he thought about it, it did seem strange.

If she was a necromancer who could control ghouls, wouldn't it be much easier to just kill Robert and his wife?

"Kuk kuk... An interesting speculation."

Joseph laughed grimly.

"But, Mr. Wizard. How can we understand the thought process of someone like Maria?"

Joseph knew Maria's mind was a mess.

"I know about those who wield the power of death. And from Maria, I clearly sense the power of death."

The young baron wavered slightly.

Sir Leshach's eyebrows twitched.

They understood that Maria's motive was ambiguous.

But Maria could use necromancy?

If she was the only one capable of murder using a ghoul, then what could they do?

"I acknowledge that the mystery of death can be sensed from Maria."

"Then there's no need to continue this..."


Ian cut off the young baron's words.

The young baron shut his mouth and waited for Ian to continue, despite being interrupted.

"At the time of the incident, Maria was unconscious. There's no way she could have committed murder."

Joseph shouted as if he'd been waiting for this.

"The 'fainting' was the result! She fainted because she used necromancy!"

"No. Maria did not use necromancy. She fainted due to some external factor."



A deathly silence blanketed the makeshift courtroom.

The young baron, Sir Leshach.

Robert and his wife, and even Joseph.

Everyone lost their words and stared at Ian.

Without a hint of hesitation or uncertainty, Ian boldly continued.

"If Maria had used necromancy, Eric wouldn't have died."


"Wizard! What on earth are you saying!"

The villagers were collectively shocked.

To them, Maria was a b*tch.

They thought this was obviously a place to discuss her execution... but suddenly he's arguing for her innocence!

The flow of the trial was clearly different from what they wanted.

So someone hiding in the crowd shouted.

"Black hair! This man is on the witch's side!"

People looked back and forth between Ian and Maria.

Both had black hair and black eyes...

They possessed unusual appearances rarely seen in the Empire.

Swayed by public opinion, the young baron asked Ian in a trembling voice.

"C-Could it be... you were actually on the necromancer's side..."

"Haa. Young Baron."

When Ian sighed, the young baron flinched.

Sure enough, Ian scolded the young baron in front of everyone.

"Are you implying that Sir Leshach who entrusted me with this task has terrible judgment?"


"It sounds like you're saying Sir Leshach is an idiot for bringing a necromancer as a companion... is that right?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

The young lord couldn't recover his stance and once again shut his mouth.

It was impossible to doubt Ian. Because Ian was a wizard recognized by Sir Leshach.

Which means...

Ian must have some basis for arguing innocence.

"Very well. Let's hear from an eyewitness at this point."


Ian snapped his fingers.

"Shepherd Pael, step forward."

This was a courtroom with all the villagers gathered.

There was no way Pael wouldn't be participating. That's what Ian thought.

As expected, Pael was in attendance.

"Ah... Yes!"

A young man with an innocent look stepped forward.

He looked around awkwardly, seemingly uncomfortable in this setting.

Ian approached Pael and said.

"Shepherd Pael. You witnessed Maria's necromancy. Correct?"

"Yes! That's right! I saw it with my own two eyes!"

"Explain the situation."

Pael spoke without hesitation.

"While taking a walk, I happened to discover Maria and Eric. The two seemed to be having some kind of secret conversation in the forest."

"But suddenly Maria collapsed... and out of nowhere, a ghoul appeared and tore Eric to death."

"I was surprised, thinking this must be the necromancy I'd only heard about, so I brought people."

"You know the rest, Mr. Wizard."

At Pael's testimony, the villagers were stirred up once again.

No matter how many times they heard it... the culprit could only be Maria.

Hadn't Joseph and Ian already acknowledged Maria's necromancy abilities?

But Ian calmly looked at Joseph.

"Joseph. What do you think?"

"... I'm not a necromancer, but I know that necromancers can possess undead."

Joseph spoke in a low voice.

"Maria possessed a ghoul and brutally murdered Eric. But due to her inexperienced necromancy, she couldn't return to her original body in time. That's why she lost consciousness."

"Even if Maria had no intention to kill... do you still think Maria is the culprit?"

"Whether there was intent or not, murder is murder. Even if Maria was possessed by ghostly madness and accidentally committed murder... the dead don't come back."

The dead don't come back.

That sentence painfully stabbed Maria's heart with cruel sharpness.


She wanted to rush into the courtroom right then.

To shout that she had killed that person. To beg forgiveness for her wrongdoing.


Ian had told Maria.

The one who killed Eric wasn't you.

It might have been a shallow lie.

But Maria decided to believe Ian's words.

She wanted to believe she hadn't killed Eric...

"Then. You think Maria used possession magic?"

For a moment, Joseph didn't understand Ian's question.

Isn't that... the same question as before?

"Yes. I think she did."

Since it was the same question, Joseph gave the same answer.

Then, Ian asked a follow-up question.

"Joseph. Do you know what kind of death mystery Maria handles?"

"... Pardon?"

This time there was no way to answer.

Well, Joseph was a gravedigger, not a wizard.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wizard. I don't know."

Ian nodded.

Well, that's expected. I didn't expect you to know anyway.

Ian then questioned Pael.

"What about you? You witnessed the scene, so you might know. What kind of death mystery do you think Maria handles?"


"Even something minor is fine, just say what comes to mind."

Pael scratched his head and said.

"I'm not sure. Mr. Wizard. Nothing comes to mind at all."

"Really, nothing comes to mind?"

"Yes. Well... she controls some kind of spirit, doesn't she?"

"What kind of spirit?"

"Just... dead ghosts..."

At that moment.

Ian let out a snicker.

It was clearly a mocking laugh.

"Once again. Kids, come forward."

Ian called the children to testify.

The children looked at Ian with big, round eyes.

"What kind of ghost do you think Maria summons?"



The children glanced at each other.

'Why is he asking kids something like that...'

'Do kids even know?'

The villagers couldn't understand Ian's actions.

They naturally thought the children wouldn't be able to give any answer.

But surprisingly, one child spoke up.

"I, I..."

This was the child's thought.

"I think Big Sis Maria... summons 'ghosts of those who starved to death'."


The villagers tilted their heads.

Ghosts of those who starved to death...?


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