Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard

Chapter 15:

Chapter 15:

TL/Editor: Raei


Illustrations: None.

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After meeting Drake again, Ian felt a sudden wave of fatigue.

He had been running around and tensed up all evening, not to mention the drinks he had.

In the brief time apart from Drake, the forgotten fatigue surged like a flood.

[You look tired.]

Drake quickly noticed Ian's state.

"[Ah, a bit...]"

Unbeknownst to Ian, using the Maronius language was a mentally exhausting task.

It allowed mysteries beyond human comprehension to flow through the hidden pineal gland in the skull, naturally inducing more fatigue than regular speech.

After all, just speaking a foreign language for a few hours can be tiring, let alone the language of mysteries.

Ian would realize in a few days how exhausting it is to speak in Maronius - it's incredibly draining.

[Climb on my back.]

"[Is that okay?]"

Ian hesitated briefly, but then understood Drake's intention and nodded.

Drake carrying Ian on his back was like a human picking up a cat or a dog.

From the pet's perspective, it might wonder, 'Is it okay for me to be carried so comfortably? Won't the human get tired?'

But from a human's point of view, there's no issue in carrying a cute creature.


Ian sat behind Drake's neck.

As Drake raised his head and started moving,


It felt like riding on a moving building.

[Hmm. Next time, I should get a saddle.]

It was fascinating that Drake thought of getting a saddle for Ian and that he even knew what a saddle was.

He probably learned it naturally from observing humans riding horses.

As Ian dozed off on his back, Drake soon reached their nest.

"[Is this the place?]"

[Yes. Can you fix it?]

Drake waited anxiously for Ian's response.

Ian casually surveyed the nest, estimating what needed to be done.

'Surely cozy without any bugs or dampness.'

Insects and moisture are detestable threats to reptilian nests, potentially spoiling the eggs.

Therefore, reptiles carefully choose their nesting sites.

'But as the female Drake mentioned, it's a bit cramped for two.'

The problem was a protruding rock inside the cave.

Removing it would double the nest's size.

'Just press this down and smooth out the walls.'

While Ian was unsure about Drake's aesthetic preferences, his past behavior suggested a preference for smoothness.

He had complained about the rough walls, so that was likely a correct assumption.

"[Drake, I need to focus. Could you step aside for a moment?]"

[Of course, do that!]

As Drake stepped aside, Ian's Maronius language could fully concentrate on the mysteries of the earth.

Ian closed his eyes and summoned all his concentration.

"[O Earth.]"

Being in the cave, the earth readily responded to Ian's call.

[What brings you here, young human?]


Ian's brows slightly furrowed.

The voice of the earth was quite peculiar.

It responded to his Maronius language, but there was a reluctance in its tone.

'This isn't good.'

One can discern someone's mood just by their voice tone.

Bright or somber tones can generally indicate whether someone is in a good or bad mood.

Based on the big data accumulated so far, the earth's mood seemed to be sinking today.

"[I, request, a favor.]"

[I'm not interested. Is that all you have to say?]

'As I thought.'

With a sharp refusal, Ian opened his eyes.

If Ian had been a more proficient earth wizard, he might have engaged in a deeper conversation with the earth to resolve the issue.

However, his earth magic level was merely one.

He would have leveled up if he had any points left, but unfortunately, all his skill points had been invested in raising his summoning level.

His master, Eredith, had warned that if the mysteries refuse to heed a human's will, one should never force it.

Angering the mysteries could lead to a lifetime ban from practicing magic, or worse, losing one's life to an enraged mystical force.

"[I apologize.]"

The earth disappeared without acknowledging Ian's apology.


Ian felt the heavy burden of delivering bad news.

[Oh, wizard! How did it go?]

Rushing over, Drake awaited Ian's response.

"[The earth refuses to communicate. I'll try again when its mood improves.]"

Drake fell silent for a moment.

Then, speaking in a somewhat deflated tone, he said,

[Can't help it. If the earth refuses. Maybe she's not my destiny after all.]


[Still, I'm grateful you worried about me. Wizard, you're a good soul.]

Drake smiled warmly, flicking his tongue.

[I've never been able to converse so comfortably with any other Drake. Who would have thought a human would be the one to understand me? Truly remarkable.]

Ian genuinely felt regret for not being able to help Drake.

It was a true connection with a mystical being, a life form beyond human comprehension.

A status window flashed before his eyes.

[New Skill Acquired!]

[Summoning Magic Drake Summoning]

[Call upon your friend, Drake, for assistance. If it's a friend's request, he will gladly respond.]

Ian had acquired his first summoning skill.

Drake Summoning.

A fitting skill for a wizard, who ought to be able to summon at least one fearsome monster.

Despite gaining a new skill, Ian wasn't particularly thrilled.

All he felt was the regret of not being able to give anything back to his new friend, Drake.

[Wizard, what's your name?]

"[Ian. Ian Eredith Raven.]"

[Ian Eredith Raven. I am Drake Longtail. I hope we can share a friendship from now on.]


Instead of Maronius, Ian pronounced Drake's name in the Empire's language.

Surprisingly, Drake seemed to understand and growled softly in response.

Ian smiled quietly.

[As a token of our new friendship, I'll give you a gift.]

"[I have... nothing to give in return.]"

As Ian muttered, Drake Longtail burst into a hearty laugh.

[If I expected something in return, what kind of friend would that make me!]

His words made sense to Ian.

Ian decided to graciously accept Drake's gift.

After all, it would be rude to refuse when offered so generously.

[Come! Choose whatever you like!]

Drake led Ian to a corner of the nest, piled high with jewels.

Drake, being a cousin of dragons, shared many similarities with them, including the hobby of collecting gems.

The difference was that dragons would raid human villages and forcefully take their jewels, whereas Drakes would only occasionally take what caught their eye.

The nest, fittingly for a Drake, was filled with a vast array of jewels.

Among the multitude of gems, one in particular caught Ian's eye.

A large opal.

Shaped like a pristine white egg, the beautifully crafted opal lay rolling on the ground.

'This... wait a minute.'

Ian recalled a lecture on magic by Eredith.

Mysteries are capricious entities, their moods fluctuating.

When in a foul mood, they might refuse communication, as Ian had just experienced.

A skilled wizard might be able to persuade an ill-tempered mystery to cooperate and achieve their desired outcome.

But not every wizard can be on friendly terms with mysteries, right?

Novice wizards, who haven't yet mastered the exploration of mysteries, rely on magic circles in such situations.

Magic circles!

Drawing a magic circle is quite simple.

Draw a circle and inscribe it in Maronius.

Then, the mystery discovers the circle and fulfills the desired request.

The difference between a magic circle and a spell is similar to the difference between a letter and a conversation.

A magic circle conveys the will to the mystery using written words.

It's more unilateral and restricted in conveying non-verbal messages.

Most importantly, it allows for a bold and one-sided delivery of a gift.

When someone asks, "I'll buy you a meal. What would you like to eat?", it might be awkward to honestly state your preference for various reasons (fear of seeming greedy, reluctance to admit a liking for unhealthy food...)

But if the other person sends a gift card for your favorite food?

It feels like they've read your mind and it's immensely gratifying.

If you're wondering, "What's the difference? Aren't both just buying a meal?" then...

Unfortunately, you lack the natural talent of a wizard.


Mysteries prefer gifts offered through a magic circle rather than direct gifts.

If you draw a formal magic circle and place a gift that the mystery likes on it?

Oh boy, thats a real game-changer, like a perfect side dish to a bowl of rice.

Even a deeply offended mystery would quickly soften up to such a generous offering.

'The earth likes gems...'

Gems are so closely linked to the earth they are often referred to as the bones of the earth.

Especially gems refined by human hands; they are highly favored by the earth.

Ian thought of the large opal.

Offering it to the earth... could bring about magical results?

With a sacrifice of this magnitude, he was sure to achieve the desired outcome.

"[Longtail, can I have this opal?]"

Pointing to the white opal, Longtail snorted.

[Of course. It's yours now.]

"[Thank you, Longtail.]"

Seeing Longtail generously hand over the precious gem without a word of complaint, Ian felt a wave of quiet emotion.

Having received such a wonderful gift from a friend, it was now his turn to reciprocate.

Ian began drawing a magic circle on the ground, using a stone.

Drawing a circle, he filled it with words that mysteries like.

[Dear Earth, May has come, bringing warmer weather. The blue sky and the cool breeze make me keenly aware of the passage of time...]

And so on.

Although it turned out somewhat like the preamble of a school newsletter, such 'formality' was liked by mysteries.

'That should do it.'

Ian gazed fondly at his creation.

A magic circle, just like those seen in comic books, with magical words circling around it, was complete.

To the uninitiated, it might look like a bona fide magic circle.

But to a fellow wizard, it would seem like a poorly written piece, worthy of a scoff.

It couldn't be helped.

Ian's previous life had been in science, not arts.

Why bother with a literary subject like composition?

To Ian, such trivialities didn't matter.

What's the use of writing skills?

He had an incredible skill window at his disposal.

[Friend, what are you doing?]

Longtail showed curiosity towards Ian's magic circle.

To a creature like Drake, the magic circle probably just looked like nonsensical scribbles.


[Huh? What kind of magic...]

Ian concentrated once again.

"[O Earth!]"

Then, something astonishing happened.

The opal in the center of the magic circle sparkled and then shattered, disappearing into the ground as if absorbed by the earth.

The earth had accepted Ian's offering.

[What brings you here, young human?]

The voice of the earth, now much softer, greeted Ian.

With a triumphant smile, Ian shouted.

"[Move the rock! Smooth the walls!]"

[Heh. If that's your wish...]

Rumbling sounds began...

As the earth vibrated, Drake raised his head in surprise.

But that was just the beginning of his astonishment.

[No way...!]

Drake's eyes widened in shock as he looked at his nest.

The grotesque rock that had been in the middle of the nest was transforming as if it were liquid, melting into the ground!

And that wasn't all.

The walls too had changed, becoming so beautifully smooth and stunning!

[Incredible! How is this possible!]

The nest was now spacious and beautiful.

It looked as if an interior designer had been paid a fortune to transform his home.

Longtail was speechless at the sight of his unrecognizable nest.

Having completed the magic, Ian spoke with a smile.

"[There, that's the value of the gem I received. How do you like my gift, friend?]"


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